unit TestPS; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils; type TStringArray = array of string; w_TPoint = record x, y:integer; end; function MakeArr : TStringArray; procedure TestParameters(Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6 : integer); function TestResult(Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6 : integer): Integer; function TestString(Str1,Str2,Str3 : string) : string; function TestStringEdit(var Str : string) : String; procedure TestArrayPassing( Arr : TStringArray); Procedure TestArrayEdit(var Arr : TStringArray); function TestArrayFull(var Arr1: TStringArray; Arr2 : TStringArray): TStringArray; function makePoint(x, y: integer): w_Tpoint; implementation uses Unit1; procedure Writeln(s : string); begin; Form1.Memo2.Lines.add(s); end; procedure TestParameters(Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6 : integer); begin; Writeln('Parameters are: ' + format('%d %d %d %d %d %d',[int1,int2,int3,int4,int5,int6])); if (int1 <> 1) or (int2 <> 2) or (int3 <> 3) or (int4 <> 4) or (int5 <> 5) or (int6 <> 6) then Writeln('WRONG.') else Writeln('Passed this test'); end; function TestResult(Int1,Int2,Int3,Int4,Int5,Int6 : integer): Integer; begin; Result := int1 + int2 + int3 + int4 + int5 + int6; Writeln('Result should be:' + inttostr(int1+int2+int3+int4+int5+int6)); end; function TestString(Str1,Str2,Str3 : string) : string; begin; if Str1+Str2+str3 = 'lol' then Writeln('Strings got passed over correctly.'); Str1 := 'a'; Str2 := 'b'; Str3 := 'c'; Result := str1; Writeln('Result should be a'); end; function TestStringEdit(var Str : string) : String; begin; Result := 'False'; if Str <> 'Test' then Writeln('String didn''t get passed on right'); Str := 'tseT'; Result := Str; Result := 'hopla'; Writeln('Result should be: hopla; Input str should be tseT'); end; procedure TestArrayPassing(Arr : TStringArray); var i : integer; begin; Writeln('Length of arr is: ' + inttostr(length(arr))); for i := 0 to high(arr) do Writeln(format('Arr[%d] := %s',[i,arr[i]])); end; Procedure TestArrayEdit(var Arr : TStringArray); begin; Writeln('Arr size is ' + inttostr(length(arr))); SetLength(arr,0); SetLength(arr,5); arr[0] := 'a'; arr[1] := 'b'; arr[2] := 'c'; arr[3] := 'd'; arr[4] := '!'; end; function ConvStrArr( Arr : Array of String): TStringArray; var Len : Integer; begin; Len := Length(Arr); SetLength(Result, Len); Move(Arr[Low(Arr)], Result[0], Len*SizeOf(String)); end; function TestArrayFull(var Arr1: TStringArray; Arr2 : TStringArray): TStringArray; begin Writeln(Format('Len(Arr1) = %d - Len(Arr2) = %d',[Length(Arr1),length(arr2)])); SetLength(Result,0); Setlength(Arr1,0); SetLength(Arr2,0); SetLength(result,3); SetLength(Arr1,4); SetLength(arr2,5); Arr1 := ConvStrArr(['Hoi','Hoe','Gaat','Het?']); Arr2 := ConvStrArr(['Ik','ben','een','geest!']); Result := ConvStrArr(['Waza?','Gaat','Alles','Goed']); end; function MakeArr : TStringArray; begin; setlength(result,2); result[0] := 'Test0'; Result[1] := 'Wow!'; end; function makePoint(x, y: integer): w_Tpoint; begin result.x := x; result.y := y; end; end.