{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Finder class for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit finder; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$INLINE ON} interface {$define CheckAllBackground}//Undefine this to only check the first white point against the background (in masks). uses colour_conv, Classes, SysUtils,bitmaps,MufasaBase,DTM, MufasaTypes; // Types { TMFinder Class } { Should be 100% OS independant, as all OS dependant code is in the IO Manager Let's try not to use any OS-specific defines here? ;) } type TMFinder = class(TObject) private Client: TObject; Percentage : array[0..255] of Extended; //We store all the possible RGB / 255 divisions. CachedWidth, CachedHeight : integer; ClientTPA : TPointArray; hueMod, satMod: Extended; CTS: Integer; Procedure UpdateCachedValues(NewWidth,NewHeight : integer); //Loads the Spiral into ClientTPA (Will not cause problems) procedure LoadSpiralPath(startX, startY, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); public WarnOnly : boolean; procedure DefaultOperations(var xs,ys,xe,ye : integer); function FindColorsToleranceOptimised(out Points: TPointArray; Color,xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer): Boolean; function FindColorToleranceOptimised(out x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys,xe, ye, tol: Integer): Boolean; function CountColorTolerance(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Integer; function CountColor(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer; function SimilarColors(Color1,Color2,Tolerance : Integer) : boolean; // Possibly turn x, y into a TPoint var. function FindColor(out x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; function FindColorSpiral(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; function FindColorSpiralTolerance(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye,Tol: Integer): Boolean; function FindColorTolerance(out x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer): Boolean; function FindColorsTolerance(out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer): Boolean; function FindColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y: Integer; out Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance: Integer) : boolean; function FindColors(var TPA: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; function FindColoredArea(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; MinArea: Integer): Boolean; function FindColoredAreaTolerance(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; MinArea, tol: Integer): Boolean; //Mask function FindMaskTolerance(const mask: TMask; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean; procedure CheckMask(const Mask : TMask); //Bitmap functions function FindBitmap(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer): Boolean; function FindBitmapIn(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; function FindBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer): Boolean; function FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance : integer): Boolean; function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; x, y: Integer; out Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean; function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer; Range: Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean; out accuracy: Extended): Boolean; function FindDTM(DTM: TMDTM; out x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; function FindDTMs(DTM: TMDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer; maxToFind: Integer = 0): Boolean; function FindDTMRotated(DTM: TMDTM; out x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; out aFound: Extended; Alternating : boolean): Boolean; function FindDTMsRotated(DTM: TMDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; out aFound: T2DExtendedArray;Alternating : boolean; maxToFind: Integer = 0): Boolean; //Donno function GetColors(const Coords: TPointArray): TIntegerArray; // tol speeds procedure SetToleranceSpeed(nCTS: Integer); function GetToleranceSpeed: Integer; procedure SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(const nHue, nSat: Extended); procedure GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(out hMod, sMod: Extended); constructor Create(aClient: TObject); destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses // colour_conv,// For RGBToColor, etc. Client, // For the Client Casts. math, //min/max mmath, tpa, //TPABounds dtmutil ; procedure TMFinder.LoadSpiralPath(startX, startY, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); var i,c,Ring : integer; CurrBox : TBox; begin; i := 0; Ring := 1; c := 0; CurrBox.x1 := Startx-1; CurrBox.y1 := Starty-1; CurrBox.x2 := Startx+1; CurrBox.y2 := Starty+1; if (startx >= x1) and (startx <= x2) and (starty >= y1) and (starty <= y2) then begin; ClientTPA[c] := Point(Startx, StartY); Inc(c); end; Repeat if (CurrBox.x2 >= x1) and (CurrBox.x1 <= x2) and (Currbox.y1 >= y1) and (Currbox.y1 <= y2) then for i := CurrBox.x1 + 1 to CurrBox.x2 do if (I >= x1) and ( I <= x2) then begin; ClientTPA[c] := Point(i,CurrBox.y1); Inc(c); end; if (CurrBox.x2 >= x1) and (CurrBox.x2 <= x2) and (Currbox.y2 >= y1) and (Currbox.y1 <= y2) then for i := CurrBox.y1 + 1 to CurrBox.y2 do if (I >= y1) and ( I <= y2) then begin; ClientTPA[c] := Point(Currbox.x2, I); Inc(c); end; if (CurrBox.x2 >= x1) and (CurrBox.x1 <= x2) and (Currbox.y2 >= y1) and (Currbox.y2 <= y2) then for i := CurrBox.x2 - 1 downto CurrBox.x1 do if (I >= x1) and ( I <= x2) then begin; ClientTPA[c] := Point(i,CurrBox.y2); Inc(c); end; if (CurrBox.x1 >= x1) and (CurrBox.x1 <= x2) and (Currbox.y2 >= y1) and (Currbox.y1 <= y2) then for i := CurrBox.y2 - 1 downto CurrBox.y1 do if (I >= y1) and ( I <= y2) then begin; ClientTPA[c] := Point(Currbox.x1, I); Inc(c); end; Inc(ring); CurrBox.x1 := Startx-ring; CurrBox.y1 := Starty-Ring; CurrBox.x2 := Startx+Ring; CurrBox.y2 := Starty+Ring; until (Currbox.x1 < x1) and (Currbox.x2 > x2) and (currbox.y1 < y1) and (currbox.y2 > y2); end; function CalculateRowPtrs(ReturnData : TRetData; RowCount : integer) : TPRGB32Array;overload; var I : integer; begin; setlength(result,RowCount); for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do result[i] := ReturnData.Ptr + ReturnData.RowLen * i; end; function CalculateRowPtrs(Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap) : TPRGB32Array;overload; begin Result := Bitmap.RowPtrs; end; //SkipCoords[y][x] = False/True; True means its "transparent" and therefore not needed to be checked. procedure CalculateBitmapSkipCoords(Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray); var x,y : integer; R,G,B : byte; Ptr : PRGB32; begin; r := 0; g := 0; b := 0; if Bitmap.TransparentColorSet then ColorToRGB(Bitmap.GetTransparentColor,r,g,b); Ptr := Bitmap.FData; SetLength(SkipCoords,Bitmap.Height,Bitmap.Width); for y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do for x := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin; if (Ptr^.r = r) and (Ptr^.g = g) and (Ptr^.b = b) then SkipCoords[y][x] := True else SkipCoords[y][x] := false; inc(ptr); end; end; { Points left holds the amount of points that are "left" to be checked (Including the point itself.. So for example Pointsleft[0][0] would hold the total amount of pixels that are to be checked. } procedure CalculateBitmapSkipCoordsEx(Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;out TotalPoints : integer; out PointsLeft : T2DIntArray); var x,y : integer; R,G,B : byte; Ptr : PRGB32; TotalC : integer; begin; r := 0; g := 0; b := 0; TotalC := 0; if Bitmap.TransparentColorSet then ColorToRGB(Bitmap.GetTransparentColor,r,g,b); Ptr := Bitmap.FData; SetLength(SkipCoords,Bitmap.Height,Bitmap.Width); SetLength(PointsLeft,Bitmap.Height,Bitmap.Width); for y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do for x := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin; if (Ptr^.r = r) and (Ptr^.g = g) and (Ptr^.b = b) then SkipCoords[y][x] := True else begin; SkipCoords[y][x] := false; inc(TotalC); end; inc(ptr); end; TotalPoints:= TotalC; for y := 0 to Bitmap.Height - 1 do for x := 0 to Bitmap.Width - 1 do begin; PointsLeft[y][x] := TotalC; if not SkipCoords[y][x] then Dec(TotalC); end; end; { Initialise the variables for TMFinder } constructor TMFinder.Create(aClient: TObject); var I : integer; begin inherited Create; WarnOnly := False; Self.Client := aClient; Self.CTS := 1; Self.hueMod := 0.2; Self.satMod := 0.2; for i := 0 to 255 do Percentage[i] := i / 255; end; destructor TMFinder.Destroy; begin { We don't really have to free stuff here. The array is managed, so that is automatically freed. The rest is either references to objects we may not destroy } inherited; end; procedure TMFinder.SetToleranceSpeed(nCTS: Integer); begin if (nCTS < 0) or (nCTS > 2) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('The given CTS ([%d]) is invalid.',[nCTS]); Self.CTS := nCTS; end; function TMFinder.GetToleranceSpeed: Integer; begin Result := Self.CTS; end; procedure TMFinder.SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(const nHue, nSat: Extended); begin Self.hueMod := nHue; Self.satMod := nSat; end; procedure TMFinder.GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(out hMod, sMod: Extended); begin hMod := Self.hueMod; sMod := Self.satMod; end; function TMFinder.SimilarColors(Color1, Color2,Tolerance: Integer) : boolean; var R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2 : Byte; H1,S1,L1,H2,S2,L2 : extended; begin Result := False; ColorToRGB(Color1,R1,G1,B1); ColorToRGB(Color2,R2,G2,B2); if Color1 = Color2 then Result := true else case CTS of 0: Result := ((Abs(R1-R2) <= Tolerance) and (Abs(G1-G2) <= Tolerance) and (Abs(B1-B2) <= Tolerance)); 1: Result := (Sqrt(sqr(R1-R2) + sqr(G1-G2) + sqr(B1-B2)) <= Tolerance); 2: begin RGBToHSL(R1,g1,b1,H1,S1,L1); RGBToHSL(R2,g2,b2,H2,S2,L2); Result := ((abs(H1 - H2) <= (hueMod * Tolerance)) and (abs(S2-S1) <= (satMod * Tolerance)) and (abs(L1-L2) <= Tolerance)); end; end; end; function ColorSame(var CTS,Tolerance : Integer; var R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2 : byte; var H1,S1,L1,huemod,satmod : extended) : boolean; inline; var H2,S2,L2 : extended; begin Result := False; case CTS of 0: Result := ((Abs(R1-R2) <= Tolerance) and (Abs(G1-G2) <= Tolerance) and (Abs(B1-B2) <= Tolerance)); 1: Result := (Sqrt(sqr(R1-R2) + sqr(G1-G2) + sqr(B1-B2)) <= Tolerance); 2: begin RGBToHSL(R2,g2,b2,H2,S2,L2); Result := ((abs(H1 - H2) <= (hueMod * Tolerance)) and (abs(S2-S1) <= (satMod * Tolerance)) and (abs(L1-L2) <= Tolerance)); end; end; end; function ColorSameCTS2(Tolerance: Integer; H1,S1,L1,H2,S2,L2, hueMod, satMod: extended): boolean; inline; begin result := ((abs(H1 - H2) <= (hueMod * Tolerance)) and (abs(S2-S1) <= (satMod * Tolerance)) and (abs(L1-L2) <= Tolerance)); end; procedure TMFinder.UpdateCachedValues(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer); begin CachedWidth := NewWidth; CachedHeight := NewHeight; SetLength(ClientTPA,NewWidth * NewHeight); end; procedure Swap(var A,B : integer); var c : integer; begin c := a; a := b; b := c; end; procedure TMFinder.DefaultOperations(var xs, ys, xe, ye: integer); var w,h : integer; begin if (xs > xe) then if WarnOnly then begin TClient(Client).WriteLn(Format('Warning! You passed wrong values to a finder function: xs > xe (%d,%d). Swapping the values for now.',[xs,xe])); swap(xs,xe); end else raise Exception.CreateFMT('You passed wrong values to a finder function: xs > xe (%d,%d).',[xs,xe]); if ys > ye then if WarnOnly then begin TClient(Client).WriteLn(Format('Warning! You passed wrong values to a finder function: ys > ye (%d,%d). Swapping the values for now.',[ys,ye])); swap(ys,ye); end else raise Exception.CreateFMT('You passed wrong values to a finder function: ys > ye (%d,%d).',[ys,ye]); if xs < 0 then if WarnOnly then begin TClient(Client).WriteLn(Format('Warning! You passed a wrong xs to a finder function: %d. That is below 0, thus out of bounds. Setting the value to 0 for now.',[xs])); xs := 0; end else raise Exception.createFMT('You passed a wrong xs to a finder function: %d. That is below 0, thus out of bounds.',[xs]); if ys < 0 then if WarnOnly then begin TClient(Client).WriteLn(Format('Warning! You passed a wrong ys to a finder function: %d. That is below 0, thus out of bounds. Setting the value to 0 for now.',[ys])); ys := 0; end else raise Exception.createFMT('You passed a wrong ys to a finder function: %d. That is below 0, thus out of bounds.',[ys]); TClient(Self.Client).IOManager.GetDimensions(w,h); if (w <> CachedWidth) or (h <> CachedHeight) then UpdateCachedValues(w,h); if xe >= w then if WarnOnly then begin TClient(Client).WriteLn(Format('Warning! You passed a wrong xe to a finder function: %d. The client has a width of %d, thus the xe is out of bounds. Setting the value to %d (w-1) for now.',[xe,w,w-1])); xe := w-1; end else raise Exception.createFMT('You passed a wrong xe to a finder function: %d. The client has a width of %d, thus the xe is out of bounds.',[xe,w]); if ye >= h then if WarnOnly then begin TClient(Client).WriteLn(Format('Warning! You passed a wrong ye to a finder function: %d. The client has a height of %d, thus the ye is out of bounds. Setting the value to %d (h-1) for now.',[ye,h,h-1])); ye := h-1; end else raise Exception.createFMT('You passed a wrong ye to a finder function: %d. The client has a height of %d, thus the ye is out of bounds.',[ye,h]); end; function TMFinder.CountColorTolerance(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Integer; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; clR, clG, clB : byte; dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer; h,s,l,hmod,smod : extended; Ccts : integer; begin Result := 0; DefaultOperations(xs, ys, xe, ye); dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; CCts := Self.CTS; result := 0; if cts = 2 then begin; RGBToHSL(clR,clG,clB,h,s,l); hmod := Self.hueMod; smod := Self.satMod; end; for yy := ys to ye do begin; for xx := xs to xe do begin; if ColorSame(CCts,Tolerance,clR,clG,clB,Ptr^.r,Ptr^.g,Ptr^.b,H,S,L,hmod,smod) then inc(result); Inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc) end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.CountColor(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer; begin Result := 0; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; for yy := ys to ye do begin; for xx := xs to xe do begin; // Colour comparison here. Possibly with tolerance? ;) if (Ptr^.R = clR) and (Ptr^.G = clG) and (Ptr^.B = clB) then inc(result); Inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColor(out x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer; begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; for yy := ys to ye do begin; for xx := xs to xe do begin; // Colour comparison here. Possibly with tolerance? ;) if (Ptr^.R = clR) and (Ptr^.G = clG) and (Ptr^.B = clB) then begin Result := True; x := xx; y := yy; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; end; Inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc) end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorSpiral(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; RowData : TPRGB32Array; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, i,HiSpiral: Integer; begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Load rowdata RowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(ptrdata,dy+1); //Load the spiral path LoadSpiralPath(x-xs,y-ys,0,0,dx,dy); HiSpiral := (dy+1) * (dx + 1) -1; for i := 0 to HiSpiral do if (RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].R = clR) and (RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].G = clG) and (RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].B = clB) then begin Result := True; x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorSpiralTolerance(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; RowData : TPRGB32Array; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB,i,Hispiral: Integer; function cts0: integer; var j: integer; begin for j := 0 to HiSpiral do if ((abs(clB-RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].B) <= Tol) and (abs(clG-RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].G) <= Tol) and (Abs(clR-RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].R) <= Tol)) then exit(j); exit(-1); end; function cts1: integer; var j: integer; begin Tol := Sqr(Tol); for j := 0 to HiSpiral do if (sqr(clB - RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].B) + sqr(clG - RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].G) + sqr(clR-RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].R)) <= Tol then exit(j); exit(-1); end; function cts2: integer; var j: integer; HueXTol, SatXTol: Extended; H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2: Extended; begin RGBToHSL(clR,clG,clB,H1,S1,L1); HueXTol := hueMod * Tol; SatXTol := satMod * Tol; for j := 0 to HiSpiral do begin RGBToHSL(RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].R, RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].G, RowData[ClientTPA[j].y][ClientTPA[j].x].B,H2,S2,L2); if ((abs(H1 - H2) <= HueXTol) and (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) and (abs(L1 - L2) <= Tol)) then exit(j); end; exit(-1); end; begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Load rowdata RowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(ptrdata,dy+1); //Load the spiral path LoadSpiralPath(x-xs,y-ys,0,0,dx,dy); HiSpiral := (dy+1) * (dx + 1) -1; case CTS of 0: i := cts0(); 1: i := cts1(); 2: i := cts2(); end; if i = -1 then begin Result := False; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; end else begin Result := True; x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; end; function TMFinder.FindColoredArea(var x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr, Before: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy, fx, fy, Count : Integer; NotFound : Boolean; begin Result := false; Count := 0; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; for yy := ys to ye do begin; for xx := xs to xe do begin; NotFound := False; // Colour comparison here. Possibly with tolerance? ;) if (Ptr^.R = clR) and (Ptr^.G = clG) and (Ptr^.B = clB) then begin Before := Ptr; for fy := yy to ye do begin for fx := xx to xe do begin Inc(Ptr); if not ((Ptr^.R = clR) and (Ptr^.G = clG) and (Ptr^.B = clB)) then begin NotFound := True; Break; end; Inc(Count); if Count >= MinArea then Begin Result := True; x := xx; y := yy; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; end; end; if NotFound then begin Ptr := Before; Break; end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; Inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorToleranceOptimised(out x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer; H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2: Extended; R,G,B : extended; //percentage R,G,B.. (Needed for HSL). D : Extended; //CMax - Cmin HueTol,SatTol, LumTol : extended; CMax, CMin : extended; label Hit; begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); if Cts = 2 then RGBToHSLNonFixed(clR,clG,clB,H1,S1,L1); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; case CTS of 0: for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if ((abs(clB-Ptr^.B) <= Tol) and (abs(clG-Ptr^.G) <= Tol) and (Abs(clR-Ptr^.R) <= Tol)) then goto Hit; inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; 1: begin Tol := Sqr(Tol); for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if (sqr(clB - Ptr^.B) + sqr(clG - Ptr^.G) + sqr(clR-Ptr^.R)) <= Tol then goto Hit; inc(ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; 2: begin //Since we don't make (real) percentages of the HSL-values we need to change the tolerance.. HueTol := hueMod * Tol / 100; SatTol := satMod * Tol / 100; LumTol := Tol / 100; for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin R := Percentage[Ptr^.r]; G := Percentage[Ptr^.g]; B := Percentage[Ptr^.b]; //We increase the Ptr already, since we do Continue in loops.. inc(Ptr); CMin := R; CMax := R; if G < Cmin then CMin := G; if B < Cmin then CMin := B; if G > Cmax then CMax := G; if B > Cmax then CMax := B; L2 := 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin); //The L-value is already calculated, lets see if the current point meats the requirements! if Abs(L2-L1) > LumTol then //if not (Abs(L2 - L1) <= LumTol) then Continue; if Cmax = Cmin then begin //S and H are both zero, lets check if we need found a point! if (H1 <= HueTol) and (S1 <= SatTol) then goto Hit else Continue; end; D := Cmax - Cmin; if L2 < 0.5 then S2 := D / (Cmax + Cmin) else S2 := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin); //We've Calculated the S. Lets see if we need to continue. if Abs(S2 - S1) > SatTol then //if not (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) then Continue; if R = Cmax then H2 := (G - B) / D else if G = Cmax then H2 := 2 + (B - R) / D else H2 := 4 + (R - G) / D; H2 := H2 / 6; if H2 < 0 then H2 := H2 + 1; //Finally lets test H2 if Abs(H2 - H1) <= HueTol then goto hit; end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; end; Result := False; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; Hit: Result := True; x := xx; y := yy; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorTolerance(out x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer; H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2: Extended; HueXTol, SatXTol: Extended; label Hit; begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); if Cts = 2 then RGBToHSL(clR,clG,clB,H1,S1,L1); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; case CTS of 0: for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if ((abs(clB-Ptr^.B) <= Tol) and (abs(clG-Ptr^.G) <= Tol) and (Abs(clR-Ptr^.R) <= Tol)) then goto Hit; inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; 1: begin Tol := Sqr(Tol); for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if (sqr(clB - Ptr^.B) + sqr(clG - Ptr^.G) + sqr(clR-Ptr^.R)) <= Tol then goto Hit; inc(ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; 2: { Can be optimized a lot... RGBToHSL isn't really inline, } begin HueXTol := hueMod * Tol; SatXTol := satMod * Tol; for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin RGBToHSL(Ptr^.R,Ptr^.G,Ptr^.B,H2,S2,L2); if ((abs(H1 - H2) <= HueXTol) and (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) and (abs(L1 - L2) <= Tol)) then goto Hit; inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; end; Result := False; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; Hit: Result := True; x := xx; y := yy; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColoredAreaTolerance(var x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea, tol: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr, Before: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, xx, yy, fx, fy, Count: Integer; clR, clG, clB : Byte; H1, S1, L1: Extended; NotFound : Boolean; label Hit; begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); if Cts = 2 then RGBToHSL(clR,clG,clB,H1,S1,L1); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; Count := 0; for yy := ys to ye do begin; for xx := xs to xe do begin; NotFound := False; // Colour comparison here. if ColorSame(CTS, Tol, Ptr^.R, Ptr^.G, Ptr^.B, clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1, huemod, satmod) then begin Before := Ptr; for fy := yy to ye do begin for fx := xx to xe do begin Inc(Ptr); if not ColorSame(CTS, Tol, Ptr^.R, Ptr^.G, Ptr^.B, clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1, huemod, satmod) then begin NotFound := True; Break; end; Inc(Count); if Count >= MinArea then goto Hit; end; if NotFound then begin Ptr := Before; Break; end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; Inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; Result := False; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit; Hit: Result := True; x := xx; y := yy; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorsTolerance(out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc,C: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB: Integer; H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, hueXTol, satXTol: Extended; procedure cts0; var xx, yy: integer; begin for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if ((abs(clB-Ptr^.B) <= Tol) and (abs(clG-Ptr^.G) <= Tol) and (Abs(clR-Ptr^.R) <= Tol)) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := xx; ClientTPA[c].y := yy; inc(c); end; inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; procedure cts1; var xx, yy: integer; begin for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if (Sqrt(sqr(clR-Ptr^.R) + sqr(clG - Ptr^.G) + sqr(clB - Ptr^.B)) <= Tol) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := xx; ClientTPA[c].y := yy; inc(c); end; inc(ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; procedure cts2; var xx, yy: integer; begin HueXTol := hueMod * Tol; SatXTol := satMod * Tol; for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin RGBToHSL(Ptr^.R,Ptr^.G,Ptr^.B,H2,S2,L2); if ((abs(H1 - H2) <= HueXTol) and (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) and (abs(L1 - L2) <= Tol)) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := xx; ClientTPA[c].y := yy; Inc(c); end; Inc(Ptr) end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; begin Result := false; DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); if CTS = 2 then ColorToHSL(color,H1,S1,L1); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; c := 0; case CTS of 0: cts0(); 1: cts1(); 2: cts2(); end; SetLength(Points, C); Move(ClientTPA[0], Points[0], C * SizeOf(TPoint)); Result := C > 0; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorsToleranceOptimised(out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc,C: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer; H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, hueTol, satTol,LumTol,R,G,B,D,Cmin,Cmax: Extended; label hit; begin Result := false; DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); if CTS = 2 then RGBToHSLNonFixed(clR,clG,clB,H1,S1,L1); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); // Do we want to "cache" these vars? // We will, for now. Easier to type. Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; c := 0; case CTS of 0: for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if ((abs(clB-Ptr^.B) <= Tol) and (abs(clG-Ptr^.G) <= Tol) and (Abs(clR-Ptr^.R) <= Tol)) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := xx; ClientTPA[c].y := yy; inc(c); end; inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; 1: for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin if (Sqrt(sqr(clR-Ptr^.R) + sqr(clG - Ptr^.G) + sqr(clB - Ptr^.B)) <= Tol) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := xx; ClientTPA[c].y := yy; inc(c); end; inc(ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; 2: begin HueTol := hueMod * Tol / 100; SatTol := satMod * Tol / 100; LumTol := Tol / 100; for yy := ys to ye do begin for xx := xs to xe do begin R := Percentage[Ptr^.r]; G := Percentage[Ptr^.g]; B := Percentage[Ptr^.b]; //We increase the Ptr already, since we use Continue; inc(Ptr); CMin := R; CMax := R; if G < Cmin then CMin := G; if B < Cmin then CMin := B; if G > Cmax then CMax := G; if B > Cmax then CMax := B; L2 := 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin); //The L-value is already calculated, lets see if the current point meats the requirements! if Abs(L2-L1) > LumTol then //if not (Abs(L2 - L1) <= LumTol) then Continue; if Cmax = Cmin then begin //S and H are both zero, lets check if we need found a point! if (H1 <= HueTol) and (S1 <= SatTol) then goto Hit else Continue; end; D := Cmax - Cmin; if L2 < 0.5 then S2 := D / (Cmax + Cmin) else S2 := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin); { We've Calculated the S. Lets see if we need to continue. } if Abs(S2 - S1) > SatTol then //if not (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) then Continue; if R = Cmax then H2 := (G - B) / D else if G = Cmax then H2 := 2 + (B - R) / D else H2 := 4 + (R - G) / D; H2 := H2 / 6; if H2 < 0 then H2 := H2 + 1; //Finally lets test H2 if Abs(H2 - H1) > HueTol then continue; //We survived the checks, this point is a match! hit: ClientTPA[c].x := xx; ClientTPA[c].y := yy; Inc(c); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; end; end; SetLength(Points, C); Move(ClientTPA[0], Points[0], C * SizeOf(TPoint)); Result := C > 0; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y: Integer; out Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance: Integer ): boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; c : integer; RowData : TPRGB32Array; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, i,SpiralHi: Integer; H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, HueXTol, SatXTol: Extended; begin Result := false; DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; //next, convert the color to r,g,b ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); ColorToHSL(Color, H1, S1, L1); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); c := 0; //Load rowdata RowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(ptrdata,dy+1); //Load the spiral path LoadSpiralPath(x-xs,y-ys,0,0,dx,dy); SpiralHi := (dx + 1) * (dy + 1) - 1; case CTS of 0: for i := 0 to SpiralHi do if ((abs(clB-RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].B) <= Tolerance) and (abs(clG-RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].G) <= Tolerance) and (Abs(clR-RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].R) <= Tolerance)) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; ClientTPA[c].y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; inc(c); end; 1: for i := 0 to SpiralHi do if (Sqrt(sqr(clR - RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].R) + sqr(clG - RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].G) + sqr(clB - RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].B)) <= Tolerance) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; ClientTPA[c].y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; inc(c); end; 2: begin; HueXTol := hueMod * Tolerance; SatXTol := satMod * Tolerance; for i := 0 to SpiralHi do begin; RGBToHSL(RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].R, RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].G, RowData[ClientTPA[i].y][ClientTPA[i].x].B, H2,S2,L2); if ((abs(H1 - H2) <= (HueXTol)) and (abs(S1 - S2) <= (satXTol)) and (abs(L1 - L2) <= Tolerance)) then begin; ClientTPA[c].x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; ClientTPA[c].y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; inc(c); end; end; end; end; SetLength(Points, C); Move(ClientTPA[0], Points[0], C * SizeOf(TPoint)); Result := C > 0; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindColors(var TPA: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; var PtrData: TRetData; Ptr: PRGB32; PtrInc: Integer; dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy, i: Integer; begin Result := false; DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; I := 0; ColorToRGB(Color, clR, clG, clB); PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); Ptr := PtrData.Ptr; PtrInc := PtrData.IncPtrWith; for yy := ys to ye do begin; for xx := xs to xe do begin; if (Ptr^.R = clR) and (Ptr^.G = clG) and (Ptr^.B = clB) then begin Self.ClientTPA[I].x := xx; Self.ClientTPA[i].y := yy; Inc(I); end; Inc(Ptr); end; Inc(Ptr, PtrInc); end; SetLength(TPA, I); Move(ClientTPA[0], TPA[0], i * SizeOf(TPoint)); Result := I > 0; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; { Only works with CTS 1 for now.. Since Colorsame doesn't return a boolean :-( } //We do not check whether every white pixel is in tol range with every other white pixel.. function TMFinder.FindMaskTolerance(const mask: TMask; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; MaskW,MaskH : integer; CheckerWhite,CheckerBlack,CurrWhite,CurrBlack: TRGB32; i,ii : integer; dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer; label NotFoundMask; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops. } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); //Check the mask. CheckMask(Mask); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); //Get the 'fixed' mask size MaskW := Mask.W; MaskH := Mask.H; //Heck our mask cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - MaskW; dY := dY - MaskH; for yy := 0 to dY do for xx := 0 to dX do begin; CheckerWhite := MainRowdata[yy + mask.White[0].y][xx + mask.white[0].x]; CheckerBlack := MainRowdata[yy + mask.Black[0].y][xx + mask.Black[0].x]; //Just check two 'random' points against eachother, might be a time saver in some circumstances. if (Sqrt(sqr(CheckerWhite.r-CheckerBlack.r) + sqr(CheckerWhite.G-CheckerBlack.G) + sqr(CheckerWhite.b-CheckerBlack.B)) <= ContourTolerance) then //The Tol between the white and black is lower than the minimum difference, so continue with looking! continue; for i := 0 to mask.WhiteHi do begin; CurrWhite := MainRowdata[yy + mask.White[i].y][xx + mask.white[i].x]; if (Sqrt(sqr(CheckerWhite.r-CurrWhite.r) + sqr(CheckerWhite.G-CurrWhite.G) + sqr(CheckerWhite.b-CurrWhite.B)) > Tolerance) then //The white checkpoint n' this point aren't in the same tol range -> goto nomatch; goto NotFoundMask; {$ifdef CheckAllBackground} for ii := 0 to mask.BlackHi do begin CurrBlack := MainRowdata[yy + mask.Black[ii].y][xx + mask.Black[ii].x]; if (Sqrt(sqr(CurrWhite.r-CurrBlack.r) + sqr(CurrWhite.G-CurrBlack.G) + sqr(CurrWhite.b-CurrBlack.B)) <= ContourTolerance) then //The Tol between the white and black is lower than the minimum difference -> goto nomatch; goto NotFoundMask; end; {$endif} end; {$ifndef CheckAllBackground} for ii := 0 to mask.BlackHi do begin CurrBlack := MainRowdata[yy + mask.Black[ii].y][xx + mask.Black[ii].x]; if (Sqrt(sqr(CheckerWhite.r-CurrBlack.r) + sqr(CheckerWhite.G-CurrBlack.G) + sqr(CheckerWhite.b-CurrBlack.B)) <= ContourTolerance) then //The Tol between the white and black is lower than the minimum difference -> goto nomatch; goto NotFoundMask; end; {$endif} //We have found the mask appearntly, otherwise we would have jumped! Gna Gna. x := xx + xs; y := yy + ys; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Exit(true); //Bah not found the mask, lets do nothing and continue! NotFoundMask: end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; procedure TMFinder.CheckMask(const Mask: TMask); begin if (Mask.W < 1) or (Mask.H < 1) or (Mask.WhiteHi < 0) or (Mask.BlackHi < 0) then raise exception.CreateFMT('Mask is invalid. Width/Height: (%d,%d). WhiteHi/BlackHi: (%d,%d)',[Mask.W,Mask.H,Mask.WhiteHi,Mask.BlackHi]); end; function TMFinder.FindBitmap(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer): Boolean; var w,h : integer; begin TClient(Client).IOManager.GetDimensions(w,h); result := Self.FindBitmapIn(bitmap,x,y,0,0,w-1,h-1); end; function TMFinder.FindBitmapIn(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; BmpW,BmpH : integer; xBmp,yBmp : integer; tmpY : integer; dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer; SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; label NotFoundBmp; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops. } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); BmpRowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(bitmap); //Get the 'fixed' bmp size BmpW := bitmap.Width - 1; BmpH := bitmap.Height - 1; //Heck our bitmap cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - bmpW; dY := dY - bmpH; //Get the "skip coords". CalculateBitmapSkipCoords(Bitmap,SkipCoords); for yy := 0 to dY do for xx := 0 to dX do begin; for yBmp:= 0 to BmpH do begin; tmpY := yBmp + yy; for xBmp := 0 to BmpW do if not SkipCoords[yBmp][xBmp] then if (BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].R <> MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + xx].R) or (BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].G <> MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + xx].G) or (BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].B <> MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + xx].B) then goto NotFoundBmp; end; //We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; x := xx + xs; y := yy + ys; result := true; exit; NotFoundBmp: end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; BmpW,BmpH : integer; xBmp,yBmp : integer; tmpY : integer; dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer; CCTS : integer; H,S,L,HMod,SMod : extended; SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; label NotFoundBmp; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops. } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); BmpRowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(bitmap); //Get the 'fixed' bmp size BmpW := bitmap.Width - 1; BmpH := bitmap.Height - 1; //Heck our bitmap cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - bmpW; dY := dY - bmpH; //Compiler hints HMod := 0;SMod := 0;H := 0.0;S := 0.0; L := 0.0; CCTS := Self.CTS; //Get the "skip coords". CalculateBitmapSkipCoords(Bitmap,SkipCoords); for yy := 0 to dY do for xx := 0 to dX do begin; for yBmp:= 0 to BmpH do begin; tmpY := yBmp + yy; for xBmp := 0 to BmpW do if not SkipCoords[yBmp][xBmp] then if not ColorSame(CCTS,tolerance, BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].R,BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].G,BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].B, MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + xx].R,MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + xx].G,MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + xx].B, H,S,L,HMod,SMod) then goto NotFoundBmp; end; //We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; x := xx + xs; y := yy + ys; result := true; exit; NotFoundBmp: end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; BmpW,BmpH : integer; xBmp,yBmp : integer; tmpY : integer; dX, dY, i,HiSpiral: Integer; SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; label NotFoundBmp; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); BmpRowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(bitmap); //Get the 'fixed' bmp size BmpW := bitmap.Width - 1; BmpH := bitmap.Height - 1; //Heck, our bitmap cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - bmpW; dY := dY - bmpH; //Load the spiral into memory LoadSpiralPath(x-xs,y-ys,0,0,dX,dY); HiSpiral := (dx+1) * (dy+1) - 1; //Get the "skip coords". CalculateBitmapSkipCoords(Bitmap,SkipCoords); for i := 0 to HiSpiral do begin; for yBmp:= 0 to BmpH do begin; tmpY := yBmp + ClientTPA[i].y; for xBmp := 0 to BmpW do if not SkipCoords[yBmp][xBmp] then if (BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].R <> MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].R) or (BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].G <> MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].G) or (BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].B <> MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].B) then goto NotFoundBmp; end; //We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; result := true; exit; NotFoundBmp: end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance: integer): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; BmpW,BmpH : integer; xBmp,yBmp : integer; tmpY : integer; dX, dY, i,HiSpiral: Integer; CCTS : integer; H,S,L,HMod,SMod : extended; SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; label NotFoundBmp; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops. } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); BmpRowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(bitmap); //Get the 'fixed' bmp size BmpW := bitmap.Width - 1; BmpH := bitmap.Height - 1; //Heck, our bitmap cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - bmpW; dY := dY - bmpH; //Load the spiral into memory LoadSpiralPath(x-xs,y-ys,0,0,dX,dY); HiSpiral := (dx+1) * (dy+1) - 1; //Compiler hints HMod := 0;SMod := 0;H := 0.0;S := 0.0; L := 0.0; CCTS := Self.CTS; //Get the "skip coords". CalculateBitmapSkipCoords(Bitmap,SkipCoords); for i := 0 to HiSpiral do begin; for yBmp:= 0 to BmpH do begin; tmpY := yBmp + ClientTPA[i].y; for xBmp := 0 to BmpW do if not SkipCoords[yBmp][xBmp] then if not ColorSame(CCTS,tolerance, BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].R,BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].G,BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].B, MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].R,MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].G, MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].B, H,S,L,HMod,SMod) then goto NotFoundBmp; end; //We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; result := true; exit; NotFoundBmp: end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; x, y: Integer; out Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; BmpW,BmpH : integer; xBmp,yBmp : integer; tmpY : integer; dX, dY, i,HiSpiral: Integer; FoundC : integer; CCTS : integer; H,S,L,HMod,SMod : extended; SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; label NotFoundBmp; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops. } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); BmpRowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(bitmap); //Get the 'fixed' bmp size BmpW := bitmap.Width - 1; BmpH := bitmap.Height - 1; //Heck, our bitmap cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - bmpW; dY := dY - bmpH; //Load the spiral into memory LoadSpiralPath(x-xs,y-ys,0,0,dX,dY); HiSpiral := (dx+1) * (dy+1) - 1; //Compiler hints HMod := 0;SMod := 0;H := 0.0;S := 0.0; L := 0.0; CCTS := Self.CTS; FoundC := 0; //Get the "skip coords". CalculateBitmapSkipCoords(Bitmap,SkipCoords); for i := 0 to HiSpiral do begin; for yBmp:= 0 to BmpH do begin; tmpY := yBmp + ClientTPA[i].y; for xBmp := 0 to BmpW do if not SkipCoords[yBmp][xBmp] then if not ColorSame(CCTS,tolerance, BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].R,BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].G,BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].B, MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].R,MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].G, MainRowdata[tmpY][xBmp + ClientTPA[i].x].B, H,S,L,HMod,SMod) then goto NotFoundBmp; end; //We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below ClientTPA[FoundC].x := ClientTPA[i].x + xs; ClientTPA[FoundC].y := ClientTPA[i].y + ys; inc(FoundC); NotFoundBmp: end; if FoundC > 0 then begin; result := true; SetLength(Points,FoundC); Move(ClientTPA[0], Points[0], FoundC * SizeOf(TPoint)); end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; end; function TMFinder.FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer; Range: Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean; out accuracy: Extended): Boolean; var MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array; BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array; PtrData : TRetData; BmpW,BmpH : integer; xBmp,yBmp : integer; dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer; SearchdX,SearchdY : integer; GoodCount : integer;//Save the amount of pixels who have found a correspondening pixel BestCount : integer;//The best amount of pixels till now.. BestPT : TPoint; //The point where it found the most pixels. RangeX,RangeY : Integer; yStart,yEnd,xStart,xEnd : integer; TotalC : integer; SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; PointsLeft : T2DIntArray; label FoundBMPPoint, Madness; { Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops. } begin Result := false; // checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions) DefaultOperations(xs,ys,xe,ye); // calculate delta x and y dX := xe - xs; dY := ye - ys; SearchDx := dX; SearchDy := dY; PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(xs, ys, dX + 1, dY + 1); //Caculate the row ptrs MainRowdata:= CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData,dy+1); BmpRowData:= CalculateRowPtrs(bitmap); //Get the 'fixed' bmp size BmpW := bitmap.Width - 1; BmpH := bitmap.Height - 1; //Heck our bitmap cannot be outside the search area dX := dX - bmpW; dY := dY - bmpH; //Reset the accuracy :-) Accuracy := 0; BestCount := -1; BestPT := Point(-1,-1); //Get the "skip coords". and PointsLeft (so we can calc whether we should stop searching or not ;-). CalculateBitmapSkipCoordsEx(Bitmap,SkipCoords,TotalC,PointsLeft); for yy := 0 to dY do for xx := 0 to dX do begin; GoodCount := 0; for yBmp:= 0 to BmpH do begin; for xBmp := 0 to BmpW do begin; //We do not have to check this point, win win win <--- triple win <-- JACKPOT! if SkipCoords[yBmp][xBmp] then Continue; //Calculate points of the BMP left against Goodcount (if it cannot possibly get more points skip this x,y? if bestCount > (GoodCount + PointsLeft[yBmp][xBmp]) then goto Madness; //The point on the bitmap + the the coordinate we are on at the "screen" minus the range. yStart := max(yBmp + yy-Range,0); yEnd := Min(yBmp + yy+range,SearchdY); for RangeY := yStart to yEnd do begin; xStart := max(xx-Range + xBmp,0); xEnd := Min(xx+range + xBmp,SearchdX); for RangeX := xStart to xEnd do begin; if Sqrt(sqr(BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].R - MainRowdata[RangeY][RangeX].R) + sqr(BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].G - MainRowdata[RangeY][RangeX].G) +sqr(BmpRowData[yBmp][xBmp].B - MainRowdata[RangeY][RangeX].B)) <= tolerance then goto FoundBMPPoint; end; end; //We did not find a good point so were continueing! Continue; FoundBMPPoint: //We found a pooint woot! inc(GoodCount); end; end; //If we jumped to Madness it means we did not have enuf points left to beat tha fu-king score. Madness: if GoodCount > BestCount then //This x,y has the best Acc so far! begin; BestCount := GoodCount; BestPT := Point(xx+xs,yy+ys); if GoodCount = TotalC then begin; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; x := BestPT.x; y := BestPT.y; accuracy:= 1; Exit(true); end; end; end; TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; if BestCount = 0 then Exit; accuracy := BestCount / TotalC; if (accuracy = 1) or AllowPartialAccuracy then begin x := BestPT.x; y := BestPT.y; Exit(true); end; end; { Tries to find the given DTM. If found will put the point the dtm has been found at in x, y and result to true. } function TMFinder.FindDTM(DTM: TMDTM; out x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; var P: TPointArray; begin Self.FindDTMs(DTM, P, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1); if(Length(p) > 0) then begin x := p[0].x; y := p[0].y; Exit(True); end; Exit(False); end; //MaxToFind, if it's < 1 it won't stop looking function TMFinder.FindDTMs(DTM: TMDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2, maxToFind: Integer): Boolean; var //Cache DTM stuff Len : integer; //Len of the points DPoints : PMDTMPoint; //DTM Points // Colours of DTMs clR,clG,clB : array of byte; //Similar colors stuff hh,ss,ll: array of extended; hmod,smod: extended; Ccts : integer; // Bitwise b: Array of Array of Integer; ch: array of array of integer; // bounds W, H: integer; MA: TBox; MaxX,MaxY : integer; //The maximum value X/Y can take (for subpoints) // for loops, etc xx, yy: integer; i, xxx,yyy: Integer; StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY : integer; //clientdata cd: TPRGB32Array; PtrData: TRetData; // point count pc: Integer = 0; Found : boolean; goodPoints: Array of Boolean; label theEnd; label AnotherLoopEnd; begin // Is the area valid? DefaultOperations(x1, y1, x2, y2); if not DTM.Valid then raise Exception.CreateFmt('FindDTMs: DTM[%s] is not valid.', [DTM.name]); // Get the area we should search in for the Main Point. MA := ValidMainPointBox(DTM, x1, y1, x2, y2); //Load the DTM-cache variables Len := dtm.Count; DPoints:= dtm.PPoints; // Turn the bp into a more usable array. setlength(goodPoints, Len); for i := 0 to Len - 1 do goodPoints[i] := not DPoints[i].bp; // Init data structure b and ch. W := x2 - x1; H := y2 - y1; setlength(b, (W + 1)); setlength(ch, (W + 1)); for i := 0 to W do begin setlength(ch[i], (H + 1)); FillChar(ch[i][0], SizeOf(Integer) * (H+1), 0); setlength(b[i], (H + 1)); FillChar(b[i][0], SizeOf(Integer) * (H+1), 0); end; // C = DTM.C SetLength(clR,Len); SetLength(clG,Len); SetLength(clB,Len); for i := 0 to Len - 1 do ColorToRGB(DPoints[i].c,clR[i],clG[i],clB[i]); SetLength(hh,Len); SetLength(ss,Len); SetLength(ll,Len); for i := 0 to Len - 1 do ColorToHSL(DPoints[i].c,hh[i],ss[i],ll[i]); GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(hMod, sMod); ccts := CTS; // Retreive Client Data. PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(x1, y1, W + 1, H + 1); cd := CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData, h + 1); //CD starts at 0,0.. We must adjust the MA, since this is still based on the xs,ys,xe,ye box. MA.x1 := MA.x1 - x1; MA.y1 := MA.y1 - y1; MA.x2 := MA.x2 - x1; MA.y2 := MA.y2 - y1; MaxX := x2-x1; MaxY := y2-y1; //MA is now fixed to the new (0,0) box... for yy := MA.y1 to MA.y2 do //Coord of the mainpoint in the search area for xx := MA.x1 to MA.x2 do begin //Mainpoint can have area size as well, so we must check that just like any subpoint. for i := 0 to Len - 1 do begin //change to use other areashapes too. Found := false; //With area it can go out of bounds, therefore this max/min check StartX := max(0,xx - DPoints[i].asz + DPoints[i].x); StartY := max(0,yy - DPoints[i].asz + DPoints[i].y); EndX := Min(MaxX,xx + DPoints[i].asz + DPoints[i].x); EndY := Min(MaxY,yy + DPoints[i].asz + DPoints[i].y); for xxx := StartX to EndX do //The search area for the subpoint begin for yyy := StartY to EndY do begin // If we have not checked this point, check it now. if ch[xxx][yyy] and (1 shl i) = 0 then begin // Checking point i now. (Store that we matched it) ch[xxx][yyy]:= ch[xxx][yyy] or (1 shl i); // if SimilarColors(dtm.c[i], rgbtocolor(cd[yyy][xxx].R, cd[yyy][xxx].G, cd[yyy][xxx].B), DPoints[i].t) then if ColorSame(ccts,DPoints[i].t,clR[i],clG[i],clB[i],cd[yyy][xxx].R, cd[yyy][xxx].G, cd[yyy][xxx].B,hh[i],ss[i],ll[i],hmod,smod) then b[xxx][yyy] := b[xxx][yyy] or (1 shl i); end; //Check if the point matches the subpoint if (b[xxx][yyy] and (1 shl i) <> 0) then begin //Check if it was supposed to be a goodpoint.. if GoodPoints[i] then begin Found := true; break; end else //It was not supposed to match!! goto AnotherLoopEnd; end; end; if Found then Break; //Optimalisation, we must break out of this second for loop, since we already found the subpoint end; if (not found) and (GoodPoints[i]) then //This sub-point wasn't found, while it should.. Exit this mainpoint search goto AnotherLoopEnd; end; //We survived the sub-point search, add this mainpoint to the results. ClientTPA[pc] := Point(xx + x1, yy + y1); Inc(pc); if(pc = maxToFind) then goto theEnd; AnotherLoopEnd: end; TheEnd: TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; SetLength(Points, pc); if pc > 0 then Move(ClientTPA[0], Points[0], pc * SizeOf(TPoint)); Result := (pc > 0); end; function TMFinder.FindDTMRotated(DTM: TMDTM; out x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; out aFound: Extended; Alternating : boolean): Boolean; var P: TPointArray; F: T2DExtendedArray; begin FindDTMsRotated(dtm, P, x1, y1, x2, y2, sAngle, eAngle, aStep, F,Alternating,1); if Length(P) = 0 then exit(false); aFound := F[0][0]; x := P[0].x; y := P[0].y; Exit(True); end; procedure RotPoints_DTM(const P: TPointArray;var RotTPA : TPointArray; const A: Extended); var I, L: Integer; begin L := High(P); for I := 0 to L do begin RotTPA[I].X := Round(cos(A) * p[i].x - sin(A) * p[i].y); RotTPA[I].Y := Round(sin(A) * p[i].x + cos(A) * p[i].y); end; end; function TMFinder.FindDTMsRotated(DTM: TMDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; out aFound: T2DExtendedArray;Alternating : boolean; maxToFind: Integer): Boolean; var //Cached variables Len : integer; DPoints : PMDTMPoint; DTPA : TPointArray; RotTPA: TPointArray; // Colours of DTMs clR,clG,clB : array of byte; //Similar colors stuff hh,ss,ll: array of extended; hmod,smod: extended; Ccts : integer; // Bitwise b: Array of Array of Integer; ch: Array of Array of Integer; // bounds W, H: integer; MA: TBox; MaxX,MaxY : integer;//The maximum value a (subpoint) can have! // for loops, etc xx, yy: integer; i, xxx,yyy: Integer; StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY : integer; Found : boolean; //clientdata cd: TPRGB32Array; PtrData: TRetData; //If we search alternating, we start in the middle and then +,-,+,- the angle step outwars MiddleAngle : extended; //Count the amount of anglesteps, mod 2 determines whether it's a + or a - search, and div 2 determines the amount of steps //you have to take. AngleSteps : integer; // point count pc: Integer = 0; ac: Integer = 0; goodPoints: Array of Boolean; s: extended; label theEnd; label AnotherLoopEnd; begin // Is the area valid? DefaultOperations(x1, y1, x2, y2); if not dtm.Valid then raise Exception.CreateFmt('FindDTMs: DTM[%s] is not consistent.', [DTM.name]); dtm.Normalize;; Len := DTM.Count; DPoints:= DTM.PPoints; setlength(goodPoints, Len); for i := 0 to Len - 1 do goodPoints[i] := not DPoints[i].bp; MaxX := x2 - x1; MaxY := y2 - y1; // Init data structure B. W := x2 - x1; H := y2 - y1; setlength(b, (W + 1)); setlength(ch, (W + 1)); for i := 0 to W do begin setlength(b[i], (H + 1)); FillChar(b[i][0], SizeOf(Integer) * (H+1), 0); setlength(ch[i], (H + 1)); FillChar(ch[i][0], SizeOf(Integer) * (H+1), 0); end; // Convert colors to there components SetLength(clR,Len); SetLength(clG,Len); SetLength(clB,Len); for i := 0 to Len - 1 do ColorToRGB(DPoints[i].c,clR[i],clG[i],clB[i]); //Compiler hints SetLength(hh,Len); SetLength(ss,Len); SetLength(ll,Len); for i := 0 to Len - 1 do ColorToHSL(DPoints[i].c,hh[i],ss[i],ll[i]); { When we search for a rotated DTM, everything is the same, except the coordinates.. Therefore we create a TPA of the 'original' DTM, containing all the Points. This then will be used to rotate the points} SetLength(DTPA,len); SetLength(RotTPA,len); for i := 0 to len-1 do DTPA[i] := Point(DPoints[i].x,DPoints[i].y); GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(hMod, sMod); ccts := CTS; // Retreive Client Data. PtrData := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(x1, y1, W + 1, H + 1); cd := CalculateRowPtrs(PtrData, h + 1); SetLength(aFound, 0); SetLength(Points, 0); if Alternating then begin MiddleAngle := (sAngle + eAngle) / 2.0; s := MiddleAngle; //Start in the middle! AngleSteps := 0; end else s := sAngle; while s < eAngle do begin RotPoints_DTM(DTPA,RotTPA,s); //DTMRot now has the same points as the original DTM, just rotated! //The other stuff in the structure doesn't matter, as it's the same as the original DTM.. //So from now on if we want to see what 'point' we're at, use RotTPA, for the rest just use the original DTM MA := ValidMainPointBox(RotTPA, x1, y1, x2, y2); //CD(ClientData) starts at 0,0.. We must adjust the MA, since this is still based on the xs,ys,xe,ye box. MA.x1 := MA.x1 - x1; MA.y1 := MA.y1 - y1; MA.x2 := MA.x2 - x1; MA.y2 := MA.y2 - y1; //MA is now fixed to the new (0,0) box... for yy := MA.y1 to MA.y2 do //(xx,yy) is now the coord of the mainpoint in the search area for xx := MA.x1 to MA.x2 do begin //Mainpoint can have area size as well, so we must check that just like any subpoint. for i := 0 to Len - 1 do begin //change to use other areashapes too. Found := false; //With area it can go out of bounds, therefore this max/min check StartX := max(0,xx - DPoints[i].asz + RotTPA[i].x); StartY := max(0,yy - DPoints[i].asz + RotTPA[i].y); EndX := Min(MaxX,xx + DPoints[i].asz + RotTPA[i].x); EndY := Min(MaxY,yy + DPoints[i].asz + RotTPA[i].y); for xxx := StartX to EndX do //The search area for the subpoint begin for yyy := StartY to EndY do begin // If we have not checked this point, check it now. if ch[xxx][yyy] and (1 shl i) = 0 then begin // Checking point i now. (Store that we matched it) ch[xxx][yyy]:= ch[xxx][yyy] or (1 shl i); if ColorSame(ccts,DPoints[i].t,clR[i],clG[i],clB[i],cd[yyy][xxx].R, cd[yyy][xxx].G, cd[yyy][xxx].B,hh[i],ss[i],ll[i],hmod,smod) then b[xxx][yyy] := b[xxx][yyy] or (1 shl i); end; //Check if the point matches the subpoint if (b[xxx][yyy] and (1 shl i) <> 0) then begin //Check if it was supposed to be a goodpoint.. if GoodPoints[i] then begin Found := true; break; end else //It was not supposed to match!! goto AnotherLoopEnd; end; end; if Found then Break; //Optimalisation, we must break out of this second for loop, since we already found the subpoint end; if (not found) and (GoodPoints[i]) then //This sub-point wasn't found, while it should.. Exit this mainpoint search goto AnotherLoopEnd; end; //We survived the sub-point search, add this mainpoint to the results. Inc(pc); setlength(Points,pc); Points[pc-1] := Point(xx + x1, yy + y1); Setlength(aFound, pc); setlength(aFound[pc-1],1); aFound[pc-1][0] := s; if(pc = maxToFind) then goto theEnd; AnotherLoopEnd: end; ac := 0; if Alternating then begin if AngleSteps mod 2 = 0 then //This means it's an even number, thus we must add a positive step s := MiddleAngle + (aStep * (anglesteps div 2 + 1)) //Angle steps starts at 0, so we must add 1. else s := MiddleAngle - (aStep * (anglesteps div 2 + 1)); //We must search in the negative direction inc(AngleSteps); end else s := s + aStep; end; TheEnd: TClient(Client).IOManager.FreeReturnData; Result := (pc > 0); { Don't forget to pre calculate the rotated points at the start. Saves a lot of rotatepoint() calls. } // raise Exception.CreateFmt('Not done yet!', []); end; function TMFinder.GetColors(const Coords: TPointArray): TIntegerArray; var Box : TBox; Len, I,w,h : integer; PtrRet : TRetData; Ptr : PRGB32; begin len := high(Coords); setlength(result,len+1); box := GetTPABounds(coords); w := 0; h := 0; DefaultOperations(w,h,box.x2,box.y2); TClient(Self.Client).IOManager.GetDimensions(w,h); PtrRet := TClient(Client).IOManager.ReturnData(0,0,Box.x2 + 1,box.y2+ 1);//Otherwise lotsashit. ptr := PtrRet.Ptr; for i := 0 to len do Result[i] := BGRToRGB(Ptr[Coords[i].y*w + Coords[i].x]); end; end.