{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. lpcompile.inc for the Mufasa Macro Library } addGlobalVar(AppPath, 'AppPath'); addGlobalVar(ScriptPath, 'ScriptPath'); addGlobalVar(IncludePath, 'IncludePath'); addGlobalVar(PluginPath, 'PluginPath'); addGlobalVar(FontPath, 'FontPath'); addGlobalVar(maxLongint, 'MaxLongInt'); addGlobalVar(maxLongint, 'MaxInt'); addGlobalVar(ps_mouse_right, 'mouse_Right');//0 addGlobalVar(ps_mouse_left, 'mouse_Left');//1 addGlobalVar(ps_mouse_middle, 'mouse_Middle');//2 addGlobalType('UInt32', 'TClickType'); addGlobalType('UInt32', 'DWord'); addGlobalType('Integer', 'TColor'); addGlobalType('(Numbers, Letters, Others)', 'StrExtr'); addGlobalType('(MirrorWidth, MirrorHeight, MirrorLine)', 'TBmpMirrorStyle'); addGlobalType('(mouse_Down, mouse_Up)', 'TMousePress'); addGlobalType('(SP_WriteTimeStamp, SP_OnTerminate)', 'TSP_Property'); addGlobalType('array of string', 'TStringArray'); addGlobalType('array of Integer', 'TIntegerArray'); addGlobalType('array of TIntegerArray', 'T2DIntegerArray'); addGlobalType('array of TIntegerArray', 'T2DIntArray'); addGlobalType('array of T2DIntegerArray', 'T3DIntegerArray'); addGlobalType('array of byte', 'TByteArray'); addGlobalType('array of extended', 'TExtendedArray'); addGlobalType('array of TExtendedArray', 'T2DExtendedArray'); addGlobalType('array of T2DExtendedArray', 'T3DExtendedArray'); addGlobalType('array of boolean', 'TBoolArray'); addGlobalType('array of variant', 'TVariantArray'); addGlobalType('record X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; end', 'TBox'); addGlobalType('array of TBox', 'TBoxArray'); addGlobalType('record X, Y: integer; end', 'TPoint'); addGlobalType('array of TPoint', 'TPointArray'); addGlobalType('array of TPointArray', 'T2DPointArray'); addGlobalType('T2DPointArray', 'TPointArrayArray'); addGlobalType('record White, Black: TPointarray; WhiteHi, BlackHi: integer; W, H: integer; end', 'TMask'); addGlobalType('record R, T: extended; end', 'PPoint'); addGlobalType('record int1,int2,int3,int4,int5,int6,int7,int8,int9,int10,int11,int12,int13,int14,int15,int16: integer; end', 'TTarget_Exported'); addGlobalType('record x, y, Color, Tolerance, AreaSize, AreaShape: integer; end', 'TSDTMPointDef'); addGlobalType('array of TSDTMPointDef', 'TSDTMPointDefArray'); addGlobalType('record MainPoint: TSDTMPointDef; SubPoints: TSDTMPointDefarray; end', 'TSDTM'); addGlobalType('record x, y, c, t, asz: integer; bp: boolean; end', 'TMDTMPoint'); addGlobalType('array of TMDTMPoint', 'TMDTMPointArray'); addGlobalType('record Title: string; Handle: integer; Pid: integer; Width, Height: integer; end', 'TSysProc'); addGlobalType('array of TSysProc', 'TSysProcArr');