unit colourpicker; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LCLIntf,LCLType,InterfaceBase,Forms,Controls,ExtCtrls, Graphics, Window {$IFNDEF PICKER_CLIENT} {$IFDEF LINUX} ,x {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} ; type TPickEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Color, X, Y: Integer); TMColorPicker = class(TObject) constructor Create(aWindow: TMWindow); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Pick(Var C, X, Y: Integer); procedure ImageMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ); procedure TimorTimer(Sender: TObject); Procedure ColorPickDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); public // Will give us CopyClientToBitmap Window: TMWindow; ColourHistory: TList; // for colour history Form : TForm; Image: TImage; Timor : TTimer; Bitmap : Graphics.TBitmap; Note : Graphics.TBitmap; Brush : TBrush; Text : string; FPickEvent : TPickEvent; oldx, oldy, Color, colorx, colory: Integer; TheChangedEvent,TheChangingEvent : TNotifyEvent; NoteHandle, BitmapHandle, ImageHandle : HDC; public property OnPick: TPickEvent read FPickEvent write FPickEvent; end; implementation constructor TMColorPicker.Create(aWindow: TMWindow); begin Self.Window := aWindow; end; destructor TMColorPicker.Destroy; begin end; procedure TMColorPicker.Pick(Var C, X, Y: Integer); var w, h: integer; bmp: TBitmap; {$IFNDEF PICKER_CLIENT} {$IFDEF LINUX} OldWindow: TWindow; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin Form := TForm.Create(Application.MainForm); {$IFNDEF PICKER_CLIENT} {$IFDEF LINUX} OldWindow := Window.CurWindow; Window.SetTarget(Window.DesktopWindow); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} Window.GetDimensions(w, h); Form.Width := w; Form.Height := h; Form.Top := 0; Form.left := 0; Form.WindowState := wsmaximized; Form.BorderStyle:= bsNone; Image := TImage.Create(Form); Image.Parent := Form; Image.left := 0; image.Width := 0; Image.width := Form.Width - 1; Image.Height := Form.Height - 1; Image.Cursor:= crCross; Image.OnMouseDown:= @ColorPickDown; Image.OnMouseMove:=@ImageMouseMove; Image.Canvas.Brush.Color := 14811135; Bitmap := Graphics.TBitmap.create; Bitmap.width := Form.Width; Bitmap.Height := Form.Height; Note := Graphics.TBitmap.create; Note.Canvas.Brush.Color := 14811135; Note.Width := 148; Note.Height := 33; Note.Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, 147, 33); Note.Canvas.Rectangle(89, 3, 115, 29); Note.Canvas.Pen.Style:= psClear; bmp := Window.CopyClientToBitmap(0, 0, w, h); BitBlt(Image.Canvas.Handle, 0,0,w,h, bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,0,SRCCOPY); BitBlt(Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0,0,w,h, bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,0,SRCCOPY); bmp.Free; ImageHandle:= Image.Canvas.Handle; BitmapHandle:= Bitmap.Canvas.Handle; NoteHandle:= Note.Canvas.Handle; TheChangedEvent := Image.Canvas.OnChange; TheChangingEvent := Image.Canvas.OnChanging; Brush := Image.Canvas.Brush; Timor := TTimer.Create(Form); Timor.OnTimer:= @TimorTimer; Timor.Interval:= 50; Timor.Enabled:= False; Form.ShowModal; // add x to history here. c := Color; x := Colorx; y := Colory; {$IFNDEF PICKER_CLIENT} {$IFDEF LINUX} Window.SetTarget(OldWindow); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} Note.Free; Bitmap.Free; Timor.Free; Image.Free; Form.Free; end; procedure TMColorPicker.ImageMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Timor.Enabled:= True; end; procedure TMColorPicker.TimorTimer(Sender: TObject); var TempPoint : TPoint; begin // GetCursorPos(TempPoint); TempPoint := Mouse.CursorPos; { If a form cannot be fully set to 0,0 } TempPoint.X := TempPoint.X - Form.Left; TempPoint.Y := TempPoint.Y - Form.Top; BitBlt(ImageHandle, oldx + 5, oldy + 5,147,33,BitmapHandle,oldx + 5,oldy + 5,SRCCOPY); Color := WidgetSet.DCGetPixel(ImageHandle, TempPoint.X, TempPoint.Y); Rectangle(NoteHandle,1,1,85,32); // Text:='Pos: ' + inttostr(TempPoint.x - Client.Rect.Left) + ',' + inttostr(TempPoint.y - Client.Rect.Bottom); Text:='Pos: ' + inttostr(TempPoint.x) + ',' + inttostr(TempPoint.y); ExtTextOut(NoteHandle, 5, 3,0,nil,pchar(text),length(text),nil); Text := 'Color: ' + inttostr(Color); ExtTextOut(NoteHandle, 5, 15,0,nil,pchar(text),length(text),nil); BitBlt( ImageHandle, TempPoint.x + 5, TempPoint.y + 5,147,33,NoteHandle,0,0,SRCCOPY); Brush.Color := Color; Image.Canvas.Rectangle(TempPoint.x + 123, TempPoint.y + 8, tempPoint.x + 149, temppoint.y + 34); // Rectangle(ImageHandle,TempPoint.x + 123, TempPoint.y + 8, tempPoint.x + 149, temppoint.y + 34); TheChangingEvent(Sender); StretchBlt(ImageHandle,TempPoint.x + 95, TempPoint.y + 9, 24,24, BitmapHandle, TempPoint.x - 1, TempPoint.y-1,3,3, SRCCOPY); TheChangedEvent(Sender); Oldx := TempPoint.x; Oldy := TempPoint.y; Timor.Enabled:= False; end; procedure TMColorPicker.ColorPickDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin; Color:= WidgetSet.DCGetPixel(Image.Canvas.Handle,x,y); Self.Colorx := x; Self.Colory := y; Timor.enabled := false; if OnPick <> nil then Onpick(Sender,Color,x,y); Form.Close; end; end.