program Mouse; { This program illustrates the Mufasa Mouse Functions } var w, h, x, y: integer; begin getclientdimensions(w,h); writeln(inttostr(w) + ', ' + inttostr(h)); MoveMouse(0, 0); getmousepos(x, y); writeln(inttostr(x) + ', ' + inttostr(y)); wait(1000); MoveMouse(w, 0); getmousepos(x, y); writeln(inttostr(x) + ', ' + inttostr(y)); wait(1000); MoveMouse(0, h); getmousepos(x, y); writeln(inttostr(x) + ', ' + inttostr(y)); wait(1000); MoveMouse(w, h); getmousepos(x, y); writeln(inttostr(x) + ', ' + inttostr(y)); wait(1000); ClickMouse(0, 0, mouse_Right); for x := 0 to 400 do MoveMouse(x, x); end.