Also replaced all the Bitmaps.Bmp[index] with bitmaps[index].
Creaded MaskFromText, named the others BitmapFromText and TPAFromText.
Added a GetFontByIndex to the FontLoader.
git-svn-id: 3f818213-9676-44b0-a9b4-5e4c4e03d09d
(18:01:45) @BenLand100: its cool and all. but it you should probably implement another constructor that is false by default
(18:01:51) @BenLand100: just saying
Here you go ;-).
git-svn-id: 3f818213-9676-44b0-a9b4-5e4c4e03d09d
Added a copydata parameter to TRawTarget.create. (This now fixes a memory leak in Unfreeze). Also please get rid of those two extra spaces in front of everything, so anti-pascal-syntax ^^. Also fixed the bug in IsTargetValid.
git-svn-id: 3f818213-9676-44b0-a9b4-5e4c4e03d09d
Note that the old repos version of TargetValid for Linux doesn't seem to work, and wasn't exported to PascalScript, so I added that as well...
git-svn-id: 3f818213-9676-44b0-a9b4-5e4c4e03d09d