diff --git a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/framefunctionlist.pas b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/framefunctionlist.pas
index 4322862..f802715 100644
--- a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/framefunctionlist.pas
+++ b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/framefunctionlist.pas
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ begin;
tmpNode := FunctionList.Items.AddChild(Node,name.ShortText);
tmpNode.Data := GetMem(SizeOf(TMethodInfo));
+ FillChar(PMethodInfo(tmpNode.Data)^,SizeOf(TMethodInfo),0);
with PMethodInfo(tmpNode.Data)^ do
MethodStr := strnew(Pchar(CleanDeclaration));
diff --git a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi
index 3d92d27..2c650e8 100644
--- a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi
+++ b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
diff --git a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpr b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpr
index 00ee135..14f9369 100644
--- a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpr
+++ b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpr
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ uses
libloader, mufasabase, v_ideCodeInsight, PSDump, v_ideCodeParser,
v_AutoCompleteForm, CastaliaPasLex, CastaliaPasLexTypes, CastaliaSimplePasPar,
CastaliaSimplePasParTypes, dcpbase64, mPasLex, v_Constants, v_MiscFunctions,
- extensionmanagergui;
+ extensionmanagergui, mmisc;
{$R project1.res}
diff --git a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/testunit.pas b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/testunit.pas
index ff3b1f7..88eb80f 100644
--- a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/testunit.pas
+++ b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/testunit.pas
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ uses
{$IFDEF LINUX} os_linux, {$ENDIF} //For ColorPicker etc.
colourpicker, framescript, windowselector, lcltype, ActnList,
SynExportHTML, SynEditKeyCmds, SynEditHighlighter,
- SynEditMarkupHighAll, LMessages, Buttons,
+ SynEditMarkupHighAll, LMessages, Buttons,mmisc,
about, framefunctionlist, ocr, updateform, simbasettings, psextension, virtualextension,
extensionmanager, settingssandbox, v_ideCodeInsight, CastaliaPasLexTypes,
CastaliaSimplePasPar, v_AutoCompleteForm, PSDump;
- SimbaVersion = 587;
+ SimbaVersion = 590;
@@ -2076,6 +2076,7 @@ begin
Temp2Node := Tree.Items.AddChild(Tempnode,GetMethodName(Methods[i].FuncDecl,false));
Temp2Node.Data := GetMem(SizeOf(TMethodInfo));
+ FillChar(PMethodInfo(Temp2Node.Data)^,SizeOf(TMethodInfo),0);
with PMethodInfo(Temp2Node.Data)^ do
MethodStr:= strnew(PChar(Methods[i].FuncDecl));
@@ -2203,7 +2204,16 @@ begin
procedure TForm1.ButtonTrayClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ms : TMemoryStream;
+ fs : TFileStream;}
+ fs := TFileStream.Create('c:\remake\fonts.tar.bz2',fmOpenRead);
+ ms := DecompressBZip2(fs);
+ fs.free;
+ UnTar(ms,'c:\remake\fonttest\',true);
+ ms.free;}
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/mmisc.pas b/Units/MMLAddon/mmisc.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf30f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/mmisc.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+unit mmisc;
+{$mode objfpc}
+ Classes, SysUtils,bzip2, bzip2comn,bzip2stream, libtar,mufasabase,mufasatypes;
+function DecompressBZip2(const input : TStream; const BlockSize : Cardinal = 4096) : TMemoryStream;
+function UnTar(const Input : TStream) : TStringArray;overload;
+function UnTar(const Input : TStream; outputdir : string; overwrite : boolean): boolean;overload;
+function DecompressBZip2(const input: TStream; const BlockSize: Cardinal): TMemoryStream;
+ Unzipper : TDecompressBzip2Stream;
+ Blocks : array of Byte;
+ ReadSize : cardinal;
+ SetLength(Blocks,BlockSize);
+ try
+ Unzipper := TDecompressBzip2Stream.Create(input);
+ except
+ on e : exception do
+ begin;
+ mDebugLn(e.message);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ try
+ repeat
+ ReadSize := BlockSize;
+ ReadSize := Unzipper.read(blocks[0],readsize); //Read ReadSize amount of bytes.
+ Result.Write(Blocks[0],ReadSize);
+ until readsize = 0;
+ except
+ on e : EBzip2 do
+ if E.ErrCode <> bzip2_endoffile then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Decompression error: %s %d',[e.message,e.errcode]);
+ end;
+ Unzipper.Free;
+function UnTar(const Input : TStream) : TStringArray;overload;
+ Tar : TTarArchive;
+ DirRec : TTarDirRec;
+ Len : integer;
+ Tar := TTarArchive.Create(input);
+ Tar.reset;
+ Len := 0;
+ while Tar.FindNext(DirRec) do
+ begin
+ inc(len);
+ SetLength(result,len*2);
+ result[len*2-2] := DirRec.Name;
+ result[len*2-1] := Tar.ReadFile;
+ end;
+ Tar.Free;
+function UnTar(const Input: TStream; outputdir: string; overwrite: boolean): boolean; overload;
+ Tar : TTarArchive;
+ DirRec : TTarDirRec;
+ result := false;
+ if not DirectoryExists(outputdir) then
+ if not CreateDir(outputdir) then
+ exit;
+ Tar := TTarArchive.Create(input);
+ Tar.reset;
+ while Tar.FindNext(DirRec) do
+ begin
+ if (DirRec.FileType = ftDirectory) then
+ begin;
+ if not DirectoryExists(outputdir + DirRec.Name) and not CreateDir(outputdir + DirRec.Name) then
+ exit
+ end else if (DirRec.FileType = ftNormal) then
+ begin;
+ if FileExists(outputdir + dirrec.name) and not overwrite then
+ continue;
+ Tar.ReadFile(outputdir + dirrec.name);
+ end else
+ mDebugLn(format('Unknown filetype in archive. %s',[dirrec.name]));
+ end;
+ Tar.Free;
diff --git a/Units/Misc/bzip2.pas b/Units/Misc/bzip2.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c06c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/Misc/bzip2.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+unit bzip2;
+ BZIP2 decompression unit
+ Copyright (C) 2002 by Daniel Mantione
+This unit provides a decompression stream to decode .bz2 files. It is
+inpired by Julian R. Seward's libbzip2 library and therefore you should
+send credits to him and bug reports to me :)
+This code is licensed under the same terms as the original libbz2 library,
+which is decsribed in the file LICENSE. If you don't have this file, look
+at http://www.freepascal.org for this bzip2 unit, the LICENSE file will
+be included. In case of problems, contact the author.
+E-mail addresses:
+Daniel Mantione
+Julian R. Seward
+Please do not contact Julian about this Pascal library, he didn't wrote it.
+{$goto on}
+uses objects, bzip2comn,classes;
+ pstream = ^classes.tstream;
+ Tbzip2_decode_stream=object(objects.Tstream)
+ short:cardinal;
+ readstream:pstream;
+ block_randomized:boolean;
+ blocksize:byte;
+ tt:Pcardinal_array;
+ tt_count:cardinal;
+ rle_run_left,rle_run_data:byte;
+ nextrle:Pbyte;
+ decode_available:cardinal;
+ block_origin:cardinal;
+ current_block:cardinal;
+ read_data,bits_available:byte;
+ inuse16:set of 0..15;
+ inuse:set of 0..255;
+ inuse_count:cardinal;
+ seq_to_unseq:array[0..255] of byte;
+ alphasize:cardinal;
+ group_count,group_pos,gsel,gminlen:byte;
+ group_no:cardinal;
+ glimit,gperm,gbase:Phuffarray;
+ selector_count:cardinal;
+ selector,selector_mtf:array[0..max_selectors] of byte;
+ len:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of byte;
+ limit:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal;
+ base:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal;
+ perm:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal;
+ minlens:array[0..max_groups] of byte;
+ cftab:array[0..257] of cardinal;
+ mtfbase:array[0..256 div mtfl_size-1] of cardinal;
+ mtfa:array[0..mtfa_size-1] of byte;
+ constructor init(Areadstream:pstream);
+ function get_bits(n:byte):byte;
+ function get_boolean:boolean;
+ function get_byte:byte;
+ function get_cardinal24:cardinal;
+ function get_cardinal:cardinal;
+ procedure receive_mapping_table;
+ procedure receive_selectors;
+ procedure undo_mtf_values;
+ procedure receive_coding_tables;
+ procedure make_hufftab;
+ procedure init_mtf;
+ function get_mtf_value:cardinal;
+ procedure move_mtf_block;
+ procedure receive_mtf_values;
+ procedure detransform;
+ function decode_block:boolean;
+ procedure read(var buf;count:Longint);virtual;
+ procedure new_block;
+ procedure consume_rle;inline;
+ procedure rle_read(bufptr:Pbyte;var count:Longint);
+ destructor done;virtual;
+ end;
+{$ifdef i386}
+ {$i bzip2i386.inc}
+ Tbzip2_decode_stream
+constructor Tbzip2_decode_stream.init(Areadstream:pstream);
+var magic:array[1..3] of char;
+ c:char;
+ readstream:=Areadstream;
+ {Read the magic.}
+ readstream^.read(magic,sizeof(magic));
+ if magic<>bzip2_stream_magic then
+ begin
+ error(stiniterror,bzip2_bad_header_magic);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {Read the block size and allocate the working array.}
+ readstream^.read(c,1);
+ blocksize:=byte(c)-byte('0');
+ getmem(tt,blocksize*100000*sizeof(cardinal));
+ decode_available:=high(decode_available);
+function Tbzip2_decode_stream.get_bits(n:byte):byte;
+var data:byte;
+ if n>bits_available then
+ begin
+ readstream^.read(data,1);
+ get_bits:=(read_data shr (8-n)) or data shr (8-(n-bits_available));
+ read_data:=data shl (n-bits_available);
+ inc(bits_available,8);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ get_bits:=read_data shr (8-n);
+ read_data:=read_data shl n;
+ end;
+ dec(bits_available,n);
+function Tbzip2_decode_stream.get_boolean:boolean;
+ get_boolean:=boolean(get_bits(1));
+function Tbzip2_decode_stream.get_byte:byte;
+ get_byte:=get_bits(8);
+function Tbzip2_decode_stream.get_cardinal24:cardinal;
+ get_cardinal24:=get_bits(8) shl 16 or get_bits(8) shl 8 or get_bits(8);
+function Tbzip2_decode_stream.get_cardinal:cardinal;
+ get_cardinal:=get_bits(8) shl 24 or get_bits(8) shl 16 or get_bits(8) shl 8 or
+ get_bits(8);
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.receive_mapping_table;
+{Receive the mapping table. To save space, the inuse set is stored in pieces
+ of 16 bits. First 16 bits are stored which pieces of 16 bits are used, then
+ the pieces follow.}
+var i,j:byte;
+ inuse16:=[];
+ {Receive the first 16 bits which tell which pieces are stored.}
+ for i:=0 to 15 do
+ if get_boolean then
+ include(inuse16,i);
+ {Receive the used pieces.}
+ inuse:=[];
+ inuse_count:=0;
+ for i:=0 to 15 do
+ if i in inuse16 then
+ for j:=0 to 15 do
+ if get_boolean then
+ begin
+ include(inuse,16*i+j);
+ seq_to_unseq[inuse_count]:=16*i+j;
+ inc(inuse_count);
+ end;
+{ system.write('Mapping table: ');
+ for i:=0 to 255 do
+ if i in inuse then
+ system.write(i,' ');
+ writeln;}
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.receive_selectors;
+{Receives the selectors.}
+var i:cardinal;
+ j:byte;
+ group_count:=get_bits(3);
+ selector_count:=get_bits(8) shl 7 or get_bits(7);
+ for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do
+ begin
+ j:=0;
+ while get_boolean do
+ begin
+ inc(j);
+ if j>5 then
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_data_error);
+ end;
+ selector_mtf[i]:=j;
+ end;
+{ system.write('Selector_mtf: ');
+ for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do
+ system.write(selector_mtf[i],' ');
+ writeln;}
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.undo_mtf_values;
+{Undo the MTF values for the selectors.}
+var pos:array[0..max_groups] of byte;
+ i:cardinal;
+ v,tmp:byte;
+ for v:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ pos[v]:=v;
+ for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do
+ begin
+ v:=selector_mtf[i];
+ tmp:=pos[v];
+ while v<>0 do
+ begin
+ pos[v]:=pos[v-1];
+ dec(v);
+ end;
+ pos[0]:=tmp;
+ selector[i]:=tmp;
+ end;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.receive_coding_tables;
+var t,curr:byte;
+ i:cardinal;
+ for t:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ begin
+ curr:=get_bits(5);
+ for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if not(curr in [1..20]) then
+ begin
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_data_error);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if not get_boolean then
+ break;
+ if get_boolean then
+ dec(curr)
+ else
+ inc(curr);
+ until false;
+ len[t,i]:=curr;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ writeln('Coding tables:');
+ for t:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ system.write(len[t,i],' ');
+ writeln;
+ end;}
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.make_hufftab;
+{Builds the Huffman tables.}
+var i:cardinal;
+ t,minlen,maxlen:byte;
+ for t:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ begin
+ minlen:=32;
+ maxlen:=0;
+ for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ begin
+ if len[t,i]>maxlen then
+ maxlen:=len[t,i];
+ if len[t,i]glimit^[zn] do
+ begin
+ inc(zn);
+ zvec:=zvec shl 1 or byte(get_boolean);
+ end;
+ get_mtf_value:=gperm^[zvec-gbase^[zn]];
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.move_mtf_block;
+var i:byte;
+ j,k:cardinal;
+ for i:=256 div MTFL_SIZE-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ j:=mtfbase[i];
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k- 4])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+12])^;
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k- 8])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+ 8])^;
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k-12])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+ 4])^;
+ dec(k,16);
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k ])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j ])^;
+ mtfbase[i]:=k;
+ end;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.receive_mtf_values;
+const run_a=0;
+ run_b=1;
+var t,next_sym:cardinal;
+ es:cardinal;
+ n:byte;
+ nn,i:cardinal;
+ p,q:Pbyte;
+ u,v:Pcardinal;
+ lno,off:cardinal;
+ group_no:=high(group_no);
+ group_pos:=0;
+ t:=0;
+ for i:=0 to 257 do
+ cftab[i]:=0;
+ init_mtf;
+ next_sym:=get_mtf_value;
+ while next_sym<>inuse_count+1 do
+ begin
+{ writeln(t,' ',next_sym);
+ if t=22296 then
+ t:=t; }
+ if next_sym<=run_b then
+ begin
+ es:=0;
+ n:=0;
+ repeat
+ inc(es,(next_sym+1) shl n);
+ inc(n);
+ next_sym:=get_mtf_value;
+ until next_sym>run_b;
+ n:=seq_to_unseq[mtfa[mtfbase[0]]];
+ inc(cftab[n],es);
+ if t+es>100000*blocksize then
+ begin
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_data_error);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while es>0 do
+ begin
+ tt^[t]:=n;
+ dec(es);
+ inc(t);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ nn:=next_sym-1;
+ if nnp) do
+ begin
+ q^:=(q-1)^;
+ dec(q);
+ end;
+ u:=@mtfbase;
+ v:=u+lno;
+ repeat
+ mtfa[v^]:=mtfa[(v-1)^+MTFL_SIZE-1];
+ dec(v);
+ dec(v^);
+ until v=u;
+ mtfa[v^]:=n;
+ if v^=0 then
+ move_mtf_block;
+ end;
+ inc(cftab[seq_to_unseq[n]]);
+ tt^[t]:=cardinal(seq_to_unseq[n]);
+ inc(t);
+ if t>100000*blocksize then
+ begin
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_data_error);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ next_sym:=get_mtf_value;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tt_count:=t;
+ {Setup cftab to facilitate generation of T^(-1).}
+ t:=0;
+ for i:=0 to 256 do
+ begin
+ nn:=cftab[i];
+ cftab[i]:=t;
+{ writeln(i,' ',t);}
+ inc(t,nn);
+ end;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.detransform;
+var a:cardinal;
+ p,q,r:Pcardinal;
+ a:=0;
+ p:=@tt^[0];
+ q:=p+tt_count;
+ while p<>q do
+ begin
+ r:=@tt^[cftab[p^ and $ff]];
+ inc(cftab[p^ and $ff]);
+ r^:=r^ or a;
+ inc(a,256);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+function Tbzip2_decode_stream.decode_block:boolean;
+{Decode a new compressed block.}
+var magic:array[1..6] of char;
+ stored_blockcrc:cardinal;
+ i:byte;
+ for i:=1 to 6 do
+ magic[i]:=char(get_byte);
+ if magic='1AY&SY' then
+ begin
+ inc(current_block);
+{ writeln('Block ',current_block,': Header ok');}
+ stored_blockcrc:=get_cardinal;
+ block_randomized:=get_boolean;
+ block_origin:=get_cardinal24;
+ {Receive the mapping table.}
+ receive_mapping_table;
+ alphasize:=cardinal(inuse_count)+2;
+{ writeln('Mapping table ok.');}
+ {Receive the selectors.}
+ receive_selectors;
+ if status<>0 then
+ exit;
+{ writeln('Selectors ok.');}
+ {Undo the MTF values for the selectors.}
+ undo_mtf_values;
+{ writeln('Undo mtf ok.');}
+ {Receive the coding tables.}
+ receive_coding_tables;
+ if status<>0 then
+ exit;
+{ writeln('Coding tables ok');}
+ {Build the Huffman tables.}
+ make_hufftab;
+{ writeln('Huffman ok.');}
+ {Receive the MTF values.}
+ receive_mtf_values;
+{ writeln('MTF OK');}
+ {Undo the Burrows Wheeler transformation.}
+ detransform;
+{ writeln('Detransform OK');}
+ decode_available:=tt_count;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if magic<>#$17'rE8P'#$90 then
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_bad_block_magic);
+ decode_block:=false;
+ end;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.new_block;
+ if decode_block then
+ nextrle:=@tt^[tt^[block_origin] shr 8]
+ else
+ begin
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_endoffile);
+ nextrle:=nil;
+ end;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.consume_rle;inline;
+{Make nextrle point to the next decoded byte. If nextrle did point to the last
+ byte in the current block, decode the next block.}
+{ Pcardinal(nextrle)^:=Pcardinal(nextrle)^ shr 8;}
+ nextrle:=@tt^[Pcardinal(nextrle)^ shr 8];
+ dec(decode_available);
+ if decode_available=0 then
+ new_block;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.rle_read(bufptr:Pbyte;var count:Longint);
+var rle_len:cardinal;
+ data:byte;
+label rle_write;
+ rle_len:=rle_run_left;
+ data:=rle_run_data;
+ if block_randomized then
+ {Not yet implemented.}
+ runerror(212)
+ else
+ begin
+ if rle_len<>0 then
+ {Speed is important. Instead of an if statement within the
+ repeat loop use a goto outside the loop.}
+ goto rle_write;
+ repeat
+ if decode_available=0 then
+ break;
+ rle_len:=1;
+ data:=nextrle^;
+ consume_rle;
+ if (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then
+ begin
+ inc(rle_len);
+ consume_rle;
+ if (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then
+ begin
+ inc(rle_len);
+ consume_rle;
+ if (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then
+ begin
+ consume_rle;
+ inc(rle_len,nextrle^+1);
+ consume_rle;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ repeat
+ bufptr^:=data;
+ inc(bufptr);
+ dec(count);
+ dec(rle_len);
+ until (rle_len=0) or (count=0);
+ until count=0;
+ short:=count;
+ end;
+ rle_run_data:=data;
+ rle_run_left:=rle_len;
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.read(var buf;count:Longint);
+var bufptr:Pbyte;
+ short:=0;
+ bufptr:=@buf;
+ if decode_available=high(decode_available) then
+ begin
+ {Initialize the rle process:
+ - Decode a block
+ - Initialize pointer.}
+ if not decode_block then
+ begin
+ error(streaderror,bzip2_endoffile);
+ nextrle:=nil;
+ end;
+ nextrle:=@tt^[tt^[block_origin] shr 8];
+ end;
+ rle_read(bufptr,count);
+destructor Tbzip2_decode_stream.done;
+ if tt<>nil then
+ freemem(tt,blocksize*100000*sizeof(cardinal));
+ inherited done;
diff --git a/Units/Misc/bzip2comn.pp b/Units/Misc/bzip2comn.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c233a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/Misc/bzip2comn.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+unit bzip2comn;
+ max_groups = 6;
+ max_alpha_size = 258;
+ max_code_len = 23;
+ group_size = 50;
+ iter_count = 4;
+ max_selectors = 2+(900000 div group_size);
+ mtfa_size = 4096;
+ mtfl_size = 16;
+ TCardinal_array = array [0..899999] of Cardinal;
+ PCardinal_array = ^TCardinal_array;
+ PCardinal = ^Cardinal;
+ Thuffarray = array[0..max_alpha_size] of Cardinal;
+ Phuffarray = ^Thuffarray;
+{A bzip2 stream starts with this:}
+const bzip2_stream_magic='BZh';
+{Error codes for stream errorinfo.}
+ bzip2_bad_header_magic = 1;
+ bzip2_bad_block_magic = 2;
+ bzip2_endoffile = 3;
+ bzip2_data_error = 4;
+procedure hb_create_decode_tables(var limit,base,perm:array of cardinal;
+ var length:array of byte;
+ minlen,maxlen:byte;alphasize:cardinal);
+procedure hb_create_decode_tables(var limit,base,perm:array of cardinal;
+ var length:array of byte;
+ minlen,maxlen:byte;alphasize:cardinal);
+var pp,i,j,vec:cardinal;
+ pp:=0;
+ for i:=minlen to maxlen do
+ for j:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ if length[j]=i then
+ begin
+ perm[pp]:=j;
+ inc(pp);
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to max_code_len-1 do
+ begin
+ base[i]:=0;
+ limit[i]:=0;
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ inc(base[length[i]+1]);
+ for i:=1 to max_code_len-1 do
+ inc(base[i],base[i-1]);
+ vec:=0;
+ for i:=minlen to maxlen do
+ begin
+ inc(vec,base[i+1]-base[i]);
+ limit[i]:=vec-1;
+ vec:=vec shl 1;
+ end;
+ for i:=minlen+1 to maxlen do
+ base[i]:=((limit[i-1]+1) shl 1)-base[i];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Units/Misc/bzip2i386.inc b/Units/Misc/bzip2i386.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f92237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/Misc/bzip2i386.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{$ASMMODE intel}
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.detransform;
+var a:cardinal;
+ p,q,r:Pcardinal;
+ a:=0;
+ p:=@tt^[0];
+ q:=p+tt_count;
+ while p<>q do
+ begin
+ r:=@tt^[cftab[p^ and $ff]];
+ inc(cftab[p^ and $ff]);
+ r^:=r^ or a;
+ inc(a,256);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+{const c:cardinal=0;
+procedure mcount;external name 'mcount';}
+procedure Tbzip2_decode_stream.detransform;assembler;
+{ mov edx,offset c
+ call mcount}
+ xor edx,edx
+ lea ebx,[esi+Tbzip2_decode_stream.cftab]
+ mov ecx,[esi+Tbzip2_decode_stream.tt_count]
+ push esi
+ push ebp
+ mov esi,[esi+Tbzip2_decode_stream.tt]
+ mov edi,esi
+ lea ebp,[4*ecx+esi]
+ jmp @a2
+ movzx eax,byte [esi]
+ mov ecx,[ebx+4*eax]
+ inc dword [ebx+4*eax]
+ or [edi+4*ecx],edx
+ add edx,$100
+ add esi,4
+ cmp esi,ebp
+ jne @a1
+ pop ebp
+ pop esi
+end ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx','edi'];
diff --git a/Units/Misc/bzip2si386.inc b/Units/Misc/bzip2si386.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3199a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/Misc/bzip2si386.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{$ASMMODE intel}
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.detransform;assembler;
+{ mov edx,offset c
+ call mcount}
+ xor edx,edx
+ lea ebx,[esi+TDecompressBzip2Stream.cftab]
+ mov ecx,[esi+TDecompressBzip2Stream.tt_count]
+ push esi
+ push ebp
+ mov esi,[esi+TDecompressBzip2Stream.tt]
+ mov edi,esi
+ lea ebp,[4*ecx+esi]
+ jmp @a2
+ movzx eax,byte [esi]
+ mov ecx,[ebx+4*eax]
+ inc dword [ebx+4*eax]
+ or [edi+4*ecx],edx
+ add edx,$100
+ add esi,4
+ cmp esi,ebp
+ jne @a1
+ pop ebp
+ pop esi
+end ['eax','ebx','ecx','edx','edi'];
diff --git a/Units/Misc/bzip2stream.pp b/Units/Misc/bzip2stream.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d54bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/Misc/bzip2stream.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+{$mode objfpc}
+unit bzip2stream;
+ BZIP2 decompression unit
+ Copyright (C) 2002 by Daniel Mantione
+ Class port (C) 2009 by Michael Van Canneyt
+This unit provides a decompression stream to decode .bz2 files. It is
+inpired by Julian R. Seward's libbzip2 library and therefore you should
+send credits to him and bug reports to me :)
+This code is licensed under the same terms as the original libbz2 library,
+which is decsribed in the file LICENSE. If you don't have this file, look
+at http://www.freepascal.org for this bzip2 unit, the LICENSE file will
+be included. In case of problems, contact the author.
+E-mail addresses:
+Michael Van Canneyt
+Daniel Mantione
+Julian R. Seward
+Please do not contact Julian about this Pascal library, he didn't wrote it.
+{$goto on}
+uses Classes,SysUtils, bzip2comn;
+ TDecompressBzip2Stream=Class(TOwnerStream)
+ Private
+ block_randomized:boolean;
+ blocksize:byte;
+ tt:Pcardinal_array;
+ tt_count:cardinal;
+ rle_run_left,rle_run_data:byte;
+ nextrle:Pbyte;
+ decode_available:cardinal;
+ block_origin:cardinal;
+ current_block:cardinal;
+ read_data,bits_available:byte;
+ inuse16:set of 0..15;
+ inuse:set of 0..255;
+ inuse_count:cardinal;
+ seq_to_unseq:array[0..255] of byte;
+ alphasize:cardinal;
+ group_count,group_pos,gsel,gminlen:byte;
+ group_no:cardinal;
+ glimit,gperm,gbase:Phuffarray;
+ selector_count:cardinal;
+ selector,selector_mtf:array[0..max_selectors] of byte;
+ len:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of byte;
+ limit:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal;
+ base:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal;
+ perm:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal;
+ minlens:array[0..max_groups] of byte;
+ cftab:array[0..257] of cardinal;
+ mtfbase:array[0..256 div mtfl_size-1] of cardinal;
+ mtfa:array[0..mtfa_size-1] of byte;
+ function get_bits(n:byte):byte;
+ function get_boolean:boolean;
+ function get_byte:byte;
+ function get_cardinal24:cardinal;
+ function get_cardinal:cardinal;
+ procedure receive_mapping_table;
+ procedure receive_selectors;
+ procedure undo_mtf_values;
+ procedure receive_coding_tables;
+ procedure make_hufftab;
+ procedure init_mtf;
+ function get_mtf_value:cardinal;
+ procedure move_mtf_block;
+ procedure receive_mtf_values;
+ procedure detransform;
+ function decode_block : boolean;
+ Function new_block : boolean;
+ Function consume_rle : Boolean; inline;
+ Function rle_read(bufptr:Pbyte;count:Longint) : longint;
+ Procedure Error(Msg : String; ACode : Integer);
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(ASource : TStream);
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ end;
+ EBzip2 = Class(Exception)
+ ErrCode : Integer;
+ end;
+{$ifdef i386}
+ {$i bzip2si386.inc}
+ TDecompressBzip2Stream
+ BZip2Initialize = 'Invalid BZip2 stream: invalid header';
+ SDecodingError = 'Decoding error';
+ SErrUnimplemented = 'Feature not implemented';
+Constructor TDecompressBzip2Stream.Create(ASource: TStream);
+var magic:array[1..3] of char;
+ c:char;
+ Inherited Create(ASource);
+ {Read the magic.}
+ Source.ReadBuffer(magic,sizeof(magic));
+ if magic<>bzip2_stream_magic then
+ Error(BZip2Initialize,bzip2_bad_header_magic);
+ {Read the block size and allocate the working array.}
+ Source.ReadBuffer(c,1);
+ blocksize:=byte(c)-byte('0');
+ GetMem(tt,blocksize*100000*sizeof(cardinal));
+ decode_available:=high(decode_available);
+Procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.Error(Msg : String; ACode : Integer);
+ BE : EBzip2;
+ BE:=EBzip2.Create(Msg);
+ BE.ErrCode:=ACode;
+ Raise BE;
+function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_bits(n:byte):byte;
+var data:byte;
+ if n>bits_available then
+ begin
+ Source.ReadBuffer(data,1);
+ get_bits:=(read_data shr (8-n)) or data shr (8-(n-bits_available));
+ read_data:=data shl (n-bits_available);
+ inc(bits_available,8);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ get_bits:=read_data shr (8-n);
+ read_data:=read_data shl n;
+ end;
+ dec(bits_available,n);
+function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_boolean:boolean;
+ get_boolean:=boolean(get_bits(1));
+function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_byte:byte;
+ get_byte:=get_bits(8);
+function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_cardinal24:cardinal;
+ get_cardinal24:=get_bits(8) shl 16 or get_bits(8) shl 8 or get_bits(8);
+function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_cardinal:cardinal;
+ get_cardinal:=get_bits(8) shl 24 or get_bits(8) shl 16 or get_bits(8) shl 8 or
+ get_bits(8);
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_mapping_table;
+{Receive the mapping table. To save space, the inuse set is stored in pieces
+ of 16 bits. First 16 bits are stored which pieces of 16 bits are used, then
+ the pieces follow.}
+var i,j:byte;
+ inuse16:=[];
+ {Receive the first 16 bits which tell which pieces are stored.}
+ for i:=0 to 15 do
+ if get_boolean then
+ include(inuse16,i);
+ {Receive the used pieces.}
+ inuse:=[];
+ inuse_count:=0;
+ for i:=0 to 15 do
+ if i in inuse16 then
+ for j:=0 to 15 do
+ if get_boolean then
+ begin
+ include(inuse,16*i+j);
+ seq_to_unseq[inuse_count]:=16*i+j;
+ inc(inuse_count);
+ end;
+{ system.write('Mapping table: ');
+ for i:=0 to 255 do
+ if i in inuse then
+ system.write(i,' ');
+ writeln;}
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_selectors;
+{Receives the selectors.}
+var i:cardinal;
+ j:byte;
+ group_count:=get_bits(3);
+ selector_count:=get_bits(8) shl 7 or get_bits(7);
+ for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do
+ begin
+ j:=0;
+ while get_boolean do
+ begin
+ inc(j);
+ if j>5 then
+ error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error);
+ end;
+ selector_mtf[i]:=j;
+ end;
+{ system.write('Selector_mtf: ');
+ for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do
+ system.write(selector_mtf[i],' ');
+ writeln;}
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.undo_mtf_values;
+{Undo the MTF values for the selectors.}
+var pos:array[0..max_groups] of byte;
+ i:cardinal;
+ v,tmp:byte;
+ for v:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ pos[v]:=v;
+ for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do
+ begin
+ v:=selector_mtf[i];
+ tmp:=pos[v];
+ while v<>0 do
+ begin
+ pos[v]:=pos[v-1];
+ dec(v);
+ end;
+ pos[0]:=tmp;
+ selector[i]:=tmp;
+ end;
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_coding_tables;
+var t,curr:byte;
+ i:cardinal;
+ for t:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ begin
+ curr:=get_bits(5);
+ for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if not(curr in [1..20]) then
+ error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error);
+ if not get_boolean then
+ break;
+ if get_boolean then
+ dec(curr)
+ else
+ inc(curr);
+ until false;
+ len[t,i]:=curr;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.make_hufftab;
+{Builds the Huffman tables.}
+var i:cardinal;
+ t,minlen,maxlen:byte;
+ for t:=0 to group_count-1 do
+ begin
+ minlen:=32;
+ maxlen:=0;
+ for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do
+ begin
+ if len[t,i]>maxlen then
+ maxlen:=len[t,i];
+ if len[t,i]glimit^[zn] do
+ begin
+ inc(zn);
+ zvec:=zvec shl 1 or byte(get_boolean);
+ end;
+ get_mtf_value:=gperm^[zvec-gbase^[zn]];
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.move_mtf_block;
+var i:byte;
+ j,k:cardinal;
+ for i:=256 div MTFL_SIZE-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ j:=mtfbase[i];
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k- 4])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+12])^;
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k- 8])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+ 8])^;
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k-12])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+ 4])^;
+ dec(k,16);
+ Pcardinal(@mtfa[k ])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j ])^;
+ mtfbase[i]:=k;
+ end;
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_mtf_values;
+const run_a=0;
+ run_b=1;
+var t,next_sym:cardinal;
+ es:cardinal;
+ n:byte;
+ nn,i:cardinal;
+ p,q:Pbyte;
+ u,v:Pcardinal;
+ lno,off:cardinal;
+ group_no:=high(group_no);
+ group_pos:=0;
+ t:=0;
+ for i:=0 to 257 do
+ cftab[i]:=0;
+ init_mtf;
+ next_sym:=get_mtf_value;
+ while next_sym<>inuse_count+1 do
+ begin
+{ writeln(t,' ',next_sym);
+ if t=22296 then
+ t:=t; }
+ if next_sym<=run_b then
+ begin
+ es:=0;
+ n:=0;
+ repeat
+ inc(es,(next_sym+1) shl n);
+ inc(n);
+ next_sym:=get_mtf_value;
+ until next_sym>run_b;
+ n:=seq_to_unseq[mtfa[mtfbase[0]]];
+ inc(cftab[n],es);
+ if t+es>100000*blocksize then
+ error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error);
+ while es>0 do
+ begin
+ tt^[t]:=n;
+ dec(es);
+ inc(t);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ nn:=next_sym-1;
+ if nnp) do
+ begin
+ q^:=(q-1)^;
+ dec(q);
+ end;
+ u:=@mtfbase;
+ v:=u+lno;
+ repeat
+ mtfa[v^]:=mtfa[(v-1)^+MTFL_SIZE-1];
+ dec(v);
+ dec(v^);
+ until v=u;
+ mtfa[v^]:=n;
+ if v^=0 then
+ move_mtf_block;
+ end;
+ inc(cftab[seq_to_unseq[n]]);
+ tt^[t]:=cardinal(seq_to_unseq[n]);
+ inc(t);
+ if t>100000*blocksize then
+ error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error);
+ next_sym:=get_mtf_value;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tt_count:=t;
+ {Setup cftab to facilitate generation of T^(-1).}
+ t:=0;
+ for i:=0 to 256 do
+ begin
+ nn:=cftab[i];
+ cftab[i]:=t;
+{ writeln(i,' ',t);}
+ inc(t,nn);
+ end;
+procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.detransform;
+var a:cardinal;
+ p,q,r:Pcardinal;
+ a:=0;
+ p:=@tt^[0];
+ q:=p+tt_count;
+ while p<>q do
+ begin
+ r:=@tt^[cftab[p^ and $ff]];
+ inc(cftab[p^ and $ff]);
+ r^:=r^ or a;
+ inc(a,256);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+function TDecompressBzip2Stream.decode_block:boolean;
+{Decode a new compressed block.}
+var magic:array[1..6] of char;
+ stored_blockcrc:cardinal;
+ i:byte;
+ for i:=1 to 6 do
+ magic[i]:=char(get_byte);
+ if magic='1AY&SY' then
+ begin
+ inc(current_block);
+ stored_blockcrc:=get_cardinal;
+ block_randomized:=get_boolean;
+ block_origin:=get_cardinal24;
+ {Receive the mapping table.}
+ receive_mapping_table;
+ alphasize:=cardinal(inuse_count)+2;
+ {Receive the selectors. Raises exception}
+ receive_selectors;
+ {Undo the MTF values for the selectors.}
+ undo_mtf_values;
+ {Receive the coding tables.}
+ receive_coding_tables;
+ {Build the Huffman tables.}
+ make_hufftab;
+ {Receive the MTF values.}
+ receive_mtf_values;
+ {Undo the Burrows Wheeler transformation.}
+ detransform;
+ decode_available:=tt_count;
+ Result:=True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if magic<>#$17'rE8P'#$90 then
+ error(SDecodingError,bzip2_bad_block_magic);
+ Result:=false;
+ end;
+Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.new_block : Boolean;
+ Result:=decode_block;
+ If result then
+ nextrle:=@tt^[tt^[block_origin] shr 8]
+ else
+ nextrle:=nil;
+Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.consume_rle : Boolean;inline;
+{Make nextrle point to the next decoded byte. If nextrle did point to the last
+ byte in the current block, decode the next block.}
+{ Pcardinal(nextrle)^:=Pcardinal(nextrle)^ shr 8;}
+ nextrle:=@tt^[Pcardinal(nextrle)^ shr 8];
+ dec(decode_available);
+ if decode_available=0 then
+ Result:=new_block
+ else
+ Result:=True;
+Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.rle_read(bufptr:Pbyte;Count:Longint) : LongInt;
+var rle_len:cardinal;
+ data:byte;
+label rle_write;
+ Result:=0;
+ rle_len:=rle_run_left;
+ data:=rle_run_data;
+ if block_randomized then
+ {Not yet implemented.}
+ Error(SErrUnimplemented,-1)
+ else
+ begin
+ if rle_len<>0 then
+ {Speed is important. Instead of an if statement within the
+ repeat loop use a goto outside the loop.}
+ goto rle_write;
+ repeat
+ if decode_available=0 then
+ break;
+ rle_len:=1;
+ data:=nextrle^;
+ if consume_rle and (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then
+ begin
+ inc(rle_len);
+ if consume_rle and (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then
+ begin
+ inc(rle_len);
+ if consume_rle and (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then
+ begin
+ if consume_rle then
+ inc(rle_len,nextrle^+1);
+ consume_rle;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ repeat
+ bufptr^:=data;
+ inc(bufptr);
+ dec(count);
+ dec(rle_len);
+ inc(Result);
+ until (rle_len=0) or (count=0);
+ until count=0;
+ end;
+ rle_run_data:=data;
+ rle_run_left:=rle_len;
+Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : LongInt;
+var bufptr:Pbyte;
+ bufptr:=@buffer;
+ if decode_available=high(decode_available) then
+ begin
+ {Initialize the rle process:
+ - Decode a block
+ - Initialize pointer.}
+ if not decode_block then
+ begin
+ nextrle:=nil;
+ error(SDecodingError,bzip2_endoffile);
+ end;
+ nextrle:=@tt^[tt^[block_origin] shr 8];
+ end;
+ Result:=rle_read(bufptr,count);
+Destructor TDecompressBzip2Stream.Destroy;
+ if tt<>nil then
+ FreeMem(tt,blocksize*100000*sizeof(cardinal));
+ Inherited;