diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab43a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "Units/lape"]
+ path = Units/lape
+ url = git://villavu.com/lape.git
diff --git a/Projects/Simba/Simba.inc b/Projects/Simba/Simba.inc
index 9273f5c..1773703 100644
--- a/Projects/Simba/Simba.inc
+++ b/Projects/Simba/Simba.inc
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
//{$DEFINE SIMBA_VERBOSE} // For more verbosity.
diff --git a/Projects/Simba/Simba.lpi b/Projects/Simba/Simba.lpi
index 889e59c..3d3d76c 100644
--- a/Projects/Simba/Simba.lpi
+++ b/Projects/Simba/Simba.lpi
@@ -321,8 +321,8 @@
diff --git a/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.lfm b/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.lfm
index f396c98..2c3814c 100644
--- a/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.lfm
+++ b/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.lfm
@@ -1263,12 +1263,18 @@ object SimbaForm: TSimbaForm
object MenuItemRUTIS: TMenuItem
Action = ActionRUTIS
+ Enabled = False
RadioItem = True
object MenuItemCPascal: TMenuItem
Action = ActionCPascal
RadioItem = True
+ object MenuItemLape: TMenuItem
+ Action = ActionLape
+ Enabled = False
+ RadioItem = True
+ end
object MenuView: TMenuItem
@@ -3026,6 +3032,10 @@ object SimbaForm: TSimbaForm
OnExecute = ActionGotoExecute
ShortCut = 16455
+ object ActionLape: TAction
+ Caption = 'Lape'
+ OnExecute = ActionLapeExecute
+ end
object DebugTimer: TTimer
OnTimer = ProcessDebugStream
diff --git a/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.pas b/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.pas
index 0a828a2..3ba1ae2 100644
--- a/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.pas
+++ b/Projects/Simba/simbaunit.pas
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ const
interp_PS = 0; //PascalScript
interp_RT = 1; //RUTIS
interp_CP = 2; //CPascal
+ interp_LP = 3; //Lape
{ Place the shortcuts here }
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ type
{ TSimbaForm }
TSimbaForm = class(TForm)
+ ActionLape: TAction;
ActionGoto: TAction;
ActionCPascal: TAction;
ActionRUTIS: TAction;
@@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ type
MenuHelp: TMenuItem;
MenuDivider7: TMenuItem;
MenuInterpreters: TMenuItem;
+ MenuItemLape: TMenuItem;
MenuItemReadOnlyTab: TMenuItem;
MenuItemGoto: TMenuItem;
MenuItemDivider50: TMenuItem;
@@ -286,6 +289,7 @@ type
procedure ActionFindNextExecute(Sender: TObject);
procedure ActionFindstartExecute(Sender: TObject);
procedure ActionGotoExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ActionLapeExecute(Sender: TObject);
procedure ActionNewExecute(Sender: TObject);
procedure ActionNewTabExecute(Sender: TObject);
procedure ActionNormalSizeExecute(Sender: TObject);
@@ -735,13 +739,15 @@ end;
procedure TSimbaForm.UpdateInterpreter;
- ActionPascalScript.Checked:= false;
- ActionRUTIS.Checked:= false;
- ActionCPascal.Checked:= false;
+ ActionPascalScript.Checked := False;
+ ActionRUTIS.Checked := False;
+ ActionCPascal.Checked := False;
+ ActionLape.Checked := False;
case Interpreter of
interp_PS: ActionPascalScript.Checked:= True;
interp_CP: ActionCPascal.Checked:= True;
- interp_RT: ActionRUTIS.Checked:= true;
+ interp_RT: ActionRUTIS.Checked := True;
+ interp_LP: ActionLape.Checked := True;
@@ -768,11 +774,11 @@ end;
function TSimbaForm.GetInterpreter: Integer;
- result := StrToIntDef(LoadSettingDef('Settings/Interpreter/Type','0'),0);
- if (result < 0) or (result > 2) then
+ Result := StrToIntDef(LoadSettingDef('Settings/Interpreter/Type', '0'), 0);
+ if ((Result < 0) or (Result > 3)) then
- result := 0;
+ Result := 0;
@@ -990,7 +996,7 @@ var
LatestVersion : integer;
- UpdateTimer.Interval:= MaxInt;
+ UpdateTimer.Interval := MaxInt;
chk := LowerCase(LoadSettingDef('Settings/Updater/CheckForUpdates','True'));
@@ -1009,7 +1015,7 @@ begin
mDebugLn('Latest Simba Version: ' + IntToStr(LatestVersion));
time := StrToIntDef(LoadSettingDef('Settings/Updater/CheckEveryXMinutes','30'),30);
- UpdateTimer.Interval:= time {mins} * 60 {secs} * 1000 {ms};//Every half hour
+ UpdateTimer.Interval := time {mins} * 60 {secs} * 1000 {ms};//Every half hour
procedure TSimbaForm.UpdateMenuButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
@@ -1418,7 +1424,7 @@ begin
- UpdateTimer.Interval:=25;
+ UpdateTimer.Interval :=25;
{ Load settings }
@@ -1635,19 +1641,25 @@ begin
AppPath:= MainDir + DS;
CurrScript.ScriptErrorLine:= -1;
CurrentSyncInfo.SyncMethod:= @Self.SafeCallThread;
case Interpreter of
- interp_PS : Thread := TPSThread.Create(true,@CurrentSyncInfo,PluginPath);
- // XXX: Rutis needs to be completely removed from Simba if it's not defined.
- // XXX: Not just print a message that it's not supported now.
- interp_RT : {$IFDEF USE_RUTIS}Thread := TRTThread.Create(true,@CurrentSyncInfo,PluginPath){$ELSE}formWriteln('RUTIS NOT SUPPORTED') {$ENDIF};
- interp_CP : Thread := TCPThread.Create(true,@CurrentSyncInfo,PluginPath);
+ interp_PS: Thread := TPSThread.Create(True, @CurrentSyncInfo, PluginPath);
+ {$IFDEF USE_RUTIS}interp_RT: Thread := TRTThread.Create(True, @CurrentSyncInfo, PluginPath);{$ENDIF}
+ interp_CP: Thread := TCPThread.Create(True,@CurrentSyncInfo,PluginPath);
+ {$IFDEF USE_LAPE}interp_LP: Thread := TLPThread.Create(True, @CurrentSyncInfo, PluginPath);{$ENDIF}
+ else
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unknown Interpreter %d!', [Interpreter]);
- mDebugLn('Failed to initialise the interpreter');
- Exit;
+ on E: Exception do
+ begin
+ mDebugLn('Failed to initialise the interpreter: ' + E.Message);
+ Thread := nil;
+ Exit;
+ end;
@@ -1760,26 +1772,29 @@ begin
function TSimbaForm.DefaultScript: string;
- x : TStringList;
- result := '';
+ Result := '';
case Interpreter of
- interp_PS : begin
+ interp_PS, interp_LP: begin
+ Result := 'program new;' + LineEnding + 'begin' + LineEnding + 'end.' + LineEnding;
if FileExistsUTF8(SimbaForm.DefScriptPath) then
- x := TStringList.Create;
- x.LoadFromFile(SimbaForm.DefScriptPath);
+ with TStringList.Create do
+ try
+ LoadFromFile(SimbaForm.DefScriptPath);
+ Result := Text;
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
mDebugLn('Couldn''t load default script file.');
- Result := x.Text;
- end else
- result := 'program new;'+LineEnding + 'begin'+LineEnding+'end.' + LineEnding;
+ end;
- interp_RT : result := 'program untitled;' + LineEnding + lineEnding + 'interface' + LineEnding + LineEnding +
- 'implementation' + LineEnding + LineEnding + 'begin' + LineEnding + 'end.' + LineEnding;
+ interp_RT: Result := 'program untitled;' + LineEnding + lineEnding + 'interface' + LineEnding + LineEnding +
+ 'implementation' + LineEnding + LineEnding + 'begin' + LineEnding + 'end.' + LineEnding;
@@ -1835,7 +1850,7 @@ end;
procedure TSimbaForm.ActionCPascalExecute(Sender: TObject);
- Interpreter:= interp_CP;
+ Interpreter := interp_CP;
procedure TSimbaForm.ActionCutExecute(Sender: TObject);
@@ -1909,6 +1924,11 @@ begin
+procedure TSimbaForm.ActionLapeExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ {$IFDEF USE_LAPE}Interpreter := interp_LP;{$ENDIF}
procedure TSimbaForm.ActionClearDebugExecute(Sender: TObject);
@@ -1950,7 +1970,7 @@ end;
procedure TSimbaForm.ActionPascalScriptExecute(Sender: TObject);
- Interpreter:= interp_PS;
+ Interpreter := interp_PS;
procedure TSimbaForm.ActionPasteExecute(Sender: TObject);
@@ -2363,6 +2383,9 @@ begin
+ if (t = nil) then
+ Exit;
KillThread(t.ThreadID); { XXX: Why do we kill the thread again ? }
if (t is TPSThread) then
@@ -2502,10 +2525,8 @@ begin
- MenuItemRUTIS.Enabled:=False;
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF USE_RUTIS}MenuItemRUTIS.Enabled := True;{$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF USE_LAPE}MenuItemLape.Enabled := True;{$ENDIF}
{$IFDEF USE_EXTENSIONS}ActionExtensions.Visible := True;{$ENDIF}
@@ -3060,9 +3081,11 @@ begin
if (CurrScript <> nil) then
with CurrScript.Synedit do
if (Lines.text = DefaultScript) and not(CanUndo or CanRedo) then
- UpdateCurrScript := true;
- SetSetting('Settings/Interpreter/Type',Inttostr(AValue),true);
+ UpdateCurrScript := True;
+ SetSetting('Settings/Interpreter/Type', IntToStr(AValue), True);
if UpdateCurrScript then
CurrScript.SynEdit.Lines.text := DefaultScript;
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/main.lfm b/Projects/lape-wrappers/main.lfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa9b137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/lape-wrappers/main.lfm
@@ -0,0 +1,2226 @@
+object frmMain: TfrmMain
+ Left = 367
+ Height = 419
+ Top = 147
+ Width = 708
+ Caption = 'Wrap da Wrap'
+ ClientHeight = 419
+ ClientWidth = 708
+ LCLVersion = '0.9.29'
+ inline eIn: TSynEdit
+ Left = 0
+ Height = 224
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 335
+ Align = alClient
+ Font.Height = -13
+ Font.Name = 'Courier New'
+ Font.Pitch = fpFixed
+ Font.Quality = fqNonAntialiased
+ ParentColor = False
+ ParentFont = False
+ TabOrder = 0
+ Gutter.Width = 57
+ Gutter.MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 13
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ RightGutter.Width = 0
+ RightGutter.MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 13
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ Highlighter = PasHL
+ Keystrokes = <
+ item
+ Command = ecUp
+ ShortCut = 38
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelUp
+ ShortCut = 8230
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecScrollUp
+ ShortCut = 16422
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDown
+ ShortCut = 40
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelDown
+ ShortCut = 8232
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecScrollDown
+ ShortCut = 16424
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLeft
+ ShortCut = 37
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLeft
+ ShortCut = 8229
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecWordLeft
+ ShortCut = 16421
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelWordLeft
+ ShortCut = 24613
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRight
+ ShortCut = 39
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelRight
+ ShortCut = 8231
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecWordRight
+ ShortCut = 16423
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelWordRight
+ ShortCut = 24615
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageDown
+ ShortCut = 34
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageDown
+ ShortCut = 8226
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 16418
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 24610
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageUp
+ ShortCut = 33
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageUp
+ ShortCut = 8225
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageTop
+ ShortCut = 16417
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageTop
+ ShortCut = 24609
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineStart
+ ShortCut = 36
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLineStart
+ ShortCut = 8228
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 16420
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 24612
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 35
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 8227
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 16419
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 24611
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecToggleMode
+ ShortCut = 45
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCopy
+ ShortCut = 16429
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPaste
+ ShortCut = 8237
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteChar
+ ShortCut = 46
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCut
+ ShortCut = 8238
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastChar
+ ShortCut = 8
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastChar
+ ShortCut = 8200
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastWord
+ ShortCut = 16392
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecUndo
+ ShortCut = 32776
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRedo
+ ShortCut = 40968
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineBreak
+ ShortCut = 13
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelectAll
+ ShortCut = 16449
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCopy
+ ShortCut = 16451
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecBlockIndent
+ ShortCut = 24649
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineBreak
+ ShortCut = 16461
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecInsertLine
+ ShortCut = 16462
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteWord
+ ShortCut = 16468
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecBlockUnindent
+ ShortCut = 24661
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPaste
+ ShortCut = 16470
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCut
+ ShortCut = 16472
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLine
+ ShortCut = 16473
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteEOL
+ ShortCut = 24665
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecUndo
+ ShortCut = 16474
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRedo
+ ShortCut = 24666
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker0
+ ShortCut = 16432
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker1
+ ShortCut = 16433
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker2
+ ShortCut = 16434
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker3
+ ShortCut = 16435
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker4
+ ShortCut = 16436
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker5
+ ShortCut = 16437
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker6
+ ShortCut = 16438
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker7
+ ShortCut = 16439
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker8
+ ShortCut = 16440
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker9
+ ShortCut = 16441
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker0
+ ShortCut = 24624
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker1
+ ShortCut = 24625
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker2
+ ShortCut = 24626
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker3
+ ShortCut = 24627
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker4
+ ShortCut = 24628
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker5
+ ShortCut = 24629
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker6
+ ShortCut = 24630
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker7
+ ShortCut = 24631
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker8
+ ShortCut = 24632
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker9
+ ShortCut = 24633
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41009
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel2
+ ShortCut = 41010
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41011
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41012
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41013
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel6
+ ShortCut = 41014
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel7
+ ShortCut = 41015
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel8
+ ShortCut = 41016
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel9
+ ShortCut = 41017
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel0
+ ShortCut = 41008
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldCurrent
+ ShortCut = 41005
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcUnFoldCurrent
+ ShortCut = 41003
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcToggleMarkupWord
+ ShortCut = 32845
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecNormalSelect
+ ShortCut = 24654
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColumnSelect
+ ShortCut = 24643
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineSelect
+ ShortCut = 24652
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecTab
+ ShortCut = 9
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecShiftTab
+ ShortCut = 8201
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecMatchBracket
+ ShortCut = 24642
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelUp
+ ShortCut = 40998
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelDown
+ ShortCut = 41000
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLeft
+ ShortCut = 40997
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelRight
+ ShortCut = 40999
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageDown
+ ShortCut = 40994
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 57378
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageUp
+ ShortCut = 40993
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageTop
+ ShortCut = 57377
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLineStart
+ ShortCut = 40996
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 40995
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 57380
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 57379
+ end>
+ MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 1
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 1
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssAlt]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 3
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 3
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccDouble
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 6
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccTriple
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 7
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccQuad
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 8
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 10
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssCtrl]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 11
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MouseSelActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 9
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ Lines.Strings = (
+ 'Input'
+ )
+ BracketHighlightStyle = sbhsBoth
+ inline SynLeftGutterPartList1: TSynGutterPartList
+ object SynGutterMarks1: TSynGutterMarks
+ Width = 24
+ end
+ object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber
+ Width = 17
+ MouseActions = <>
+ MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace
+ MarkupInfo.Foreground = clNone
+ DigitCount = 2
+ ShowOnlyLineNumbersMultiplesOf = 1
+ ZeroStart = False
+ LeadingZeros = False
+ end
+ object SynGutterChanges1: TSynGutterChanges
+ Width = 4
+ ModifiedColor = 59900
+ SavedColor = clGreen
+ end
+ object SynGutterSeparator1: TSynGutterSeparator
+ Width = 2
+ end
+ object SynGutterCodeFolding1: TSynGutterCodeFolding
+ MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 16
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift]
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift]
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 0
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MarkupInfo.Background = clNone
+ MarkupInfo.Foreground = clGray
+ MouseActionsExpanded = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MouseActionsCollapsed = <
+ item
+ Shift = [ssCtrl]
+ ShiftMask = [ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 15
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 15
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ end
+ end
+ inline SynRightGutterPartList1: TSynRightGutterPartList
+ end
+ end
+ inline eOut: TSynEdit
+ Left = 340
+ Height = 224
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 368
+ Align = alRight
+ Font.Height = -13
+ Font.Name = 'Courier New'
+ Font.Pitch = fpFixed
+ Font.Quality = fqNonAntialiased
+ ParentColor = False
+ ParentFont = False
+ TabOrder = 1
+ Gutter.Width = 57
+ Gutter.MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 13
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ RightGutter.Width = 0
+ RightGutter.MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 13
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ Highlighter = PasHL
+ Keystrokes = <
+ item
+ Command = ecUp
+ ShortCut = 38
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelUp
+ ShortCut = 8230
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecScrollUp
+ ShortCut = 16422
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDown
+ ShortCut = 40
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelDown
+ ShortCut = 8232
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecScrollDown
+ ShortCut = 16424
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLeft
+ ShortCut = 37
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLeft
+ ShortCut = 8229
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecWordLeft
+ ShortCut = 16421
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelWordLeft
+ ShortCut = 24613
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRight
+ ShortCut = 39
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelRight
+ ShortCut = 8231
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecWordRight
+ ShortCut = 16423
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelWordRight
+ ShortCut = 24615
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageDown
+ ShortCut = 34
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageDown
+ ShortCut = 8226
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 16418
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 24610
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageUp
+ ShortCut = 33
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageUp
+ ShortCut = 8225
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageTop
+ ShortCut = 16417
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageTop
+ ShortCut = 24609
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineStart
+ ShortCut = 36
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLineStart
+ ShortCut = 8228
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 16420
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 24612
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 35
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 8227
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 16419
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 24611
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecToggleMode
+ ShortCut = 45
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCopy
+ ShortCut = 16429
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPaste
+ ShortCut = 8237
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteChar
+ ShortCut = 46
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCut
+ ShortCut = 8238
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastChar
+ ShortCut = 8
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastChar
+ ShortCut = 8200
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastWord
+ ShortCut = 16392
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecUndo
+ ShortCut = 32776
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRedo
+ ShortCut = 40968
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineBreak
+ ShortCut = 13
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelectAll
+ ShortCut = 16449
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCopy
+ ShortCut = 16451
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecBlockIndent
+ ShortCut = 24649
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineBreak
+ ShortCut = 16461
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecInsertLine
+ ShortCut = 16462
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteWord
+ ShortCut = 16468
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecBlockUnindent
+ ShortCut = 24661
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPaste
+ ShortCut = 16470
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCut
+ ShortCut = 16472
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLine
+ ShortCut = 16473
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteEOL
+ ShortCut = 24665
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecUndo
+ ShortCut = 16474
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRedo
+ ShortCut = 24666
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker0
+ ShortCut = 16432
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker1
+ ShortCut = 16433
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker2
+ ShortCut = 16434
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker3
+ ShortCut = 16435
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker4
+ ShortCut = 16436
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker5
+ ShortCut = 16437
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker6
+ ShortCut = 16438
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker7
+ ShortCut = 16439
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker8
+ ShortCut = 16440
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker9
+ ShortCut = 16441
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker0
+ ShortCut = 24624
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker1
+ ShortCut = 24625
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker2
+ ShortCut = 24626
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker3
+ ShortCut = 24627
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker4
+ ShortCut = 24628
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker5
+ ShortCut = 24629
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker6
+ ShortCut = 24630
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker7
+ ShortCut = 24631
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker8
+ ShortCut = 24632
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker9
+ ShortCut = 24633
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41009
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel2
+ ShortCut = 41010
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41011
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41012
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41013
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel6
+ ShortCut = 41014
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel7
+ ShortCut = 41015
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel8
+ ShortCut = 41016
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel9
+ ShortCut = 41017
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel0
+ ShortCut = 41008
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldCurrent
+ ShortCut = 41005
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcUnFoldCurrent
+ ShortCut = 41003
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcToggleMarkupWord
+ ShortCut = 32845
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecNormalSelect
+ ShortCut = 24654
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColumnSelect
+ ShortCut = 24643
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineSelect
+ ShortCut = 24652
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecTab
+ ShortCut = 9
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecShiftTab
+ ShortCut = 8201
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecMatchBracket
+ ShortCut = 24642
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelUp
+ ShortCut = 40998
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelDown
+ ShortCut = 41000
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLeft
+ ShortCut = 40997
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelRight
+ ShortCut = 40999
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageDown
+ ShortCut = 40994
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 57378
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageUp
+ ShortCut = 40993
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageTop
+ ShortCut = 57377
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLineStart
+ ShortCut = 40996
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 40995
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 57380
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 57379
+ end>
+ MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 1
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 1
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssAlt]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 3
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 3
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccDouble
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 6
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccTriple
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 7
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccQuad
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 8
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 10
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssCtrl]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 11
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MouseSelActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 9
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ Lines.Strings = (
+ 'Output'
+ )
+ BracketHighlightStyle = sbhsBoth
+ inline SynLeftGutterPartList1: TSynGutterPartList
+ object SynGutterMarks1: TSynGutterMarks
+ Width = 24
+ end
+ object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber
+ Width = 17
+ MouseActions = <>
+ MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace
+ MarkupInfo.Foreground = clNone
+ DigitCount = 2
+ ShowOnlyLineNumbersMultiplesOf = 1
+ ZeroStart = False
+ LeadingZeros = False
+ end
+ object SynGutterChanges1: TSynGutterChanges
+ Width = 4
+ ModifiedColor = 59900
+ SavedColor = clGreen
+ end
+ object SynGutterSeparator1: TSynGutterSeparator
+ Width = 2
+ end
+ object SynGutterCodeFolding1: TSynGutterCodeFolding
+ MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 16
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift]
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift]
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 0
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MarkupInfo.Background = clNone
+ MarkupInfo.Foreground = clGray
+ MouseActionsExpanded = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MouseActionsCollapsed = <
+ item
+ Shift = [ssCtrl]
+ ShiftMask = [ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 15
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 15
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ end
+ end
+ inline SynRightGutterPartList1: TSynRightGutterPartList
+ end
+ end
+ object pnlMain: TPanel
+ Left = 0
+ Height = 190
+ Top = 229
+ Width = 708
+ Align = alBottom
+ ClientHeight = 190
+ ClientWidth = 708
+ TabOrder = 2
+ object btnGo: TButton
+ Left = 8
+ Height = 25
+ Top = 5
+ Width = 75
+ Caption = 'Go!'
+ OnClick = btnGoClick
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
+ inline eDebug: TSynEdit
+ Left = 2
+ Height = 150
+ Top = 40
+ Width = 706
+ Align = alCustom
+ Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
+ Font.Height = -13
+ Font.Name = 'Courier New'
+ Font.Pitch = fpFixed
+ Font.Quality = fqNonAntialiased
+ ParentColor = False
+ ParentFont = False
+ TabOrder = 1
+ Gutter.Width = 57
+ Gutter.MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 13
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ RightGutter.Width = 0
+ RightGutter.MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 13
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ Keystrokes = <
+ item
+ Command = ecUp
+ ShortCut = 38
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelUp
+ ShortCut = 8230
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecScrollUp
+ ShortCut = 16422
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDown
+ ShortCut = 40
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelDown
+ ShortCut = 8232
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecScrollDown
+ ShortCut = 16424
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLeft
+ ShortCut = 37
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLeft
+ ShortCut = 8229
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecWordLeft
+ ShortCut = 16421
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelWordLeft
+ ShortCut = 24613
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRight
+ ShortCut = 39
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelRight
+ ShortCut = 8231
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecWordRight
+ ShortCut = 16423
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelWordRight
+ ShortCut = 24615
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageDown
+ ShortCut = 34
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageDown
+ ShortCut = 8226
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 16418
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 24610
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageUp
+ ShortCut = 33
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageUp
+ ShortCut = 8225
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPageTop
+ ShortCut = 16417
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelPageTop
+ ShortCut = 24609
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineStart
+ ShortCut = 36
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLineStart
+ ShortCut = 8228
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 16420
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 24612
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 35
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 8227
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 16419
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 24611
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecToggleMode
+ ShortCut = 45
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCopy
+ ShortCut = 16429
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPaste
+ ShortCut = 8237
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteChar
+ ShortCut = 46
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCut
+ ShortCut = 8238
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastChar
+ ShortCut = 8
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastChar
+ ShortCut = 8200
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLastWord
+ ShortCut = 16392
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecUndo
+ ShortCut = 32776
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRedo
+ ShortCut = 40968
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineBreak
+ ShortCut = 13
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSelectAll
+ ShortCut = 16449
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCopy
+ ShortCut = 16451
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecBlockIndent
+ ShortCut = 24649
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineBreak
+ ShortCut = 16461
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecInsertLine
+ ShortCut = 16462
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteWord
+ ShortCut = 16468
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecBlockUnindent
+ ShortCut = 24661
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecPaste
+ ShortCut = 16470
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecCut
+ ShortCut = 16472
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteLine
+ ShortCut = 16473
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecDeleteEOL
+ ShortCut = 24665
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecUndo
+ ShortCut = 16474
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecRedo
+ ShortCut = 24666
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker0
+ ShortCut = 16432
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker1
+ ShortCut = 16433
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker2
+ ShortCut = 16434
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker3
+ ShortCut = 16435
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker4
+ ShortCut = 16436
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker5
+ ShortCut = 16437
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker6
+ ShortCut = 16438
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker7
+ ShortCut = 16439
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker8
+ ShortCut = 16440
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecGotoMarker9
+ ShortCut = 16441
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker0
+ ShortCut = 24624
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker1
+ ShortCut = 24625
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker2
+ ShortCut = 24626
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker3
+ ShortCut = 24627
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker4
+ ShortCut = 24628
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker5
+ ShortCut = 24629
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker6
+ ShortCut = 24630
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker7
+ ShortCut = 24631
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker8
+ ShortCut = 24632
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecSetMarker9
+ ShortCut = 24633
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41009
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel2
+ ShortCut = 41010
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41011
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41012
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel1
+ ShortCut = 41013
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel6
+ ShortCut = 41014
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel7
+ ShortCut = 41015
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel8
+ ShortCut = 41016
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel9
+ ShortCut = 41017
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldLevel0
+ ShortCut = 41008
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcFoldCurrent
+ ShortCut = 41005
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcUnFoldCurrent
+ ShortCut = 41003
+ end
+ item
+ Command = EcToggleMarkupWord
+ ShortCut = 32845
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecNormalSelect
+ ShortCut = 24654
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColumnSelect
+ ShortCut = 24643
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecLineSelect
+ ShortCut = 24652
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecTab
+ ShortCut = 9
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecShiftTab
+ ShortCut = 8201
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecMatchBracket
+ ShortCut = 24642
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelUp
+ ShortCut = 40998
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelDown
+ ShortCut = 41000
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLeft
+ ShortCut = 40997
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelRight
+ ShortCut = 40999
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageDown
+ ShortCut = 40994
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageBottom
+ ShortCut = 57378
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageUp
+ ShortCut = 40993
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelPageTop
+ ShortCut = 57377
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLineStart
+ ShortCut = 40996
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelLineEnd
+ ShortCut = 40995
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelEditorTop
+ ShortCut = 57380
+ end
+ item
+ Command = ecColSelEditorBottom
+ ShortCut = 57379
+ end>
+ MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 1
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 1
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssAlt]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 3
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 3
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 12
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccDouble
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 6
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccTriple
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 7
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccQuad
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 8
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 10
+ MoveCaret = True
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssCtrl]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 11
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MouseSelActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 9
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ Lines.Strings = (
+ 'Debug'
+ )
+ BracketHighlightStyle = sbhsBoth
+ inline SynLeftGutterPartList1: TSynGutterPartList
+ object SynGutterMarks1: TSynGutterMarks
+ Width = 24
+ end
+ object SynGutterLineNumber1: TSynGutterLineNumber
+ Width = 17
+ MouseActions = <>
+ MarkupInfo.Background = clBtnFace
+ MarkupInfo.Foreground = clNone
+ DigitCount = 2
+ ShowOnlyLineNumbersMultiplesOf = 1
+ ZeroStart = False
+ LeadingZeros = False
+ end
+ object SynGutterChanges1: TSynGutterChanges
+ Width = 4
+ ModifiedColor = 59900
+ SavedColor = clGreen
+ end
+ object SynGutterSeparator1: TSynGutterSeparator
+ Width = 2
+ end
+ object SynGutterCodeFolding1: TSynGutterCodeFolding
+ MouseActions = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbRight
+ ClickCount = ccSingle
+ ClickDir = cdUp
+ Command = 16
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift]
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = [ssShift]
+ ShiftMask = [ssShift]
+ Button = mbMiddle
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 0
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MarkupInfo.Background = clNone
+ MarkupInfo.Foreground = clGray
+ MouseActionsExpanded = <
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = []
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 14
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ MouseActionsCollapsed = <
+ item
+ Shift = [ssCtrl]
+ ShiftMask = [ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 15
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 0
+ Priority = 0
+ end
+ item
+ Shift = []
+ ShiftMask = [ssCtrl]
+ Button = mbLeft
+ ClickCount = ccAny
+ ClickDir = cdDown
+ Command = 15
+ MoveCaret = False
+ Option = 1
+ Priority = 0
+ end>
+ end
+ end
+ inline SynRightGutterPartList1: TSynRightGutterPartList
+ end
+ end
+ object btnAdvanced: TButton
+ Left = 544
+ Height = 25
+ Top = 5
+ Width = 80
+ Caption = 'Advanced'
+ OnClick = btnAdvancedClick
+ TabOrder = 2
+ end
+ end
+ object Splitter1: TSplitter
+ Left = 335
+ Height = 224
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 5
+ Align = alRight
+ ResizeAnchor = akRight
+ end
+ object Splitter2: TSplitter
+ Cursor = crVSplit
+ Left = 0
+ Height = 5
+ Top = 224
+ Width = 708
+ Align = alBottom
+ ResizeAnchor = akBottom
+ end
+ object PasHL: TSynPasSyn
+ Enabled = False
+ CommentAttri.Foreground = clGreen
+ NumberAttri.Foreground = clNavy
+ StringAttri.Foreground = clPurple
+ SymbolAttri.Foreground = clMaroon
+ CaseLabelAttri.Style = [fsItalic]
+ DirectiveAttri.Foreground = clOlive
+ CompilerMode = pcmDelphi
+ NestedComments = False
+ end
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/main.pas b/Projects/lape-wrappers/main.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..317582a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/lape-wrappers/main.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+unit main;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls,
+ StdCtrls, SynEdit, SynHighlighterPas,wrapfiles;
+ { TfrmMain }
+ TfrmMain = class(TForm)
+ btnGo: TButton;
+ btnAdvanced: TButton;
+ pnlMain: TPanel;
+ Splitter1: TSplitter;
+ Splitter2: TSplitter;
+ eIn: TSynEdit;
+ eOut: TSynEdit;
+ eDebug: TSynEdit;
+ PasHL: TSynPasSyn;
+ procedure btnAdvancedClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnGoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { private declarations }
+ public
+ { public declarations }
+ end;
+procedure ConvertRT(Input, Dbg, Output : TStrings; procnames : TStrings = nil);
+ frmMain: TfrmMain;
+ v_ideCodeParser;
+{$R *.lfm}
+{ TfrmMain }
+procedure ConvertRT(Input, Dbg, Output : TStrings; procnames : TStrings = nil);
+ procedure Debug(s: string); overload;
+ begin
+ if (Trim(Output.Text) <> '') then
+ Dbg.Append(s)
+ else
+ Dbg.Text := s;
+ end;
+ procedure Debug(v: Variant); overload;
+ begin
+ Debug(string(v));
+ end;
+ procedure Write(s: string); overload;
+ begin
+ if (Trim(Output.Text) <> '') then
+ Output.Text := Output.Text + s
+ else
+ Output.Text := s;
+ end;
+ procedure Write(v: Variant); overload;
+ begin
+ Write(string(v));
+ end;
+ function FixName( str : string) : string;
+ begin
+ if (length(str) > 3) and (str[1] = 'p') and (str[2] = 's') and (str[3] = '_') then
+ result := Copy(str,4,length(str)-3)
+ else
+ result := str;
+ end;
+ function PtrName ( str : string) : String;
+ begin
+ debug(str);
+ if (length(str) > 1) and (str[1] in ['T','t']) then
+ result := 'P' + copy(str,2,length(str)-1)
+ else
+ result := 'P' + str;
+ debug(result);
+ end;
+ p: TCodeParser;
+ m: TMemoryStream;
+ a, b, c: TDeclarationArray;
+ i, ii, iii, pc: Integer;
+ s: string;
+ d: TDeclaration;
+ Fail: Boolean;
+ p := TCodeParser.Create;
+ m := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ try
+ Output.BeginUpdate;
+ Output.Clear;
+ Dbg.BeginUpdate;
+ Dbg.Clear;
+ Input.SaveToStream(m);
+ try
+ p.Run(m);
+ except on E : Exception do
+ Debug(e.Message);
+ end;
+ a := p.Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciProcedureDeclaration);
+ Debug('Start converting '+IntToStr(Length(a))+' methods!');
+ for i := 0 to High(a) do
+ with TciProcedureDeclaration(a[i]) do
+ begin
+ if (Name = nil) then
+ begin
+ Debug('No name found, skipping..');
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ d := Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType);
+ if (d <> nil) then
+ begin
+ s := 'procedure Lape_'+FixName(Name.ShortText)+
+ '(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);'+LineEnding+
+ 'begin'+LineEnding+
+ ' '+PtrName(d.ShortText)+'(Result)^ := ';
+ end else
+ begin
+ s := 'procedure Lape_'+FixName(Name.ShortText)+'(const Params: PParamArray);'+LineEnding+
+ 'begin'+LineEnding+' ';
+ end;
+ s := s+Name.ShortText+'(';
+ Fail := False;
+ pc := 0;
+ b := GetParamDeclarations();
+ for ii := 0 to High(b) do
+ begin
+ d := b[ii].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciParameterType);
+ if (d = nil) then
+ begin
+ Debug('No parameter type found in '+Name.ShortText+', skipping..');
+ Fail := True;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ c := b[ii].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciParameterName);
+ if (Length(c) < 1) then
+ begin
+ Debug('No parameter names found in '+Name.ShortText+', skipping..');
+ Fail := True;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ for iii := 0 to High(c) do
+ begin
+ if (pc > 0) then
+ s := s+', ';
+ s := s+PtrName(d.ShortText)+'(Params^['+IntToStr(pc)+'])^';
+ Inc(pc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Fail then
+ Continue;
+ s := s+');'+LineEnding+'end;';
+ if (i > 0) then
+ s := LineEnding+s;
+ Write(s);
+ if procnames <> nil then
+ procnames.Add('AddGlobalFunc('#39 + CleanDeclaration + #39', @Lape_'+FixName(name.ShortText)+');')
+ else
+ Debug('Prog-name "AddGlobalFunc('#39 + CleanDeclaration + #39', @Lape_'+FixName(name.ShortText)+');"');
+ Debug('Done "'+Name.ShortText+'"!');
+ end;
+ finally
+ m.Free;
+ p.Free;
+ Output.EndUpdate;
+ Dbg.EndUpdate;
+ end;
+ Debug('Done :)');
+procedure TfrmMain.btnGoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ ConvertRT(eIn.Lines,eDebug.Lines,eOut.Lines);
+procedure TfrmMain.btnAdvancedClick(Sender: TObject);
+ WrapFilesForm.ShowModal;
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.ico b/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0341321
Binary files /dev/null and b/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.ico differ
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.lpi b/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30a17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.lpr b/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..049bd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/lape-wrappers/ruwa.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+program ruwa;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Interfaces, // this includes the LCL widgetset
+ Forms, main, v_MiscFunctions, CastaliaPasLex, CastaliaPasLexTypes,
+ CastaliaSimplePasPar, CastaliaSimplePasParTypes,
+ v_Constants, v_ideCodeParser, wrapfiles;
+{$R *.res}
+ Application.Initialize;
+ Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
+ Application.CreateForm(TWrapFilesForm, WrapFilesForm);
+ Application.Run;
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/wrapfiles.lfm b/Projects/lape-wrappers/wrapfiles.lfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9762268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/lape-wrappers/wrapfiles.lfm
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+object WrapFilesForm: TWrapFilesForm
+ Left = 429
+ Height = 398
+ Top = 234
+ Width = 652
+ Caption = 'WrapFilesForm'
+ ClientHeight = 398
+ ClientWidth = 652
+ Constraints.MinHeight = 398
+ Constraints.MinWidth = 652
+ OnCreate = FormCreate
+ LCLVersion = '0.9.29'
+ object FileButton: TButton
+ Left = 16
+ Height = 25
+ Top = 16
+ Width = 75
+ Caption = 'Select files'
+ OnClick = FileButtonClick
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
+ object FileBox: TListBox
+ Left = 16
+ Height = 220
+ Top = 56
+ Width = 616
+ Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
+ ItemHeight = 0
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
+ object SaveDirEdit: TDirectoryEdit
+ Left = 192
+ Height = 21
+ Top = 20
+ Width = 152
+ ShowHidden = False
+ ButtonWidth = 23
+ NumGlyphs = 0
+ MaxLength = 0
+ TabOrder = 2
+ end
+ object SaveDirLabel: TLabel
+ Left = 104
+ Height = 14
+ Top = 20
+ Width = 78
+ Caption = 'Save directory: '
+ ParentColor = False
+ end
+ object wrpBtn: TButton
+ Left = 568
+ Height = 25
+ Top = 16
+ Width = 75
+ Caption = 'Convert'
+ OnClick = wrpBtnClick
+ TabOrder = 3
+ end
+ object dbgMemo: TMemo
+ Left = 16
+ Height = 100
+ Top = 287
+ Width = 616
+ Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
+ TabOrder = 4
+ end
+ object FileNameEdit1: TFileNameEdit
+ Left = 448
+ Height = 21
+ Top = 20
+ Width = 80
+ DialogOptions = []
+ FilterIndex = 0
+ HideDirectories = False
+ ButtonWidth = 23
+ NumGlyphs = 0
+ MaxLength = 0
+ TabOrder = 5
+ end
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 383
+ Height = 14
+ Top = 25
+ Width = 57
+ Caption = 'MethodFile:'
+ ParentColor = False
+ end
+ object FileDialog: TOpenDialog
+ Filter = 'Include files (*.inc)|*.inc|All files (*.*)|*.*'
+ Options = [ofAllowMultiSelect, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing, ofViewDetail]
+ left = 32
+ top = 56
+ end
diff --git a/Projects/lape-wrappers/wrapfiles.pas b/Projects/lape-wrappers/wrapfiles.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59d8553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/lape-wrappers/wrapfiles.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+unit wrapfiles;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
+ EditBtn;
+ { TWrapFilesForm }
+ TWrapFilesForm = class(TForm)
+ dbgMemo: TMemo;
+ FileNameEdit1: TFileNameEdit;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ wrpBtn: TButton;
+ SaveDirEdit: TDirectoryEdit;
+ FileButton: TButton;
+ FileBox: TListBox;
+ FileDialog: TOpenDialog;
+ SaveDirLabel: TLabel;
+ procedure FileButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure wrpBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { private declarations }
+ public
+ { public declarations }
+ end;
+ WrapFilesForm: TWrapFilesForm;
+ Main;
+{$R *.lfm}
+{ TWrapFilesForm }
+procedure TWrapFilesForm.FileButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if FileDialog.Execute then
+ begin
+ SaveDirEdit.Directory := ExtractFileDir(FileDialog.FileName);
+ FileBox.Items.AddStrings(FileDialog.Files);
+ end;
+procedure TWrapFilesForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TWrapFilesForm.wrpBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure dbg(s : string);
+ begin
+ dbgMemo.Lines.Add(s);
+ end;
+ i : integer;
+ Input, Output,Procnames : TStringList;
+ NewFile : string;
+ YesToAll, NoToAll : boolean;
+ YesToAll:= false;
+ NoToAll:= false;
+ if not DirectoryExists(SaveDirEdit.Directory) then
+ begin
+ dbg(format('Dir %s does not exist',[SaveDirEdit.Directory]));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if FileBox.Items.Count < 1 then
+ begin
+ dbg('No files loaded');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Procnames := TStringList.Create;
+ for i := 0 to FileBox.Items.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if not FileExists(filebox.items[i]) then
+ begin
+ dbg(format('File[%s] does not exist',[FileBox.items[i]]));
+ continue;
+ end;
+ NewFile := SaveDirEdit.Directory + DirectorySeparator + ExtractFileName(FileBox.Items[i]);
+ if not YesToAll and FileExists(NewFile) then
+ begin
+ if NoToAll then
+ Continue;
+ case MessageDlg('File already exists',Format('Do you want to overwrite the file %s',[NewFile]),
+ mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbYesToAll,mbNo,mbNoToAll],0) of
+ mrNo : Continue;
+ mrNoToAll : begin
+ NoToAll:= True;
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ mrYesToAll : YesToAll:= true;
+ end;
+ dbg(BoolToStr(YesToAll,true));
+ end;
+ dbg(NewFile);
+ try
+ Input := TStringList.Create;
+ Input.LoadFromFile(filebox.items[i]);
+ Output := TStringList.Create;
+ ConvertRT(Input,dbgMemo.Lines,Output,Procnames);
+ Output.SaveToFile(NewFile);
+ Input.free;
+ Output.free;
+ except
+ dbg('Something went wrong');
+ end;
+ end;
+ dbg(Procnames.Text);
+ if FileNameEdit1.Text <> '' then
+ Procnames.SaveToFile(FileNameEdit1.text);
+ Procnames.Free;
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/GENERATE THESE! b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/GENERATE THESE!
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717b71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+procedure Lape_CreateBitmapString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_CreateBitmapString(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetMufasaBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PMufasaBitmap(Result)^ := ps_GetMufasaBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_CreateBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_FreeBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FreeBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SaveBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SaveBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_BitmapFromString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_BitmapFromString(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_LoadBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_LoadBitmap(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SetBitmapSize(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetBitmapSize(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_StretchBitmapResize(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_StretchBitmapResize(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_GetBitmapSize(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_GetBitmapSize(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_SetBitmapName(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetBitmapName(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateMirroredBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_CreateMirroredBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateMirroredBitmapEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_CreateMirroredBitmapEx(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PBmpMirrorStyle(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_FastGetPixel(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PLongWord(Result)^ := ps_FastGetPixel(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_FastGetPixels(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PIntegerArray(Result)^ := ps_FastGetPixels(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetBitmapAreaColors(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DIntArray(Result)^ := ps_GetBitmapAreaColors(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_FastSetPixel(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FastSetPixel(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, PColor(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_FastSetPixels(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FastSetPixels(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PIntegerArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_DrawTPABitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_DrawTPABitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_DrawATPABitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_DrawATPABitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_DrawATPABitmapEx(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_DrawATPABitmapEx(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[1])^, PIntegerArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_FastDrawClear(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FastDrawClear(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PColor(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_DrawBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_DrawBitmap(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PCanvas(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_FastDrawTransparent(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FastDrawTransparent(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_SetTransparentColor(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetTransparentColor(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PColor(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetTransparentColor(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PColor(Result)^ := ps_GetTransparentColor(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FastReplaceColor(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FastReplaceColor(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PColor(Params^[1])^, PColor(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_CopyClientToBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_CopyClientToBitmap(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_BitmapFromClient(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_BitmapFromClient(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmapIn(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmapIn(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmapToleranceIn(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmapToleranceIn(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmapSpiral(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmapSpiral(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PPointArray(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^, PInteger(Params^[8])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^, Pinteger(Params^[4])^, Pinteger(Params^[5])^, Pinteger(Params^[6])^, Pinteger(Params^[7])^);
+procedure Lape_RotateBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_RotateBitmap(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Desaturate(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_Desaturate(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_InvertBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_InvertBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CopyBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_CopyBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GreyScaleBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_GreyScaleBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_BrightnessBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_BrightnessBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ContrastBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_ContrastBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_PosterizeBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_PosterizeBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateMaskFromBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PMask(Result)^ := ps_CreateMaskFromBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FindMaskTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindMaskTolerance(PMask(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^, PInteger(Params^[8])^);
+procedure Lape_FindBitmapMaskTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindBitmapMaskTolerance(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^, PInteger(Params^[8])^);
+procedure Lape_FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^, PInteger(Params^[8])^, PBoolean(Params^[9])^, PExtended(Params^[10])^);
+procedure Lape_RectangleBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_RectangleBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PBox(Params^[1])^, PColor(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_FloodFillBitmap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FloodFillBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^, PColor(Params^[2])^, PColor(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_ConvoluteBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_ConvoluteBitmap(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, P2DExtendedArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_CalculatePixelShift(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_CalculatePixelShift(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PBox(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_CalculatePixelTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_CalculatePixelTolerance(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PBox(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/colour.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/colour.inc
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index 0000000..db8d257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/colour.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+procedure Lape_GetColor(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PColor(Result)^ := ps_GetColor(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetColorsWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_GetColorsWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PIntegerArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetColors(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PIntegerArray(Result)^ := ps_GetColors(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_findcolor(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_findcolor(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^, Pinteger(Params^[4])^, Pinteger(Params^[5])^, Pinteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_findcolortoleranceOptimised(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_findcolortoleranceOptimised(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^, Pinteger(Params^[4])^, Pinteger(Params^[5])^, Pinteger(Params^[6])^, Pinteger(Params^[7])^);
+procedure Lape_findcolortolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_findcolortolerance(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^, Pinteger(Params^[4])^, Pinteger(Params^[5])^, Pinteger(Params^[6])^, Pinteger(Params^[7])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColors(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColors(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^);
+procedure Lape_SetColorToleranceSpeed(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetColorToleranceSpeed(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetToleranceSpeed(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_GetToleranceSpeed();
+procedure Lape_SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(PExtended(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(PExtended(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SimilarColors(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_SimilarColors(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_CountColor(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_CountColor(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_CountColorTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_CountColorTolerance(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColorsToleranceOptimised(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColorsToleranceOptimised(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColorsTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColorsTolerance(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColorSpiral(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColorSpiral(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColorSpiralTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColorSpiralTolerance(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColorsSpiralTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColorsSpiralTolerance(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^, PInteger(Params^[8])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColoredArea(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColoredArea(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^);
+procedure Lape_FindColoredAreaTolerance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindColoredAreaTolerance(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PInteger(Params^[7])^, PInteger(Params^[8])^);
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index 0000000..07910d9
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/colourconv.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+procedure Lape_ColorToRGB(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ColorToRGB(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/crypto.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/crypto.inc
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/crypto.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+procedure Lape_haval(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_haval(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/dtm.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+procedure Lape_FindDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDTM(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FindDTMs(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDTMs(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^);
+procedure Lape_FindDTMRotatedAlternating(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDTMRotatedAlternating(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PExtended(Params^[7])^, PExtended(Params^[8])^, PExtended(Params^[9])^, PExtended(Params^[10])^);
+procedure Lape_FindDTMRotatedSE(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDTMRotatedSE(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^, PExtended(Params^[7])^, PExtended(Params^[8])^, PExtended(Params^[9])^, PExtended(Params^[10])^);
+procedure Lape_FindDTMsRotatedAlternating(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDTMsRotatedAlternating(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PExtended(Params^[6])^, PExtended(Params^[7])^, PExtended(Params^[8])^, P2DExtendedArray(Params^[9])^);
+procedure Lape_FindDTMsRotatedSE(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindDTMsRotatedSE(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PExtended(Params^[6])^, PExtended(Params^[7])^, PExtended(Params^[8])^, P2DExtendedArray(Params^[9])^);
+procedure Lape_SetDTMName(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetDTMName(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_DTMFromString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_DTMFromString(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FreeDTM(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FreeDTM(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PMDTM(Result)^ := ps_GetDTM(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AddTSDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_AddTSDTM(PSDTM(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AddDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_AddDTM(PMDTM(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_PrintDTM(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_PrintDTM(PMDTM(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_MDTMToSDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PSDTM(Result)^ := ps_MDTMToSDTM(PMDTM(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SDTMToMDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PMDTM(Result)^ := ps_SDTMToMDTM(PSDTM(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateDTMPoint(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PMDTMPoint(Result)^ := ps_CreateDTMPoint(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^, Pinteger(Params^[4])^, Pboolean(Params^[5])^);
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/extensions.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+procedure Lape_ext_UnTar(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ext_UnTar(Pstring(Params^[0])^, PStringArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_UnTarEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ext_UnTarEx(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pboolean(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_DecompressBZip2(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ext_DecompressBZip2(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, PCardinal(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_GetPage(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ext_GetPage(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_MessageDlg(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ext_MessageDlg(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, PMsgDlgType(Params^[2])^, PMsgDlgButtons(Params^[3])^, PLongint(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_SDTMToMDTM(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PMDTM(Result)^ := ext_SDTMToMDTM(PSDTM(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_InputQuery(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ext_InputQuery(PString(Params^[0])^, PString(Params^[1])^, PString(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_ScriptText(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ext_ScriptText();
+procedure Lape_ext_GetSelectedText(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ext_GetSelectedText();
+procedure Lape_ext_OpenScript(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ext_OpenScript(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pboolean(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_OpenScriptEx(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ext_OpenScriptEx(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pboolean(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_GetPageEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ext_GetPageEx(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ext_GetJSONValue(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ext_GetJSONValue(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/file.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/file.inc
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index 0000000..2fd6685
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/file.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+procedure Lape_CreateFile(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_CreateFile(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_OpenFile(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_OpenFile(Pstring(Params^[0])^, PBoolean(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_RewriteFile(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_RewriteFile(Pstring(Params^[0])^, PBoolean(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_AppendFile(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_AppendFile(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CloseFile(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_CloseFile(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_EndOfFile(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_EndOfFile(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FileSize(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PLongInt(Result)^ := ps_FileSize(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ReadFileString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_ReadFileString(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_WriteFileString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_WriteFileString(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SetFileCharPointer(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_SetFileCharPointer(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_FilePointerPos(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_FilePointerPos(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FileExists(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FileExists(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_DirectoryExists(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_DirectoryExists(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateDirectory(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_CreateDirectory(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ForceDirectores(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_ForceDirectores(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetFiles(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PStringArray(Result)^ := ps_GetFiles(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetDirectories(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PStringArray(Result)^ := ps_GetDirectories(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_WriteINI(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_WriteINI(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^, Pstring(Params^[3])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/internets.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/internets.inc
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index 0000000..e4651c3
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/internets.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+procedure Lape_OpenWebPage(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_OpenWebPage(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetPage(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PString(Result)^ := ps_GetPage(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_InitializeHTTPClient(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_InitializeHTTPClient(PBoolean(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FreeHTTPClient(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FreeHTTPClient(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetHTTPPage(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_GetHTTPPage(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SetHTTPUserAgent(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetHTTPUserAgent(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_PostHTTPPage(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_PostHTTPPage(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_PostHTTPPageEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_PostHTTPPageEx(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ClearPostData(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ClearPostData(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AddPostVariable(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_AddPostVariable(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_GetRawHeaders(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_GetRawHeaders(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SetProxy(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetProxy(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PString(Params^[1])^, PString(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_RecvSocketStr(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_RecvSocketStr(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_RecvSocket(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_RecvSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_RecvSocketEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_RecvSocketEx(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SendSocket(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SendSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ConnectSocket(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ConnectSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_CloseSocket(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_CloseSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SetSocketTimeout(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetSocketTimeout(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_BindSocket(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_BindSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ListenSocket(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ListenSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AcceptSocket(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_AcceptSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SocketInfo(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SocketInfo(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_CreateSocket(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_CreateSocket();
+procedure Lape_FreeSocket(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FreeSocket(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/keyboard.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/keyboard.inc
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/keyboard.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+procedure Lape_KeyDown(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_KeyDown(PWord(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_KeyUp(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_KeyUp(PWord(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SendKeys(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SendKeys(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_PressKey(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_PressKey(PWord(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_isKeyDown(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_isKeyDown(PWord(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetKeyCode(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_GetKeyCode(Pchar(Params^[0])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/math.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/math.inc
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/math.inc
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+procedure Lape_round(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_round(Pextended(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_iAbs(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_iAbs(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ceil(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_ceil(Pextended(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_pow(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_pow(Pextended(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_RiemannGauss(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_RiemannGauss(Pextended(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^, Pextended(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_DiscreteGauss(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PExtendedArray(Result)^ := ps_DiscreteGauss(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pextended(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_GaussMatrix(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DExtendedArray(Result)^ := ps_GaussMatrix(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_exp(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_exp(Pextended(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_Max(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_Max(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Min(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_Min(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_MinE(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_MinE(Pextended(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_MaxE(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_MaxE(Pextended(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Sqr(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_Sqr(Pextended(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_Point(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPoint(Result)^ := ps_Point(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Distance(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_Distance(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pinteger(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_Hypot(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PExtended(Result)^ := ps_Hypot(PExtended(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_RandomRange(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_RandomRange(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Random(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_Random(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_RandomE(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_RandomE();
+procedure Lape_ArcTan2(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pextended(Result)^ := ps_ArcTan2(Pextended(Params^[0])^, Pextended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_IncEx(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_IncEx(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_DecEx(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_DecEx(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Factorial(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInt64(Result)^ := ps_Factorial(Plongword(Params^[0])^);
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/mouse.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+procedure Lape_MoveMouse(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_MoveMouse(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ScrollMouse(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ScrollMouse(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_GetMousePos(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_GetMousePos(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ConvIntClickType(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PClickType(Result)^ := ConvIntClickType(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_HoldMouse(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_HoldMouse(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ReleaseMouse(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ReleaseMouse(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ClickMouse(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ClickMouse(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_IsMouseButtonDown(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_IsMouseButtonDown(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/ocr.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/ocr.inc
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/ocr.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+procedure Lape_rs_GetUpText(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PString(Result)^ := ps_rs_GetUpText();
+procedure Lape_rs_GetUpTextAtEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_rs_GetUpTextAtEx(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pboolean(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_rs_GetUpTextAt(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_rs_GetUpTextAt(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_BitmapFromText(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_BitmapFromText(PString(Params^[0])^, PString(Params^[1])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/other.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/other.inc
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/other.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+procedure Lape_Writeln(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_Writeln(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SetScriptProp(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_SetScriptProp(PSP_Property(Params^[0])^, PVariantArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetScriptProp(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_GetScriptProp(PSP_Property(Params^[0])^, PVariantArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Wait(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_Wait(PDWord(Params^[0])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/settings.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/settings.inc
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+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/settings.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+procedure Lape_SetSettingValue(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_SetSettingValue(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_KeyIsSetting(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_KeyIsSetting(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_KeyIsDirectory(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_KeyIsDirectory(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetSettingValue(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PString(Result)^ := ps_GetSettingValue(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetSettingValueDef(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PString(Result)^ := ps_GetSettingValueDef(PString(Params^[0])^, PString(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ListSettings(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_ListSettings(PString(Params^[0])^, PStringArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_DeleteSetting(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_DeleteSetting(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_DeleteSubSettings(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_DeleteSubSettings(PString(Params^[0])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/strings.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/strings.inc
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+procedure Lape_Capitalize(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_Capitalize(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CompressString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_CompressString(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_DecompressString(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_DecompressString(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_Base64Encode(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_Base64Encode(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_Base64Decode(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_Base64Decode(Pstring(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ExtractFromStr(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_ExtractFromStr(Pstring(Params^[0])^, PStrExtr(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_BoolToStr(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_BoolToStr(Pboolean(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_Replace(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_Replace(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^, PReplaceFlags(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_IntToStr(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_IntToStr(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FloatToStr(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_FloatToStr(Pextended(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_StrToInt(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_StrToInt(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_StrToIntDef(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_StrToIntDef(PString(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_StrToFloat(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PExtended(Result)^ := ps_StrToFloat(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_StrToFloatDef(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PExtended(Result)^ := ps_StrToFloatDef(PString(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_StrToBool(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_StrToBool(PString(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_StrToBoolDef(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_StrToBoolDef(PString(Params^[0])^, PBoolean(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Between(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pstring(Result)^ := ps_Between(Pstring(Params^[0])^, Pstring(Params^[1])^, Pstring(Params^[2])^);
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+procedure Lape_Quicksort(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_Quicksort(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_tSwap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_tSwap(PPoint(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_tpaSwap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_tpaSwap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SwapE(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SwapE(PExtended(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_RAaSTPAEx(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_RAaSTPAEx(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_RAaSTPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_RAaSTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_NearbyPointInArrayEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_NearbyPointInArrayEx(PPoint(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PPointArray(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_NearbyPointInArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_NearbyPointInArray(PPoint(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_QuickTPASort(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_QuickTPASort(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PBoolean(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_QuickATPASort(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_QuickATPASort(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PBoolean(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_SortTPAFrom(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SortTPAFrom(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SortATPAFrom(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SortATPAFrom(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SortATPAFromFirstPoint(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SortATPAFromFirstPoint(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_InvertTPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_InvertTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_InvertATPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_InvertATPA(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_MiddleTPAEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_MiddleTPAEx(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_MiddleTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPoint(Result)^ := ps_MiddleTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SortATPASize(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SortATPASize(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PBoolean(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SortATPAFromSize(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SortATPAFromSize(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PBoolean(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_InIntArrayEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_InIntArrayEx(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_InIntArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_InIntArray(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ClearSameIntegers(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ClearSameIntegers(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ClearSameIntegersAndTPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ClearSameIntegersAndTPA(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SplitTPAEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_SplitTPAEx(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_SplitTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_SplitTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_FloodFillTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_FloodFillTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FilterPointsPie(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FilterPointsPie(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^, PExtended(Params^[2])^, PExtended(Params^[3])^, PExtended(Params^[4])^, PInteger(Params^[5])^, PInteger(Params^[6])^);
+procedure Lape_FilterPointsDist(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FilterPointsDist(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^, PExtended(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_FilterPointsLine(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FilterPointsLine(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PInteger(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_FilterTPADist(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FilterTPADist(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetATPABounds(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBox(Result)^ := ps_GetATPABounds(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetTPABounds(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBox(Result)^ := ps_GetTPABounds(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_FindTPAinTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindTPAinTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_GetSamePointsATPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_GetSamePointsATPA(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_FindTextTPAinTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_FindTextTPAinTPA(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^, PPointArray(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_SortCircleWise(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SortCircleWise(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PBoolean(Params^[4])^, PBoolean(Params^[5])^);
+procedure Lape_LinearSort(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_LinearSort(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PInteger(Params^[3])^, PBoolean(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_RotatePoint(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPoint(Result)^ := ps_RotatePoint(PPoint(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^, PExtended(Params^[2])^, PExtended(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_ChangeDistPT(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPoint(Result)^ := ps_ChangeDistPT(PPoint(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pextended(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_ChangeDistTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_ChangeDistTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^, Pextended(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_FindGapsTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_FindGapsTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_RemoveDistTPointArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_RemoveDistTPointArray(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PPointArray(Params^[3])^, PBoolean(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_CombineTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_CombineTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_ReArrangeandShortenArray(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAtoATPAEx(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_TPAtoATPAEx(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAtoATPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_TPAtoATPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_CombineIntArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PIntegerArray(Result)^ := ps_CombineIntArray(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, PIntegerArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_MergeATPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_MergeATPA(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AppendTPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_AppendTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAFromBox(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_TPAFromBox(PBox(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_RotatePoints(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_RotatePoints(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^, PExtended(Params^[2])^, PExtended(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_FindTPAEdges(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_FindTPAEdges(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_ClearTPAFromTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_ClearTPAFromTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ReturnPointsNotInTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_ReturnPointsNotInTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PBox(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_PointInTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_PointInTPA(PPoint(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ClearDoubleTPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ClearDoubleTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_TPACountSort(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_TPACountSort(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^, PBoolean(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_TPACountSortBase(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_TPACountSortBase(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^, PPoint(Params^[2])^, PBoolean(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_InvertTIA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_InvertTIA(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SumIntegerArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_SumIntegerArray(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AverageTIA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := ps_AverageTIA(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_AverageExtended(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PExtended(Result)^ := ps_AverageExtended(PExtendedArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SplitTPAExWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SplitTPAExWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_SplitTPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SplitTPAWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_FindGapsTPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FindGapsTPAWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_RemoveDistTPointArrayWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_RemoveDistTPointArrayWrap(PInteger(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PPointArray(Params^[3])^, PBoolean(Params^[4])^, PPointArray(Params^[5])^);
+procedure Lape_CombineTPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_CombineTPAWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArrayExWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ReArrangeandShortenArrayExWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, PPointArray(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArrayWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ReArrangeandShortenArrayWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAtoATPAExWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_TPAtoATPAExWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, PInteger(Params^[2])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[3])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAtoATPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_TPAtoATPAWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PInteger(Params^[1])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_CombineIntArrayWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_CombineIntArrayWrap(PIntegerArray(Params^[0])^, PIntegerArray(Params^[1])^, PIntegerArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_MergeATPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_MergeATPAWrap(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAFromBoxWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_TPAFromBoxWrap(PBox(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_RotatePointsWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_RotatePointsWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PExtended(Params^[1])^, PExtended(Params^[2])^, PExtended(Params^[3])^, PPointArray(Params^[4])^);
+procedure Lape_FindTPAEdgesWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FindTPAEdgesWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_ClearTPAFromTPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ClearTPAFromTPAWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_ReturnPointsNotInTPAWrap(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ReturnPointsNotInTPAWrap(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PBox(Params^[1])^, PPointArray(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_SameTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_SameTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPointArray(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_TPAInATPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PBoolean(Result)^ := ps_TPAInATPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, P2DPointArray(Params^[1])^, PLongInt(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_OffsetTPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_OffsetTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_OffsetATPA(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_OffsetATPA(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^, PPoint(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_CopyTPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PPointArray(Result)^ := ps_CopyTPA(PPointArray(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_CopyATPA(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ P2DPointArray(Result)^ := ps_CopyATPA(P2DPointArray(Params^[0])^);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/window.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/window.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d70e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/Wrappers/window.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+procedure Lape_SetDesktopAsClient(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetDesktopAsClient();
+procedure Lape_SetTargetArray(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_SetTargetArray(PInteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^, Pinteger(Params^[2])^);
+procedure Lape_SetTargetBitmap(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_SetTargetBitmap(PInteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SetEIOSTarget(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_SetEIOSTarget(Pstring(Params^[0])^, PVariant(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_SetImageTarget(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetImageTarget(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_SetKeyMouseTarget(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_SetKeyMouseTarget(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetImageTarget(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_GetImageTarget();
+procedure Lape_GetKeyMouseTarget(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pinteger(Result)^ := ps_GetKeyMouseTarget();
+procedure Lape_ExportImageTarget(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PTarget_Exported(Result)^ := ps_ExportImageTarget();
+procedure Lape_ExportKeyMouseTarget(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ PTarget_Exported(Result)^ := ps_ExportKeyMouseTarget();
+procedure Lape_FreeTarget(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_FreeTarget(Pinteger(Params^[0])^);
+procedure Lape_GetClientDimensions(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_GetClientDimensions(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_GetClientPosition(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_GetClientPosition(Pinteger(Params^[0])^, Pinteger(Params^[1])^);
+procedure Lape_Freeze(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_Freeze();
+procedure Lape_Unfreeze(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_Unfreeze();
+procedure Lape_ActivateClient(const Params: PParamArray);
+ ps_ActivateClient();
+procedure Lape_IsTargetValid(const Params: PParamArray; const Result: Pointer);
+ Pboolean(Result)^ := ps_IsTargetValid();
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpcompile.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpcompile.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a67c950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpcompile.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML)
+ Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
+ MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with MML. If not, see .
+ See the file COPYING, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ lpcompile.inc for the Mufasa Macro Library
+addGlobalVar(AppPath, 'AppPath');
+addGlobalVar(ScriptPath, 'ScriptPath');
+addGlobalVar(IncludePath, 'IncludePath');
+addGlobalVar(PluginPath, 'PluginPath');
+addGlobalVar(FontPath, 'FontPath');
+addGlobalVar(maxLongint, 'MaxLongInt');
+addGlobalVar(maxLongint, 'MaxInt');
+addGlobalVar(ps_mouse_right, 'mouse_Right');//0
+addGlobalVar(ps_mouse_left, 'mouse_Left');//1
+addGlobalVar(ps_mouse_middle, 'mouse_Middle');//2
+addGlobalType('UInt32', 'TClickType');
+addGlobalType('UInt8', 'Byte');
+addGlobalType('Int8', 'ShortInt');
+addGlobalType('UInt16', 'Word');
+addGlobalType('Int16', 'SmallInt');
+addGlobalType('UInt32', 'LongWord');
+addGlobalType('UInt32', 'DWord');
+addGlobalType('UInt32', 'Cardinal');
+addGlobalType('Int32', 'LongInt');
+addGlobalType('UInt64', 'QWord');
+addGlobalType('LongInt', 'Integer');
+addGlobalType('Integer', 'TColor');
+addGlobalType('Double', 'TDateTime');
+addGlobalType('(rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase)', 'TReplaceFlag');
+addGlobalType('set of TReplaceFlag', 'TReplaceFlags');
+addGlobalType('(Numbers, Letters, Others)', 'StrExtr');
+addGlobalType('(MirrorWidth, MirrorHeight, MirrorLine)', 'TBmpMirrorStyle');
+addGlobalType('(mouse_Down, mouse_Up)', 'TMousePress');
+addGlobalType('(SP_WriteTimeStamp, SP_OnTerminate)', 'TSP_Property');
+addGlobalType('array of string', 'TStringArray');
+addGlobalType('array of Integer', 'TIntegerArray');
+addGlobalType('array of TIntegerArray', 'T2DIntegerArray');
+addGlobalType('array of TIntegerArray', 'T2DIntArray');
+addGlobalType('array of T2DIntegerArray', 'T3DIntegerArray');
+addGlobalType('array of byte', 'TByteArray');
+addGlobalType('array of extended', 'TExtendedArray');
+addGlobalType('array of TExtendedArray', 'T2DExtendedArray');
+addGlobalType('array of T2DExtendedArray', 'T3DExtendedArray');
+addGlobalType('array of boolean', 'TBoolArray');
+addGlobalType('array of variant', 'TVariantArray');
+addGlobalType('record X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; end', 'TBox');
+addGlobalType('array of TBox', 'TBoxArray');
+addGlobalType('record X, Y: integer; end', 'TPoint');
+addGlobalType('array of TPoint', 'TPointArray');
+addGlobalType('array of TPointArray', 'T2DPointArray');
+addGlobalType('T2DPointArray', 'TPointArrayArray');
+addGlobalType('record White, Black: TPointarray; WhiteHi, BlackHi: integer; W, H: integer; end', 'TMask');
+addGlobalType('record R, T: extended; end', 'PPoint');
+addGlobalType('record int1,int2,int3,int4,int5,int6,int7,int8,int9,int10,int11,int12,int13,int14,int15,int16: integer; end', 'TTarget_Exported');
+addGlobalType('record x, y, Color, Tolerance, AreaSize, AreaShape: integer; end', 'TSDTMPointDef');
+addGlobalType('array of TSDTMPointDef', 'TSDTMPointDefArray');
+addGlobalType('record MainPoint: TSDTMPointDef; SubPoints: TSDTMPointDefarray; end', 'TSDTM');
+addGlobalType('record x, y, c, t, asz: integer; bp: boolean; end', 'TMDTMPoint');
+addGlobalType('array of TMDTMPoint', 'TMDTMPointArray');
+addGlobalType('record Title: string; Handle: integer; Pid: integer; Width, Height: integer; end', 'TSysProc');
+addGlobalType('array of TSysProc', 'TSysProcArr');
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpdefines.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpdefines.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b5f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpdefines.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML)
+ Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
+ MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with MML. If not, see .
+ See the file COPYING, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ lpdefines.inc for the Mufasa Macro Library
+{$IFDEF CPU386 }
+{$ENDIF }
+{$ENDIF }
+{$ENDIF }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpexportedmethods.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpexportedmethods.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c57193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpexportedmethods.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML)
+ Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
+ MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with MML. If not, see .
+ See the file COPYING, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ lpexportedmethods.inc for the Mufasa Macro Library
+{$I lpexportedmethodsinc.inc}
+//These will be added from Generator...
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpexportedmethodsinc.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpexportedmethodsinc.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe38e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/LPInc/lpexportedmethodsinc.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateBitmapString(bmp: integer): string', @Lape_CreateBitmapString);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function GetMufasaBitmap(bmp: integer): TMufasaBitmap', @Lape_GetMufasaBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateBitmap(w,h: integer): integer', @Lape_CreateBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FreeBitmap(Number: integer);', @Lape_FreeBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SaveBitmap(Bmp: integer; path: string);', @Lape_SaveBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function BitmapFromString(Width,height: integer; Data: string): integer', @Lape_BitmapFromString);
+AddGlobalFunc('function LoadBitmap(Path: String): integer', @Lape_LoadBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetBitmapSize(Bmp,NewW,NewH: integer);', @Lape_SetBitmapSize);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure StretchBitmapResize(Bmp,NewW,NewH: integer);', @Lape_StretchBitmapResize);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure GetBitmapSize(Bmp: integer; var BmpW,BmpH: integer);', @Lape_GetBitmapSize);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetBitmapName(Bmp: integer; name: string);', @Lape_SetBitmapName);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateMirroredBitmap(Bmp: integer): integer', @Lape_CreateMirroredBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateMirroredBitmapEx(Bmp: integer; MirrorStyle: TBmpMirrorStyle): integer', @Lape_CreateMirroredBitmapEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FastGetPixel(bmp,x,y: integer): LongWord', @Lape_FastGetPixel);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FastGetPixels(bmp: integer; TPA: TPointArray): TIntegerArray', @Lape_FastGetPixels);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetBitmapAreaColors(bmp,xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): T2DIntArray', @Lape_GetBitmapAreaColors);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FastSetPixel(Bmp,x,y: integer; Color: TColor);', @Lape_FastSetPixel);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FastSetPixels(Bmp: integer; TPA: TPointArray; Colors: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_FastSetPixels);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure DrawTPABitmap(bitmap: integer; TPA: TPointArray; Color: integer);', @Lape_DrawTPABitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure DrawATPABitmap(bitmap: integer; ATPA: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_DrawATPABitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure DrawATPABitmapEx(bitmap: integer; ATPA: T2DPointArray; Colors: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_DrawATPABitmapEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FastDrawClear(bmp: integer; Color: TColor);', @Lape_FastDrawClear);
+//AddGlobalFunc('procedure DrawBitmap(Bmp: Integer; Dest: TCanvas; x, y: Integer);', @Lape_DrawBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FastDrawTransparent(x, y: Integer; SourceBitmap, TargetBitmap: Integer);', @Lape_FastDrawTransparent);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetTransparentColor(Bmp: integer; Color: TColor);', @Lape_SetTransparentColor);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetTransparentColor(Bmp: integer): TColor', @Lape_GetTransparentColor);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FastReplaceColor(bmp: Integer; OldColor, NewColor: TColor);', @Lape_FastReplaceColor);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure CopyClientToBitmap(bmp, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer);', @Lape_CopyClientToBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function BitmapFromClient(const xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer', @Lape_BitmapFromClient);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmap(Bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmapIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmapIn);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmapToleranceIn);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmapSpiral);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; x, y: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmapSpiralTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RotateBitmap(bitmap: Integer; angle: Extended): Integer', @Lape_RotateBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Desaturate(Bitmap: integer): integer', @Lape_Desaturate);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure InvertBitmap(Bitmap: integer);', @Lape_InvertBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CopyBitmap(Bitmap: integer): integer', @Lape_CopyBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GreyScaleBitmap(Bitmap: integer): integer', @Lape_GreyScaleBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function BrightnessBitmap(Bitmap,br: integer): integer', @Lape_BrightnessBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ContrastBitmap(bitmap: integer; co: extended): integer', @Lape_ContrastBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function PosterizeBitmap(Bitmap: integer; po: integer): integer', @Lape_PosterizeBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateMaskFromBitmap(Bitmap: integer): TMask', @Lape_CreateMaskFromBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindMaskTolerance(const mask: TMask; var x, y: Integer; xs,ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindMaskTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindBitmapMaskTolerance(mask: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindBitmapMaskTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer; Range: Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean; var accuracy: Extended): Boolean', @Lape_FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure RectangleBitmap(bitmap: integer; const box: TBox; Color: TColor);', @Lape_RectangleBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FloodFillBitmap(bitmap: integer; const StartPoint: TPoint; const SearchCol,ReplaceCol: TColor);', @Lape_FloodFillBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ConvoluteBitmap(bitmap: integer; matrix: T2DExtendedArray): integer', @Lape_ConvoluteBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CalculatePixelShift(Bmp1,Bmp2: Integer; CompareBox: TBox): integer', @Lape_CalculatePixelShift);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CalculatePixelTolerance(Bmp1,Bmp2: Integer; CompareBox: TBox; CTS: integer): extended', @Lape_CalculatePixelTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetColor(x,y: integer): TColor', @Lape_GetColor);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure GetColorsWrap(Coords: TPointArray; var Colors: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_GetColorsWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetColors(const Coords: TPointArray): TIntegerArray', @Lape_GetColors);
+AddGlobalFunc('function findcolor(var x, y: integer; color, x1, y1, x2, y2: integer): boolean', @Lape_findcolor);
+AddGlobalFunc('function findcolortoleranceOptimised(var x, y: integer; color, x1, y1, x2, y2, tol: integer): boolean', @Lape_findcolortoleranceOptimised);
+AddGlobalFunc('function findcolortolerance(var x, y: integer; color, x1, y1, x2, y2, tol: integer): boolean', @Lape_findcolortolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColors(var TPA: TPointArray; Color, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColors);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetColorToleranceSpeed(cts: Integer);', @Lape_SetColorToleranceSpeed);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetToleranceSpeed: Integer', @Lape_GetToleranceSpeed);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(nHue, nSat: Extended);', @Lape_SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(var hMod, sMod: Extended);', @Lape_GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SimilarColors(Col1,Col2,Tol: integer): boolean', @Lape_SimilarColors);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CountColor(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer', @Lape_CountColor);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CountColorTolerance(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Integer', @Lape_CountColorTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColorsToleranceOptimised(var Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColorsToleranceOptimised);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColorsTolerance(var Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColorsTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColorSpiral(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColorSpiral);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColorSpiralTolerance(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye,Tol: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColorSpiralTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance: Integer): boolean', @Lape_FindColorsSpiralTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColoredArea(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; MinArea: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColoredArea);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindColoredAreaTolerance(var x, y: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea, tol: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindColoredAreaTolerance);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ColorToRGB(Color: integer; var r, g, b: Integer);', @Lape_ColorToRGB);
+AddGlobalFunc('function haval(Data: string): string', @Lape_haval);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDTM(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindDTM);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDTMs(DTM: Integer; var p: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_FindDTMs);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDTMRotatedAlternating(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: Extended): Boolean', @Lape_FindDTMRotatedAlternating);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDTMRotatedSE(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: Extended): Boolean', @Lape_FindDTMRotatedSE);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDTMsRotatedAlternating(DTM: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: T2DExtendedArray): Boolean', @Lape_FindDTMsRotatedAlternating);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindDTMsRotatedSE(DTM: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: T2DExtendedArray): Boolean', @Lape_FindDTMsRotatedSE);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetDTMName(DTM: integer; const name: string);', @Lape_SetDTMName);
+AddGlobalFunc('function DTMFromString(const DTMString: String): Integer', @Lape_DTMFromString);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FreeDTM(DTM: Integer);', @Lape_FreeDTM);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function GetDTM(index: Integer): TMDTM', @Lape_GetDTM);
+AddGlobalFunc('function AddTSDTM(const d: TSDTM): Integer', @Lape_AddTSDTM);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function AddDTM(const d: TMDTM): Integer', @Lape_AddDTM);
+//AddGlobalFunc('procedure PrintDTM(const aDTM: TMDTM);', @Lape_PrintDTM);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function MDTMToSDTM(Const DTM: TMDTM): TSDTM', @Lape_MDTMToSDTM);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function SDTMToMDTM(Const DTM: TSDTM): TMDTM', @Lape_SDTMToMDTM);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateDTMPoint(x,y,c,t,asz: integer; bp: boolean): TMDTMPoint', @Lape_CreateDTMPoint);
+(* File isn't included!
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_UnTar(const Input: string; var Content: TStringArray): boolean', @Lape_ext_UnTar);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_UnTarEx(const Input: string; const outputdir: string; overwrite: boolean): boolean', @Lape_ext_UnTarEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_DecompressBZip2(const input: string; var output: string; const BlockSize: Cardinal): boolean', @Lape_ext_DecompressBZip2);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_GetPage(const url: string): string', @Lape_ext_GetPage);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function ext_MessageDlg(const aCaption, aMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer', @Lape_ext_MessageDlg);
+//AddGlobalFunc('function ext_SDTMToMDTM(Const DTM: TSDTM): TMDTM', @Lape_ext_SDTMToMDTM);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_InputQuery(const ACaption, APrompt: String; var Value: String): Boolean', @Lape_ext_InputQuery);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_ScriptText: string', @Lape_ext_ScriptText);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_GetSelectedText: string', @Lape_ext_GetSelectedText);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ext_OpenScript(vName, Data: string; Run: boolean);', @Lape_ext_OpenScript);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ext_OpenScriptEx(FileName: string; Run: boolean);', @Lape_ext_OpenScriptEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_GetPageEx(const URL, PostData, MimeType: string): string', @Lape_ext_GetPageEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ext_GetJSONValue(const Data, Value: string): string', @Lape_ext_GetJSONValue);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateFile(const Path: string): Integer', @Lape_CreateFile);
+AddGlobalFunc('function OpenFile(const Path: string; Shared: Boolean): Integer', @Lape_OpenFile);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RewriteFile(const Path: string; Shared: Boolean): Integer', @Lape_RewriteFile);
+AddGlobalFunc('function AppendFile(const Path: string): Integer', @Lape_AppendFile);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure CloseFile(FileNum: Integer);', @Lape_CloseFile);
+AddGlobalFunc('function EndOfFile(FileNum: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_EndOfFile);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FileSize(FileNum: Integer): LongInt', @Lape_FileSize);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ReadFileString(FileNum: Integer; var s: string; x: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_ReadFileString);
+AddGlobalFunc('function WriteFileString(FileNum: Integer; s: string): Boolean', @Lape_WriteFileString);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SetFileCharPointer(FileNum, cChars, Origin: Integer): Integer', @Lape_SetFileCharPointer);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FilePointerPos(FileNum: Integer): Integer', @Lape_FilePointerPos);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FileExists(const FileName: string): Boolean', @Lape_FileExists);
+AddGlobalFunc('function DirectoryExists(const DirectoryName: string): Boolean', @Lape_DirectoryExists);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateDirectory(const DirectoryName: string): boolean', @Lape_CreateDirectory);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ForceDirectores(const dir: string): boolean', @Lape_ForceDirectores);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetFiles(const Path, Ext: string): TStringArray', @Lape_GetFiles);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetDirectories(const path: string): TStringArray', @Lape_GetDirectories);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure WriteINI(const Section, KeyName, NewString, FileName: string);', @Lape_WriteINI);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure OpenWebPage(const url: string);', @Lape_OpenWebPage);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetPage(const S: String): String', @Lape_GetPage);
+AddGlobalFunc('function InitializeHTTPClient(HandleCookies: Boolean): Integer', @Lape_InitializeHTTPClient);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FreeHTTPClient(Client: Integer);', @Lape_FreeHTTPClient);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetHTTPPage(Client: Integer; const URL: string): string', @Lape_GetHTTPPage);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetHTTPUserAgent(Client: Integer; const Agent: string);', @Lape_SetHTTPUserAgent);
+AddGlobalFunc('function PostHTTPPage(Client: Integer; const Url,PostData: string): string', @Lape_PostHTTPPage);
+AddGlobalFunc('function PostHTTPPageEx(Client: Integer; const Url: string): string', @Lape_PostHTTPPageEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ClearPostData(Client: Integer);', @Lape_ClearPostData);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure AddPostVariable(Client: Integer; const VarName, VarValue: string);', @Lape_AddPostVariable);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetRawHeaders(Client: Integer): string', @Lape_GetRawHeaders);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetProxy(Client: Integer; pHost, pPort: String);', @Lape_SetProxy);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RecvSocketStr(Client: integer): string', @Lape_RecvSocketStr);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RecvSocket(Client: integer): string', @Lape_RecvSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RecvSocketEx(Client, Length: integer): string', @Lape_RecvSocketEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SendSocket(Client: integer; Data: string);', @Lape_SendSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ConnectSocket(Client: integer; IP, Port: string);', @Lape_ConnectSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure CloseSocket(Client: integer);', @Lape_CloseSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetSocketTimeout(Client, Time: integer);', @Lape_SetSocketTimeout);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure BindSocket(Client: integer; IP, Port: string);', @Lape_BindSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ListenSocket(Client: integer);', @Lape_ListenSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('function AcceptSocket(Client: integer): integer', @Lape_AcceptSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SocketInfo(Client: integer; out IP, Port: string);', @Lape_SocketInfo);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CreateSocket: integer', @Lape_CreateSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FreeSocket(Client: integer);', @Lape_FreeSocket);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure KeyDown(key: Word);', @Lape_KeyDown);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure KeyUp(key: Word);', @Lape_KeyUp);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SendKeys(const s: string);', @Lape_SendKeys);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure PressKey(key: Word);', @Lape_PressKey);
+AddGlobalFunc('function isKeyDown(key: Word): boolean', @Lape_isKeyDown);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetKeyCode(c: char): integer', @Lape_GetKeyCode);
+AddGlobalFunc('function round(e: extended): integer', @Lape_round);
+AddGlobalFunc('function iAbs(a: integer): integer', @Lape_iAbs);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ceil(e: extended): integer', @Lape_ceil);
+AddGlobalFunc('function pow(base,exponent: extended): extended', @Lape_pow);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RiemannGauss(Xstart,StepSize,Sigma: extended; AmountSteps: integer): extended', @Lape_RiemannGauss);
+AddGlobalFunc('function DiscreteGauss(Xstart,Xend: integer; sigma: extended): TExtendedArray', @Lape_DiscreteGauss);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GaussMatrix(N: integer; sigma: extended): T2DExtendedArray', @Lape_GaussMatrix);
+AddGlobalFunc('function exp(exponent: extended): extended', @Lape_exp);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Max(a,b: integer): integer', @Lape_Max);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Min(a, b: Integer): Integer', @Lape_Min);
+AddGlobalFunc('function MinE(a, b: extended): extended', @Lape_MinE);
+AddGlobalFunc('function MaxE(a,b: extended): extended', @Lape_MaxE);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Sqr(e: extended): extended', @Lape_Sqr);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Point(x,y: integer): TPoint', @Lape_Point);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Distance(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer): integer', @Lape_Distance);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Hypot(X, Y: Extended): Extended', @Lape_Hypot);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RandomRange(const aFrom, aTo: Integer): Integer', @Lape_RandomRange);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Random(Int: integer): integer', @Lape_Random);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RandomE: extended', @Lape_RandomE);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ArcTan2(y,x: extended): extended', @Lape_ArcTan2);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure IncEx(var x: integer; increase: integer);', @Lape_IncEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure DecEx(var x: integer; Decrease: integer);', @Lape_DecEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Factorial(number: longword): Int64', @Lape_Factorial);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure MoveMouse(x, y: integer);', @Lape_MoveMouse);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ScrollMouse(x,y: integer; Clicks: integer);', @Lape_ScrollMouse);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure GetMousePos(var x, y: integer);', @Lape_GetMousePos);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ConvIntClickType(Int: Integer): TClickType', @Lape_ConvIntClickType);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure HoldMouse(x, y: integer; clickType: integer);', @Lape_HoldMouse);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ReleaseMouse(x, y: integer; clickType: integer);', @Lape_ReleaseMouse);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ClickMouse(x, y: integer; clickType: integer);', @Lape_ClickMouse);
+AddGlobalFunc('function IsMouseButtonDown(button: integer): boolean', @Lape_IsMouseButtonDown);
+AddGlobalFunc('function rs_GetUpText: String', @Lape_rs_GetUpText);
+AddGlobalFunc('function rs_GetUpTextAtEx(x, y: integer; shadow: boolean): string', @Lape_rs_GetUpTextAtEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function rs_GetUpTextAt(x, y: integer): string', @Lape_rs_GetUpTextAt);
+AddGlobalFunc('function BitmapFromText(const text, font: String): integer', @Lape_BitmapFromText);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure Writeln(const str: string);', @Lape_Writeln);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SetScriptProp(prop: TSP_Property; Value: TVariantArray): boolean', @Lape_SetScriptProp);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetScriptProp(prop: TSP_Property; var Value: TVariantArray): boolean', @Lape_GetScriptProp);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure Wait(t: DWord);', @Lape_Wait);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SetSettingValue(const KeyName,value: string): boolean', @Lape_SetSettingValue);
+AddGlobalFunc('function KeyIsSetting(const KeyName: String): Boolean', @Lape_KeyIsSetting);
+AddGlobalFunc('function KeyIsDirectory(const KeyName: String): Boolean', @Lape_KeyIsDirectory);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetSettingValue(const KeyName: String): String', @Lape_GetSettingValue);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetSettingValueDef(const KeyName, defVal: String): String', @Lape_GetSettingValueDef);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ListSettings(const KeyName: String; var KeyReturn: TStringArray): boolean', @Lape_ListSettings);
+AddGlobalFunc('function DeleteSetting(const KeyName: String): Boolean', @Lape_DeleteSetting);
+AddGlobalFunc('function DeleteSubSettings(const KeyName: String): Boolean', @Lape_DeleteSubSettings);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Capitalize(str: string): string', @Lape_Capitalize);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CompressString(const Str: string): string', @Lape_CompressString);
+AddGlobalFunc('function DecompressString(const Compressed: string): string', @Lape_DecompressString);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Base64Encode(const str: string): string', @Lape_Base64Encode);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Base64Decode(const str: string): string', @Lape_Base64Decode);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ExtractFromStr(Str: string; Extract: StrExtr): string', @Lape_ExtractFromStr);
+AddGlobalFunc('function BoolToStr(bool: boolean): string', @Lape_BoolToStr);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Replace(Text, FindStr, ReplaceStr: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string', @Lape_Replace);
+AddGlobalFunc('function IntToStr(int: integer): string', @Lape_IntToStr);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FloatToStr(flt: extended): string', @Lape_FloatToStr);
+AddGlobalFunc('function StrToInt(value: String): Integer', @Lape_StrToInt);
+AddGlobalFunc('function StrToIntDef(value: String; default: Integer): Integer', @Lape_StrToIntDef);
+AddGlobalFunc('function StrToFloat(value: String): Extended', @Lape_StrToFloat);
+AddGlobalFunc('function StrToFloatDef(value: String; default: Extended): Extended', @Lape_StrToFloatDef);
+AddGlobalFunc('function StrToBool(value: String): Boolean', @Lape_StrToBool);
+AddGlobalFunc('function StrToBoolDef(value: String; default: Boolean): Boolean', @Lape_StrToBoolDef);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Between(s1, s2, str: string): string', @Lape_Between);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure Quicksort(var Arr: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_Quicksort);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure tSwap(var a, b: TPoint);', @Lape_tSwap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure tpaSwap(var a, b: TPointArray);', @Lape_tpaSwap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SwapE(var a, b: Extended);', @Lape_SwapE);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure RAaSTPAEx(var a: TPointArray; const w, h: Integer);', @Lape_RAaSTPAEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure RAaSTPA(var a: TPointArray; const Dist: Integer);', @Lape_RAaSTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function NearbyPointInArrayEx(const P: TPoint; w, h: Integer; const a: TPointArray): Boolean', @Lape_NearbyPointInArrayEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function NearbyPointInArray(const P: TPoint; Dist: Integer; const a: TPointArray): Boolean', @Lape_NearbyPointInArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure QuickTPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: TPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);', @Lape_QuickTPASort);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure QuickATPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: T2DPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);', @Lape_QuickATPASort);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SortTPAFrom(var a: TPointArray; const From: TPoint);', @Lape_SortTPAFrom);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SortATPAFrom(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);', @Lape_SortATPAFrom);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SortATPAFromFirstPoint(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);', @Lape_SortATPAFromFirstPoint);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure InvertTPA(var a: TPointArray);', @Lape_InvertTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure InvertATPA(var a: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_InvertATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function MiddleTPAEx(const TPA: TPointArray; var x, y: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_MiddleTPAEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function MiddleTPA(const tpa: TPointArray): TPoint', @Lape_MiddleTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SortATPASize(var a: T2DPointArray; const BigFirst: Boolean);', @Lape_SortATPASize);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SortATPAFromSize(var a: T2DPointArray; const Size: Integer; CloseFirst: Boolean);', @Lape_SortATPAFromSize);
+AddGlobalFunc('function InIntArrayEx(const a: TIntegerArray; var Where: Integer; const Number: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_InIntArrayEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function InIntArray(const a: TIntegerArray; Number: Integer): Boolean', @Lape_InIntArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ClearSameIntegers(var a: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_ClearSameIntegers);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ClearSameIntegersAndTPA(var a: TIntegerArray; var p: TPointArray);', @Lape_ClearSameIntegersAndTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SplitTPAEx(const arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray', @Lape_SplitTPAEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SplitTPA(const arr: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray', @Lape_SplitTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FloodFillTPA(const TPA: TPointArray): T2DPointArray', @Lape_FloodFillTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FilterPointsPie(var Points: TPointArray; const SD, ED, MinR, MaxR: Extended; Mx, My: Integer);', @Lape_FilterPointsPie);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FilterPointsDist(var Points: TPointArray; const MinDist, MaxDist: Extended; Mx, My: Integer);', @Lape_FilterPointsDist);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FilterPointsLine(var Points: TPointArray; Radial: Extended; Radius, MX, MY: Integer);', @Lape_FilterPointsLine);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FilterTPADist(var TPA: TPointArray; maxDist: integer);', @Lape_FilterTPADist);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetATPABounds(const ATPA: T2DPointArray): TBox', @Lape_GetATPABounds);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetTPABounds(const TPA: TPointArray): TBox', @Lape_GetTPABounds);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindTPAinTPA(const SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean', @Lape_FindTPAinTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetSamePointsATPA(const ATPA: T2DPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): boolean', @Lape_GetSamePointsATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindTextTPAinTPA(Height: integer; const SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean', @Lape_FindTextTPAinTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SortCircleWise(var tpa: TPointArray; const cx, cy, StartDegree: Integer; SortUp, ClockWise: Boolean);', @Lape_SortCircleWise);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure LinearSort(var tpa: TPointArray; cx, cy, sd: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);', @Lape_LinearSort);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RotatePoint(Const p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint', @Lape_RotatePoint);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ChangeDistPT(const PT: TPoint; mx,my: integer; newdist: extended): TPoint', @Lape_ChangeDistPT);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ChangeDistTPA(var TPA: TPointArray; mx,my: integer; newdist: extended): boolean', @Lape_ChangeDistTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindGapsTPA(const TPA: TPointArray; MinPixels: Integer): T2DPointArray', @Lape_FindGapsTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RemoveDistTPointArray(x, y, dist: Integer; const ThePoints: TPointArray; RemoveHigher: Boolean): TPointArray', @Lape_RemoveDistTPointArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CombineTPA(const Ar1, Ar2: TPointArray): TPointArray', @Lape_CombineTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx(const a: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): TPointArray', @Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ReArrangeandShortenArray(const a: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): TPointArray', @Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('function TPAtoATPAEx(const TPA: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray', @Lape_TPAtoATPAEx);
+AddGlobalFunc('function TPAtoATPA(const TPA: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray', @Lape_TPAtoATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CombineIntArray(const Ar1, Ar2: TIntegerArray): TIntegerArray', @Lape_CombineIntArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('function MergeATPA(const ATPA: T2DPointArray): TPointArray', @Lape_MergeATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure AppendTPA(var TPA: TPointArray; const ToAppend: TPointArray);', @Lape_AppendTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function TPAFromBox(const Box: TBox): TPointArray', @Lape_TPAFromBox);
+AddGlobalFunc('function RotatePoints(Const P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended): TPointArray', @Lape_RotatePoints);
+AddGlobalFunc('function FindTPAEdges(const p: TPointArray): TPointArray', @Lape_FindTPAEdges);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ClearTPAFromTPA(const arP, ClearPoints: TPointArray): TPointArray', @Lape_ClearTPAFromTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ReturnPointsNotInTPA(Const TotalTPA: TPointArray; const Box: TBox): TPointArray', @Lape_ReturnPointsNotInTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function PointInTPA(p: TPoint; const arP: TPointArray): Boolean', @Lape_PointInTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ClearDoubleTPA(var TPA: TPointArray);', @Lape_ClearDoubleTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure TPACountSort(Var TPA: TPointArray; const max: TPoint; Const SortOnX: Boolean);', @Lape_TPACountSort);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure TPACountSortBase(Var TPA: TPointArray; const maxx, base: TPoint; const SortOnX: Boolean);', @Lape_TPACountSortBase);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure InvertTIA(var tI: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_InvertTIA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SumIntegerArray(const Ints: TIntegerArray): Integer', @Lape_SumIntegerArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('function AverageTIA(const tI: TIntegerArray): Integer', @Lape_AverageTIA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function AverageExtended(const tE: TExtendedArray): Extended', @Lape_AverageExtended);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SplitTPAExWrap(const arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer; var res: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_SplitTPAExWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SplitTPAWrap(const arr: TPointArray; Dist: Integer; var res: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_SplitTPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FindGapsTPAWrap(const TPA: TPointArray; MinPixels: Integer; var Res: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_FindGapsTPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure RemoveDistTPointArrayWrap(x, y, dist: Integer; const ThePoints: TPointArray; RemoveHigher: Boolean; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_RemoveDistTPointArrayWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure CombineTPAWrap(const Ar1, Ar2: TPointArray; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_CombineTPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ReArrangeandShortenArrayExWrap(const a: TPointArray; w, h: Integer; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArrayExWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ReArrangeandShortenArrayWrap(const a: TPointArray; Dist: Integer; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_ReArrangeandShortenArrayWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure TPAtoATPAExWrap(const TPA: TPointArray; w, h: Integer; var Res: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_TPAtoATPAExWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure TPAtoATPAWrap(const TPA: TPointArray; Dist: Integer; var Res: T2DPointArray);', @Lape_TPAtoATPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure CombineIntArrayWrap(const Ar1, Ar2: TIntegerArray; var Res: TIntegerArray);', @Lape_CombineIntArrayWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure MergeATPAWrap(const ATPA: T2DPointArray; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_MergeATPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure TPAFromBoxWrap(const Box: TBox; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_TPAFromBoxWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure RotatePointsWrap(Const P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_RotatePointsWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FindTPAEdgesWrap(const p: TPointArray; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_FindTPAEdgesWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ClearTPAFromTPAWrap(const arP, ClearPoints: TPointArray; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_ClearTPAFromTPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ReturnPointsNotInTPAWrap(Const TotalTPA: TPointArray; const Box: TBox; var Res: TPointArray);', @Lape_ReturnPointsNotInTPAWrap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SameTPA(const aTPA, bTPA: TPointArray): Boolean', @Lape_SameTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function TPAInATPA(const TPA: TPointArray; const InATPA: T2DPointArray; var Index: LongInt): Boolean', @Lape_TPAInATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure OffsetTPA(var TPA: TPointArray; const Offset: TPoint);', @Lape_OffsetTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure OffsetATPA(var ATPA: T2DPointArray; const Offset: TPoint);', @Lape_OffsetATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CopyTPA(const TPA: TPointArray): TPointArray', @Lape_CopyTPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('function CopyATPA(const ATPA: T2DPointArray): T2DPointArray', @Lape_CopyATPA);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetDesktopAsClient;', @Lape_SetDesktopAsClient);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SetTargetArray(P: Integer; w, h: integer): integer', @Lape_SetTargetArray);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SetTargetBitmap(bitmap: Integer): integer', @Lape_SetTargetBitmap);
+AddGlobalFunc('function SetEIOSTarget(name: string; args: Variant): integer', @Lape_SetEIOSTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetImageTarget(idx: integer);', @Lape_SetImageTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure SetKeyMouseTarget(idx: integer);', @Lape_SetKeyMouseTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetImageTarget: integer', @Lape_GetImageTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('function GetKeyMouseTarget: integer', @Lape_GetKeyMouseTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ExportImageTarget: TTarget_Exported', @Lape_ExportImageTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('function ExportKeyMouseTarget: TTarget_Exported', @Lape_ExportKeyMouseTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure FreeTarget(idx: integer);', @Lape_FreeTarget);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure GetClientDimensions(var w, h: integer);', @Lape_GetClientDimensions);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure GetClientPosition(var left, top: integer);', @Lape_GetClientPosition);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Freeze: boolean', @Lape_Freeze);
+AddGlobalFunc('function Unfreeze: boolean', @Lape_Unfreeze);
+AddGlobalFunc('procedure ActivateClient;', @Lape_ActivateClient);
+AddGlobalFunc('function IsTargetValid: boolean', @Lape_IsTargetValid);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas b/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
index 6f194f7..9d43942 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
unit mmlpsthread;
//{$define USE_RUTIS}
+{$define USE_LAPE}
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
@@ -35,9 +36,12 @@ uses
bitmaps, plugins, dynlibs,internets,scriptproperties,
settings,settingssandbox, lcltype, dialogs
- ,Rutis_Engine,Rutis_Defs
+ , Rutis_Engine, Rutis_Defs
- ;
+ , lpparser, lpcompiler, lptypes, lpvartypes,
+ lpeval, lpinterpreter, lpdisassembler
+ {$ENDIF};
m_Status = 0; //Data = PChar to new status
@@ -233,6 +237,24 @@ type
+ { TLPThread }
+ TLPThread = class(TMThread)
+ protected
+ procedure LoadPlugin(plugidx: integer); override;
+ public
+ Parser: TLapeTokenizerString;
+ Compiler: TLapeCompiler;
+ constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; TheSyncInfo : PSyncInfo; plugin_dir: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SetScript(Script: string); override;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ procedure Terminate; override;
+ function OnFindFile(Sender: TLapeCompiler; var FileName: lpString): TLapeTokenizerBase;
+ function OnHandleDirective(Sender: TLapeCompiler; Directive, Argument: lpString; InPeek: Boolean): Boolean;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
CurrThread : TMThread;
@@ -685,7 +707,6 @@ begin
procedure TPSThread.LoadPlugin(plugidx: integer);
i: integer;
@@ -1229,6 +1250,183 @@ begin
+{ TLPThread }
+ PBoolean = ^Boolean;
+ PStringArray = ^TStringArray;
+ PBmpMirrorStyle = ^TBmpMirrorStyle;
+ PPointArray = ^TPointArray;
+ P2DIntArray = ^T2DIntArray;
+ PCanvas = ^TCanvas;
+ P2DPointArray = ^T2DPointArray;
+ PMask = ^TMask;
+ PBox = ^TBox;
+ PTarget_Exported = ^TTarget_Exported;
+ PIntegerArray = ^TIntegerArray;
+ PExtendedArray = ^TExtendedArray;
+ PFont = ^TFont;
+// PStrExtr = ^TStrExtr;
+ PReplaceFlags = ^TReplaceFlags;
+ PClickType = ^TClickType;
+ P2DExtendedArray = ^T2DExtendedArray;
+ PMDTMPoint = ^TMDTMPoint;
+ procedure lp_WriteLn(Params: PParamArray);
+ begin
+ psWriteLn(PlpString(Params^[0])^);
+ end;
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/other.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/settings.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/window.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/tpa.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/strings.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/colour.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/colourconv.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/crypto.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/math.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/mouse.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/file.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/keyboard.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/dtm.inc}
+{.$I LPInc/Wrappers/extensions.inc} //Doesn't work for me!
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/ocr.inc}
+{$I LPInc/Wrappers/internets.inc}
+constructor TLPThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; TheSyncInfo: PSyncInfo; plugin_dir: string);
+ I: integer;
+ Fonts: TMFonts;
+ inherited Create(CreateSuspended, TheSyncInfo, plugin_dir);
+ Parser := TLapeTokenizerString.Create('');
+ Compiler := TLapeCompiler.Create(Parser);
+ Compiler.OnFindFile := @OnFindFile;
+ Compiler.OnHandleDirective := @OnHandleDirective;
+ Fonts := Client.MOCR.Fonts;
+ with Compiler do
+ begin
+ addGlobalFunc('procedure _writeln; override;', @lp_WriteLn);
+ for I := Fonts.Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ addGlobalVar(Fonts[I].Name, Fonts[I].Name);
+ for I := 0 to High(VirtualKeys) do
+ addGlobalVar(VirtualKeys[I].Key, Format('VK_%S', [VirtualKeys[i].Str]));
+ {$I LPInc/lpdefines.inc}
+ {$I LPInc/lpcompile.inc}
+ {$I LPInc/lpexportedmethods.inc}
+ end;
+destructor TLPThread.Destroy;
+ try
+ {if (Compiler <> nil) then
+ Compiler.Free;}
+ if (Parser <> nil) then
+ Parser.Free;
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ psWriteln('Exception TLPThread.Destroy: ' + e.message);
+ end;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TLPThread.SetScript(Script: string);
+ Parser.Doc := Script;
+function TLPThread.OnFindFile(Sender: TLapeCompiler; var FileName: lpString): TLapeTokenizerBase;
+ Result := nil;
+ FileName := IncludePath + FileName;
+function TLPThread.OnHandleDirective(Sender: TLapeCompiler; Directive, Argument: lpString; InPeek: Boolean): Boolean;
+ plugin_idx: integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if (Directive = 'loadlib') then
+ begin
+ if (Argument <> '') then
+ begin
+ plugin_idx := PluginsGlob.LoadPlugin(Argument);
+ if (plugin_idx >= 0) then
+ begin
+ LoadPlugin(plugin_idx);
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ psWriteln(Format('Your DLL %s has not been found', [Argument]))
+ end else
+ psWriteln('Your LoadLib directive has no params, thus cannot find the plugin');
+ end;
+procedure TLPThread.LoadPlugin(plugidx: integer);
+ I: integer;
+ with PluginsGlob.MPlugins[plugidx] do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to TypesLen -1 do
+ with Types[I] do
+ Compiler.addGlobalType(TypeDef, TypeName);
+ for i := 0 to MethodLen - 1 do
+ with Methods[i] do
+ Compiler.addGlobalFunc(FuncStr, FuncPtr);
+ end;
+procedure TLPThread.Execute;
+ function CombineDeclArray(a, b: TLapeDeclArray): TLapeDeclArray;
+ var
+ i, l: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := a;
+ l := Length(a);
+ SetLength(Result, l + Length(b));
+ for i := High(b) downto 0 do
+ Result[l + i] := b[i];
+ end;
+ CurrThread := self;
+ try
+ Starttime := lclintf.GetTickCount;
+ if Compiler.Compile() then
+ begin
+ psWriteln('Compiled succesfully in ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - Starttime) + ' ms.');
+ if CompileOnly then
+ Exit;
+ RunCode(Compiler.Emitter.Code);
+ psWriteln('Successfully executed.');
+ end else
+ psWriteln('Compiling failed.');
+ except
+ on E : Exception do
+ psWriteln('Exception in Script: ' + e.message);
+ end;
+procedure TLPThread.Terminate;
PluginsGlob := TMPlugins.Create;
libcpascal:= 0;
diff --git a/Units/lape b/Units/lape
index b24c52b..91f6956 160000
--- a/Units/lape
+++ b/Units/lape
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit b24c52b9748c6f9f3e91a7a86f727022bf2fd6ce
+Subproject commit 91f6956ba801992efc5894e77888b84a987edadd