diff --git a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi
index 56b62bc..480e118 100644
--- a/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi
+++ b/Projects/SAMufasaGUI/project1.lpi
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
@@ -406,9 +406,9 @@
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
@@ -425,34 +425,28 @@
@@ -469,9 +463,7 @@
@@ -515,8 +507,22 @@
@@ -543,44 +549,52 @@
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas b/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
index dee8699..ed7cf02 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
@@ -1,245 +1,246 @@
-unit mmlpsthread;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, SysUtils, client, uPSComponent,uPSCompiler,uPSRuntime,SynMemo;
- { TMMLPSThread }
- TMMLPSThread = class(TThread)
- protected
-// PSScript : TPSScript;
-// PSClient : TPSScript;
-// Client: TClient;
-// DebugTo : TStrings;
- Client : TClient;
- PSScript : TPSScript;
- DebugTo : TSynMemo;
- procedure OnCompile(Sender: TPSScript);
- procedure AfterExecute(Sender : TPSScript);
- function RequireFile(Sender: TObject; const OriginFileName: String;
- var FileName, OutPut: string): Boolean;
- procedure OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler);
- procedure OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec; x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
- procedure OutputMessages;
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- procedure SetPSScript(Script : string);
- procedure SetDebug( Strings : TSynMemo );
- function SetClientInfo : boolean;
-// function CompilePSScript : boolean;
-// function
- constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);
- destructor Destroy;
- end;
- MufasaTypes,{$ifdef mswindows}windows,{$endif}
- uPSC_std, uPSC_Controls,uPSC_Classes,uPSC_Graphics,uPSC_stdctrls,uPSC_Forms,uPSC_extctrls, //Compile-libs
- uPSR_std, uPSR_Controls,uPSR_Classes,uPSR_Graphics,uPSR_stdctrls,uPSR_Forms,uPSR_extctrls; //Runtime-libs
- CurrThread : TMMLPSThread;
-{Some General PS Functions here}
-procedure Writeln(str : string);
- if CurrThread.DebugTo <> nil then
- CurrThread.DebugTo.Lines.Add(Str);
- //Just overwriting itz.. soz.
-function ThreadSafeCall(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant;
- i : integer;
- Writeln('We have a length of: ' + inttostr(length(v)));
- Try
- Result := CurrThread.PSScript.Exec.RunProcPVar(v,CurrThread.PSScript.Exec.GetProc(Procname));
- Except
- Writeln('We has some errors :-(');
- end;
- Note to Raymond: For PascalScript, Create it on the .Create,
- Execute it on the .Execute, and don't forget to Destroy it on .Destroy.
- Furthermore, all the wrappers can be in the unit "implementation" section.
- Better still to create an .inc for it, otherwise this unit will become huge.
- (You can even split up the .inc's in stuff like color, bitmap, etc. )
- Also, don't add PS to this unit, but make a seperate unit for it.
- Unit "MMLPSThread", perhaps?
- See the TestUnit for use of this thread, it's pretty straightforward.
- It may also be wise to turn the "Importing of wrappers" into an include as
- well, it will really make the unit more straightforward to use and read.
-constructor TMMLPSThread.Create(CreateSuspended : boolean);
- if Client <> nil then
- Writeln('ThreadClient seems to be set, so not recreating it.') //reset client to defaults?
- //ThreadClient.ResetToDefaults
- else
- Client := TClient.Create;
- if PSScript <> nil then
- PSScript.Free;
- // Create Stuff here
- PSScript := TPSScript.Create(nil);
- PSScript.UsePreProcessor:= True;
- PSScript.OnNeedFile := @RequireFile;
- PSScript.OnCompile:= @OnCompile;
- PSScript.OnCompImport:= @OnCompImport;
- PSScript.OnExecImport:= @OnExecImport;
- PSScript.OnAfterExecute:= @AfterExecute;
- {$IFDEF CPU386 }
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('CPU386');
- {$ENDIF }
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('MUFASA');
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('COGAT');
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('RAYMONDPOWNS');
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('MSWINDOWS');
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('WIN32');
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('WINDOWS');
- {$ENDIF }
- PSScript.Defines.Add ('LINUX');
- {$ENDIF }
- FreeOnTerminate := True;
- inherited Create(CreateSuspended);
-destructor TMMLPSThread.Destroy;
- Client.Free;
- PSScript.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompile(Sender: TPSScript);
- //Here we add all the initalizing, of BMPArray etc
- Sender.AddFunction(@ThreadSafeCall,'function ThreadSafeCall(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant;');
- Sender.AddFunction(@Writeln,'procedure writeln(s : string);');
- //Also the functions get added into the engine, right here.
-procedure TMMLPSThread.AfterExecute(Sender: TPSScript);
- //Here we add all the Script-freeing-leftovers (like BMParray etc)
-function TMMLPSThread.RequireFile(Sender: TObject;
- const OriginFileName: String; var FileName, OutPut: string): Boolean;
-procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler);
- SIRegister_Std(x);
- SIRegister_Controls(x);
- SIRegister_Classes(x, true);
- SIRegister_Graphics(x, true);
- SIRegister_stdctrls(x);
- SIRegister_Forms(x);
- SIRegister_ExtCtrls(x);
-procedure TMMLPSThread.OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec;
- x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
- RIRegister_Std(x);
- RIRegister_Classes(x, True);
- RIRegister_Controls(x);
- RIRegister_Graphics(x, True);
- RIRegister_stdctrls(x);
- RIRegister_Forms(x);
- RIRegister_ExtCtrls(x);
-procedure TMMLPSThread.OutputMessages;
- l: Longint;
- b: Boolean;
- b := False;
- for l := 0 to PSScript.CompilerMessageCount - 1 do
- begin
- Writeln(PSScript.CompilerErrorToStr(l));
- if (not b) and (PSScript.CompilerMessages[l] is TIFPSPascalCompilerError) then
- begin
- b := True;
-// FormMain.CurrSynEdit.SelStart := PSScript.CompilerMessages[l].Pos;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMMLPSThread.Execute;
- time, i, ii: Integer;
- CurrThread := Self;
- time := GetTickCount;
- try
- if PSScript.Compile then
- begin
- OutputMessages;
- Writeln('Compiled succesfully in ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - time) + ' ms.');
-// if not (ScriptState = SCompiling) then
- if not PSScript.Execute then
- begin
-// FormMain.CurrSynEdit.SelStart := Script.PSScript.ExecErrorPosition;
- Writeln(PSScript.ExecErrorToString +' at '+Inttostr(PSScript.ExecErrorProcNo)+'.'
- +Inttostr(PSScript.ExecErrorByteCodePosition));
- end else Writeln('Succesfully executed');
- end else
- begin
- OutputMessages;
- Writeln('Compiling failed');
- end;
- except
- on E : Exception do
- Writeln('Error: ' + E.Message);
- end;
-procedure TMMLPSThread.SetPSScript(Script: string);
- PSScript.Script.Text:= Script;
-procedure TMMLPSThread.SetDebug(Strings: TSynMemo);
- DebugTo := Strings;
-function TMMLPSThread.SetClientInfo: boolean;
- //Set the client handle, etc
-{ Include stuff here? }
-//{$I inc/colors.inc}
-//{$I inc/bitmaps.inc}
+unit mmlpsthread;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, client, uPSComponent,uPSCompiler,uPSRuntime,SynMemo;
+ { TMMLPSThread }
+ TMMLPSThread = class(TThread)
+ protected
+// PSScript : TPSScript;
+// PSClient : TPSScript;
+// Client: TClient;
+// DebugTo : TStrings;
+ Client : TClient;
+ PSScript : TPSScript;
+ DebugTo : TSynMemo;
+ procedure OnCompile(Sender: TPSScript);
+ procedure AfterExecute(Sender : TPSScript);
+ function RequireFile(Sender: TObject; const OriginFileName: String;
+ var FileName, OutPut: string): Boolean;
+ procedure OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler);
+ procedure OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec; x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
+ procedure OutputMessages;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ procedure SetPSScript(Script : string);
+ procedure SetDebug( Strings : TSynMemo );
+ function SetClientInfo : boolean;
+// function CompilePSScript : boolean;
+// function
+ constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);
+ destructor Destroy;
+ end;
+ MufasaTypes,{$ifdef mswindows}windows,{$endif}
+ uPSC_std, uPSC_controls,uPSC_classes,uPSC_graphics,uPSC_stdctrls,uPSC_forms,uPSC_extctrls, //Compile-libs
+ uPSR_std, uPSR_controls,uPSR_classes,uPSR_graphics,uPSR_stdctrls,uPSR_forms,uPSR_extctrls, //Runtime-libs
+ lclintf;
+ CurrThread : TMMLPSThread;
+{Some General PS Functions here}
+procedure Writeln(str : string);
+ if CurrThread.DebugTo <> nil then
+ CurrThread.DebugTo.Lines.Add(Str);
+ //Just overwriting itz.. soz.
+function ThreadSafeCall(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant;
+ i : integer;
+ Writeln('We have a length of: ' + inttostr(length(v)));
+ Try
+ Result := CurrThread.PSScript.Exec.RunProcPVar(v,CurrThread.PSScript.Exec.GetProc(Procname));
+ Except
+ Writeln('We has some errors :-(');
+ end;
+ Note to Raymond: For PascalScript, Create it on the .Create,
+ Execute it on the .Execute, and don't forget to Destroy it on .Destroy.
+ Furthermore, all the wrappers can be in the unit "implementation" section.
+ Better still to create an .inc for it, otherwise this unit will become huge.
+ (You can even split up the .inc's in stuff like color, bitmap, etc. )
+ Also, don't add PS to this unit, but make a seperate unit for it.
+ Unit "MMLPSThread", perhaps?
+ See the TestUnit for use of this thread, it's pretty straightforward.
+ It may also be wise to turn the "Importing of wrappers" into an include as
+ well, it will really make the unit more straightforward to use and read.
+constructor TMMLPSThread.Create(CreateSuspended : boolean);
+ if Client <> nil then
+ Writeln('ThreadClient seems to be set, so not recreating it.') //reset client to defaults?
+ //ThreadClient.ResetToDefaults
+ else
+ Client := TClient.Create;
+ if PSScript <> nil then
+ PSScript.Free;
+ // Create Stuff here
+ PSScript := TPSScript.Create(nil);
+ PSScript.UsePreProcessor:= True;
+ PSScript.OnNeedFile := @RequireFile;
+ PSScript.OnCompile:= @OnCompile;
+ PSScript.OnCompImport:= @OnCompImport;
+ PSScript.OnExecImport:= @OnExecImport;
+ PSScript.OnAfterExecute:= @AfterExecute;
+ {$IFDEF CPU386 }
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('CPU386');
+ {$ENDIF }
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('MUFASA');
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('COGAT');
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('RAYMONDPOWNS');
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('MSWINDOWS');
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('WIN32');
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('WINDOWS');
+ {$ENDIF }
+ PSScript.Defines.Add ('LINUX');
+ {$ENDIF }
+ FreeOnTerminate := True;
+ inherited Create(CreateSuspended);
+destructor TMMLPSThread.Destroy;
+ Client.Free;
+ PSScript.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompile(Sender: TPSScript);
+ //Here we add all the initalizing, of BMPArray etc
+ Sender.AddFunction(@ThreadSafeCall,'function ThreadSafeCall(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant;');
+ Sender.AddFunction(@Writeln,'procedure writeln(s : string);');
+ //Also the functions get added into the engine, right here.
+procedure TMMLPSThread.AfterExecute(Sender: TPSScript);
+ //Here we add all the Script-freeing-leftovers (like BMParray etc)
+function TMMLPSThread.RequireFile(Sender: TObject;
+ const OriginFileName: String; var FileName, OutPut: string): Boolean;
+procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler);
+ SIRegister_Std(x);
+ SIRegister_Controls(x);
+ SIRegister_Classes(x, true);
+ SIRegister_Graphics(x, true);
+ SIRegister_stdctrls(x);
+ SIRegister_Forms(x);
+ SIRegister_ExtCtrls(x);
+procedure TMMLPSThread.OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec;
+ x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
+ RIRegister_Std(x);
+ RIRegister_Classes(x, True);
+ RIRegister_Controls(x);
+ RIRegister_Graphics(x, True);
+ RIRegister_stdctrls(x);
+ RIRegister_Forms(x);
+ RIRegister_ExtCtrls(x);
+procedure TMMLPSThread.OutputMessages;
+ l: Longint;
+ b: Boolean;
+ b := False;
+ for l := 0 to PSScript.CompilerMessageCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ Writeln(PSScript.CompilerErrorToStr(l));
+ if (not b) and (PSScript.CompilerMessages[l] is TIFPSPascalCompilerError) then
+ begin
+ b := True;
+// FormMain.CurrSynEdit.SelStart := PSScript.CompilerMessages[l].Pos;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TMMLPSThread.Execute;
+ time, i, ii: Integer;
+ CurrThread := Self;
+ time := lclintf.GetTickCount;
+ try
+ if PSScript.Compile then
+ begin
+ OutputMessages;
+ Writeln('Compiled succesfully in ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - time) + ' ms.');
+// if not (ScriptState = SCompiling) then
+ if not PSScript.Execute then
+ begin
+// FormMain.CurrSynEdit.SelStart := Script.PSScript.ExecErrorPosition;
+ Writeln(PSScript.ExecErrorToString +' at '+Inttostr(PSScript.ExecErrorProcNo)+'.'
+ +Inttostr(PSScript.ExecErrorByteCodePosition));
+ end else Writeln('Succesfully executed');
+ end else
+ begin
+ OutputMessages;
+ Writeln('Compiling failed');
+ end;
+ except
+ on E : Exception do
+ Writeln('Error: ' + E.Message);
+ end;
+procedure TMMLPSThread.SetPSScript(Script: string);
+ PSScript.Script.Text:= Script;
+procedure TMMLPSThread.SetDebug(Strings: TSynMemo);
+ DebugTo := Strings;
+function TMMLPSThread.SetClientInfo: boolean;
+ //Set the client handle, etc
+{ Include stuff here? }
+//{$I inc/colors.inc}
+//{$I inc/bitmaps.inc}