diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
index 7ceb0e8..4662f6c 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
@@ -106,6 +106,20 @@ begin;
+procedure DrawTPABitmap(bitmap : integer; TPA : TPointArray; Color : integer);
+  CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bitmap].DrawTPA(TPA,Color);
+procedure DrawATPABitmap(bitmap : integer; ATPA : T2DPointArray);
+  CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap].DrawATPA(ATPA);
+procedure DrawATPABitmapEx(bitmap : integer; ATPA : T2DPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);
+  CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap].DrawATPA(ATPA,Colors);
 procedure FastDrawClear(bmp : integer; Color : TColor);
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/psexportedmethods.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/psexportedmethods.inc
index 116eecf..ac1dcf1 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/psexportedmethods.inc
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/psexportedmethods.inc
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ AddFunction(@FindColorsToleranceOptimised,'function FindColorsToleranceOptimised
 AddFunction(@FindColorsTolerance,'function FindColorsTolerance(out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Boolean;');
 AddFunction(@FindColorSpiral,'function FindColorSpiral(var x, y: Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean;');
 AddFunction(@FindColorsSpiralTolerance,'function FindColorsSpiralTolerance(x, y: Integer; out Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance: Integer) : boolean;');
-AddFunction(@SetColorToleranceSpeed, 'procedure SetColorToleranceSpeed(cts: integer);');
-AddFunction(@FindColoredArea, 'function FindColoredArea(var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea : Integer): Boolean');
+AddFunction(@SetColorToleranceSpeed, 'procedure SetColorToleranceSpeed(cts: integer);');
+AddFunction(@FindColoredArea, 'function FindColoredArea(var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea : Integer): Boolean');
 AddFunction(@FindColoredAreaTolerance, 'function FindColoredAreaTolerance(var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea, Tolerance : Integer): Boolean');
 AddFunction(@ColorToHSL, 'procedure ColorToHSL(c: integer; out r,g,b: extended);');
@@ -177,6 +177,9 @@ AddFunction(@CreateBitmapMask,'function CreateBitmapMask(Bitmap : integer) : TMa
 AddFunction(@FindMaskTolerance,'function FindMaskTolerance(mask: TMask; out x, y: Integer; xs,ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean;');
 AddFunction(@FindBitmapMaskTolerance,'function FindBitmapMaskTolerance(mask: Integer; out x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean;');
 AddFunction(@FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn,'function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; out x,y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer; Range: Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean; out accuracy: Extended): Boolean;');
+AddFunction(@DrawTPABitmap,'procedure DrawTPABitmap(bitmap : integer; TPA : TPointArray; Color : integer);');
+AddFunction(@DrawATPABitmap,'procedure DrawATPABitmap(bitmap : integer; ATPA : T2DPointArray);');
+AddFunction(@DrawATPABitmapEx,'procedure DrawATPABitmapEx(bitmap : integer; ATPA : T2DPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);');
 AddFunction(@SplitTPAEx,'function SplitTPAEx(arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;');
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas b/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
index 597e03c..ddb5e00 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/mmlpsthread.pas
@@ -303,6 +303,24 @@ begin
   Result := True;
+procedure SIRegister_Mufasa(cl: TPSPascalCompiler);
+  with cl.AddClassN(cl.FindClass('TObject'),'TMufasaBitmap') do
+  begin;
+    RegisterMethod('function SaveToFile(const FileName : string) :boolean;');
+    RegisterMethod('procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName : string);');
+  end;
+procedure RIRegister_Mufasa(cl: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
+  with cl.Add(TMufasaBitmap) do
+  begin
+    RegisterMethod(@TMufasaBitmap.SaveToFile, 'SAVETOFILE');
+    RegisterConstructor(@TMufasaBitmap.LoadFromFile, 'LOADFROMFILE');
+  end;
 procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler);
@@ -312,6 +330,7 @@ begin
+  SIRegister_Mufasa(x);
 procedure TMMLPSThread.OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec;
@@ -324,6 +343,7 @@ begin
+  RIRegister_Mufasa(x);
 procedure TMMLPSThread.OutputMessages;
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/tpa.pas b/Units/MMLAddon/tpa.pas
index f0a6726..8ccc30e 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/tpa.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/tpa.pas
@@ -28,10 +28,772 @@ interface
   Classes, SysUtils, mufasatypes;
+function FastTPASort(TPA: TPointArray; Dists: TIntegerArray; maxDist: Integer; CloseFirst: Boolean): TPointArray;
+//Start Wizzyplugin
+procedure tSwap(var a, b: TPoint);
+procedure tpaSwap(var a, b: TPointArray);
+procedure SwapE(var a, b: Extended);
+procedure RAaSTPAEx(var a: TPointArray; const w, h: Integer);
+procedure RAaSTPA(var a: TPointArray; const Dist: Integer);
+function NearbyPointInArrayEx(const P: TPoint; w, h:Integer; a: TPointArray): Boolean;
+function NearbyPointInArray(const P: TPoint; Dist:Integer; a: TPointArray): Boolean;
+function ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx(a: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): TPointArray;
+function ReArrangeandShortenArray(a: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): TPointArray;
+function TPAtoATPAEx(TPA: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+function TPAtoATPA(TPA: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+procedure QuickTPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: TPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);
+procedure QuickATPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: T2DPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);
+procedure SortTPAFrom(var a: TPointArray; const From: TPoint);
+procedure SortATPAFrom(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);
+procedure SortATPAFromFirstPoint(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);
+procedure InvertTPA(var a: TPointArray);
+procedure InvertATPA(var a: T2DPointArray);
+function MiddleTPAEx(TPA: TPointArray; var x, y: Integer): Boolean;
+function MiddleTPA(tpa: TPointArray): TPoint;
+procedure SortATPASize(var a: T2DPointArray; const BigFirst: Boolean);
+procedure SortATPAFromSize(var a: T2DPointArray; const Size: Integer; CloseFirst: Boolean);
+function CombineTPA(Ar1, Ar2: TPointArray): TPointArray;
+function CombineIntArray(Ar1, Ar2: TIntegerArray): TIntegerArray;
+function InIntArrayEx(a: TIntegerArray; var Where: Integer; const Number: Integer): Boolean;
+function InIntArray(a: TIntegerArray; Number: Integer): Boolean;
+procedure ClearSameIntegers(var a: TIntegerArray);
+procedure ClearSameIntegersAndTPA(var a: TIntegerArray; var p: TPointArray);
 function SplitTPAEx(arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+function SplitTPA(arr: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+procedure FilterPointsPie(var Points: TPointArray; const SD, ED, MinR, MaxR: Extended; Mx, My: Integer);
+function RemoveDistTPointArray(x, y, dist: Integer; ThePoints: TPointArray; RemoveHigher: Boolean): TPointArray;
+function GetATPABounds(ATPA: T2DPointArray): TBox;
+function GetTPABounds(TPA: TPointArray): TBox;
+function FindTPAinTPA(SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean;
+function FindTextTPAinTPA(Height : integer; SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean;
+function FindGapsTPA(TPA: TPointArray; MinPixels: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+procedure SortCircleWise(var tpa: TPointArray; const cx, cy, StartDegree: Integer; SortUp, ClockWise: Boolean);
+procedure LinearSort(var tpa: TPointArray; cx, cy, sd: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);
+Function MergeATPA(ATPA : T2DPointArray)  : TPointArray;
+function TPAFromBox(const Box : TBox) : TPointArray;
+Function RotatePoints(Const P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended): TPointArray ;
+Function RotatePoint(Const p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint; inline;
+function FindTPAEdges(p: TPointArray): TPointArray;
+function PointInTPA(p: TPoint; arP: TPointArray): Boolean;
+function ClearTPAFromTPA(arP, ClearPoints: TPointArray): TPointArray;
+procedure ClearDoubleTPA(var TPA: TPointArray);
+Function ReturnPointsNotInTPA(Const TotalTPA: TPointArray; Box: TBox): TPointArray;
+Procedure TPACountSort(Var TPA: TPointArray;const max: TPoint;Const SortOnX : Boolean);
+Procedure TPACountSortBase(Var TPA: TPointArray;const maxx, base: TPoint; const SortOnX : Boolean);
+  math;
+   Very Fast TPA Sort, uses an adepted CountSort algorithm.
+Function FastTPASort(TPA: TPointArray; Dists: TIntegerArray; maxDist: Integer; CloseFirst: Boolean): TPointArray;
+ If you want to understand this algorithm, it might be helpful to read about
+ CountSort. This algorithm is quite similar to CountSort.
+   Oc, D: TIntegerArray;
+   I, H, J: Integer;
+   ind: array of array of integer;
+  SetLength(Oc, maxDist + 1); // Oc stores the occurances of each distance.
+  H := High(Dists); // The amount of values in the given Array of Points...
+                    // We store it instead of calling High(Dists) each time.
+  // Get the occurance of each distance, and store it in Oc.
+  // We need the occurances of each distance, so we can later on set the 2d Array
+  // to it's proper length.
+  For I := 0 To H Do
+    Oc[Dists[I]] := Oc[Dists[I]] + 1;
+  // What we are basically going to do now is the following:
+  // Sort the points by their distances using countsort.
+  // But because (-2, -2) and (2, 2) have the same distance from (0, 0), we also
+  // store the index in the array 'TPA', which contains the actual points.
+  // This way we can retreive the actuals points.
+  // D nothing but a counter. It contains the amount of points (indices) stored
+  // for EACH distance, so it's length is equal to the amount of Distances.
+  // ind is the array that has as first index the Distance. The second depth of
+  // the array is the index which is used to retreive the original point.
+  SetLength(D, maxDist + 1);
+  SetLength(ind, maxDist + 1);
+  For I := 0 To maxDist Do  // set the ind length of each ind[distance] to Oc[distance]
+    SetLength(ind[i], Oc[i] + 1);
+  For I := 0 To H Do  // Performs the actual index sorting
+  Begin
+    // put an index (of Dists AND TPA) into a distance array.
+    ind[Dists[I]][D[Dists[I]]] := I;
+    // inc by one, so we won't override previous indexes.
+    D[Dists[i]] := D[Dists[i]] + 1;
+  End;
+  // Here we are back to the CountSort style of writing back.
+  // Now we are going to write back to the Result.
+  // The Result's length is obviously of the same length as 'TPA'.
+  SetLength(Result, H + 1);
+  H := 0;
+  // CloseFirst just means: Start writing from dist 0 to maxDist, or
+  // start writing from maxDist to dist 0. The first one places the closest points
+  // at the start of the result. The higher the index, the more far away the point.
+  // Not Closefirst means put the most far away point in Result first.
+  If CloseFirst Then
+  Begin
+    For I := 0 To maxDist Do  // Put back to result
+      For J := 0 To oC[I] - 1 Do
+      Begin
+        Result[H] := TPA[ind[I][J]];
+        H := H + 1;
+      End;
+  End
+  Else
+    For I := maxDist Downto 0 Do  // Put back to result
+      For J := 0 To oC[I] - 1 Do
+      Begin
+        Result[H] := TPA[ind[I][J]];
+        H := H + 1;
+      End;
+  // Voila!
+  flnC=545947;
+  fsqrtA:single=0.5;
+function fsqrt(x: Single): Single;
+  asm
+    sub dword ptr x, ($3F800000-flnC)
+    fild dword ptr x
+    fmul fsqrtA
+    fistp dword ptr x
+    add dword ptr x,($3F800000-flnC)
+    fld x
+  end;
+procedure tSwap(var a, b: TPoint);
+   c: TPoint;
+  c := a;
+  a := b;
+  b := c;
+procedure tpaSwap(var a, b: TPointArray);
+   c: TPointArray;
+  c := a;
+  a := b;
+  b := c;
+procedure SwapE(var a, b: Extended);
+   c: extended;
+  c := a;
+  a := b;
+  b := c;
+  Leaves one point per box with side lengths W and H to the TPA.
+procedure RAaSTPAEx(var a: TPointArray; const w, h: Integer);
+   i, c, NoTP, l: Integer;
+   t: TPoint;
+   b: boolean;
+  b:=false;
+  NoTP := 0;
+  l := High(a);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for c := 0 to NoTP - 1 do
+      if (Abs(a[i].x - a[c].x) <= w) and (Abs(a[i].y - a[c].y) <= h) then
+      begin
+        b := true;
+        Break;
+      end;
+    if not b then
+    begin
+      t := a[i];
+      a[i] := a[NoTP];
+      a[NoTP] := t;
+      Inc(NoTP);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(a, NoTP);
+  Leaves one point per box with the side length Dist.
+procedure RAaSTPA(var a: TPointArray; const Dist: Integer);
+   i, c, NoTP, l: Integer;
+   t: TPoint;
+   b: boolean;
+  b := false;
+  NoTP := 0;
+  l := High(a);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for c := 0 to NoTP - 1 do
+      if (Round(fSqrt(Sqr(a[i].x - a[c].x) + Sqr(a[i].y - a[c].y))) <= Dist) then
+      begin
+        b:=true;
+        Break;
+      end;
+    if (c >= NoTP) then
+    begin
+      t := a[i];
+      a[i] := a[NoTP];
+      a[NoTP] := t;
+      Inc(NoTP);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(a, NoTP);
+  Returns true if the point P is near a point in the TPA a with the max X and Y distances W and H.
+function NearbyPointInArrayEx(const P: TPoint; w, h:Integer; a: TPointArray): Boolean;
+  i, l: Integer;
+  Result := False;
+  l := High(a);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    if (Abs(P.x - a[i].x) <= w) and (Abs(P.y - a[i].y) <= h) then
+    begin
+      Result := True;
+      Exit;
+    end;
+  Returns true if the point P is near a point in the TPA a with the max distance Dist.
+function NearbyPointInArray(const P: TPoint; Dist:Integer; a: TPointArray): Boolean;
+  i, l: Integer;
+  Result := False;
+  l := High(a);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    if (Round(fSqrt(Sqr(P.x - a[i].x) + Sqr(P.y - a[i].y))) <= Dist) then
+    begin
+      Result := True;
+      Exit;
+    end;
+  Results the TPointArray a with one point per box with side lengths W and H left.
+function ReArrangeandShortenArrayEx(a: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): TPointArray;
+  i, t, c, l: Integer;
+  l := High(a);
+  c := 0;
+  SetLength(Result, l + 1);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for t := 0 to c -1 do
+      if (Abs(Result[t].x - a[i].x) <= w) and (Abs(Result[t].y - a[i].y) <= h) then
+        Break;
+    if (t >= c) then
+    begin
+      Result[c] := a[i];
+      Inc(c);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result, c);
+  Results the TPointArray a with one point per box with side length Dist left.
+function ReArrangeandShortenArray(a: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): TPointArray;
+  i, t, c, l: Integer;
+  l := High(a);
+  c := 0;
+  SetLength(Result, l + 1);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for t := 0 to c -1 do
+      if (Round(fSqrt(Sqr(Result[t].x - a[i].x) + Sqr(Result[t].y - a[i].y))) <= Dist) then
+        Break;
+    if (t >= c) then
+    begin
+      Result[c] := a[i];
+      Inc(c);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result, c);
+  Splits the TPA to boxes with sidelengths W and H and results them as a T2DPointArray.
+function TPAtoATPAEx(TPA: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+   a, b, c, l: LongInt;
+  SetLength(Result, 0);
+  l := High(TPA);
+  c := 0;
+  for a := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for b := 0 to c -1 do
+      if (Abs(TPA[a].X - Result[b][0].X) <= w) and (Abs(TPA[a].Y - Result[b][0].Y) <= h) then
+        Break;
+    if (b < c) then
+    begin
+      SetLength(Result[b], Length(Result[b]) + 1);
+      Result[b][High(Result[b])] := TPA[a];
+    end else
+    begin
+      SetLength(Result, c + 1);
+      SetLength(Result[c], 1);
+      Result[c][0] := TPA[a];
+      Inc(c);
+    end;
+  end;
+  Splits the TPA to boxes with sidelength Dist and results them as a T2DPointArray.
+function TPAtoATPA(TPA: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+   a, b, c, l: LongInt;
+  SetLength(Result, 0);
+  l := High(tpa);
+  c := 0;
+  for a := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for b := 0 to c -1 do
+      if (Round(fSqrt(Sqr(TPA[a].X - Result[b][0].X) + Sqr(TPA[a].Y - Result[b][0].Y))) <= Dist) then
+        Break;
+    if (b < c) then
+    begin
+      SetLength(Result[b], Length(Result[b]) + 1);
+      Result[b][High(Result[b])] := TPA[a];
+    end else
+    begin
+      SetLength(Result, c + 1);
+      SetLength(Result[c], 1);
+      Result[c][0] := TPA[a];
+      Inc(c);
+    end;
+  end;
+  Sorts the given TPointArray.
+procedure QuickTPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: TPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);
+  Lo, Hi, Mid, T: Integer;
+  TP: TPoint;
+  if (Length(A) <> Length(B)) then Exit;
+  Lo := iLo;
+  Hi := iHi;
+  Mid := A[(Lo + Hi) shr 1];
+  repeat
+    if SortUp then
+    begin
+      while (A[Lo] < Mid) do Inc(Lo);
+      while (A[Hi] > Mid) do Dec(Hi);
+    end else
+    begin
+      while (A[Lo] > Mid) do Inc(Lo);
+      while (A[Hi] < Mid) do Dec(Hi);
+    end;
+    if (Lo <= Hi) then
+    begin
+      T := A[Lo];
+      A[Lo] := A[Hi];
+      A[Hi] := T;
+      TP := B[Lo];
+      B[Lo] := B[Hi];
+      B[Hi] := TP;
+      Inc(Lo);
+      Dec(Hi);
+    end;
+  until Lo > Hi;
+  if (Hi > iLo) then QuickTPASort(A, B, iLo, Hi, SortUp);
+  if (Lo < iHi) then QuickTPASort(A, B, Lo, iHi, SortUp);
+  Sorts the given T2DPointArray.
+procedure QuickATPASort(var A: TIntegerArray; var B: T2DPointArray; iLo, iHi: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);
+  Lo, Hi, Mid, T: Integer;
+  TP: TPointArray;
+  if (Length(A) <> Length(B)) then Exit;
+  Lo := iLo;
+  Hi := iHi;
+  Mid := A[(Lo + Hi) shr 1];
+  repeat
+    if SortUp then
+    begin
+      while (A[Lo] < Mid) do Inc(Lo);
+      while (A[Hi] > Mid) do Dec(Hi);
+    end else
+    begin
+      while (A[Lo] > Mid) do Inc(Lo);
+      while (A[Hi] < Mid) do Dec(Hi);
+    end;
+    if (Lo <= Hi) then
+    begin
+      T := A[Lo];
+      A[Lo] := A[Hi];
+      A[Hi] := T;
+      TP := B[Lo];
+      B[Lo] := B[Hi];
+      B[Hi] := TP;
+      Inc(Lo);
+      Dec(Hi);
+    end;
+  until Lo > Hi;
+  if (Hi > iLo) then QuickATPASort(A, B, iLo, Hi, SortUp);
+  if (Lo < iHi) then QuickATPASort(A, B, Lo, iHi, SortUp);
+  Sorts the TPointArray a from the point From.
+  Closest one to the point is [0], second closest is [1] etc.
+procedure SortTPAFrom(var a: TPointArray; const From: TPoint);
+   i, l: Integer;
+   DistArr: TIntegerArray;
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  SetLength(DistArr, l + 1);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    DistArr[i] := Round(Sqr(From.x - a[i].x) + Sqr(From.y - a[i].y));
+  QuickTPASort(DistArr, a, 0, l, True);
+  Sorts the T2DPointArray a from the point From.
+procedure SortATPAFrom(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);
+   i, l: Integer;
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    SortTPAFrom(a[i], From);
+  Sorts the T2DPointArray a from the point From.
+procedure SortATPAFromFirstPoint(var a: T2DPointArray; const From: TPoint);
+   i, l: Integer;
+   DistArr: TIntegerArray;
+  writeln('hoi0');
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  writeln('hoi1');
+  SetLength(DistArr, l + 1);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    DistArr[i] := Round(Sqr(From.x - a[i][0].x) + Sqr(From.y - a[i][0].y));
+  writeln('hoi2');
+  QuickATPASort(DistArr, a, 0, l, True);
+  writeln('hoi3');
+  Inverts / Reverses the TPointArray a.
+procedure InvertTPA(var a: TPointArray);
+   i, l: Integer;
+   b: tpointarray;
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  b := Copy(a);
+  for i := l downto 0 Do
+    a[l - i] := b[i];
+  Inverts / Reverts the T2DPointArray a.
+procedure InvertATPA(var a: T2DPointArray);
+   i, l: Integer;
+   b: T2DPointArray;
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  b := Copy(a);
+  for i := l downto 0 do
+    a[l - i] := b[i];
+  Stores the coordinates of the middle of the TPointArray a to X and Y.
+function MiddleTPAEx(TPA: TPointArray; var x, y: Integer): Boolean;
+   i, l: Integer;
+  Result := False;
+  l := High(tpa);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  x := 0;
+  y := 0;
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    x := x + tpa[i].x;
+    y := y + tpa[i].y;
+  end;
+  x := x div (l + 1);
+  y := y div (l + 1);
+  Result := True;
+  Returns the middle of the TPointArray tpa.
+function MiddleTPA(tpa: TPointArray): TPoint;
+   i, l: Integer;
+  l := High(tpa);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  Result.x := 0;
+  Result.y := 0;
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    Result.x := Result.x + tpa[i].x;
+    Result.y := Result.y + tpa[i].y;
+  end;
+  Result.x := Result.x div (l + 1);
+  Result.y := Result.y div (l + 1);
+  Sorts the T2DPointArray a from either largest or smallest, by the amount of points in the TPAs.
+procedure SortATPASize(var a: T2DPointArray; const BigFirst: Boolean);
+   i, l: Integer;
+   SizeArr: TIntegerArray;
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  SetLength(SizeArr, l + 1);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    SizeArr[i] := Length(a[i]);
+  QuickATPASort(SizeArr, a, 0, l, not BigFirst);
+  Combines the TPointArrays Ar1 and Ar2, and results the combination.
+procedure SortATPAFromSize(var a: T2DPointArray; const Size: Integer; CloseFirst: Boolean);
+   i, l: Integer;
+   SizeArr: TIntegerArray;
+  l := High(a);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  SetLength(SizeArr, l + 1);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    SizeArr[i] := Abs(Length(a[i]) - Size);
+  QuickATPASort(SizeArr, a, 0, l, CloseFirst);
+  Combines the TPointArrays Ar1 and Ar2, and results the combination.
+function CombineTPA(Ar1, Ar2: TPointArray): TPointArray;
+  i, l1, l2: Integer;
+  Result := Copy(Ar1);
+  l1 := Length(Result);
+  l2 := Length(Ar2);
+  SetLength(Result, l1 + l2);
+  for i := 0 to l2 -1 do
+    Result[i + l1] := Ar2[i];
+  Combines the TIntegerArrays Ar1 and Ar2, and results the combination.
+function CombineIntArray(Ar1, Ar2: TIntegerArray): TIntegerArray;
+  i, l1, l2: Integer;
+  Result := Copy(Ar1);
+  l1 := Length(Result);
+  l2 := Length(Ar2);
+  SetLength(Result, l1 + l2);
+  for i := 0 to l2 -1 do
+    Result[i + l1] := Ar2[i];
+  Returns true if the integer Number was found in the integer array a, and stores the index to Where.
+function InIntArrayEx(a: TIntegerArray; var Where: Integer; const Number: Integer): Boolean;
+  i, l: Integer;
+  Result := False;
+  l := High(a);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    if (a[i] = Number) then
+    begin
+      Where := i;
+      Result := True;
+      Exit;
+    end;
+  Returns true if the integer Number was found in the integer array a.
+function InIntArray(a: TIntegerArray; Number: Integer): Boolean;
+  i, l: Integer;
+  Result := False;
+  l := High(a);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    if (a[i] = Number) then
+    begin
+      Result := True;
+      Exit;
+    end;
+  Clears the duplicates in the integer array a.
+procedure ClearSameIntegers(var a: TIntegerArray);
+  i, t, c, l: Integer;
+  b: TIntegerArray;
+  b := Copy(a);
+  l := High(b);
+  c := 0;
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for t := 0 to c -1 do
+      if (b[i] = a[t]) then
+        Break;
+    if (t >= c) then
+    begin
+      a[c] := b[i];
+      Inc(c);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(a, c);
+  Clears the duplicates in the integer array a and the TPointArray p.
+procedure ClearSameIntegersAndTPA(var a: TIntegerArray; var p: TPointArray);
+  i, t, c, l: Integer;
+  b: TIntegerArray;
+  b := Copy(a);
+  l := High(b);
+  c := 0;
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for t := 0 to c -1 do
+      if (b[i] = a[t]) then
+        Break;
+    if (t >= c) then
+    begin
+      SetLength(a, c +1);
+      a[c] := b[i];
+      p[c] := p[i];
+      Inc(c);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(p, c);
+  SetLength(a, c);
+  Splits the points with max X and Y distances W and H to their own TPointArrays.
 function SplitTPAEx(arr: TPointArray; w, h: Integer): T2DPointArray;
@@ -75,5 +837,812 @@ begin
   SetLength(Result, c);
+  Splits the points with max distance Dist to their own TPointArrays.
+  Dist 1 puts the points that are next to eachother to their own arrays.
+function SplitTPA(arr: TPointArray; Dist: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+  t1, t2, c, ec, tc, l: Integer;
+  tpa: TPointArray;
+  tpa := Copy(arr);
+  l := High(tpa);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  SetLength(Result, l + 1);
+  c := 0;
+  ec := 0;
+  while ((l - ec) >= 0) do
+  begin
+    SetLength(Result[c], 1);
+    Result[c][0] := tpa[0];
+    tpa[0] := tpa[l - ec];
+    Inc(ec);
+    tc := 1;
+    t1 := 0;
+    while (t1 < tc) do
+    begin
+      t2 := 0;
+      while (t2 <= (l - ec)) do
+      begin
+        if (Round(fSqrt(Sqr(Result[c][t1].x - tpa[t2].x) + Sqr(Result[c][t1].y - tpa[t2].y))) <= Dist) then
+        begin
+          SetLength(Result[c], tc +1);
+          Result[c][tc] := tpa[t2];
+          tpa[t2] := tpa[l - ec];
+          Inc(ec);
+          Inc(tc);
+          Dec(t2);
+        end;
+        Inc(t2);
+      end;
+      Inc(t1);
+    end;
+    Inc(c);
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result, c);
+  Removes the points in the TPointArray Points that are not within the degrees
+  \\ SD (StartDegree) and ED (EndDegree) and the distances MinR (MinRadius) and
+  \\ MaxR (MaxRadius) from the origin (Mx, My).
+procedure FilterPointsPie(var Points: TPointArray; const SD, ED, MinR, MaxR: Extended; Mx, My: Integer);
+  i180Pi = 57.29577951;
+   G: TPointArray;
+   I, L, T: Integer;
+   D, StartD, EndD: Extended;
+   cWise: Boolean;
+  T := High(Points);
+  if (T < 0) then Exit;
+  SetLength(G, T + 1);
+  L := 0;
+  StartD := SD;
+  EndD := ED;
+  cWise := StartD > EndD;
+  while StartD > 360.0 do
+    StartD := StartD - 360.0;
+  while EndD > 360.0 do
+    EndD := EndD - 360.0;
+  while StartD < 0.0 do
+    StartD := StartD + 360.0;
+  while EndD < 0.0 do
+    EndD := EndD + 360.0;
+  if StartD > EndD then
+    SwapE(StartD, EndD);
+  for I := 0 to T do
+  begin
+    D := fSqrt(Sqr(Points[I].X - Mx) + Sqr(Points[I].Y - My));
+    if( D <= MinR) or (D >= MaxR) then
+      Continue;
+    D := (ArcTan2(Points[I].Y - My, Points[I].X - Mx) * i180Pi) + 90;
+    if D < 0.0 then
+      D := D + 360.0;
+    if (not ((StartD <= D) and (EndD >= D))) xor CWise then
+      Continue;
+    G[L] := Points[I];
+    Inc(L);
+  end;
+  SetLength(G, L);
+  Points := G;
+  Removes the points that are inside or outside the distance Dist from the point (x, y) from the TPointArray ThePoints.
+function RemoveDistTPointArray(x, y, dist: Integer; ThePoints: TPointArray; RemoveHigher: Boolean): TPointArray;
+  I, L, LL: integer;
+  L := 0;
+  LL := Length(ThePoints) -1;
+  SetLength(Result, LL + 1);
+  if RemoveHigher then
+  begin;
+    for I := 0 to LL do
+      if not (Round(fSqrt(sqr(ThePoints[i].x - x)+sqr(ThePoints[i].y - y))) > Dist) then
+      begin;
+        Result[L] := ThePoints[i];
+        L := L + 1;
+      end;
+  end else
+  begin;
+    for I := 0 to LL do
+      if not (Round(fSqrt(sqr(ThePoints[i].x - x)+sqr(ThePoints[i].y - y))) < Dist) then
+      begin;
+        Result[L] := ThePoints[i];
+        L := L + 1;
+      end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result,L);
+  Returns the boundaries of the ATPA as a TBox.
+function GetATPABounds(ATPA: T2DPointArray): TBox;
+  I,II,L2,L : Integer;
+  L := High(ATPA);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  For I := 0 to L do
+    if Length(ATPA[I]) > 0 then
+    begin;
+      Result.x1 := ATPA[I][0].x;
+      Result.y1 := ATPA[I][0].y;
+      Result.x2 := ATPA[I][0].x;
+      Result.y2 := ATPA[I][0].y;
+    end;
+  for I := 0 to L do
+  begin;
+    L2 := High(ATPA[I]);
+    for II := 0 to L2 do
+    begin;
+      if ATPA[i][II].x > Result.x2 then
+        Result.x2 := ATPA[i][II].x
+      else if ATPA[i][II].x < Result.x1 then
+        Result.x1 := ATPA[i][II].x;
+      if ATPA[i][II].y > Result.y2 then
+        Result.y2 := ATPA[i][II].y
+      else if ATPA[i][II].y < Result.y1 then
+        Result.y1 := ATPA[i][II].y;
+    end;
+  end;
+  Returns the boundaries of the TPA as a TBox.
+function GetTPABounds(TPA: TPointArray): TBox;
+  I,L : Integer;
+  L := High(TPA);
+  if (l < 0) then Exit;
+  Result.x1 := TPA[0].x;
+  Result.y1 := TPA[0].y;
+  Result.x2 := TPA[0].x;
+  Result.y2 := TPA[0].y;
+  for I:= 1 to L do
+  begin;
+    if TPA[i].x > Result.x2 then
+      Result.x2 := TPA[i].x
+    else if TPA[i].x < Result.x1 then
+      Result.x1 := TPA[i].x;
+    if TPA[i].y > Result.y2 then
+      Result.y2 := TPA[i].y
+    else if TPA[i].y < Result.y1 then
+      Result.y1 := TPA[i].y;
+  end;
+  Looks for the TPA SearchTPA in the TPA TotalTPA and returns the matched points
+  \\ to the TPA Matches. Returns true if there were atleast one match(es).
+function FindTPAinTPA(SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean;
+  Len, I,II,LenSearch,xOff,yOff : integer;
+  tx,ty,MatchCount : integer;
+  Screen : Array of Array of Boolean;
+  ScreenBox,SearchBox : TBox;
+  Result := False;
+  Len := High(TotalTPA);
+  LenSearch := High(SearchTPA);
+  if LenSearch < 0 then Exit;
+  if Len < LenSearch then Exit;
+  MatchCount := 0;
+  ScreenBox := GetTPABounds(TotalTPA);
+  SearchBox := GetTPABounds(SearchTPA);
+  try
+    SetLength(Screen,ScreenBox.x2 + 1,ScreenBox.y2 + 1);
+  except
+    Exit;
+  end;
+  if (SearchBox.x1 > 0) or (SearchBox.y1 > 0) then
+  begin;
+    for I := 0 to LenSearch do
+    begin;
+      SearchTPA[I].x := SearchTPA[I].x - SearchBox.x1;
+      SearchTPA[I].y := SearchTPA[I].y - SearchBox.y1;
+    end;
+    SearchBox.x2 := SearchBox.x2 - SearchBox.x1;
+    SearchBox.y2 := SearchBox.y2 - SearchBox.y1;
+    SearchBox.x1 := 0;
+    SearchBox.y1 := 0;
+  end;
+  xOff := SearchBox.x2;
+  yOff := SearchBox.y2;
+  for I := 0 to LenSearch do
+  begin;
+    if (SearchTPA[I].x = 0) and (SearchTPA[I].y < yOff) then
+        yOff := SearchTPA[I].y;
+    if (SearchTPA[I].y = 0) and (SearchTPA[I].x < xOff) then
+        xOff := SearchTPA[I].x;
+  end;
+  for I := 0 to Len do
+    Screen[TotalTPA[I].x][TotalTPA[I].y] := True;
+  for I := 0 to Len do
+  begin;
+    tx := TotalTPA[I].x - xOff;
+    ty := TotalTPA[I].y;// - yOff;
+    if tx > 0 then
+      if ty > 0 then
+        if ((SearchBox.x2 + tx) <= ScreenBox.x2) and ((SearchBox.y2 + ty) <= ScreenBox.y2) then
+          begin;
+            For II := 0 to LenSearch do
+              if Screen[tx + SearchTPA[II].x ][ty + SearchTPA[II].y] = False then
+                Break;
+            if II > LenSearch then
+            begin;
+              MatchCount := MatchCount + 1;
+              SetLength(Matches,MatchCount);
+              Matches[MatchCount - 1].x := TotalTPA[I].x;
+              Matches[MatchCount - 1].y := TotalTPA[I].y;
+            end;
+          end;
+  end;
+  if (MatchCount > 0) then
+    Result := True;
+  Read the description of FindTPAinTPA. Additional Height parameter.
+function FindTextTPAinTPA(Height : integer; SearchTPA, TotalTPA: TPointArray; var Matches: TPointArray): Boolean;
+  Len, I,II,LenSearch,LenTPA,xOff,yOff,x,y: integer;
+  tx,ty,MatchCount : integer;
+  Screen : Array of Array of Boolean;
+  ScreenBox,SearchBox : TBox;
+  InversedTPA : TPointArray;
+  Result := False;
+  Len := High(TotalTPA);
+  LenSearch := High(SearchTPA);
+  if LenSearch < 0 then Exit;
+  if Len < LenSearch then Exit;
+  MatchCount := 0;
+  xOff := -5;
+  yOff := 0;
+  ScreenBox := GetTPABounds(TotalTPA);
+  SearchBox := GetTPABounds(SearchTPA);
+  if height > SearchBox.y2 then
+    Screenbox.y2 := Screenbox.y2 + (height - SearchBox.y2);
+  SearchBox.y2 := Height;
+  SetLength(Screen, SearchBox.x2 + 1,Searchbox.y2 + 1);
+  SetLength(InversedTPA,(SearchBox.x2 + 1) * (Searchbox.y2 + 1));
+  for I := 0 to LenSearch do
+    Screen[ SearchTPA[I].x,SearchTPA[I].y] := True;
+  LenTPA := -1;
+  for y := 0 to SearchBox.y2 do
+    for x := 0 to SearchBox.x2 do
+      if Screen[X][Y] = False then
+      begin;
+        LenTPA := LenTPA + 1;
+        InversedTPA[LenTPA].x := x;
+        InversedTPA[LenTPA].y := y;
+      end;
+  for x := 0 to SearchBox.x2 do
+  begin;
+    for y := 0 to SearchBox.y2 do
+      if Screen[x][y] = True then
+      begin;
+        xOff := x;
+        yOff := y;
+        Break;
+      end;
+    if xOff >= 0 then
+      Break;
+  end;
+  try
+    SetLength(Screen,0);
+    SetLength(Screen,ScreenBox.x2 + 1,ScreenBox.y2 + 1);
+  except
+    Exit;
+  end;
+  for I := 0 to Len do
+    Screen[TotalTPA[I].x][TotalTPA[I].y] := True;
+  for I := 0 to Len do
+  begin;
+    tx := TotalTPA[I].x - xOff;
+    ty := TotalTPA[I].y - yOff;
+    if tx > 0 then
+      if ty > 0 then
+        if ((SearchBox.x2 + tx) <= ScreenBox.x2) and ((SearchBox.y2 + ty) <= ScreenBox.y2) then
+          begin;
+            For II := 0 to LenSearch do
+              if Screen[tx + SearchTPA[II].x ][ty + SearchTPA[II].y] = False then
+                Break;
+            if (II > LenSearch) then
+            begin;
+              For II := 0 to LenTPA do
+                if Screen[tx + InversedTPA[II].x ][ty + InversedTPA[II].y] = True then
+                  Break;
+              if (II > LenTPA) then
+              begin;
+                MatchCount := MatchCount + 1;
+                SetLength(Matches,MatchCount);
+                Matches[MatchCount - 1].x := TotalTPA[I].x;
+                Matches[MatchCount - 1].y := TotalTPA[I].y;
+              end;
+            end;
+          end;
+  end;
+  if (MatchCount > 0) then
+    Result := True;
+  Finds the possible gaps in the TPointArray TPA and results the gaps as a T2DPointArray.
+  \\ Considers as a gap if the gap length is >= MinPixels.
+  \\ Only horizontal, sorry folks.
+function FindGapsTPA(TPA: TPointArray; MinPixels: Integer): T2DPointArray;
+  Len,TotalLen,LenRes,I,II,III : integer;
+  Screen : Array of Array of Boolean;
+  Height,Width : Integer;
+  Box : TBox;
+  Len := High(TPA);
+  if Len < 0 then exit;
+  Box := GetTPABounds(TPA);
+  Height := Box.y2 - Box.y1;
+  Width := Box.x2 - Box.x1;
+  LenRes := 0;
+  III := 0;
+  try
+    SetLength(Screen,Width + 1,Height + 1);
+  except
+    Exit;
+  end;
+  For I := 0 to Len do
+    Screen[TPA[I].x - Box.x1][TPA[I].y - Box.y1] := True;
+  SetLength(result,1);
+  SetLength(Result[0],Len+1);
+  TotalLen := 0;
+  for I := 0 to Width do
+  begin;
+    for II := 0 to Height do
+      if Screen[I][II]=True then
+      begin;
+        Result[TotalLen][LenRes].x := I + Box.x1;
+        Result[TotalLen][LenRes].y := II + Box.y1;
+        LenRes := LenRes + 1;
+        III := I;
+      end;
+    if LenRes = 0 then
+      III := I
+    else
+    if (I - III) > MinPixels then
+    begin;
+      III := I;
+      SetLength(Result[TotalLen],LenRes);
+      LenRes := 0;
+      TotalLen := TotalLen + 1;
+      SetLength(Result,TotalLen + 1);
+      SetLength(Result[TotalLen],Len + 1);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result[TotalLen],LenRes);
+  Sorts all points in tpa by distance from degree (Deg) and distance from mx and my.
+  \\ Sortup will return closest distance to mx and my first.
+  \\ Distance will be sorted first (RadialWalk style).
+procedure SortCircleWise(var tpa: TPointArray; const cx, cy, StartDegree: Integer; SortUp, ClockWise: Boolean);
+  i180Pi = 57.29577951;
+  i, l, td, sd: Integer;
+  Dist, Deg: TIntegerArray;
+  l := Length(tpa);
+  if (l = 0) then Exit;
+  sd := StartDegree;
+  while (sd > 360) do
+    sd := (sd - 360);
+  sd := (360 - sd);
+  SetLength(Dist, l);
+  SetLength(Deg, l);
+  for i := 0 to l -1 do
+    Dist[i] := Round(Hypot(tpa[i].x - cx, tpa[i].y - cy));
+  QuickTPASort(Dist, tpa, 0, l -1, SortUp);
+  if (l = 1) then Exit;
+  for i := 0 to l -1 do
+  begin
+    td := Round(ArcTan2(tpa[i].y - cy, tpa[i].x - cx) * i180Pi) + 90;
+    if (td < 0) then
+      td := td + 360;
+    if ClockWise then
+      Deg[i] := Round(sd + td) mod 360
+    else
+      Deg[i] := 360 - Round(sd + td) mod 360;
+  end;
+  i := 1;
+  td := 0;
+  Dec(l);
+  while (i < l) do
+  begin
+    while (i < l) and (Abs(Dist[td] - Dist[i]) <= 1) do Inc(i);
+    QuickTPASort(Deg, tpa, td, i, False);
+    Inc(i);
+    td := i;
+  end;
+  if (td < l) then
+    QuickTPASort(Deg, tpa, td, l, False);
+  Sorts all points in tpa by distance from degree (Deg) and distance from mx and my.
+  \\ Sortup will return closest distance to mx and my first.
+  \\ Degree will be sorted first (LinearWalk style).
+procedure LinearSort(var tpa: TPointArray; cx, cy, sd: Integer; SortUp: Boolean);
+  i180Pi = 57.29577951;
+  i, l, td: Integer;
+  Dist, Deg: TIntegerArray;
+  l := Length(tpa);
+  if (l = 0) then Exit;
+  while (sd > 360) do
+    sd := (sd - 360);
+  SetLength(Dist, l);
+  SetLength(Deg, l);
+  for i := 0 to l -1 do
+  begin
+    td := Round(ArcTan2(tpa[i].y - cy, tpa[i].x - cx) * i180Pi) + 90;
+    if (td < 0) then
+      td := td + 360;
+    Deg[i] := Min(Abs(sd - td), Min(Abs(sd - (td + 360)), Abs((sd + 360) - td)))
+  end;
+  QuickTPASort(Deg, tpa, 0, l -1, True);
+  if (l = 1) then Exit;
+  for i := 0 to l -1 do
+    Dist[i] := Round(Hypot(tpa[i].x - cx, tpa[i].y - cy));
+  i := 1;
+  td := 0;
+  Dec(l);
+  while (i < l) do
+  begin
+    while (i < l) and (Abs(Deg[td] - Deg[i]) <= 3) do Inc(i);
+    QuickTPASort(Dist, tpa, td, i, SortUp);
+    Inc(i);
+    td := i;
+  end;
+  if (td < l) then
+    QuickTPASort(Dist, tpa, td, l, SortUp);
+  Merges the TPointArrays of the T2DPointArray ATPA in to one TPA.
+Function MergeATPA(ATPA : T2DPointArray)  : TPointArray;
+  I,II, Len, TempL,CurrentL : integer;
+  Len := High(ATPA);
+  CurrentL := 0;
+  For I:= 0 to Len do
+  begin;
+    TempL := High(ATPA[I]);
+    if TempL < 0 then
+      Continue;
+    TempL := Templ + CurrentL + 1;
+    Setlength(Result, TempL+1);
+    For II := CurrentL to TempL do
+      Result[II] := ATPA[I][II - CurrentL];
+    CurrentL := TempL;
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result,CurrentL);
+  Returns a TPointArray of a the full given Box.
+function TPAFromBox(const Box : TBox) : TPointArray;
+  x, y: integer;
+  l : integer;
+  SetLength(Result, (Box.x2 - Box.x1 + 1) * (Box.y2 - Box.y1 + 1));
+  l := 0;
+  For x := box.x1 to Box.x2 do
+    for y := box.y1 to box.y2 do
+    begin;
+      Result[l].x := x;
+      Result[l].y := y;
+      inc(l);
+    end;
+  Rotate the given TPA with A radians.
+Function RotatePoints(Const P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended): TPointArray ;
+   I, L: Integer;
+  L := High(P);
+  SetLength(Result, L + 1);
+  For I := 0 To L Do
+  Begin
+    Result[I].X := Trunc(cx + cos(A) * (p[i].x - cx) - sin(A) * (p[i].y - cy));
+    Result[I].Y := Trunc(cy + sin(A) * (p[i].x - cx) + cos(A) * (p[i].y - cy));
+  End;
+  // I recon its faster than Point().
+  Rotate the given Point with A radians.
+Function RotatePoint(Const p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint; inline;
+  Result.X := Trunc(mx + cos(angle) * (p.x - mx) - sin(angle) * (p.y - my));
+  Result.Y := Trunc(my + sin(angle) * (p.x - mx) + cos(angle) * (p.y- my));
+  Returns the edges of the given TPA.
+function FindTPAEdges(p: TPointArray): TPointArray;
+  b: array of array of Boolean;
+  i, x, y, l, c: Integer;
+  Box: TBox;
+  SetLength(Result, 0);
+  l := Length(p);
+  if (l = 0) then Exit;
+  Box := GetTPABounds(p);
+  x := (Box.x2 - Box.x1) + 3;
+  y := (Box.y2 - Box.y1) + 3;
+  SetLength(b, x);
+  for i := 0 to x -1 do
+    SetLength(b[i], y);
+  for i := 0 to l -1 do
+    b[p[i].x +1 - Box.x1][p[i].y +1 - Box.y1] := True;
+  SetLength(Result, l);
+  c := 0;
+  for i := 0 to l -1 do
+  begin
+    x := -1;
+    while (x <= 1) do
+    begin
+      for y := -1 to 1 do
+        try
+          if not b[p[i].x + 1 + x - Box.x1][p[i].y + 1 + y - Box.y1] then
+          begin
+            Result[c] := p[i];
+            Inc(c);
+            x := 2;
+            Break;
+          end;
+        except end;
+      Inc(x);
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength(Result, c);
+  Results true if a point is in a TPointArray.
+  Notes: In actuallys means IN the array, not in the box shaped by the array.
+function PointInTPA(p: TPoint; arP: TPointArray): Boolean;
+  i, l: Integer;
+  l := High(arP);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+    if (arP[i].x = p.x) and (arP[i].y = p.y) then
+      Break;
+  Result := i <> Length(arP);
+  Removes the given ClearPoints from arP.
+function ClearTPAFromTPA(arP, ClearPoints: TPointArray): TPointArray;
+  i, j, l, l2: Integer;
+  l := High(arP);
+  l2 := High(ClearPoints);
+  for i := 0 to l do
+  begin
+    for j := 0 to l2 do
+      if (arP[i].x = ClearPoints[j].x) and (arP[i].y = ClearPoints[j].y) then
+        Break;
+    if (j = l2 + 1) then
+    begin
+      SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
+      Result[High(Result)] := arP[i];
+    end;
+  end;
+  Removes all the doubles point from a TPA.
+procedure ClearDoubleTPA(var TPA: TPointArray);
+   I, II, L: Integer;
+   Swappie: TPoint;
+  L := High(TPA);
+  for I := 0 To L Do
+    for II := I + 1 To L Do
+      if ((TPA[I].X = TPA[II].X) And (TPA[I].Y = TPA[II].Y)) then
+      begin
+        Swappie := TPA[L];
+        TPA[L] := TPA[II];
+        TPA[II] := Swappie;
+        L := L - 1;
+      end;
+  SetLength(TPA, L + 1);
+  Uses Box to define an area around TotalTPA.
+  Every point that is not in TotalTPA, but is in Box, is added to the Result.
+  \\ This can be very handy if you want for example, can get all the colors of the background, but not of the actual object.
+  \\ If you pass this all the colors of the background, it will returns the points of the object.
+Function ReturnPointsNotInTPA(Const TotalTPA: TPointArray; Box: TBox): TPointArray;
+   X, Y, I: Integer;
+   B: Array Of Array Of Boolean;
+  SetLength(Result, ((Box.X2 - Box.X1 + 1) * (Box.Y2 - Box.Y1 + 1)) - Length(TotalTPA));
+  SetLength(B, Box.X2 - Box.X1 + 1, Box.Y2 - Box.Y1 + 1);
+  For I := 0 To High(TotalTPA) Do
+    B[TotalTPA[I].X - Box.X1][TotalTPA[I].Y - Box.Y1] := True;
+  I := 0;
+  For X := 0 To Box.X2 - Box.X1 Do
+    For Y := 0 To Box.Y2 - Box.Y1 Do
+      If Not B[X][Y] Then
+      Begin
+          Result[I].X := X + Box.X1;
+          Result[I].Y := Y + Box.Y1;
+        I := I + 1;
+      End;
+  SetLength(B, 0);
+  Sorts a TPointArray by either X or Y. You have to define the max Point as well.
+Procedure TPACountSort(Var TPA: TPointArray;const max: TPoint;Const SortOnX : Boolean);
+   c: Array Of Array Of Integer;
+   I, II, III, hTPA, cc: Integer;
+  hTPA := High(TPA);
+  if hTPA < 1 then
+    Exit;
+  SetLength(c, max.X + 1,max.Y + 1);
+  For I := 0 To hTPA Do
+    c[TPA[I].x][TPA[I].y] := c[TPA[i].x][TPA[i].y] + 1;
+  cc := 0;
+  if SortOnX then
+  begin
+    For I := 0 To max.X  Do
+      For II := 0 To max.Y  Do
+      Begin
+        For III := 0 To c[I][II] - 1 Do
+        Begin
+          TPA[cc].x := I;
+          TPA[cc].y := II;
+          cc := cc + 1;
+        End;
+      End;
+  end else
+  begin;
+    For II := 0 To max.Y  Do
+      For I := 0 To max.X  Do
+      Begin
+        For III := 0 To c[I][II] - 1 Do
+        Begin
+          TPA[cc].x := I;
+          TPA[cc].y := II;
+          cc := cc + 1;
+        End;
+      End;
+  end;
+  Sorts a TPointArray by either X or Y. Allows one to pass a Base.
+Procedure TPACountSortBase(Var TPA: TPointArray;const maxx, base: TPoint; const SortOnX : Boolean);
+   c: Array Of Array Of Integer;
+   I, II, III, hTPA, cc: Integer;
+   Max : TPoint;
+  hTPA := High(TPA);
+  if hTPA < 1 then
+    Exit;
+  max.X := maxx.X - base.X;
+  max.Y := maxx.Y - base.Y;
+  SetLength(c, max.X + 1,max.Y + 1);
+  hTPA := High(TPA);
+  For I := 0 To hTPA Do
+    c[TPA[I].x - base.X][TPA[I].y - base.Y] := c[TPA[i].x- base.X][TPA[i].y- base.Y] + 1;
+  cc := 0;
+  if SortOnX then
+  begin
+    For I := 0 To max.X  Do
+      For II := 0 To max.Y  Do
+      Begin
+        For III := 0 To c[I][II] - 1 Do
+        Begin
+          TPA[cc].x := I + base.X;
+          TPA[cc].y := II + base.Y;
+          cc := cc + 1;
+        End;
+      End;
+  end else
+  begin;
+    For II := 0 To max.Y  Do
+      For I := 0 To max.X  Do
+      Begin
+        For III := 0 To c[I][II] - 1 Do
+        Begin
+          TPA[cc].x := I + base.X;
+          TPA[cc].y := II + base.Y;
+          cc := cc + 1;
+        End;
+      End;
+  end;
diff --git a/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas b/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas
index 169267f..25ae258 100644
--- a/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ type
     procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName : string);
     procedure FastSetPixel(x,y : integer; Color : TColor);
     procedure FastSetPixels(TPA : TPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);
+    procedure DrawATPA(ATPA : T2DPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);overload;
+    procedure DrawATPA(ATPA : T2DPointArray);overload;
+    procedure DrawTPA(TPA : TPointArray; Color : TColor);
     function FastGetPixel(x,y : integer) : TColor;
     function FastGetPixels(TPA : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray;
     Procedure SetTransparentColor(Col : TColor);
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ implementation
-  colour_conv,window;
+  colour_conv,window,mufasatypesutil;
 function Min(a,b:integer) : integer;
@@ -391,6 +394,47 @@ begin
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawATPA(ATPA: T2DPointArray; Colors: TIntegerArray);
+  lenTPA,lenATPA : integer;
+  i,ii : integer;
+  Color : TRGB32;
+  lenATPA := High(ATPA);
+  if LenATPA <> High(colors) then
+    Raise Exception.CreateFMT('TPA/Colors Length differ -> %d : %d',[LenATPA + 1,High(Colors) + 1]);
+  for i := 0 to lenATPA do
+  begin;
+    lenTPA := High(ATPA[i]);
+    Color := RGBToBGR(Colors[i]);
+    for ii := 0 to lenTPA do
+    begin;
+      ValidatePoint(ATPA[i][ii].x,ATPA[i][ii].y);
+      FData[ATPA[i][ii].y * w + ATPA[i][ii].x] := Color;
+    end;
+  end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawATPA(ATPA: T2DPointArray);
+  Colors : TIntegerArray;
+  i,len : integer;
+  len := high(ATPA);
+  SetLength(colors,len+1);
+  for i := 0 to len do
+    Colors[i] := Random(clwhite);
+  DrawATPA(ATPA,Colors);
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawTPA(TPA: TPointArray; Color: TColor);
+  DrawATPA(ConvArr([TPA]),ConvArr([Color]));
 function TMufasaBitmap.FastGetPixel(x, y: integer): TColor;
diff --git a/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypes.pas b/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypes.pas
index 80d468d..40713c3 100644
--- a/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypes.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypes.pas
@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ var
                 (str :'UNDEFINED'; key :  $FF)
 operator+(PT1, PT2: TPoint): TPoint;
@@ -312,5 +313,6 @@ begin
   Result.x := PT1.x - PT2.x;
   Result.y := Pt1.y - PT2.y;
diff --git a/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypesutil.pas b/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypesutil.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c7966d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/MMLCore/mufasatypesutil.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+unit mufasatypesutil;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+  Classes, SysUtils,mufasatypes;
+function ConvArr(Arr: array of TPoint): TPointArray; overload;
+function ConvArr(Arr: array of TPointArray): T2DPointArray; overload;
+function ConvArr(Arr: array of Integer): TIntegerArray; overload;
+function ConvArr(Arr: array of TPoint): TPointArray; overload;
+  Len : Integer;
+  Len := Length(Arr);
+  SetLength(Result, Len);
+  Move(Arr[Low(Arr)], Result[0], Len*SizeOf(TPoint));
+function ConvArr(Arr: array of TPointArray): T2DPointArray; overload;
+  Len,Len2 : Integer;
+  i : integer;
+  Len := Length(Arr);
+  SetLength(Result, Len);
+  for i := Len - 1 downto 0 do
+  begin
+    Len2 := Length(Arr[i]);
+    SetLength(result[i],len2);
+    Move(Arr[i][0],Result[i][0],Len2*SizeOf(TPoint));
+  end;
+function ConvArr(Arr: array of Integer): TIntegerArray; overload;
+  Len : Integer;
+  Len := Length(Arr);
+  SetLength(Result, Len);
+  Move(Arr[Low(Arr)], Result[0], Len*SizeOf(Integer));