diff --git a/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/bitmaps.rst b/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/bitmaps.rst index 9c212a3..eec1e70 100644 --- a/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/bitmaps.rst +++ b/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/bitmaps.rst @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ FastDrawClear procedure FastDrawClear(bmp : integer; Color : TColor); +Draw *Color* on every pixel on the bitmap. FastDrawTransparent ------------------- @@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ CopyClientToBitmap procedure CopyClientToBitmap(bmp, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer); +Copy client area *xs, ys, xe, ye* to specified bitmap. BitmapFromClient ---------------- @@ -255,6 +257,7 @@ BitmapFromClient function BitmapFromClient(const xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer; +Create a bitmap from the client. Area specified by *xs, ye, xe, ye*. SetBitmapName ------------- @@ -263,6 +266,8 @@ SetBitmapName procedure SetBitmapName(Bmp : integer; name : string); +Assign a name to the bitmap. Mainly for debugging purposes. (It will write the +name of the bitmap if it hasn't been freed.) FindBitmap ---------- @@ -439,6 +444,8 @@ DrawBitmap procedure DrawBitmap(Bmp: Integer; Dest: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); +Draw the bitmap to a TCanvas. + RectangleBitmap --------------- diff --git a/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/dtm.rst b/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/dtm.rst index ba7ac44..3efa1ce 100644 --- a/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/dtm.rst +++ b/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/dtm.rst @@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ PrintDTM procedure PrintDTM(const DTM : TMDTM); +Print the DTM contents. MDTMToSDTM ---------- diff --git a/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/files.rst b/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/files.rst index 403d551..6a7641f 100644 --- a/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/files.rst +++ b/Doc/sphinx/scriptref/files.rst @@ -1,6 +1,11 @@ Working with Files ================== +Files in Simba are all *integers*, internal handles for Simba which on their +turn point to operating system files. Functions like CreateFile and OpenFile +return a file handle. You should not forget to close these when you no longer +need them. + CreateFile ---------- @@ -8,6 +13,8 @@ CreateFile function CreateFile(const Path: string): Integer; +Create a file with *Path*. Raturns -1 on failure, otherwise returns the handle +to the file. OpenFile -------- @@ -16,6 +23,9 @@ OpenFile function OpenFile(const Path: string; Shared: Boolean): Integer; +Opens file for reading. Opens shared if *Shared* is true. +Returns -1 on failure, otherwise returns the handle to the file. + RewriteFile -----------