diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
index 111c7e7..f076069 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc
@@ -186,3 +186,44 @@ begin;
+function Desaturate(Bitmap : integer) : integer;
+ with CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps do
+ begin;
+ result := CreateBMP(0,0);
+ Bmp[Bitmap].Desaturate(Bmp[result]);
+ end;
+procedure InvertBitmap(Bitmap : integer);
+ CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bitmap].Invert;
+function CopyBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : integer;
+ result := Currthread.Client.MBitmaps.CopyBMP(bitmap);
+function GreyScaleBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : integer;
+ with CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps do
+ begin;
+ result := CreateBMP(0,0);
+ Bmp[Bitmap].GreyScale(Bmp[result]);
+ end;
+function BrightnessBitmap(Bitmap,br : integer) : integer;
+ with CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps do
+ begin;
+ result := CreateBMP(0,0);
+ Bmp[Bitmap].Brightness(Bmp[result],br);
+ end;
+function ContrastBitmap(bitmap : integer; co : extended) : integer;
+ with CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps do
+ begin;
+ result := CreateBMP(0,0);
+ Bmp[Bitmap].Contrast(Bmp[result],co);
+ end;
diff --git a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/pscompile.inc b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/pscompile.inc
index 4167cc8..1e0af80 100644
--- a/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/pscompile.inc
+++ b/Units/MMLAddon/PSInc/pscompile.inc
@@ -106,4 +106,10 @@ Sender.AddFunction(@FindBitmapSpiral,'function FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: Integer;
Sender.AddFunction(@FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance,'function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; x, y: Integer; var Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean;');
Sender.AddFunction(@FindBitmapSpiralTolerance,'function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance : integer): Boolean;');
Sender.AddFunction(@RotateBitmap,'function RotateBitmap(bitmap: Integer; angle: Extended): Integer;');
+Sender.AddFunction(@Desaturate,'function DesaturateBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : integer;');
+sender.AddFunction(@InvertBitmap,'procedure InvertBitmap(Bitmap : integer);');
+Sender.AddFunction(@CopyBitmap,'function CopyBitmap(Bitmap: integer) : integer)');
+Sender.AddFunction(@GreyScaleBitmap,'function GreyScaleBitmap(bitmap : integer) : integer');
+Sender.AddFunction(@BrightnessBitmap,'function BrightnessBitmap(Bitmap,br : integer) : integer;');
+Sender.AddFunction(@ContrastBitmap,'function ContrastBitmap(bitmap : integer; co : extended) : integer;');
diff --git a/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas b/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas
index 3e7db2d..20fe169 100644
--- a/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLCore/bitmaps.pas
@@ -60,6 +60,15 @@ type
procedure FastReplaceColor(OldColor, NewColor: TColor);
procedure CopyClientToBitmap(MWindow : TMWindow; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer);
procedure RotateBitmap(angle: Extended;TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap );
+ procedure Desaturate;overload;
+ procedure Desaturate(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap); overload;
+ procedure GreyScale(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap);overload;
+ procedure GreyScale;
+ procedure Brightness(br: integer);overload;
+ procedure Brightness(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap; br : integer); overload;
+ procedure Contrast(co: Extended);overload;
+ procedure Contrast(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap; co : Extended);overload;
+ procedure Invert;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy;override;
@@ -76,6 +85,7 @@ type
function GetBMP(Index : integer) : TMufasaBitmap;
property Bmp[Index : integer]: TMufasaBitmap read GetBMP;
function CreateBMP(w, h: integer): Integer;
+ function CopyBMP( Bitmap : integer) : Integer;
function CreateMirroredBitmap(bitmap: Integer; MirrorStyle : TBmpMirrorStyle): Integer;
function CreateBMPFromFile(const Path : string) : integer;
function CreateBMPFromString(width,height : integer; Data : string) : integer;overload;
@@ -89,7 +99,8 @@ type
- Windowutil,paszlib,DCPbase64,mmath,math;
+ Windowutil,paszlib,DCPbase64,mmath,math,
+ colour_conv;
function Min(a,b:integer) : integer;
@@ -134,6 +145,17 @@ begin
BmpArray[Result].Index:= Result;
+function TMBitmaps.CopyBMP(Bitmap: integer): Integer;
+ InputBMP : TMufasaBitmap;
+ OutputBMP : TMUfasaBitmap;
+ InputBMP := GetBMP(Bitmap);
+ Result := CreateBMP(InputBmp.w,InputBMP.h);
+ OutputBMP := GetBMP(Result);
+ Move(InputBMP.FData[0],OutPutBMP.FData[0],InputBMP.w * InputBMP.h * SizeOf(TRGB32));
function TMBitmaps.CreateMirroredBitmap(bitmap: Integer;
MirrorStyle: TBmpMirrorStyle): Integer;
@@ -516,11 +538,181 @@ begin
if not ((Oldx <0) or (Oldx >= w) or (Oldy < 0) or (Oldy >= h)) then
TargetBitmap.FData[ y * NewW + x] := Self.FData[OldY * W + OldX];
- //NewX = Round(MiddlePoint.x + CosAngle * (x-MiddlePoint.x) - SinAngle * (y-MiddlePoint.y)) - MinX;
- //NewY = Round(MiddlePoint.y + SinAngle * (x-MiddlePoint.x) + CosAngle * (y-MiddlePoint.y)) - MinY;
-// Writeln(Format('(%d,%d) becomes (%d,%d)',[x,y,Round(MiddlePoint.x + CosAngle * (x-MiddlePoint.x) - SinAngle * (y-MiddlePoint.y)) - MinX,
-// Round(MiddlePoint.y + SinAngle * (x-MiddlePoint.x) + CosAngle * (y-MiddlePoint.y))]));
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Desaturate;
+ I : integer;
+ He,Se,Le : extended;
+ Ptr : PRGB32;
+ Ptr := FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ RGBToHSL(Ptr^.R,Ptr^.G,Ptr^.B,He,Se,Le);
+ HSLtoRGB(He,0.0,Le,Ptr^.R,Ptr^.G,Ptr^.B);
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Desaturate(TargetBitmap: TMufasaBitmap);
+ I : integer;
+ He,Se,Le : extended;
+ PtrOld,PtrNew : PRGB32;
+ TargetBitmap.SetSize(w,h);
+ PtrOld := Self.FData;
+ PtrNew := TargetBitmap.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ RGBToHSL(PtrOld^.R,PtrOld^.G,PtrOld^.B,He,Se,Le);
+ HSLtoRGB(He,0.0,Le,PtrNew^.R,PtrNew^.G,PtrNew^.B);
+ inc(ptrOld);
+ inc(PtrNew);
+ end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.GreyScale(TargetBitmap: TMufasaBitmap);
+ I : integer;
+ Lum : byte;
+ PtrOld,PtrNew : PRGB32;
+ TargetBitmap.SetSize(w,h);
+ PtrOld := Self.FData;
+ PtrNew := TargetBitmap.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ Lum := Round(PtrOld^.r * 0.3 + PtrOld^.g * 0.59 + PtrOld^.b * 0.11);
+ PtrNew^.r := Lum;
+ PtrNew^.g := Lum;
+ PtrNew^.b := Lum;
+ inc(ptrOld);
+ inc(PtrNew);
+ end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.GreyScale;
+ I : integer;
+ Lum : Byte;
+ Ptr: PRGB32;
+ Ptr := Self.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ Lum := Round(Ptr^.r * 0.3 + Ptr^.g * 0.59 + Ptr^.b * 0.11);
+ Ptr^.r := Lum;
+ Ptr^.g := Lum;
+ Ptr^.b := Lum;
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+function BrigthnessAdjust(Col: byte; br : integer): byte;inline;
+ temp : integer;
+ Temp := Col + Br;
+ if temp < 0 then
+ temp := 0
+ else if temp > 255 then
+ temp := 255;
+ result := temp;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Brightness(br: integer);
+ I : integer;
+ Ptr: PRGB32;
+ Ptr := Self.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ Ptr^.r := BrigthnessAdjust(Ptr^.r,br);
+ Ptr^.g := BrigthnessAdjust(Ptr^.g,br);
+ Ptr^.b := BrigthnessAdjust(Ptr^.b,br);
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Brightness(TargetBitmap: TMufasaBitmap; br: integer);
+ I : integer;
+ PtrOld,PtrNew : PRGB32;
+ TargetBitmap.SetSize(w,h);
+ PtrOld := Self.FData;
+ PtrNew := TargetBitmap.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ PtrNew^.r := BrigthnessAdjust(PtrOld^.r,br);
+ PtrNew^.g := BrigthnessAdjust(PtrOld^.g,br);
+ PtrNew^.b := BrigthnessAdjust(PtrOld^.b,br);
+ inc(ptrOld);
+ inc(PtrNew);
+ end;
+ Grey = 128;
+function ContrastAdjust(Col: byte; co : extended): byte;inline;
+ temp : integer;
+ Temp := floor((col - Grey) * co) + grey;
+ if temp < 0 then
+ temp := 0
+ else if temp > 255 then
+ temp := 255;
+ result := temp;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Contrast(co: Extended);
+ I : integer;
+ Ptr: PRGB32;
+ Ptr := Self.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ Ptr^.r := ContrastAdjust(Ptr^.r,co);
+ Ptr^.g := ContrastAdjust(Ptr^.g,co);
+ Ptr^.b := ContrastAdjust(Ptr^.b,co);
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Contrast(TargetBitmap: TMufasaBitmap; co: Extended);
+ I : integer;
+ PtrOld,PtrNew : PRGB32;
+ TargetBitmap.SetSize(w,h);
+ PtrOld := Self.FData;
+ PtrNew := TargetBitmap.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ PtrNew^.r := ContrastAdjust(PtrOld^.r,co);
+ PtrNew^.g := ContrastAdjust(PtrOld^.g,co);
+ PtrNew^.b := ContrastAdjust(PtrOld^.b,co);
+ inc(ptrOld);
+ inc(PtrNew);
+ end;
+procedure TMufasaBitmap.Invert;
+ Ptr : PRGB32;
+ i : integer;
+ ptr := Self.FData;
+ for i := (h*w-1) downto 0 do
+ begin;
+ Self.FData[i].r := not Self.FData[i].r;
+ Self.FData[i].g := not Self.FData[i].g;
+ Self.Fdata[i].b := not Self.FData[i].b;
+ end;
constructor TMBitmaps.Create(Owner: TObject);
diff --git a/Units/MMLCore/colour_conv.pas b/Units/MMLCore/colour_conv.pas
index 299ed82..f37c84b 100644
--- a/Units/MMLCore/colour_conv.pas
+++ b/Units/MMLCore/colour_conv.pas
@@ -1,260 +1,304 @@
- This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML)
- Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer
- MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with MML. If not, see .
- See the file COPYING, included in this distribution,
- for details about the copyright.
- Colour Conversion Utilities for the Mufasa Macro Library
-unit colour_conv;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, SysUtils,
- Graphics,
- Math;
-Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : byte) : TColor; overload; inline;
-Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : integer) : TColor; overload; inline;
-Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : byte); overload; inline;
-Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : integer); overload; inline;
-Procedure RGBToXYZ(R,G,B : integer;var x,y,z : Extended); inline;
-Procedure XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z : Extended;var R,G,B: integer); inline;
-Procedure RGBToHSL(RR,GG,BB : integer;var H,S,L : Extended); inline;
-Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;var R,G,B : Integer); inline;
-Procedure ColorToHSL(Col: Integer; var h, s, l: Extended); inline;
- OneDivThree = 1/3.0;
- TwoDivThree = 2 / 3.0;
- OneDivTwoPointFour = 1 / 2.4;
-Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : byte): TColor; overload; inline;
- Result := R or g shl 8 or b shl 16;
- Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to a TColor.
- R, G and B are integers.
-Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : integer): TColor; overload; inline;
- Result := R or g shl 8 or b shl 16;
- Translates the given win-32 color in the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B)
- components. R, G and B are bytes.
-Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : byte); overload; inline;
- R := Color and $ff;
- G := Color shr 8 and $ff;
- B := Color shr 16 and $ff;
- Translates the given win-32 color in the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B)
- components. R, G and B are integers.
-Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : integer); overload; inline;
- R := Color and $ff;
- G := Color shr 8 and $ff;
- B := Color shr 16 and $ff;
- Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to
- X, Y and Z components.
-Procedure RGBToXYZ(R,G,B : integer;var x,y,z : Extended); inline;
- Red,Green,Blue : Extended;
- Red := R / 255;
- Green := G / 255;
- Blue := B / 255;
- if Red > 0.04045 then
- Red := Power( ( Red + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100
- else
- Red := Red / 7.73994;
- if Green > 0.04045 then
- Green := Power( ( Green + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100
- else
- Green := Green / 7.73994;
- if Blue > 0.04045 then
- Blue := Power( ( Blue + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100
- else
- Blue := Blue / 7.73994;
- X := Red * 0.4124 + Green * 0.3576 + Blue * 0.1805;
- Y := Red * 0.2126 + Green * 0.7152 + Blue * 0.0722;
- Z := Red * 0.0193 + Green * 0.1192 + Blue * 0.9505;
- Translates the given X, Y and Z components to
- Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components.
-Procedure XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z : Extended;var R,G,B: integer); inline;
- TempR,TempG,TempB,Tempx,tempy,tempz : Extended;
- Tempx := X / 100;
- tempy := Y / 100;
- tempz := Z / 100;
- TempR := Tempx * 3.2406 + tempy * -1.5372 + tempz * -0.4986;
- TempG := Tempx * -0.9689 + tempy * 1.8758 + tempz * 0.0415;
- TempB := Tempx * 0.0557 + tempy * -0.2040 + tempz * 1.0570;
- if TempR > 0.0031308 then
- TempR := 1.055 * ( Power(TempR, (OneDivTwoPointFour)) ) - 0.055
- else
- TempR := 12.92 * TempR;
- if TempG > 0.0031308 then
- TempG := 1.055 * ( Power(TempG, ( OneDivTwoPointFour)) ) - 0.055
- else
- TempG := 12.92 * TempG;
- if TempB > 0.0031308 then
- TempB := 1.055 * ( Power(TempB , ( OneDivTwoPointFour )) ) - 0.055
- else
- TempB := 12.92 * TempB;
- R := Round(TempR * 255);
- G := Round(TempG * 255);
- B := Round(TempB * 255);
- Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to
- H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components.
-Procedure RGBToHSL(RR,GG,BB : integer;var H,S,L : Extended); inline;
- R, G, B, D, Cmax, Cmin: Extended;
- R := RR / 255;
- G := GG / 255;
- B := BB / 255;
- CMin := R;
- if G < Cmin then Cmin := G;
- if B < Cmin then Cmin := B;
- CMax := R;
- if G > Cmax then Cmax := G;
- if B > Cmax then Cmax := B;
- L := 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin);
- if Cmax = Cmin then
- begin
- H := 0;
- S := 0;
- end else
- begin;
- D := Cmax - Cmin;
- if L < 0.5 then
- S := D / (Cmax + Cmin)
- else
- S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin);
- if R = Cmax then
- H := (G - B) / D
- else
- if G = Cmax then
- H := 2 + (B - R) / D
- else
- H := 4 + (R - G) / D;
- H := H / 6;
- if H < 0 then
- H := H + 1;
- end;
- H := H * 100;
- S := S * 100;
- L := L * 100;
- Translates the given H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components to
- Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components.
-Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;var R,G,B : Integer); inline;
- Temp,Temp2 : Extended;
-Function Hue2RGB(TempHue : Extended) : integer;
- if TempHue < 0 then
- TempHue := TempHue + 1
- else if TempHue > 1 then
- TempHue := TempHue - 1;
- if ( ( 6 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then
- Result :=Round(255 * (( Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * 6 * TempHue )))
- else if ( ( 2 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then
- Result :=Round(255 * Temp2)
- else if ( ( 3 * TempHue ) < 2 ) then
- Result :=Round(255 * (Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * ( ( TwoDivThree ) - TempHue ) * 6))
- else
- Result :=Round(255 * Temp);
- H := H / 100;
- S := S / 100;
- L := L / 100;
- if s = 0 then
- begin;
- R := Round(L * 255);
- G := R;
- B := R;
- end else
- begin;
- if (L < 0.5) then
- Temp2 := L * ( 1 + S )
- else
- Temp2 := (L + S) - ( S * L);
- Temp := 2 * L - Temp2;
- R := Hue2RGB( H + ( OneDivThree ) );
- G := Hue2RGB( H );
- B := Hue2RGB( H - ( OneDivThree ) );
- end;
- Split the Given Color col in H, S, L components.
-Procedure ColorToHSL(Col: Integer; var h, s, l: Extended); inline;
- R, G, B: Integer;
- ColorToRGB(Col, R, G, B);
- RGBToHSL(R, G, B, H, S, L);
+ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML)
+ Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer
+ MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with MML. If not, see .
+ See the file COPYING, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ Colour Conversion Utilities for the Mufasa Macro Library
+unit colour_conv;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ Graphics,
+ Math;
+Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : byte) : TColor; overload; inline;
+Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : integer) : TColor; overload; inline;
+Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : byte); overload; inline;
+Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : integer); overload; inline;
+Procedure RGBToXYZ(R,G,B : integer;var x,y,z : Extended); inline;
+Procedure XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z : Extended;var R,G,B: integer); inline;
+Procedure RGBToHSL(RR,GG,BB : integer;var H,S,L : Extended); inline;
+Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;var R,G,B : Byte); inline;overload;
+Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;var R,G,B : Integer); inline;overload;
+Procedure ColorToHSL(Col: Integer; var h, s, l: Extended); inline;
+ OneDivThree = 1/3.0;
+ TwoDivThree = 2 / 3.0;
+ OneDivTwoPointFour = 1 / 2.4;
+Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : byte): TColor; overload; inline;
+ Result := R or g shl 8 or b shl 16;
+ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to a TColor.
+ R, G and B are integers.
+Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : integer): TColor; overload; inline;
+ Result := R or g shl 8 or b shl 16;
+ Translates the given win-32 color in the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B)
+ components. R, G and B are bytes.
+Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : byte); overload; inline;
+ R := Color and $ff;
+ G := Color shr 8 and $ff;
+ B := Color shr 16 and $ff;
+ Translates the given win-32 color in the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B)
+ components. R, G and B are integers.
+Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;var r,g,b : integer); overload; inline;
+ R := Color and $ff;
+ G := Color shr 8 and $ff;
+ B := Color shr 16 and $ff;
+ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to
+ X, Y and Z components.
+Procedure RGBToXYZ(R,G,B : integer;var x,y,z : Extended); inline;
+ Red,Green,Blue : Extended;
+ Red := R / 255;
+ Green := G / 255;
+ Blue := B / 255;
+ if Red > 0.04045 then
+ Red := Power( ( Red + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100
+ else
+ Red := Red / 7.73994;
+ if Green > 0.04045 then
+ Green := Power( ( Green + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100
+ else
+ Green := Green / 7.73994;
+ if Blue > 0.04045 then
+ Blue := Power( ( Blue + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100
+ else
+ Blue := Blue / 7.73994;
+ X := Red * 0.4124 + Green * 0.3576 + Blue * 0.1805;
+ Y := Red * 0.2126 + Green * 0.7152 + Blue * 0.0722;
+ Z := Red * 0.0193 + Green * 0.1192 + Blue * 0.9505;
+ Translates the given X, Y and Z components to
+ Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components.
+Procedure XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z : Extended;var R,G,B: integer); inline;
+ TempR,TempG,TempB,Tempx,tempy,tempz : Extended;
+ Tempx := X / 100;
+ tempy := Y / 100;
+ tempz := Z / 100;
+ TempR := Tempx * 3.2406 + tempy * -1.5372 + tempz * -0.4986;
+ TempG := Tempx * -0.9689 + tempy * 1.8758 + tempz * 0.0415;
+ TempB := Tempx * 0.0557 + tempy * -0.2040 + tempz * 1.0570;
+ if TempR > 0.0031308 then
+ TempR := 1.055 * ( Power(TempR, (OneDivTwoPointFour)) ) - 0.055
+ else
+ TempR := 12.92 * TempR;
+ if TempG > 0.0031308 then
+ TempG := 1.055 * ( Power(TempG, ( OneDivTwoPointFour)) ) - 0.055
+ else
+ TempG := 12.92 * TempG;
+ if TempB > 0.0031308 then
+ TempB := 1.055 * ( Power(TempB , ( OneDivTwoPointFour )) ) - 0.055
+ else
+ TempB := 12.92 * TempB;
+ R := Round(TempR * 255);
+ G := Round(TempG * 255);
+ B := Round(TempB * 255);
+ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to
+ H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components.
+Procedure RGBToHSL(RR,GG,BB : integer;var H,S,L : Extended); inline;
+ R, G, B, D, Cmax, Cmin: Extended;
+ R := RR / 255;
+ G := GG / 255;
+ B := BB / 255;
+ CMin := R;
+ if G < Cmin then Cmin := G;
+ if B < Cmin then Cmin := B;
+ CMax := R;
+ if G > Cmax then Cmax := G;
+ if B > Cmax then Cmax := B;
+ L := 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin);
+ if Cmax = Cmin then
+ begin
+ H := 0;
+ S := 0;
+ end else
+ begin;
+ D := Cmax - Cmin;
+ if L < 0.5 then
+ S := D / (Cmax + Cmin)
+ else
+ S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin);
+ if R = Cmax then
+ H := (G - B) / D
+ else
+ if G = Cmax then
+ H := 2 + (B - R) / D
+ else
+ H := 4 + (R - G) / D;
+ H := H / 6;
+ if H < 0 then
+ H := H + 1;
+ end;
+ H := H * 100;
+ S := S * 100;
+ L := L * 100;
+ Translates the given H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components to
+ Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components.
+procedure HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: extended; var R, G, B: Byte); inline; overload;
+ Temp,Temp2 : Extended;
+Function Hue2RGB(TempHue : Extended) : integer;
+ if TempHue < 0 then
+ TempHue := TempHue + 1
+ else if TempHue > 1 then
+ TempHue := TempHue - 1;
+ if ( ( 6 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then
+ Result :=Round(255 * (( Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * 6 * TempHue )))
+ else if ( ( 2 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then
+ Result :=Round(255 * Temp2)
+ else if ( ( 3 * TempHue ) < 2 ) then
+ Result :=Round(255 * (Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * ( ( TwoDivThree ) - TempHue ) * 6))
+ else
+ Result :=Round(255 * Temp);
+ H := H / 100;
+ S := S / 100;
+ L := L / 100;
+ if s = 0 then
+ begin;
+ R := Byte(Round(L * 255));
+ G := R;
+ B := R;
+ end else
+ begin;
+ if (L < 0.5) then
+ Temp2 := L * ( 1 + S )
+ else
+ Temp2 := (L + S) - ( S * L);
+ Temp := 2 * L - Temp2;
+ R := Hue2RGB( H + ( OneDivThree ) );
+ G := Hue2RGB( H );
+ B := Hue2RGB( H - ( OneDivThree ) );
+ end;
+Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;var R,G,B : Integer); inline;
+ Temp,Temp2 : Extended;
+Function Hue2RGB(TempHue : Extended) : integer;
+ if TempHue < 0 then
+ TempHue := TempHue + 1
+ else if TempHue > 1 then
+ TempHue := TempHue - 1;
+ if ( ( 6 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then
+ Result :=Round(255 * (( Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * 6 * TempHue )))
+ else if ( ( 2 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then
+ Result :=Round(255 * Temp2)
+ else if ( ( 3 * TempHue ) < 2 ) then
+ Result :=Round(255 * (Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * ( ( TwoDivThree ) - TempHue ) * 6))
+ else
+ Result :=Round(255 * Temp);
+ H := H / 100;
+ S := S / 100;
+ L := L / 100;
+ if s = 0 then
+ begin;
+ R := Round(L * 255);
+ G := R;
+ B := R;
+ end else
+ begin;
+ if (L < 0.5) then
+ Temp2 := L * ( 1 + S )
+ else
+ Temp2 := (L + S) - ( S * L);
+ Temp := 2 * L - Temp2;
+ R := Hue2RGB( H + ( OneDivThree ) );
+ G := Hue2RGB( H );
+ B := Hue2RGB( H - ( OneDivThree ) );
+ end;
+ Split the Given Color col in H, S, L components.
+Procedure ColorToHSL(Col: Integer; var h, s, l: Extended); inline;
+ R, G, B: Integer;
+ ColorToRGB(Col, R, G, B);
+ RGBToHSL(R, G, B, H, S, L);