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{ This is an automatically generated lazarus resource file }
+'th'#3#144#1#13'ActiveControl'#7#7'Button1'#7'Caption'#6' Bug in Pascal Scri'
+'pt for Lazarus'#12'ClientHeight'#3','#1#11'ClientWidth'#3#144#1#10'LCLVersi'
+' TestPS;'#6#0#6#3'var'#6#30' Str,Str1,str2,str3 : String;'#6'$ Arr,Arr1,A'
+'rr2,Arr3 : TStringArray;'#6#14' I : integer;'#6#14' p: w_TPoint;'#6#5'beg'
+'in'#6#30' TestParameters(1,2,3,4,5,6);'#6'1 if TestResult(1,2,3,4,5,6) = '
+'(1+2+3+4+5+6) then'#6'M Writeln(''Result = '' + inttostr(1+2+3+4+5+6) + '
+'''. Passed the result test'')'#6#6' else'#6'> Writeln(''Result = '' + '
+'Inttostr(TestResult(1,2,3,4,5,6)) +'#6#31' ''. Failed @ result test'');'
+#6#22' p := makePoint(2,2);'#6'8 writeln(''p: '' + inttostr(p.x) + '', '' '
+'+ inttostr(p.y));'#6#14' Str1 := ''l'';'#6#14' Str2 := ''o'';'#6#14' Str'
+'3 := ''l'';'#6'* if TestString(Str1,Str2,Str3) = ''a'' then'#6'% Writel'
+'n(''String test succesful.'')'#6#6' else'#6'# Writeln(''String test fai'
+'led.'');'#6'8 if (str1 = ''l'') and (str2 = ''o'') and (str3 = ''l'') then'
+#6'( Writeln(''String test passed again.'')'#6#6' else'#6'# Writeln('
+'''String test failed.'');'#6#16' Str := ''Test'';'#6''' if TestStringEdit'
+'(Str) = ''hopla'' then'#6', Writeln(''TestStringEdit result passed.'')'#6
+#6' else'#6'- Writeln(''TestStringEdit result failed.'');'#6#22' if Str'
+' = ''tseT'' then'#6'+ Writeln(''TestStringEdit input passed.'')'#6#6' e'
+'lse'#6', Writeln(''TestStringEdit input failed.'');'#6#21' TestArrayEdi'
+'t(Arr);'#6'" For i := 0 to Length(arr) - 1 do'#6#20' Writeln(Arr[i]);'#6
+'* Writeln(''it shouldve written: "abcd!"'');'#6'1 Arr := TStringArray(['''
+'Dit'',''is'',''een'',''test'']);'#6#24' TestArrayPassing(arr);'#6'< TestA'
+'rrayPassing(TStringArray([''Dit'',''is'',''een'',''test'']));'#6'& Arr1 :='
+' TStringArray([''W'',''a'',''t'']);'#6'- Arr2 := TStringArray([''T'',''es'
+''',''t'',''ing'']);'#6''' Arr3 := TStringArray([''Wowing'',''!'']);'#6'# '
+'Arr3 := TestArrayFull(Arr1,Arr2);'#6'/ Writeln(''Should writeln: Hoi Hoe G'
+'aat Het?'');'#6#29' for i := 0 to high(arr1) do'#6#21' Writeln(arr1[i])'
+';'#6#14' Writeln('''');'#6'/ Writeln(''Should writeln: Ik ben een geest!'
+''');'#6#29' for i := 0 to high(arr2) do'#6#20' writeln(arr2[i]);'#6#14' '
+' writeln('''');'#6'3 Writeln(''Should writeln: Waza? Gaat alles goed'');'#6
+#29' for I := 0 to high(arr3) do'#6#21' Writeln(arr3[i]);'#6#0#6#4'end.'