2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library ( MML)
Copyright ( c) 2 0 0 9 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer
MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/ or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
( at your option) any later version.
MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MML. If not , see < http: //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
See the file COPYING, included in this distribution,
for details about the copyright.
Finder class for the Mufasa Macro Library
unit finder;
{$mode objfpc} {$H+}
{$define CheckAllBackground} //Undefine this to only check the first white point against the background (in masks).
Classes, SysUtils, bitmaps, MufasaTypes; // Types
{ TMFinder Class }
Should be 1 0 0 % independant, as all platform dependant code is in the
Window and Input classes.
Let' s try not to use any OS- specific defines here? ; )
TMFinder = class( TObject)
constructor Create( aClient: TObject) ;
destructor Destroy; override ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
Procedure UpdateCachedValues( NewWidth, NewHeight : integer ) ;
procedure DefaultOperations( var xs, ys, xe, ye : integer ) ;
//Loads the Spiral into ClientTPA (Will not cause problems)
procedure LoadSpiralPath( startX, startY, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ) ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
function FindColorsToleranceOptimised( out Points: TPointArray; Color,
xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindColorToleranceOptimised( out x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys,
xe, ye, tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
function CountColorTolerance( Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer ) : Integer ;
2009-12-06 22:25:28 +00:00
function CountColor( Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Integer ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
procedure SetToleranceSpeed( nCTS: Integer ) ;
function SimilarColors( Color1, Color2, Tolerance : Integer ) : boolean ;
// Possibly turn x, y into a TPoint var.
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function FindColor( out x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
function FindColorSpiral( var x, y: Integer ; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function FindColorTolerance( out x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindColorsTolerance( out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-11-12 18:22:09 +00:00
function FindColorsSpiralTolerance( x, y: Integer ; out Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; Tolerance: Integer ) : boolean ;
function FindColors( out TPA: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-12-17 17:49:44 +00:00
function FindColoredArea( var x, y: Integer ; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; MinArea: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindColoredAreaTolerance( var x, y: Integer ; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; MinArea, tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function FindBitmapMaskTolerance( mask: TMask; out x, y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
procedure CheckMask( Mask : TMask) ;
//Bitmap functions
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function FindBitmap( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindBitmapIn( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindBitmapToleranceIn( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; tolerance: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
function FindBitmapSpiral( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance : integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; x, y: Integer ; out Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance: Integer ) : Boolean ;
function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; tolerance: Integer ; Range: Integer ; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean ; var accuracy: Extended ) : Boolean ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
function FindDTM( DTM: pDTM; out x, y: Integer ; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
function FindDTMs( DTM: pDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2, maxToFind: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
function FindDTMRotated( DTM: pDTM; out x, y: Integer ; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended ; out aFound: Extended ) : Boolean ;
function FindDTMsRotated( DTM: pDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended ; out aFound: T2DExtendedArray) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
Client: TObject;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
Percentage : array [ 0 .. 2 5 5 ] of Extended ; //We store all the possible RGB / 255 divisions.
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
CachedWidth, CachedHeight : integer ;
ClientTPA : TPointArray;
hueMod, satMod: Extended ;
CTS: Integer ;
end ;
Client, // For the Client Casts.
colour_conv, // For RGBToColor, etc.
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
math, //min/max
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
TPRGB32Array = array of PRGB32;
procedure TMFinder. LoadSpiralPath( startX, startY, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ) ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
i, c, Ring : integer ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
CurrBox : TBox;
begin ;
i : = 0 ;
Ring : = 1 ;
c : = 0 ;
CurrBox. x1 : = Startx- 1 ;
CurrBox. y1 : = Starty- 1 ;
CurrBox. x2 : = Startx+ 1 ;
CurrBox. y2 : = Starty+ 1 ;
if ( startx > = x1) and ( startx < = x2) and ( starty > = y1) and ( starty < = y2) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] : = Point( Startx, StartY) ;
inc( c) ;
end ;
if ( CurrBox. x2 > = x1) and ( CurrBox. x1 < = x2) and ( Currbox. y1 > = y1) and ( Currbox. y1 < = y2) then
for i : = CurrBox. x1 + 1 to CurrBox. x2 do
if ( I > = x1) and ( I < = x2) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] : = Point( i, CurrBox. y1) ;
inc( c) ;
end ;
if ( CurrBox. x2 > = x1) and ( CurrBox. x2 < = x2) and ( Currbox. y2 > = y1) and ( Currbox. y1 < = y2) then
for i : = CurrBox. y1 + 1 to CurrBox. y2 do
if ( I > = y1) and ( I < = y2) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] : = Point( Currbox. x2, I) ;
inc( c) ;
end ;
if ( CurrBox. x2 > = x1) and ( CurrBox. x1 < = x2) and ( Currbox. y2 > = y1) and ( Currbox. y2 < = y2) then
for i : = CurrBox. x2 - 1 downto CurrBox. x1 do
if ( I > = x1) and ( I < = x2) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] : = Point( i, CurrBox. y2) ;
inc( c) ;
end ;
if ( CurrBox. x1 > = x1) and ( CurrBox. x1 < = x2) and ( Currbox. y2 > = y1) and ( Currbox. y1 < = y2) then
for i : = CurrBox. y2 - 1 downto CurrBox. y1 do
if ( I > = y1) and ( I < = y2) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] : = Point( Currbox. x1, I) ;
inc( c) ;
end ;
inc( ring) ;
CurrBox. x1 : = Startx- ring;
CurrBox. y1 : = Starty- Ring;
CurrBox. x2 : = Startx+ Ring;
CurrBox. y2 : = Starty+ Ring;
until ( Currbox. x1 < x1) and ( Currbox. x2 > x2) and ( currbox. y1 < y1) and ( currbox. y2 > y2) ;
end ;
function CalculateRowPtrs( ReturnData : TRetData; RowCount : integer ) : TPRGB32Array; overload ;
I : integer ;
begin ;
setlength( result , RowCount) ;
for i : = 0 to RowCount - 1 do
result [ i] : = ReturnData. Ptr + ReturnData. RowLen * i;
end ;
function CalculateRowPtrs( Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap) : TPRGB32Array; overload ;
I : integer ;
begin ;
setlength( result , Bitmap. Height) ;
for i : = 0 to Bitmap. Height - 1 do
result [ i] : = Bitmap. FData + Bitmap. Width * i;
end ;
//SkipCoords[y][x] = False/True; True means its "transparent" and therefore not needed to be checked.
procedure CalculateBitmapSkipCoords( Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray) ;
x, y : integer ;
R, G, B : byte ;
Ptr : PRGB32;
begin ;
r : = 0 ;
g : = 0 ;
b : = 0 ;
if Bitmap. TransparentColorSet then
ColorToRGB( Bitmap. GetTransparentColor, r, g, b) ;
Ptr : = Bitmap. FData;
SetLength( SkipCoords, Bitmap. Height, Bitmap. Width) ;
for y : = 0 to Bitmap. Height - 1 do
for x : = 0 to Bitmap. Width - 1 do
begin ;
if ( Ptr^ . r = r) and ( Ptr^ . g = g) and ( Ptr^ . b = b) then
SkipCoords[ y] [ x] : = True
SkipCoords[ y] [ x] : = false ;
inc( ptr) ;
end ;
end ;
//Points left holds the amount of points that are "left" to be checked (Including the point itself.. So for example Pointsleft[0][0] would hold the total amount of pixels that are to be checked.
procedure CalculateBitmapSkipCoordsEx( Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray; out TotalPoints : integer ; out PointsLeft : T2DIntArray) ;
x, y : integer ;
R, G, B : byte ;
Ptr : PRGB32;
TotalC : integer ;
begin ;
r : = 0 ;
g : = 0 ;
b : = 0 ;
TotalC : = 0 ;
if Bitmap. TransparentColorSet then
ColorToRGB( Bitmap. GetTransparentColor, r, g, b) ;
Ptr : = Bitmap. FData;
SetLength( SkipCoords, Bitmap. Height, Bitmap. Width) ;
SetLength( PointsLeft, Bitmap. Height, Bitmap. Width) ;
for y : = 0 to Bitmap. Height - 1 do
for x : = 0 to Bitmap. Width - 1 do
begin ;
if ( Ptr^ . r = r) and ( Ptr^ . g = g) and ( Ptr^ . b = b) then
SkipCoords[ y] [ x] : = True
begin ;
SkipCoords[ y] [ x] : = false ;
inc( TotalC) ;
end ;
inc( ptr) ;
end ;
TotalPoints: = TotalC;
for y : = 0 to Bitmap. Height - 1 do
for x : = 0 to Bitmap. Width - 1 do
begin ;
PointsLeft[ y] [ x] : = TotalC;
if not SkipCoords[ y] [ x] then
Dec( TotalC) ;
end ;
end ;
constructor TMFinder. Create( aClient: TObject) ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
I : integer ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
inherited Create;
Self. Client : = aClient;
Self. CTS : = 1 ;
Self. hueMod : = 0.2 ;
Self. satMod : = 0.2 ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
for i : = 0 to 2 5 5 do
Percentage[ i] : = i / 2 5 5 ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
end ;
destructor TMFinder. Destroy;
inherited ;
end ;
procedure TMFinder. SetToleranceSpeed( nCTS: Integer ) ;
if ( nCTS < 0 ) or ( nCTS > 2 ) then
raise Exception. CreateFmt( 'The given CTS ([%d]) is invalid.' , [ nCTS] ) ;
Self. CTS : = nCTS;
end ;
function TMFinder. SimilarColors( Color1, Color2, Tolerance: Integer ) : boolean ;
R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2 : Byte ;
H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2 : extended ;
Result : = False ;
ColorToRGB( Color1, R1, G1, B1) ;
ColorToRGB( Color2, R2, G2, B2) ;
if Color1 = Color2 then
Result : = true
case CTS of
0 : Result : = ( ( Abs( R1- R2) < = Tolerance) and ( Abs( G1- G2) < = Tolerance) and ( Abs( B1- B2) < = Tolerance) ) ;
1 : Result : = ( Sqrt( sqr( R1- R2) + sqr( G1- G2) + sqr( B1- B2) ) < = Tolerance) ;
2 : begin
RGBToHSL( R1, g1, b1, H1, S1, L1) ;
RGBToHSL( R2, g2, b2, H2, S2, L2) ;
Result : = ( ( abs( H1 - H2) < = ( hueMod * Tolerance) ) and ( abs( S2- S1) < = ( satMod * Tolerance) ) and ( abs( L1- L2) < = Tolerance) ) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
function ColorSame( var CTS, Tolerance : Integer ; var R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2 : byte ; var H1, S1, L1, huemod, satmod : extended ) : boolean ; inline ;
H2, S2, L2 : extended ;
Result : = False ;
case CTS of
0 : Result : = ( ( Abs( R1- R2) < = Tolerance) and ( Abs( G1- G2) < = Tolerance) and ( Abs( B1- B2) < = Tolerance) ) ;
1 : Result : = ( Sqrt( sqr( R1- R2) + sqr( G1- G2) + sqr( B1- B2) ) < = Tolerance) ;
2 : begin
RGBToHSL( R2, g2, b2, H2, S2, L2) ;
Result : = ( ( abs( H1 - H2) < = ( hueMod * Tolerance) ) and ( abs( S2- S1) < = ( satMod * Tolerance) ) and ( abs( L1- L2) < = Tolerance) ) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
procedure TMFinder. UpdateCachedValues( NewWidth, NewHeight: integer ) ;
CachedWidth : = NewWidth;
CachedHeight : = NewHeight;
SetLength( ClientTPA, NewWidth * NewHeight) ;
end ;
procedure TMFinder. DefaultOperations( var xs, ys, xe, ye: integer ) ;
w, h : integer ;
if xs > xe then
raise Exception. CreateFMT( 'Finder function: Xs > xe (%d,%d)' , [ xs, xe] ) ;
if ys > ye then
raise Exception. CreateFMT( 'Finder function: Ys > ye (%d,%d)' , [ ys, ye] ) ;
if xs < 0 then
// xs := 0;
raise Exception. createFMT( 'Any Find Function, you did not pass a ' +
'correct xs: %d.' , [ xs] ) ;
if ys < 0 then
// ys := 0;
raise Exception. createFMT( 'Any Find Function, you did not pass a ' +
'correct ys: %d.' , [ ys] ) ;
TClient( Self. Client) . MWindow. GetDimensions( w, h) ;
if ( w < > CachedWidth) or ( h < > CachedHeight) then
UpdateCachedValues( w, h) ;
if xe > = w then
// xe := w-1;
raise Exception. createFMT( 'Any Find Function, you did not pass a ' +
'correct xe: %d.' , [ xe] ) ;
if ye > = h then
// ye := h-1;
raise Exception. createFMT( 'Any Find Function, you did not pass a ' +
'correct ye: %d.' , [ ye] ) ;
end ;
function TMFinder. CountColorTolerance( Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer ) : Integer ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
clR, clG, clB : byte ;
dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer ;
h, s, l, hmod, smod : extended ;
Ccts : integer ;
Result : = 0 ;
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
CCts : = Self. CTS;
result : = 0 ;
if cts = 2 then
begin ;
RGBToHSL( clR, clG, clB, h, s, l) ;
hmod : = Self. hueMod;
smod : = Self. satMod;
end ;
for yy : = ys to ye do
begin ;
for xx : = xs to xe do
begin ;
if ColorSame( CCts, Tolerance, clR, clG, clB, Ptr^ . r, Ptr^ . g, Ptr^ . b, H, S, L, hmod, smod) then
inc( result ) ;
Inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc)
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-12-06 22:25:28 +00:00
function TMFinder. CountColor( Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Integer ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer ;
Result : = 0 ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
for yy : = ys to ye do
begin ;
for xx : = xs to xe do
begin ;
// Colour comparison here. Possibly with tolerance? ;)
if ( Ptr^ . R = clR) and ( Ptr^ . G = clG) and ( Ptr^ . B = clB) then
inc( result ) ;
Inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc)
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindColor( out x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer ;
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
for yy : = ys to ye do
begin ;
for xx : = xs to xe do
begin ;
// Colour comparison here. Possibly with tolerance? ;)
if ( Ptr^ . R = clR) and ( Ptr^ . G = clG) and ( Ptr^ . B = clB) then
Result : = True ;
x : = xx;
y : = yy;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
Inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc)
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindColorSpiral( var x, y: Integer ; color, xs, ys, xe,
ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
RowData : TPRGB32Array;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, i, HiSpiral: Integer ;
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Load rowdata
RowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( ptrdata, dy+ 1 ) ;
//Load the spiral path
LoadSpiralPath( x- xs, y- ys, 0 , 0 , dx, dy) ;
HiSpiral : = ( dy+ 1 ) * ( dx + 1 ) - 1 ;
for i : = 0 to HiSpiral do
if ( RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R = clR) and ( RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G = clG)
and ( RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B = clB) then
Result : = True ;
x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-12-17 17:49:44 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindColoredArea( var x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea: Integer ) : Boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr, Before: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy, fx, fy, Count : Integer ;
NotFound : Boolean ;
Result : = false ;
Count : = 0 ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
for yy : = ys to ye do
begin ;
for xx : = xs to xe do
begin ;
NotFound : = False ;
// Colour comparison here. Possibly with tolerance? ;)
if ( Ptr^ . R = clR) and ( Ptr^ . G = clG) and ( Ptr^ . B = clB) then
Before : = Ptr;
for fy : = yy to ye do
for fx : = xx to xe do
Inc( Ptr) ;
if not ( ( Ptr^ . R = clR) and ( Ptr^ . G = clG) and ( Ptr^ . B = clB) ) then
NotFound : = True ;
end ;
Inc( Count) ;
if Count > = MinArea then
Result : = True ;
x : = xx;
y : = yy;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
end ;
if NotFound then
Ptr : = Before;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindColorToleranceOptimised( out x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer ;
H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2: Extended ;
R, G, B : extended ; //percentage R,G,B.. (Needed for HSL).
D : Extended ; //CMax - Cmin
HueTol, SatTol, LumTol : extended ;
CMax, CMin : extended ;
label Hit;
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
if Cts = 2 then
RGBToHSLNonFixed( clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
case CTS of
0 :
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( ( abs( clB- Ptr^ . B) < = Tol) and ( abs( clG- Ptr^ . G) < = Tol) and ( Abs( clR- Ptr^ . R) < = Tol) ) then
goto Hit;
inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
1 :
Tol : = Sqr( Tol) ;
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( sqr( clB - Ptr^ . B) + sqr( clG - Ptr^ . G) + sqr( clR- Ptr^ . R) ) < = Tol then
goto Hit;
inc( ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
2 :
//Since we don't make (real) percentages of the HSL-values we need to change the tolerance..
HueTol : = hueMod * Tol / 1 0 0 ;
SatTol : = satMod * Tol / 1 0 0 ;
LumTol : = Tol / 1 0 0 ;
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
R : = Percentage[ Ptr^ . r] ;
G : = Percentage[ Ptr^ . g] ;
B : = Percentage[ Ptr^ . b] ;
//We increase the Ptr already, since we do Continue in loops..
inc( Ptr) ;
CMin : = R;
CMax : = R;
if G < Cmin then CMin : = G;
if B < Cmin then CMin : = B;
if G > Cmax then CMax : = G;
if B > Cmax then CMax : = B;
L2 : = 0.5 * ( Cmax + Cmin) ;
//The L-value is already calculated, lets see if the current point meats the requirements!
if Abs( L2- L1) > LumTol then //if not (Abs(L2 - L1) <= LumTol) then
if Cmax = Cmin then
//S and H are both zero, lets check if we need found a point!
if ( H1 < = HueTol) and ( S1 < = SatTol) then
goto Hit
end ;
D : = Cmax - Cmin;
if L2 < 0.5 then
S2 : = D / ( Cmax + Cmin)
S2 : = D / ( 2 - Cmax - Cmin) ;
//We've Calculated the S. Lets see if we need to continue.
if Abs( S2 - S1) > SatTol then //if not (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) then
if R = Cmax then
H2 : = ( G - B) / D
if G = Cmax then
H2 : = 2 + ( B - R) / D
H2 : = 4 + ( R - G) / D;
H2 : = H2 / 6 ;
if H2 < 0 then
H2 : = H2 + 1 ;
//Finally lets test H2
if Abs( H2 - H1) < = HueTol then
goto hit;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
Result : = False ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
Result : = True ;
x : = xx;
y : = yy;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindColorTolerance( out x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer ;
H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2: Extended ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
R, G, B : extended ; //percentage R,G,B.. (Needed for HSL).
D : Extended ; //CMax - Cmin
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
HueXTol, SatXTol: Extended ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
CMax, CMin : extended ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
label Hit;
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
if Cts = 2 then
RGBToHSL( clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1) ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
case CTS of
0 :
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( ( abs( clB- Ptr^ . B) < = Tol) and ( abs( clG- Ptr^ . G) < = Tol) and ( Abs( clR- Ptr^ . R) < = Tol) ) then
goto Hit;
inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
1 :
Tol : = Sqr( Tol) ;
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( sqr( clB - Ptr^ . B) + sqr( clG - Ptr^ . G) + sqr( clR- Ptr^ . R) ) < = Tol then
goto Hit;
inc( ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
2 :
// Can be optimized a lot... RGBToHSL isn't really inline,
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
HueXTol : = hueMod * Tol;
SatXTol : = satMod * Tol;
for yy : = ys to ye do
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
for xx : = xs to xe do
RGBToHSL( Ptr^ . R, Ptr^ . G, Ptr^ . B, H2, S2, L2) ;
if ( ( abs( H1 - H2) < = HueXTol) and ( abs( S1 - S2) < = SatXTol) and ( abs( L1 - L2) < = Tol) ) then
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
goto Hit;
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
end ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
end ;
end ;
Result : = False ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
Result : = True ;
x : = xx;
2009-12-17 17:49:44 +00:00
y : = yy;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindColoredAreaTolerance( var x, y: Integer ; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, MinArea, tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr, Before: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, xx, yy, fx, fy, Count: Integer ;
clR, clG, clB : Byte ;
H1, S1, L1: Extended ;
NotFound : Boolean ;
label Hit;
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
if Cts = 2 then
RGBToHSL( clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
for yy : = ys to ye do
begin ;
for xx : = xs to xe do
begin ;
NotFound : = False ;
// Colour comparison here.
if ColorSame( CTS, Tol, Ptr^ . R, Ptr^ . G, Ptr^ . B, clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1, huemod, satmod) then
Before : = Ptr;
for fy : = yy to ye do
for fx : = xx to xe do
Inc( Ptr) ;
if not ColorSame( CTS, Tol, Ptr^ . R, Ptr^ . G, Ptr^ . B, clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1, huemod, satmod) then
NotFound : = True ;
end ;
Inc( Count) ;
if Count > = MinArea then
goto Hit;
end ;
if NotFound then
Ptr : = Before;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
Result : = False ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
Result : = True ;
x : = xx;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
y : = yy;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindColorsTolerance( out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys,
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
xe, ye, Tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc, C: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, hueXTol, satXTol, LumTol, R, G, B, D, Cmin, Cmax: Extended ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
Result : = false ;
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
if CTS = 2 then
ColorToHSL( color, H1, S1, L1) ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
c : = 0 ;
case CTS of
0 :
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( ( abs( clB- Ptr^ . B) < = Tol) and ( abs( clG- Ptr^ . G) < = Tol) and ( Abs( clR- Ptr^ . R) < = Tol) ) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = xx;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = yy;
inc( c) ;
end ;
inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
1 :
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( Sqrt( sqr( clR- Ptr^ . R) + sqr( clG - Ptr^ . G) + sqr( clB - Ptr^ . B) ) < = Tol) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = xx;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = yy;
inc( c) ;
end ;
inc( ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
2 :
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
HueXTol : = hueMod * Tol;
SatXTol : = satMod * Tol;
for yy : = ys to ye do
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
for xx : = xs to xe do
RGBToHSL( Ptr^ . R, Ptr^ . G, Ptr^ . B, H2, S2, L2) ;
if ( ( abs( H1 - H2) < = HueXTol) and ( abs( S1 - S2) < = SatXTol) and ( abs( L1 - L2) < = Tol) ) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = xx;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = yy;
Inc( c) ;
end ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
Inc( Ptr)
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
end ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
SetLength( Points, C) ;
Move( ClientTPA[ 0 ] , Points[ 0 ] , C * SizeOf( TPoint) ) ;
Result : = C > 0 ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindColorsToleranceOptimised( out Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys,
xe, ye, Tol: Integer ) : Boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc, C: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy: Integer ;
H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, hueTol, satTol, LumTol, R, G, B, D, Cmin, Cmax: Extended ;
Result : = false ;
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
if CTS = 2 then
RGBToHSLNonFixed( clR, clG, clB, H1, S1, L1) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
// Do we want to "cache" these vars?
// We will, for now. Easier to type.
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
c : = 0 ;
case CTS of
0 :
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( ( abs( clB- Ptr^ . B) < = Tol) and ( abs( clG- Ptr^ . G) < = Tol) and ( Abs( clR- Ptr^ . R) < = Tol) ) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = xx;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = yy;
inc( c) ;
end ;
inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
1 :
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
if ( Sqrt( sqr( clR- Ptr^ . R) + sqr( clG - Ptr^ . G) + sqr( clB - Ptr^ . B) ) < = Tol) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = xx;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = yy;
inc( c) ;
end ;
inc( ptr) ;
end ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
2009-11-29 14:12:01 +00:00
2 :
HueTol : = hueMod * Tol / 1 0 0 ;
SatTol : = satMod * Tol / 1 0 0 ;
LumTol : = Tol / 1 0 0 ;
for yy : = ys to ye do
for xx : = xs to xe do
R : = Percentage[ Ptr^ . r] ;
G : = Percentage[ Ptr^ . g] ;
B : = Percentage[ Ptr^ . b] ;
//We increase the Ptr already, since we use Continue;
inc( Ptr) ;
CMin : = R;
CMax : = R;
if G < Cmin then CMin : = G;
if B < Cmin then CMin : = B;
if G > Cmax then CMax : = G;
if B > Cmax then CMax : = B;
L2 : = 0.5 * ( Cmax + Cmin) ;
//The L-value is already calculated, lets see if the current point meats the requirements!
if Abs( L2- L1) > LumTol then //if not (Abs(L2 - L1) <= LumTol) then
if Cmax = Cmin then
//S and H are both zero, lets check if we need found a point!
if ( H1 < = HueTol) and ( S1 < = SatTol) then
goto Hit
end ;
D : = Cmax - Cmin;
if L2 < 0.5 then
S2 : = D / ( Cmax + Cmin)
S2 : = D / ( 2 - Cmax - Cmin) ;
//We've Calculated the S. Lets see if we need to continue.
if Abs( S2 - S1) > SatTol then //if not (abs(S1 - S2) <= SatXTol) then
if R = Cmax then
H2 : = ( G - B) / D
if G = Cmax then
H2 : = 2 + ( B - R) / D
H2 : = 4 + ( R - G) / D;
H2 : = H2 / 6 ;
if H2 < 0 then
H2 : = H2 + 1 ;
//Finally lets test H2
if Abs( H2 - H1) > HueTol then
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = xx;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = yy;
Inc( c) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
end ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
end ;
SetLength( Points, C) ;
Move( ClientTPA[ 0 ] , Points[ 0 ] , C * SizeOf( TPoint) ) ;
Result : = C > 0 ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindColorsSpiralTolerance( x, y: Integer ;
2009-11-12 18:22:09 +00:00
out Points: TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; Tolerance: Integer
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
) : boolean ;
PtrData: TRetData;
c : integer ;
RowData : TPRGB32Array;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, i, SpiralHi: Integer ;
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, HueXTol, SatXTol: Extended ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
Result : = false ;
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
//next, convert the color to r,g,b
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
ColorToHSL( Color, H1, S1, L1) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
c : = 0 ;
//Load rowdata
RowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( ptrdata, dy+ 1 ) ;
//Load the spiral path
LoadSpiralPath( x- xs, y- ys, 0 , 0 , dx, dy) ;
SpiralHi : = ( dx + 1 ) * ( dy + 1 ) - 1 ;
case CTS of
0 :
for i : = 0 to SpiralHi do
if ( ( abs( clB- RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B) < = Tolerance) and
( abs( clG- RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G) < = Tolerance) and
( Abs( clR- RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R) < = Tolerance) ) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
inc( c) ;
end ;
1 :
for i : = 0 to SpiralHi do
if ( Sqrt( sqr( clR - RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R) +
sqr( clG - RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G) +
sqr( clB - RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B) ) < = Tolerance) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
inc( c) ;
end ;
2 :
begin ;
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
HueXTol : = hueMod * Tolerance;
SatXTol : = satMod * Tolerance;
for i : = 0 to SpiralHi do
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
begin ;
2009-10-27 01:49:52 +00:00
RGBToHSL( RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R,
RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G,
RowData[ ClientTPA[ i] . y] [ ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B,
H2, S2, L2) ;
if ( ( abs( H1 - H2) < = ( HueXTol) ) and ( abs( S1 - S2) < = ( satXTol) ) and ( abs( L1 - L2) < = Tolerance) ) then
begin ;
ClientTPA[ c] . x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
ClientTPA[ c] . y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
inc( c) ;
end ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
end ;
end ;
end ;
SetLength( Points, C) ;
Move( ClientTPA[ 0 ] , Points[ 0 ] , C * SizeOf( TPoint) ) ;
Result : = C > 0 ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-12 18:22:09 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindColors( out TPA: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
PtrData: TRetData;
Ptr: PRGB32;
PtrInc: Integer ;
dX, dY, clR, clG, clB, xx, yy, i: Integer ;
Result : = false ;
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
I : = 0 ;
ColorToRGB( Color, clR, clG, clB) ;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
Ptr : = PtrData. Ptr;
PtrInc : = PtrData. IncPtrWith;
for yy : = ys to ye do
begin ;
for xx : = xs to xe do
begin ;
if ( Ptr^ . R = clR) and ( Ptr^ . G = clG) and ( Ptr^ . B = clB) then
Self. ClientTPA[ I] . x : = xx;
Self. ClientTPA[ i] . y : = yy;
Inc( I) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr) ;
end ;
Inc( Ptr, PtrInc) ;
end ;
SetLength( TPA, I) ;
Move( ClientTPA[ 0 ] , TPA[ 0 ] , i * SizeOf( TPoint) ) ;
Result : = I > 0 ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
//Only works with CTS 1 for now.. Since Colorsame doesn't return a boolean :-(
//We do not check whether every white pixel is in tol range with every other white pixel..
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindBitmapMaskTolerance( mask: TMask; out x, y: Integer ; xs,
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
ys, xe, ye: Integer ; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer ) : Boolean ;
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
MaskW, MaskH : integer ;
CheckerWhite, CheckerBlack, CurrWhite, CurrBlack: TRGB32;
i, ii : integer ;
dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer ;
label NotFoundMask;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
//Check the mask.
CheckMask( Mask) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
//Get the 'fixed' mask size
MaskW : = Mask. W;
MaskH : = Mask. H;
//Heck our mask cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - MaskW;
dY : = dY - MaskH;
for yy : = 0 to dY do
for xx : = 0 to dX do
begin ;
CheckerWhite : = MainRowdata[ yy + mask. White[ 0 ] . y] [ xx + mask. white[ 0 ] . x] ;
CheckerBlack : = MainRowdata[ yy + mask. Black[ 0 ] . y] [ xx + mask. Black[ 0 ] . x] ;
//Just check two 'random' points against eachother, might be a time saver in some circumstances.
if ( Sqrt( sqr( CheckerWhite. r- CheckerBlack. r) + sqr( CheckerWhite. G- CheckerBlack. G) + sqr( CheckerWhite. b- CheckerBlack. B) )
< = ContourTolerance) then //The Tol between the white and black is lower than the minimum difference, so continue with looking!
for i : = 0 to mask. WhiteHi do
begin ;
CurrWhite : = MainRowdata[ yy + mask. White[ i] . y] [ xx + mask. white[ i] . x] ;
if ( Sqrt( sqr( CheckerWhite. r- CurrWhite. r) + sqr( CheckerWhite. G- CurrWhite. G) + sqr( CheckerWhite. b- CurrWhite. B) )
> Tolerance) then //The white checkpoint n' this point aren't in the same tol range -> goto nomatch;
goto NotFoundMask;
{$ifdef CheckAllBackground}
for ii : = 0 to mask. BlackHi do
CurrBlack : = MainRowdata[ yy + mask. Black[ ii] . y] [ xx + mask. Black[ ii] . x] ;
if ( Sqrt( sqr( CurrWhite. r- CurrBlack. r) + sqr( CurrWhite. G- CurrBlack. G) + sqr( CurrWhite. b- CurrBlack. B) )
< = ContourTolerance) then //The Tol between the white and black is lower than the minimum difference -> goto nomatch;
goto NotFoundMask;
end ;
end ;
{$ifndef CheckAllBackground}
for ii : = 0 to mask. BlackHi do
CurrBlack : = MainRowdata[ yy + mask. Black[ ii] . y] [ xx + mask. Black[ ii] . x] ;
if ( Sqrt( sqr( CheckerWhite. r- CurrBlack. r) + sqr( CheckerWhite. G- CurrBlack. G) + sqr( CheckerWhite. b- CurrBlack. B) )
< = ContourTolerance) then //The Tol between the white and black is lower than the minimum difference -> goto nomatch;
goto NotFoundMask;
end ;
//We have found the mask appearntly, otherwise we would have jumped! Gna Gna.
x : = xx + xs;
y : = yy + ys;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
Exit( true ) ;
//Bah not found the mask, lets do nothing and continue!
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
procedure TMFinder. CheckMask( Mask: TMask) ;
if ( Mask. W < 1 ) or ( Mask. H < 1 ) or ( Mask. WhiteHi < 0 ) or ( Mask. BlackHi < 0 ) then
raise exception. CreateFMT( 'Mask is invalid. Width/Height: (%d,%d). WhiteHi/BlackHi: (%d,%d)' , [ Mask. W, Mask. H, Mask. WhiteHi, Mask. BlackHi] ) ;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindBitmap( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
w, h : integer ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. GetDimensions( w, h) ;
result : = Self. FindBitmapIn( bitmap, x, y, 0 , 0 , w- 1 , h- 1 ) ;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindBitmapIn( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ; xs,
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
BmpW, BmpH : integer ;
xBmp, yBmp : integer ;
tmpY : integer ;
dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer ;
SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;
label NotFoundBmp;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
BmpRowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( bitmap) ;
//Get the 'fixed' bmp size
BmpW : = bitmap. Width - 1 ;
BmpH : = bitmap. Height - 1 ;
//Heck our bitmap cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - bmpW;
dY : = dY - bmpH;
//Get the "skip coords".
CalculateBitmapSkipCoords( Bitmap, SkipCoords) ;
for yy : = 0 to dY do
for xx : = 0 to dX do
begin ;
for yBmp: = 0 to BmpH do
begin ;
tmpY : = yBmp + yy;
for xBmp : = 0 to BmpW do
if not SkipCoords[ yBmp] [ xBmp] then
if ( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . R < > MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + xx] . R) or
( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . G < > MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + xx] . G) or
( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . B < > MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + xx] . B) then
goto NotFoundBmp;
end ;
//We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
x : = xx + xs;
y : = yy + ys;
result : = true ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindBitmapToleranceIn( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x, y: Integer ; xs,
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
ys, xe, ye: Integer ; tolerance: Integer ) : Boolean ;
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
BmpW, BmpH : integer ;
xBmp, yBmp : integer ;
tmpY : integer ;
dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer ;
CCTS : integer ;
H, S, L, HMod, SMod : extended ;
SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;
label NotFoundBmp;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
BmpRowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( bitmap) ;
//Get the 'fixed' bmp size
BmpW : = bitmap. Width - 1 ;
BmpH : = bitmap. Height - 1 ;
//Heck our bitmap cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - bmpW;
dY : = dY - bmpH;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
//Compiler hints
HMod : = 0 ; SMod : = 0 ; H : = 0.0 ; S : = 0.0 ; L : = 0.0 ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
CCTS : = Self. CTS;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
//We wont want HSL comparison with BMPs, right? Not for now atleast.
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
if CCTS > 1 then
CCTS : = 1 ;
//Get the "skip coords".
CalculateBitmapSkipCoords( Bitmap, SkipCoords) ;
for yy : = 0 to dY do
for xx : = 0 to dX do
begin ;
for yBmp: = 0 to BmpH do
begin ;
tmpY : = yBmp + yy;
for xBmp : = 0 to BmpW do
if not SkipCoords[ yBmp] [ xBmp] then
if not ColorSame( CCTS, tolerance,
BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . R, BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . G, BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . B,
MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + xx] . R, MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + xx] . G, MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + xx] . B,
H, S, L, HMod, SMod) then
goto NotFoundBmp;
end ;
//We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
x : = xx + xs;
y : = yy + ys;
result : = true ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindBitmapSpiral( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x, y: Integer ;
xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ) : Boolean ;
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
BmpW, BmpH : integer ;
xBmp, yBmp : integer ;
tmpY : integer ;
dX, dY, i, HiSpiral: Integer ;
SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;
label NotFoundBmp;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
BmpRowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( bitmap) ;
//Get the 'fixed' bmp size
BmpW : = bitmap. Width - 1 ;
BmpH : = bitmap. Height - 1 ;
//Heck, our bitmap cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - bmpW;
dY : = dY - bmpH;
//Load the spiral into memory
LoadSpiralPath( x- xs, y- ys, 0 , 0 , dX, dY) ;
HiSpiral : = ( dx+ 1 ) * ( dy+ 1 ) - 1 ;
//Get the "skip coords".
CalculateBitmapSkipCoords( Bitmap, SkipCoords) ;
for i : = 0 to HiSpiral do
begin ;
for yBmp: = 0 to BmpH do
begin ;
tmpY : = yBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . y;
for xBmp : = 0 to BmpW do
if not SkipCoords[ yBmp] [ xBmp] then
if ( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . R < > MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R) or
( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . G < > MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G) or
( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . B < > MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B) then
goto NotFoundBmp;
end ;
//We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
result : = true ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindBitmapSpiralTolerance( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; var x,
y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance: integer ) : Boolean ;
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
BmpW, BmpH : integer ;
xBmp, yBmp : integer ;
tmpY : integer ;
dX, dY, i, HiSpiral: Integer ;
CCTS : integer ;
H, S, L, HMod, SMod : extended ;
SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;
label NotFoundBmp;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
BmpRowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( bitmap) ;
//Get the 'fixed' bmp size
BmpW : = bitmap. Width - 1 ;
BmpH : = bitmap. Height - 1 ;
//Heck, our bitmap cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - bmpW;
dY : = dY - bmpH;
//Load the spiral into memory
LoadSpiralPath( x- xs, y- ys, 0 , 0 , dX, dY) ;
HiSpiral : = ( dx+ 1 ) * ( dy+ 1 ) - 1 ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
//Compiler hints
HMod : = 0 ; SMod : = 0 ; H : = 0.0 ; S : = 0.0 ; L : = 0.0 ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
CCTS : = Self. CTS;
if CCTS > 1 then
CCTS : = 1 ;
//Get the "skip coords".
CalculateBitmapSkipCoords( Bitmap, SkipCoords) ;
for i : = 0 to HiSpiral do
begin ;
for yBmp: = 0 to BmpH do
begin ;
tmpY : = yBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . y;
for xBmp : = 0 to BmpW do
if not SkipCoords[ yBmp] [ xBmp] then
if not ColorSame( CCTS, tolerance,
BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . R, BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . G, BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . B,
MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R, MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G,
MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B,
H, S, L, HMod, SMod) then
goto NotFoundBmp;
end ;
//We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below
x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
result : = true ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; x,
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
y: Integer ; out Points: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
BmpW, BmpH : integer ;
xBmp, yBmp : integer ;
tmpY : integer ;
dX, dY, i, HiSpiral: Integer ;
FoundC : integer ;
CCTS : integer ;
H, S, L, HMod, SMod : extended ;
SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;
label NotFoundBmp;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
BmpRowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( bitmap) ;
//Get the 'fixed' bmp size
BmpW : = bitmap. Width - 1 ;
BmpH : = bitmap. Height - 1 ;
//Heck, our bitmap cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - bmpW;
dY : = dY - bmpH;
//Load the spiral into memory
LoadSpiralPath( x- xs, y- ys, 0 , 0 , dX, dY) ;
HiSpiral : = ( dx+ 1 ) * ( dy+ 1 ) - 1 ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
//Compiler hints
HMod : = 0 ; SMod : = 0 ; H : = 0.0 ; S : = 0.0 ; L : = 0.0 ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
CCTS : = Self. CTS;
if CCTS > 1 then
CCTS : = 1 ;
FoundC : = 0 ;
//Get the "skip coords".
CalculateBitmapSkipCoords( Bitmap, SkipCoords) ;
for i : = 0 to HiSpiral do
begin ;
for yBmp: = 0 to BmpH do
begin ;
tmpY : = yBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . y;
for xBmp : = 0 to BmpW do
if not SkipCoords[ yBmp] [ xBmp] then
if not ColorSame( CCTS, tolerance,
BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . R, BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . G, BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . B,
MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . R, MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . G,
MainRowdata[ tmpY] [ xBmp + ClientTPA[ i] . x] . B,
H, S, L, HMod, SMod) then
goto NotFoundBmp;
end ;
//We did find the Bmp, otherwise we would be at the part below
ClientTPA[ FoundC] . x : = ClientTPA[ i] . x + xs;
ClientTPA[ FoundC] . y : = ClientTPA[ i] . y + ys;
inc( FoundC) ;
end ;
if FoundC > 0 then
begin ;
result : = true ;
SetLength( Points, FoundC) ;
Move( ClientTPA[ 0 ] , Points[ 0 ] , FoundC * SizeOf( TPoint) ) ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
end ;
2009-11-11 22:35:26 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn( bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; out x,
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
y: Integer ; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer ; tolerance: Integer ; Range: Integer ;
AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean ; var accuracy: Extended ) : Boolean ;
MainRowdata : TPRGB32Array;
BmpRowData : TPRGB32Array;
PtrData : TRetData;
BmpW, BmpH : integer ;
xBmp, yBmp : integer ;
dX, dY, xx, yy: Integer ;
SearchdX, SearchdY : integer ;
GoodCount : integer ; //Save the amount of pixels who have found a correspondening pixel
BestCount : integer ; //The best amount of pixels till now..
BestPT : TPoint; //The point where it found the most pixels.
RangeX, RangeY : Integer ;
yStart, yEnd, xStart, xEnd : integer ;
TotalC : integer ;
SkipCoords : T2DBoolArray;
PointsLeft : T2DIntArray;
label FoundBMPPoint, Madness;
//Don't know if the compiler has any speed-troubles with goto jumping in nested for loops.
Result : = false ;
// checks for valid xs,ys,xe,ye? (may involve GetDimensions)
DefaultOperations( xs, ys, xe, ye) ;
// calculate delta x and y
dX : = xe - xs;
dY : = ye - ys;
SearchDx : = dX;
SearchDy : = dY;
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( xs, ys, dX + 1 , dY + 1 ) ;
//Caculate the row ptrs
MainRowdata: = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, dy+ 1 ) ;
BmpRowData: = CalculateRowPtrs( bitmap) ;
//Get the 'fixed' bmp size
BmpW : = bitmap. Width - 1 ;
BmpH : = bitmap. Height - 1 ;
//Heck our bitmap cannot be outside the search area
dX : = dX - bmpW;
dY : = dY - bmpH;
//Reset the accuracy :-)
Accuracy : = 0 ;
BestCount : = - 1 ;
BestPT : = Point( - 1 , - 1 ) ;
//Get the "skip coords". and PointsLeft (so we can calc whether we should stop searching or not ;-).
CalculateBitmapSkipCoordsEx( Bitmap, SkipCoords, TotalC, PointsLeft) ;
for yy : = 0 to dY do
for xx : = 0 to dX do
begin ;
GoodCount : = 0 ;
for yBmp: = 0 to BmpH do
begin ;
for xBmp : = 0 to BmpW do
begin ;
//We do not have to check this point, win win win <--- triple win <-- JACKPOT!
if SkipCoords[ yBmp] [ xBmp] then
//Calculate points of the BMP left against Goodcount (if it cannot possibly get more points skip this x,y?
if bestCount > ( GoodCount + PointsLeft[ yBmp] [ xBmp] ) then
goto Madness;
//The point on the bitmap + the the coordinate we are on at the "screen" minus the range.
yStart : = max( yBmp + yy- Range, 0 ) ;
yEnd : = Min( yBmp + yy+ range, SearchdY) ;
for RangeY : = yStart to yEnd do
begin ;
xStart : = max( xx- Range + xBmp, 0 ) ;
xEnd : = Min( xx+ range + xBmp, SearchdX) ;
for RangeX : = xStart to xEnd do
begin ;
if Sqrt( sqr( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . R - MainRowdata[ RangeY] [ RangeX] . R) + sqr( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . G - MainRowdata[ RangeY] [ RangeX] . G)
+ sqr( BmpRowData[ yBmp] [ xBmp] . B - MainRowdata[ RangeY] [ RangeX] . B) ) < = tolerance then
goto FoundBMPPoint;
end ;
end ;
//We did not find a good point so were continueing!
//We found a pooint woot!
inc( GoodCount) ;
end ;
end ;
//If we jumped to Madness it means we did not have enuf points left to beat tha fu-king score.
if GoodCount > BestCount then //This x,y has the best Acc so far!
begin ;
BestCount : = GoodCount;
BestPT : = Point( xx+ xs, yy+ ys) ;
if GoodCount = TotalC then
begin ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
x : = BestPT. x;
y : = BestPT. y;
accuracy: = 1 ;
Exit( true ) ;
end ;
end ;
end ;
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
if BestCount = 0 then
accuracy : = BestCount / TotalC;
if ( accuracy = 1 ) or AllowPartialAccuracy then
x : = BestPT. x;
y : = BestPT. y;
Exit( true ) ;
end ;
end ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindDTM( DTM: pDTM; out x, y: Integer ; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ) : Boolean ;
P: TPointArray;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
Self. FindDTMs( DTM, P, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
if( Length( p) > 0 ) then
x : = p[ 0 ] . x;
y : = p[ 0 ] . y;
Exit( True ) ;
end ;
Exit( False ) ;
end ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
function TMFinder. FindDTMs( DTM: pDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2, maxToFind: Integer ) : Boolean ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
// Colours of DTMs
C: Array of Integer ;
// Bitwise
b: Array of Array of Integer ;
// bounds
W, H: integer ;
MA: TBox;
// for loops, etc
xx, yy: integer ;
i, xxx, yyy: Integer ;
2009-12-02 20:18:38 +00:00
// for comparisons.
rgbs: array of TRGB32;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
cd: TPRGB32Array;
PtrData: TRetData;
// point count
pc: Integer = 0 ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
label theEnd;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
label AnotherLoopEnd;
if not DTMConsistent( dtm) then
raise Exception. CreateFmt( 'FindDTMs: DTM is not consistent.' , [ ] ) ;
end ;
// Get the area we should search in for the Main Point.
2009-12-02 20:18:38 +00:00
//writeln(Format('%d, %d, %d, %d', [x1,y1,x2,y2]));
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
MA : = ValidMainPointBox( DTM, x1, y1, x2, y2) ;
2009-12-02 20:18:38 +00:00
//writeln(Format('%d, %d, %d, %d', [MA.x1,MA.y1,MA.x2,MA.y2]));
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
DefaultOperations( MA. x1, MA. y1, MA. x2, MA. y2) ;
// Init data structure B.
W : = x2 - x1;
H : = y2 - y1;
setlength( b, W + 1 ) ;
for i : = 0 to W do
setlength( b[ i] , H + 1 ) ;
// does setlength init already? if it doesn't, do we want to init here?
// or do we want to init in the loop, as we loop over every b anyway?
//FillChar(b[i][0], SizeOf(Integer) * H, 0);
end ;
// C = DTM.C
C : = DTM. c;
// Retreive Client Data.
PtrData : = TClient( Client) . MWindow. ReturnData( x1, y1, W + 1 , H + 1 ) ;
cd : = CalculateRowPtrs( PtrData, h + 1 ) ;
2009-12-02 20:18:38 +00:00
//writeln(format('w,h: %d, %d', [w,h]));
// pre calc rgb values for dtms
SetLength( rgbs, dtm. l) ;
for i : = 0 to dtm. l - 1 do
ColorToRGB( dtm. c[ i] , rgbs[ i] . r, rgbs[ i] . g, rgbs[ i] . b) ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
for yy : = MA. y1 to MA. y2 do
for xx : = MA. x1 to MA. x2 do
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
// main point
2009-12-02 20:18:38 +00:00
if Sqrt( sqr( rgbs[ 0 ] . r - cd[ yy] [ xx] . R) + sqr( rgbs[ 0 ] . g - cd[ yy] [ xx] . G) + sqr( rgbs[ 0 ] . b - cd[ yy] [ xx] . B) ) > dtm. t[ 0 ] then
// if not SimilarColors(dtm.c[0], RGBToColor(cd[yy][xx].R, cd[yy][xx].G, cd[yy][xx].B), dtm.t[0]) then
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
goto AnotherLoopEnd;
b[ xx] [ yy] : = B[ xx] [ yy] or 1 ;
for i : = 1 to dtm. l - 1 do
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
begin //change to use other areashapes too.
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
for xxx : = xx - dtm. asz[ i] + dtm. p[ i] . x to xx + dtm. asz[ i] + dtm. p[ i] . x do
for yyy : = yy - dtm. asz[ i] + dtm. p[ i] . y to yy + dtm. asz[ i] + dtm. p[ i] . y do
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
// may want to remove this line, but I think it is a good optimisation.
if B[ xxx] [ yyy] and ( 1 shl i) = 0 then
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
2009-12-02 20:18:38 +00:00
if Sqrt( sqr( rgbs[ i] . r - cd[ yyy] [ xxx] . R) + sqr( rgbs[ i] . g - cd[ yyy] [ xxx] . G) + sqr( rgbs[ i] . b - cd[ yyy] [ xxx] . B) ) < = dtm. t[ i] then
// if SimilarColors(dtm.c[i], RGBToColor(cd[yyy][xxx].R, cd[yyy][xxx].G, cd[yyy][xxx].B), dtm.t[i]) then
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
b[ xxx] [ yyy] : = B[ xxx] [ yyy] or ( 1 shl i)
goto AnotherLoopEnd;
end ;
end ;
end ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
//writeln(Format('Found point: (%d, %d)', [xx,yy]));
ClientTPA[ pc] : = Point( xx, yy) ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
Inc( pc) ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
if( pc = maxToFind) then
goto theEnd;
//writeln(format('b[%d][%d]: %d' ,[xx,yy,b[xx][yy]]));
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
end ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
TClient( Client) . MWindow. FreeReturnData;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
SetLength( Points, pc) ;
2009-12-02 19:04:29 +00:00
if pc > 0 then
Move( ClientTPA[ 0 ] , Points[ 0 ] , pc * SizeOf( TPoint) ) ;
2009-12-01 23:41:43 +00:00
end ;
function TMFinder. FindDTMRotated( DTM: pDTM; out x, y: Integer ; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended ; out aFound: Extended ) : Boolean ;
raise Exception. CreateFmt( 'Not done yet!' , [ ] ) ;
end ;
function TMFinder. FindDTMsRotated( DTM: pDTM; out Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer ; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended ; out aFound: T2DExtendedArray) : Boolean ;
// Don't forget to pre calculate the rotated points at the start.
// Saves a lot of rotatepoint() calls.
raise Exception. CreateFmt( 'Not done yet!' , [ ] ) ;
end ;
2009-10-27 01:03:37 +00:00
end .