mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-03 10:01:53 -05:00
Fernando cc9b6018e2 Change color of 100% progress bar light theme
because the actual color don't have contrast with black font.
2015-01-26 15:27:48 -02:00

3012 lines
62 KiB

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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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/* =======================================================================
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/* Anime section for editShow */
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input sizing (for config pages)
========================================================================== */
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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/* step 3 related */
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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background-image: url();
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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/* =======================================================================
========================================================================== */
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