mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-03 18:12:26 -05:00
echel0n 0d9fbc1ad7 Welcome to our SickBeard-TVRage Edition ...
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.

Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.

Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!

2014-03-09 22:39:12 -07:00

887 lines
32 KiB

# -*- coding:iso-8859-1 -*-
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo@niemeyer.net>
This module offers extensions to the standard python 2.3+
datetime module.
__author__ = "Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo@niemeyer.net>"
__license__ = "PSF License"
import datetime
import string
import time
import sys
import os
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
import relativedelta
import tz
__all__ = ["parse", "parserinfo"]
# Some pointers:
# http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html
# http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/prods-services/popstds/datesandtime.html
# http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
# http://ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov/tools/time_formats.html
# http://search.cpan.org/author/MUIR/Time-modules-2003.0211/lib/Time/ParseDate.pm
# http://stein.cshl.org/jade/distrib/docs/java.text.SimpleDateFormat.html
class _timelex(object):
def __init__(self, instream):
if isinstance(instream, basestring):
instream = StringIO(instream)
self.instream = instream
self.wordchars = ('abcdfeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
self.numchars = '0123456789'
self.whitespace = ' \t\r\n'
self.charstack = []
self.tokenstack = []
self.eof = False
def get_token(self):
if self.tokenstack:
return self.tokenstack.pop(0)
seenletters = False
token = None
state = None
wordchars = self.wordchars
numchars = self.numchars
whitespace = self.whitespace
while not self.eof:
if self.charstack:
nextchar = self.charstack.pop(0)
nextchar = self.instream.read(1)
while nextchar == '\x00':
nextchar = self.instream.read(1)
if not nextchar:
self.eof = True
elif not state:
token = nextchar
if nextchar in wordchars:
state = 'a'
elif nextchar in numchars:
state = '0'
elif nextchar in whitespace:
token = ' '
break # emit token
break # emit token
elif state == 'a':
seenletters = True
if nextchar in wordchars:
token += nextchar
elif nextchar == '.':
token += nextchar
state = 'a.'
break # emit token
elif state == '0':
if nextchar in numchars:
token += nextchar
elif nextchar == '.':
token += nextchar
state = '0.'
break # emit token
elif state == 'a.':
seenletters = True
if nextchar == '.' or nextchar in wordchars:
token += nextchar
elif nextchar in numchars and token[-1] == '.':
token += nextchar
state = '0.'
break # emit token
elif state == '0.':
if nextchar == '.' or nextchar in numchars:
token += nextchar
elif nextchar in wordchars and token[-1] == '.':
token += nextchar
state = 'a.'
break # emit token
if (state in ('a.', '0.') and
(seenletters or token.count('.') > 1 or token[-1] == '.')):
l = token.split('.')
token = l[0]
for tok in l[1:]:
if tok:
return token
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
token = self.get_token()
if token is None:
raise StopIteration
return token
def split(cls, s):
return list(cls(s))
split = classmethod(split)
class _resultbase(object):
def __init__(self):
for attr in self.__slots__:
setattr(self, attr, None)
def _repr(self, classname):
l = []
for attr in self.__slots__:
value = getattr(self, attr)
if value is not None:
l.append("%s=%s" % (attr, `value`))
return "%s(%s)" % (classname, ", ".join(l))
def __repr__(self):
return self._repr(self.__class__.__name__)
class parserinfo(object):
# m from a.m/p.m, t from ISO T separator
JUMP = [" ", ".", ",", ";", "-", "/", "'",
"at", "on", "and", "ad", "m", "t", "of",
"st", "nd", "rd", "th"]
WEEKDAYS = [("Mon", "Monday"),
("Tue", "Tuesday"),
("Wed", "Wednesday"),
("Thu", "Thursday"),
("Fri", "Friday"),
("Sat", "Saturday"),
("Sun", "Sunday")]
MONTHS = [("Jan", "January"),
("Feb", "February"),
("Mar", "March"),
("Apr", "April"),
("May", "May"),
("Jun", "June"),
("Jul", "July"),
("Aug", "August"),
("Sep", "September"),
("Oct", "October"),
("Nov", "November"),
("Dec", "December")]
HMS = [("h", "hour", "hours"),
("m", "minute", "minutes"),
("s", "second", "seconds")]
AMPM = [("am", "a"),
("pm", "p")]
UTCZONE = ["UTC", "GMT", "Z"]
PERTAIN = ["of"]
def __init__(self, dayfirst=False, yearfirst=False):
self._jump = self._convert(self.JUMP)
self._weekdays = self._convert(self.WEEKDAYS)
self._months = self._convert(self.MONTHS)
self._hms = self._convert(self.HMS)
self._ampm = self._convert(self.AMPM)
self._utczone = self._convert(self.UTCZONE)
self._pertain = self._convert(self.PERTAIN)
self.dayfirst = dayfirst
self.yearfirst = yearfirst
self._year = time.localtime().tm_year
self._century = self._year//100*100
def _convert(self, lst):
dct = {}
for i in range(len(lst)):
v = lst[i]
if isinstance(v, tuple):
for v in v:
dct[v.lower()] = i
dct[v.lower()] = i
return dct
def jump(self, name):
return name.lower() in self._jump
def weekday(self, name):
if len(name) >= 3:
return self._weekdays[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
return None
def month(self, name):
if len(name) >= 3:
return self._months[name.lower()]+1
except KeyError:
return None
def hms(self, name):
return self._hms[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
return None
def ampm(self, name):
return self._ampm[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
return None
def pertain(self, name):
return name.lower() in self._pertain
def utczone(self, name):
return name.lower() in self._utczone
def tzoffset(self, name):
if name in self._utczone:
return 0
return self.TZOFFSET.get(name)
def convertyear(self, year):
if year < 100:
year += self._century
if abs(year-self._year) >= 50:
if year < self._year:
year += 100
year -= 100
return year
def validate(self, res):
# move to info
if res.year is not None:
res.year = self.convertyear(res.year)
if res.tzoffset == 0 and not res.tzname or res.tzname == 'Z':
res.tzname = "UTC"
res.tzoffset = 0
elif res.tzoffset != 0 and res.tzname and self.utczone(res.tzname):
res.tzoffset = 0
return True
class parser(object):
def __init__(self, info=None):
self.info = info or parserinfo()
def parse(self, timestr, default=None,
ignoretz=False, tzinfos=None,
if not default:
default = datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0,
second=0, microsecond=0)
res = self._parse(timestr, **kwargs)
if res is None:
raise ValueError, "unknown string format"
repl = {}
for attr in ["year", "month", "day", "hour",
"minute", "second", "microsecond"]:
value = getattr(res, attr)
if value is not None:
repl[attr] = value
ret = default.replace(**repl)
if res.weekday is not None and not res.day:
ret = ret+relativedelta.relativedelta(weekday=res.weekday)
if not ignoretz:
if callable(tzinfos) or tzinfos and res.tzname in tzinfos:
if callable(tzinfos):
tzdata = tzinfos(res.tzname, res.tzoffset)
tzdata = tzinfos.get(res.tzname)
if isinstance(tzdata, datetime.tzinfo):
tzinfo = tzdata
elif isinstance(tzdata, basestring):
tzinfo = tz.tzstr(tzdata)
elif isinstance(tzdata, int):
tzinfo = tz.tzoffset(res.tzname, tzdata)
raise ValueError, "offset must be tzinfo subclass, " \
"tz string, or int offset"
ret = ret.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
elif res.tzname and res.tzname in time.tzname:
ret = ret.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzlocal())
elif res.tzoffset == 0:
ret = ret.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
elif res.tzoffset:
ret = ret.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzoffset(res.tzname, res.tzoffset))
return ret
class _result(_resultbase):
__slots__ = ["year", "month", "day", "weekday",
"hour", "minute", "second", "microsecond",
"tzname", "tzoffset"]
def _parse(self, timestr, dayfirst=None, yearfirst=None, fuzzy=False):
info = self.info
if dayfirst is None:
dayfirst = info.dayfirst
if yearfirst is None:
yearfirst = info.yearfirst
res = self._result()
l = _timelex.split(timestr)
# year/month/day list
ymd = []
# Index of the month string in ymd
mstridx = -1
len_l = len(l)
i = 0
while i < len_l:
# Check if it's a number
value_repr = l[i]
value = float(value_repr)
except ValueError:
value = None
if value is not None:
# Token is a number
len_li = len(l[i])
i += 1
if (len(ymd) == 3 and len_li in (2, 4)
and (i >= len_l or (l[i] != ':' and
info.hms(l[i]) is None))):
# 19990101T23[59]
s = l[i-1]
res.hour = int(s[:2])
if len_li == 4:
res.minute = int(s[2:])
elif len_li == 6 or (len_li > 6 and l[i-1].find('.') == 6):
s = l[i-1]
if not ymd and l[i-1].find('.') == -1:
# 19990101T235959[.59]
res.hour = int(s[:2])
res.minute = int(s[2:4])
res.second, res.microsecond = _parsems(s[4:])
elif len_li == 8:
s = l[i-1]
elif len_li in (12, 14):
# YYYYMMDDhhmm[ss]
s = l[i-1]
res.hour = int(s[8:10])
res.minute = int(s[10:12])
if len_li == 14:
res.second = int(s[12:])
elif ((i < len_l and info.hms(l[i]) is not None) or
(i+1 < len_l and l[i] == ' ' and
info.hms(l[i+1]) is not None)):
# HH[ ]h or MM[ ]m or SS[.ss][ ]s
if l[i] == ' ':
i += 1
idx = info.hms(l[i])
while True:
if idx == 0:
res.hour = int(value)
if value%1:
res.minute = int(60*(value%1))
elif idx == 1:
res.minute = int(value)
if value%1:
res.second = int(60*(value%1))
elif idx == 2:
res.second, res.microsecond = \
i += 1
if i >= len_l or idx == 2:
# 12h00
value_repr = l[i]
value = float(value_repr)
except ValueError:
i += 1
idx += 1
if i < len_l:
newidx = info.hms(l[i])
if newidx is not None:
idx = newidx
elif i+1 < len_l and l[i] == ':':
# HH:MM[:SS[.ss]]
res.hour = int(value)
i += 1
value = float(l[i])
res.minute = int(value)
if value%1:
res.second = int(60*(value%1))
i += 1
if i < len_l and l[i] == ':':
res.second, res.microsecond = _parsems(l[i+1])
i += 2
elif i < len_l and l[i] in ('-', '/', '.'):
sep = l[i]
i += 1
if i < len_l and not info.jump(l[i]):
# 01-01[-01]
except ValueError:
# 01-Jan[-01]
value = info.month(l[i])
if value is not None:
assert mstridx == -1
mstridx = len(ymd)-1
return None
i += 1
if i < len_l and l[i] == sep:
# We have three members
i += 1
value = info.month(l[i])
if value is not None:
mstridx = len(ymd)-1
assert mstridx == -1
i += 1
elif i >= len_l or info.jump(l[i]):
if i+1 < len_l and info.ampm(l[i+1]) is not None:
# 12 am
res.hour = int(value)
if res.hour < 12 and info.ampm(l[i+1]) == 1:
res.hour += 12
elif res.hour == 12 and info.ampm(l[i+1]) == 0:
res.hour = 0
i += 1
# Year, month or day
i += 1
elif info.ampm(l[i]) is not None:
# 12am
res.hour = int(value)
if res.hour < 12 and info.ampm(l[i]) == 1:
res.hour += 12
elif res.hour == 12 and info.ampm(l[i]) == 0:
res.hour = 0
i += 1
elif not fuzzy:
return None
i += 1
# Check weekday
value = info.weekday(l[i])
if value is not None:
res.weekday = value
i += 1
# Check month name
value = info.month(l[i])
if value is not None:
assert mstridx == -1
mstridx = len(ymd)-1
i += 1
if i < len_l:
if l[i] in ('-', '/'):
# Jan-01[-99]
sep = l[i]
i += 1
i += 1
if i < len_l and l[i] == sep:
# Jan-01-99
i += 1
i += 1
elif (i+3 < len_l and l[i] == l[i+2] == ' '
and info.pertain(l[i+1])):
# Jan of 01
# In this case, 01 is clearly year
value = int(l[i+3])
except ValueError:
# Wrong guess
# Convert it here to become unambiguous
i += 4
# Check am/pm
value = info.ampm(l[i])
if value is not None:
if value == 1 and res.hour < 12:
res.hour += 12
elif value == 0 and res.hour == 12:
res.hour = 0
i += 1
# Check for a timezone name
if (res.hour is not None and len(l[i]) <= 5 and
res.tzname is None and res.tzoffset is None and
not [x for x in l[i] if x not in string.ascii_uppercase]):
res.tzname = l[i]
res.tzoffset = info.tzoffset(res.tzname)
i += 1
# Check for something like GMT+3, or BRST+3. Notice
# that it doesn't mean "I am 3 hours after GMT", but
# "my time +3 is GMT". If found, we reverse the
# logic so that timezone parsing code will get it
# right.
if i < len_l and l[i] in ('+', '-'):
l[i] = ('+', '-')[l[i] == '+']
res.tzoffset = None
if info.utczone(res.tzname):
# With something like GMT+3, the timezone
# is *not* GMT.
res.tzname = None
# Check for a numbered timezone
if res.hour is not None and l[i] in ('+', '-'):
signal = (-1,1)[l[i] == '+']
i += 1
len_li = len(l[i])
if len_li == 4:
# -0300
res.tzoffset = int(l[i][:2])*3600+int(l[i][2:])*60
elif i+1 < len_l and l[i+1] == ':':
# -03:00
res.tzoffset = int(l[i])*3600+int(l[i+2])*60
i += 2
elif len_li <= 2:
# -[0]3
res.tzoffset = int(l[i][:2])*3600
return None
i += 1
res.tzoffset *= signal
# Look for a timezone name between parenthesis
if (i+3 < len_l and
info.jump(l[i]) and l[i+1] == '(' and l[i+3] == ')' and
3 <= len(l[i+2]) <= 5 and
not [x for x in l[i+2]
if x not in string.ascii_uppercase]):
# -0300 (BRST)
res.tzname = l[i+2]
i += 4
# Check jumps
if not (info.jump(l[i]) or fuzzy):
return None
i += 1
# Process year/month/day
len_ymd = len(ymd)
if len_ymd > 3:
# More than three members!?
return None
elif len_ymd == 1 or (mstridx != -1 and len_ymd == 2):
# One member, or two members with a month string
if mstridx != -1:
res.month = ymd[mstridx]
del ymd[mstridx]
if len_ymd > 1 or mstridx == -1:
if ymd[0] > 31:
res.year = ymd[0]
res.day = ymd[0]
elif len_ymd == 2:
# Two members with numbers
if ymd[0] > 31:
# 99-01
res.year, res.month = ymd
elif ymd[1] > 31:
# 01-99
res.month, res.year = ymd
elif dayfirst and ymd[1] <= 12:
# 13-01
res.day, res.month = ymd
# 01-13
res.month, res.day = ymd
if len_ymd == 3:
# Three members
if mstridx == 0:
res.month, res.day, res.year = ymd
elif mstridx == 1:
if ymd[0] > 31 or (yearfirst and ymd[2] <= 31):
# 99-Jan-01
res.year, res.month, res.day = ymd
# 01-Jan-01
# Give precendence to day-first, since
# two-digit years is usually hand-written.
res.day, res.month, res.year = ymd
elif mstridx == 2:
# WTF!?
if ymd[1] > 31:
# 01-99-Jan
res.day, res.year, res.month = ymd
# 99-01-Jan
res.year, res.day, res.month = ymd
if ymd[0] > 31 or \
(yearfirst and ymd[1] <= 12 and ymd[2] <= 31):
# 99-01-01
res.year, res.month, res.day = ymd
elif ymd[0] > 12 or (dayfirst and ymd[1] <= 12):
# 13-01-01
res.day, res.month, res.year = ymd
# 01-13-01
res.month, res.day, res.year = ymd
except (IndexError, ValueError, AssertionError):
return None
if not info.validate(res):
return None
return res
def parse(timestr, parserinfo=None, **kwargs):
if parserinfo:
return parser(parserinfo).parse(timestr, **kwargs)
return DEFAULTPARSER.parse(timestr, **kwargs)
class _tzparser(object):
class _result(_resultbase):
__slots__ = ["stdabbr", "stdoffset", "dstabbr", "dstoffset",
"start", "end"]
class _attr(_resultbase):
__slots__ = ["month", "week", "weekday",
"yday", "jyday", "day", "time"]
def __repr__(self):
return self._repr("")
def __init__(self):
self.start = self._attr()
self.end = self._attr()
def parse(self, tzstr):
res = self._result()
l = _timelex.split(tzstr)
len_l = len(l)
i = 0
while i < len_l:
# BRST+3[BRDT[+2]]
j = i
while j < len_l and not [x for x in l[j]
if x in "0123456789:,-+"]:
j += 1
if j != i:
if not res.stdabbr:
offattr = "stdoffset"
res.stdabbr = "".join(l[i:j])
offattr = "dstoffset"
res.dstabbr = "".join(l[i:j])
i = j
if (i < len_l and
(l[i] in ('+', '-') or l[i][0] in "0123456789")):
if l[i] in ('+', '-'):
# Yes, that's right. See the TZ variable
# documentation.
signal = (1,-1)[l[i] == '+']
i += 1
signal = -1
len_li = len(l[i])
if len_li == 4:
# -0300
setattr(res, offattr,
elif i+1 < len_l and l[i+1] == ':':
# -03:00
setattr(res, offattr,
i += 2
elif len_li <= 2:
# -[0]3
setattr(res, offattr,
return None
i += 1
if res.dstabbr:
if i < len_l:
for j in range(i, len_l):
if l[j] == ';': l[j] = ','
assert l[i] == ','
i += 1
if i >= len_l:
elif (8 <= l.count(',') <= 9 and
not [y for x in l[i:] if x != ','
for y in x if y not in "0123456789"]):
# GMT0BST,3,0,30,3600,10,0,26,7200[,3600]
for x in (res.start, res.end):
x.month = int(l[i])
i += 2
if l[i] == '-':
value = int(l[i+1])*-1
i += 1
value = int(l[i])
i += 2
if value:
x.week = value
x.weekday = (int(l[i])-1)%7
x.day = int(l[i])
i += 2
x.time = int(l[i])
i += 2
if i < len_l:
if l[i] in ('-','+'):
signal = (-1,1)[l[i] == "+"]
i += 1
signal = 1
res.dstoffset = (res.stdoffset+int(l[i]))*signal
elif (l.count(',') == 2 and l[i:].count('/') <= 2 and
not [y for x in l[i:] if x not in (',','/','J','M',
for y in x if y not in "0123456789"]):
for x in (res.start, res.end):
if l[i] == 'J':
# non-leap year day (1 based)
i += 1
x.jyday = int(l[i])
elif l[i] == 'M':
# month[-.]week[-.]weekday
i += 1
x.month = int(l[i])
i += 1
assert l[i] in ('-', '.')
i += 1
x.week = int(l[i])
if x.week == 5:
x.week = -1
i += 1
assert l[i] in ('-', '.')
i += 1
x.weekday = (int(l[i])-1)%7
# year day (zero based)
x.yday = int(l[i])+1
i += 1
if i < len_l and l[i] == '/':
i += 1
# start time
len_li = len(l[i])
if len_li == 4:
# -0300
x.time = (int(l[i][:2])*3600+int(l[i][2:])*60)
elif i+1 < len_l and l[i+1] == ':':
# -03:00
x.time = int(l[i])*3600+int(l[i+2])*60
i += 2
if i+1 < len_l and l[i+1] == ':':
i += 2
x.time += int(l[i])
elif len_li <= 2:
# -[0]3
x.time = (int(l[i][:2])*3600)
return None
i += 1
assert i == len_l or l[i] == ','
i += 1
assert i >= len_l
except (IndexError, ValueError, AssertionError):
return None
return res
def _parsetz(tzstr):
return DEFAULTTZPARSER.parse(tzstr)
def _parsems(value):
"""Parse a I[.F] seconds value into (seconds, microseconds)."""
if "." not in value:
return int(value), 0
i, f = value.split(".")
return int(i), int(f.ljust(6, "0")[:6])
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et