mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-03 10:01:53 -05:00
echel0n 0d9fbc1ad7 Welcome to our SickBeard-TVRage Edition ...
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.

Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.

Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!

2014-03-09 22:39:12 -07:00

245 lines
9.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# GuessIt - A library for guessing information from filenames
# Copyright (c) 2011 Nicolas Wack <wackou@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2011 Ricard Marxer <ricardmp@gmail.com>
# GuessIt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GuessIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
subtitle_exts = [ 'srt', 'idx', 'sub', 'ssa' ]
video_exts = ['3g2', '3gp', '3gp2', 'asf', 'avi', 'divx', 'flv', 'm4v', 'mk2',
'mka', 'mkv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mp4a', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'ogg', 'ogm',
'ogv', 'qt', 'ra', 'ram', 'rm', 'ts', 'wav', 'webm', 'wma', 'wmv']
group_delimiters = [ '()', '[]', '{}' ]
# separator character regexp
sep = r'[][)(}{+ /\._-]' # regexp art, hehe :D
# character used to represent a deleted char (when matching groups)
deleted = '_'
# format: [ (regexp, confidence, span_adjust) ]
episode_rexps = [ # ... Season 2 ...
(r'season (?P<season>[0-9]+)', 1.0, (0, 0)),
(r'saison (?P<season>[0-9]+)', 1.0, (0, 0)),
# ... s02e13 ...
(r'[Ss](?P<season>[0-9]{1,3})[^0-9]?(?P<episodeNumber>(?:-?[eE-][0-9]{1,3})+)[^0-9]', 1.0, (0, -1)),
# ... s03-x02 ... # FIXME: redundant? remove it?
#(r'[Ss](?P<season>[0-9]{1,3})[^0-9]?(?P<bonusNumber>(?:-?[xX-][0-9]{1,3})+)[^0-9]', 1.0, (0, -1)),
# ... 2x13 ...
(r'[^0-9](?P<season>[0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]?(?P<episodeNumber>(?:-?[xX][0-9]{1,3})+)[^0-9]', 1.0, (1, -1)),
# ... s02 ...
#(sep + r's(?P<season>[0-9]{1,2})' + sep, 0.6, (1, -1)),
(r's(?P<season>[0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]', 0.6, (0, -1)),
# v2 or v3 for some mangas which have multiples rips
(r'(?P<episodeNumber>[0-9]{1,3})v[23]' + sep, 0.6, (0, 0)),
# ... ep 23 ...
('ep' + sep + r'(?P<episodeNumber>[0-9]{1,2})[^0-9]', 0.7, (0, -1)),
# ... e13 ... for a mini-series without a season number
(sep + r'e(?P<episodeNumber>[0-9]{1,2})' + sep, 0.6, (1, -1))
weak_episode_rexps = [ # ... 213 or 0106 ...
(sep + r'(?P<episodeNumber>[0-9]{2,4})' + sep, (1, -1))
non_episode_title = [ 'extras', 'rip' ]
video_rexps = [ # cd number
(r'cd ?(?P<cdNumber>[0-9])( ?of ?(?P<cdNumberTotal>[0-9]))?', 1.0, (0, 0)),
(r'(?P<cdNumberTotal>[1-9]) cds?', 0.9, (0, 0)),
# special editions
(r'edition' + sep + r'(?P<edition>collector)', 1.0, (0, 0)),
(r'(?P<edition>collector)' + sep + 'edition', 1.0, (0, 0)),
(r'(?P<edition>special)' + sep + 'edition', 1.0, (0, 0)),
(r'(?P<edition>criterion)' + sep + 'edition', 1.0, (0, 0)),
# director's cut
(r"(?P<edition>director'?s?" + sep + "cut)", 1.0, (0, 0)),
# video size
(r'(?P<width>[0-9]{3,4})x(?P<height>[0-9]{3,4})', 0.9, (0, 0)),
# website
(r'(?P<website>www(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+){2,3})', 0.8, (0, 0)),
# bonusNumber: ... x01 ...
(r'x(?P<bonusNumber>[0-9]{1,2})', 1.0, (0, 0)),
# filmNumber: ... f01 ...
(r'f(?P<filmNumber>[0-9]{1,2})', 1.0, (0, 0))
websites = [ 'tvu.org.ru', 'emule-island.com', 'UsaBit.com', 'www.divx-overnet.com',
'sharethefiles.com' ]
unlikely_series = [ 'series' ]
# prop_multi is a dict of { property_name: { canonical_form: [ pattern ] } }
# pattern is a string considered as a regexp, with the addition that dashes are
# replaced with '([ \.-_])?' which matches more types of separators (or none)
# note: simpler patterns need to be at the end of the list to not shadow more
# complete ones, eg: 'AAC' needs to come after 'He-AAC'
# ie: from most specific to less specific
prop_multi = { 'format': { 'DVD': [ 'DVD', 'DVD-Rip', 'VIDEO-TS', 'DVDivX' ],
'HD-DVD': [ 'HD-(?:DVD)?-Rip', 'HD-DVD' ],
'BluRay': [ 'Blu-ray', 'B[DR]Rip' ],
'HDTV': [ 'HD-TV' ],
'DVB': [ 'DVB-Rip', 'DVB', 'PD-TV' ],
'WEBRip': [ 'WEB-Rip' ],
'Screener': [ 'DVD-SCR', 'Screener' ],
'VHS': [ 'VHS' ],
'WEB-DL': [ 'WEB-DL' ] },
'screenSize': { '480p': [ '480[pi]?' ],
'720p': [ '720[pi]?' ],
'1080p': [ '1080[pi]?' ] },
'videoCodec': { 'XviD': [ 'Xvid' ],
'DivX': [ 'DVDivX', 'DivX' ],
'h264': [ '[hx]-264' ],
'Rv10': [ 'Rv10' ],
'Mpeg2': [ 'Mpeg2' ] },
# has nothing to do here (or on filenames for that matter), but some
# releases use it and it helps to identify release groups, so we adapt
'videoApi': { 'DXVA': [ 'DXVA' ] },
'audioCodec': { 'AC3': [ 'AC3' ],
'DTS': [ 'DTS' ],
'AAC': [ 'He-AAC', 'AAC-He', 'AAC' ] },
'audioChannels': { '5.1': [ r'5\.1', 'DD5[\._ ]1', '5ch' ] },
'episodeFormat': { 'Minisode': [ 'Minisodes?' ] }
# prop_single dict of { property_name: [ canonical_form ] }
prop_single = { 'releaseGroup': [ 'ESiR', 'WAF', 'SEPTiC', r'\[XCT\]', 'iNT', 'PUKKA',
'CHD', 'ViTE', 'TLF', 'FLAiTE',
'MDX', 'GM4F', 'DVL', 'SVD', 'iLUMiNADOS',
'aXXo', 'KLAXXON', 'NoTV', 'ZeaL', 'LOL',
'CtrlHD', 'POD', 'WiKi','IMMERSE', 'FQM',
'2HD', 'CTU', 'HALCYON', 'EbP', 'SiTV',
'HDBRiSe', 'AlFleNi-TeaM', 'EVOLVE', '0TV',
'TLA', 'NTB', 'ASAP', 'MOMENTUM', 'FoV', 'D-Z0N3',
'TrollHD', 'ECI'
# potentially confusing release group names (they are words)
'weakReleaseGroup': [ 'DEiTY', 'FiNaLe', 'UnSeeN', 'KiNGS', 'CLUE', 'DIMENSION',
'other': [ 'PROPER', 'REPACK', 'LIMITED', 'DualAudio', 'Audiofixed', 'R5',
'complete', 'classic', # not so sure about these ones, could appear in a title
'ws' ] # widescreen
_dash = '-'
_psep = '[-\. _]?'
def _to_rexp(prop):
return re.compile(prop.replace(_dash, _psep), re.IGNORECASE)
# properties_rexps dict of { property_name: { canonical_form: [ rexp ] } }
# containing the rexps compiled from both prop_multi and prop_single
properties_rexps = dict((type, dict((canonical_form,
[ _to_rexp(pattern) for pattern in patterns ])
for canonical_form, patterns in props.items()))
for type, props in prop_multi.items())
properties_rexps.update(dict((type, dict((canonical_form, [ _to_rexp(canonical_form) ])
for canonical_form in props))
for type, props in prop_single.items()))
def find_properties(string):
result = []
for property_name, props in properties_rexps.items():
# FIXME: this should be done in a more flexible way...
if property_name in ['weakReleaseGroup']:
for canonical_form, rexps in props.items():
for value_rexp in rexps:
match = value_rexp.search(string)
if match:
start, end = match.span()
# make sure our word is always surrounded by separators
# note: sep is a regexp, but in this case using it as
# a char sequence achieves the same goal
if ((start > 0 and string[start-1] not in sep) or
(end < len(string) and string[end] not in sep)):
result.append((property_name, canonical_form, start, end))
return result
property_synonyms = { 'Special Edition': [ 'Special' ],
'Collector Edition': [ 'Collector' ],
'Criterion Edition': [ 'Criterion' ]
def revert_synonyms():
reverse = {}
for canonical, synonyms in property_synonyms.items():
for synonym in synonyms:
reverse[synonym.lower()] = canonical
return reverse
reverse_synonyms = revert_synonyms()
def canonical_form(string):
return reverse_synonyms.get(string.lower(), string)
def compute_canonical_form(property_name, value):
"""Return the canonical form of a property given its type if it is a valid
one, None otherwise."""
for canonical_form, rexps in properties_rexps[property_name].items():
for rexp in rexps:
if rexp.match(value):
return canonical_form
return None