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synced 2025-03-04 10:29:52 -05:00

Switched out urllib2 HTTP Handler for requests HTTP Handler in main getURL function in helpers module. Fixed date parsing for sports in NameParser module. Misc fixes and improvements throughout the code.
456 lines
17 KiB
456 lines
17 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import os.path
import re
import copy
import regexes
import sickbeard
import calendar
from sickbeard import logger, classes
from sickbeard import scene_numbering, scene_exceptions
from sickbeard.indexers import indexer_api, indexer_exceptions
from sickbeard.common import indexerStrings
from lib.dateutil.parser import parse
from time import strptime
class NameParser(object):
def __init__(self, file_name=True):
self.file_name = file_name
self.compiled_regexes = []
def clean_series_name(self, series_name):
"""Cleans up series name by removing any . and _
characters, along with any trailing hyphens.
Is basically equivalent to replacing all _ and . with a
space, but handles decimal numbers in string, for example:
>>> cleanRegexedSeriesName("an.example.1.0.test")
'an example 1.0 test'
>>> cleanRegexedSeriesName("an_example_1.0_test")
'an example 1.0 test'
Stolen from dbr's tvnamer
series_name = re.sub("(\D)\.(?!\s)(\D)", "\\1 \\2", series_name)
series_name = re.sub("(\d)\.(\d{4})", "\\1 \\2", series_name) # if it ends in a year then don't keep the dot
series_name = re.sub("(\D)\.(?!\s)", "\\1 ", series_name)
series_name = re.sub("\.(?!\s)(\D)", " \\1", series_name)
series_name = series_name.replace("_", " ")
series_name = re.sub("-$", "", series_name)
series_name = re.sub("^\[.*\]", "", series_name)
return series_name.strip()
def _compile_regexes(self):
for (cur_pattern_name, cur_pattern) in regexes.ep_regexes:
cur_regex = re.compile(cur_pattern, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
except re.error, errormsg:
logger.log(u"WARNING: Invalid episode_pattern, %s. %s" % (errormsg, cur_pattern))
self.compiled_regexes.append((cur_pattern_name, cur_regex))
def _parse_string(self, name):
if not name:
return None
for (cur_regex_name, cur_regex) in self.compiled_regexes:
match = cur_regex.match(name)
if not match:
result = ParseResult(name)
result.which_regex = [cur_regex_name]
named_groups = match.groupdict().keys()
if 'series_name' in named_groups:
result.series_name = match.group('series_name')
if result.series_name:
result.series_name = self.clean_series_name(result.series_name)
if 'season_num' in named_groups:
tmp_season = int(match.group('season_num'))
if cur_regex_name == 'bare' and tmp_season in (19,20):
result.season_number = tmp_season
if 'ep_num' in named_groups:
ep_num = self._convert_number(match.group('ep_num'))
if 'extra_ep_num' in named_groups and match.group('extra_ep_num'):
result.episode_numbers = range(ep_num, self._convert_number(match.group('extra_ep_num'))+1)
result.episode_numbers = [ep_num]
if 'air_year' in named_groups and 'air_month' in named_groups and 'air_day' in named_groups:
if 'scene_sports_date_format' in cur_regex_name:
year = match.group('air_year')
month = strptime(match.group('air_month')[:3],'%b').tm_mon
day = re.sub("(st|nd|rd|th)", "", match.group('air_day'))
year = int(match.group('air_year'))
month = int(match.group('air_month'))
day = int(match.group('air_day'))
dtStr = '%s-%s-%s' % (year, month, day)
result.air_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(dtStr, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
except ValueError, e:
raise InvalidNameException(e.message)
if 'extra_info' in named_groups:
tmp_extra_info = match.group('extra_info')
# Show.S04.Special is almost certainly not every episode in the season
if tmp_extra_info and cur_regex_name == 'season_only' and re.match(r'([. _-]|^)(special|extra)\w*([. _-]|$)', tmp_extra_info, re.I):
result.extra_info = tmp_extra_info
if 'release_group' in named_groups:
result.release_group = match.group('release_group')
return result
return None
def _combine_results(self, first, second, attr):
# if the first doesn't exist then return the second or nothing
if not first:
if not second:
return None
return getattr(second, attr)
# if the second doesn't exist then return the first
if not second:
return getattr(first, attr)
a = getattr(first, attr)
b = getattr(second, attr)
# if a is good use it
if a != None or (type(a) == list and len(a)):
return a
# if not use b (if b isn't set it'll just be default)
return b
def _unicodify(self, obj, encoding = "utf-8"):
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
obj = unicode(obj, encoding)
return obj
def _convert_number(self, number):
return int(number)
numeral_map = zip(
(1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1),
('M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I')
n = unicode(number).upper()
i = result = 0
for integer, numeral in numeral_map:
while n[i:i + len(numeral)] == numeral:
result += integer
i += len(numeral)
return result
def parse(self, name, fix_scene_numbering=False):
name = self._unicodify(name)
cached = name_parser_cache.get(name)
if cached:
if fix_scene_numbering:
cached_fixed = copy.copy(cached)
return cached_fixed
return cached
# break it into parts if there are any (dirname, file name, extension)
dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(name)
ext_match = re.match('(.*)\.\w{3,4}$', file_name)
if ext_match and self.file_name:
base_file_name = ext_match.group(1)
base_file_name = file_name
# use only the direct parent dir
dir_name = os.path.basename(dir_name)
# set up a result to use
final_result = ParseResult(name)
# try parsing the file name
file_name_result = self._parse_string(base_file_name)
# parse the dirname for extra info if needed
dir_name_result = self._parse_string(dir_name)
# build the ParseResult object
final_result.air_date = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'air_date')
if not final_result.air_date:
final_result.season_number = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'season_number')
final_result.episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'episode_numbers')
# if the dirname has a release group/show name I believe it over the filename
final_result.series_name = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'series_name')
final_result.extra_info = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'extra_info')
final_result.release_group = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'release_group')
final_result.which_regex = []
if final_result == file_name_result:
final_result.which_regex = file_name_result.which_regex
elif final_result == dir_name_result:
final_result.which_regex = dir_name_result.which_regex
if file_name_result:
final_result.which_regex += file_name_result.which_regex
if dir_name_result:
final_result.which_regex += dir_name_result.which_regex
# if there's no useful info in it then raise an exception
if final_result.season_number == None and not final_result.episode_numbers and final_result.air_date == None and not final_result.series_name:
raise InvalidNameException("Unable to parse " + name.encode(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
name_parser_cache.add(name, final_result)
if fix_scene_numbering:
result_fixed = copy.copy(final_result)
return result_fixed
return final_result
def series_name_to_indexer_id(cls, series_name, check_scene_exceptions=True, check_database=True, check_indexer=False):
Given a series name, return it's tvdbd_id.
Returns None if not found.
This is mostly robbed from postProcessor._analyze_name
# do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
name_list = sickbeard.show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(series_name)
# for each possible interpretation of that scene name
if check_scene_exceptions:
for cur_name in name_list:
logger.log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on "+cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
scene_id = sickbeard.scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
if scene_id: return scene_id
# see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
if check_database:
for cur_name in name_list:
logger.log(u"Looking up "+cur_name+u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
db_result = sickbeard.helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
if db_result: return db_result[1]
# see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
if check_indexer:
for cur_name in name_list:
for indexer in indexerStrings:
lINDEXER_API_PARMS = {'indexer': indexer}
lINDEXER_API_PARMS['custom_ui'] = classes.ShowListUI
t = indexer_api.indexerApi(**lINDEXER_API_PARMS)
logger.log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" on the Indexer", logger.DEBUG)
showObj = t[cur_name]
except (indexer_exceptions):
# if none found, search on all languages
lINDEXER_API_PARMS = {'indexer': indexer}
lINDEXER_API_PARMS['custom_ui'] = classes.ShowListUI
lINDEXER_API_PARMS['search_all_languages'] = True
t = indexer_api.indexerApi(**lINDEXER_API_PARMS)
logger.log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" in all languages on the Indexer", logger.DEBUG)
showObj = t[cur_name]
except (indexer_exceptions.indexer_exception, IOError):
except (IOError):
return showObj["id"]
return None
class ParseResult(object):
def __init__(self,
self.original_name = original_name
self.series_name = series_name
self.season_number = season_number
if not episode_numbers:
self.episode_numbers = []
self.episode_numbers = episode_numbers
self.extra_info = extra_info
self.release_group = release_group
self.air_date = air_date
self.which_regex = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if not other:
return False
if self.series_name != other.series_name:
return False
if self.season_number != other.season_number:
return False
if self.episode_numbers != other.episode_numbers:
return False
if self.extra_info != other.extra_info:
return False
if self.release_group != other.release_group:
return False
if self.air_date != other.air_date:
return False
return True
def __str__(self):
if self.series_name != None:
to_return = self.series_name + u' - '
to_return = u''
if self.season_number != None:
to_return += 'S'+str(self.season_number)
if self.episode_numbers and len(self.episode_numbers):
for e in self.episode_numbers:
to_return += 'E'+str(e)
if self.air_by_date:
to_return += str(self.air_date)
if self.extra_info:
to_return += ' - ' + self.extra_info
if self.release_group:
to_return += ' (' + self.release_group + ')'
to_return += ' [ABD: '+str(self.air_by_date)+']'
return to_return.encode('utf-8')
def _is_air_by_date(self):
if self.season_number == None and len(self.episode_numbers) == 0 and self.air_date:
return True
return False
air_by_date = property(_is_air_by_date)
def fix_scene_numbering(self):
The changes the parsed result (which is assumed to be scene numbering) to
tvdb numbering, if necessary.
if self.air_by_date: return self # scene numbering does not apply to air-by-date
if self.season_number == None: return self # can't work without a season
if len(self.episode_numbers) == 0: return self # need at least one episode
indexer_id = NameParser.series_name_to_indexer_id(self.series_name, True, True, False)
new_episode_numbers = []
new_season_numbers = []
for epNo in self.episode_numbers:
(s, e) = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(indexer_id, self.season_number, epNo)
# need to do a quick sanity check here. It's possible that we now have episodes
# from more than one season (by tvdb numbering), and this is just too much
# for sickbeard, so we'd need to flag it.
new_season_numbers = list(set(new_season_numbers)) # remove duplicates
if len(new_season_numbers) > 1:
raise InvalidNameException("Scene numbering results episodes from "
"seasons %s, (i.e. more than one) and "
"sickbeard does not support this. "
"Sorry." % (str(new_season_numbers)))
# I guess it's possible that we'd have duplicate episodes too, so lets
# eliminate them
new_episode_numbers = list(set(new_episode_numbers))
self.episode_numbers = new_episode_numbers
self.season_number = new_season_numbers[0]
return self
class NameParserCache(object):
#TODO: check if the fifo list can beskiped and only use one dict
_previous_parsed_list = [] # keep a fifo list of the cached items
_previous_parsed = {}
_cache_size = 100
def add(self, name, parse_result):
self._previous_parsed[name] = parse_result
while len(self._previous_parsed_list) > self._cache_size:
del_me = self._previous_parsed_list.pop(0)
def get(self, name):
if name in self._previous_parsed:
logger.log("Using cached parse result for: " + name, logger.DEBUG)
return self._previous_parsed[name]
return None
name_parser_cache = NameParserCache()
class InvalidNameException(Exception):
"The given name is not valid"