mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-03 01:52:02 -05:00
echel0n 0d9fbc1ad7 Welcome to our SickBeard-TVRage Edition ...
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.

Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.

Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!

2014-03-09 22:39:12 -07:00

641 lines
24 KiB

helpers module (imdb package).
This module provides functions not used directly by the imdb package,
but useful for IMDbPY-based programs.
Copyright 2006-2012 Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>
2012 Alberto Malagoli <albemala AT gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# XXX: find better names for the functions in this modules.
import re
import difflib
from cgi import escape
import gettext
from gettext import gettext as _
# The modClearRefs can be used to strip names and titles references from
# the strings in Movie and Person objects.
from imdb.utils import modClearRefs, re_titleRef, re_nameRef, \
re_characterRef, _tagAttr, _Container, TAGS_TO_MODIFY
from imdb import IMDb, imdbURL_movie_base, imdbURL_person_base, \
import imdb.locale
from imdb.linguistics import COUNTRY_LANG
from imdb.Movie import Movie
from imdb.Person import Person
from imdb.Character import Character
from imdb.Company import Company
from imdb.parser.http.utils import re_entcharrefssub, entcharrefs, \
subXMLRefs, subSGMLRefs
from imdb.parser.http.bsouplxml.etree import BeautifulSoup
# An URL, more or less.
_re_href = re.compile(r'(http://.+?)(?=\s|$)', re.I)
_re_hrefsub = _re_href.sub
def makeCgiPrintEncoding(encoding):
"""Make a function to pretty-print strings for the web."""
def cgiPrint(s):
"""Encode the given string using the %s encoding, and replace
chars outside the given charset with XML char references.""" % encoding
s = escape(s, quote=1)
if isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.encode(encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace')
return s
return cgiPrint
# cgiPrint uses the latin_1 encoding.
cgiPrint = makeCgiPrintEncoding('latin_1')
# Regular expression for %(varname)s substitutions.
re_subst = re.compile(r'%\((.+?)\)s')
# Regular expression for <if condition>....</if condition> clauses.
re_conditional = re.compile(r'<if\s+(.+?)\s*>(.+?)</if\s+\1\s*>')
def makeTextNotes(replaceTxtNotes):
"""Create a function useful to handle text[::optional_note] values.
replaceTxtNotes is a format string, which can include the following
values: %(text)s and %(notes)s.
Portions of the text can be conditionally excluded, if one of the
values is absent. E.g.: <if notes>[%(notes)s]</if notes> will be replaced
with '[notes]' if notes exists, or by an empty string otherwise.
The returned function is suitable be passed as applyToValues argument
of the makeObject2Txt function."""
def _replacer(s):
outS = replaceTxtNotes
if not isinstance(s, (unicode, str)):
return s
ssplit = s.split('::', 1)
text = ssplit[0]
# Used to keep track of text and note existence.
keysDict = {}
if text:
keysDict['text'] = True
outS = outS.replace('%(text)s', text)
if len(ssplit) == 2:
keysDict['notes'] = True
outS = outS.replace('%(notes)s', ssplit[1])
outS = outS.replace('%(notes)s', u'')
def _excludeFalseConditionals(matchobj):
# Return an empty string if the conditional is false/empty.
if matchobj.group(1) in keysDict:
return matchobj.group(2)
return u''
while re_conditional.search(outS):
outS = re_conditional.sub(_excludeFalseConditionals, outS)
return outS
return _replacer
def makeObject2Txt(movieTxt=None, personTxt=None, characterTxt=None,
companyTxt=None, joiner=' / ',
applyToValues=lambda x: x, _recurse=True):
""""Return a function useful to pretty-print Movie, Person,
Character and Company instances.
*movieTxt* -- how to format a Movie object.
*personTxt* -- how to format a Person object.
*characterTxt* -- how to format a Character object.
*companyTxt* -- how to format a Company object.
*joiner* -- string used to join a list of objects.
*applyToValues* -- function to apply to values.
*_recurse* -- if True (default) manage only the given object.
# Some useful defaults.
if movieTxt is None:
movieTxt = '%(long imdb title)s'
if personTxt is None:
personTxt = '%(long imdb name)s'
if characterTxt is None:
characterTxt = '%(long imdb name)s'
if companyTxt is None:
companyTxt = '%(long imdb name)s'
def object2txt(obj, _limitRecursion=None):
"""Pretty-print objects."""
# Prevent unlimited recursion.
if _limitRecursion is None:
_limitRecursion = 0
elif _limitRecursion > 5:
return u''
_limitRecursion += 1
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
return joiner.join([object2txt(o, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion)
for o in obj])
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
# XXX: not exactly nice, neither useful, I fear.
return joiner.join([u'%s::%s' %
(object2txt(k, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion),
object2txt(v, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion))
for k, v in obj.items()])
objData = {}
if isinstance(obj, Movie):
objData['movieID'] = obj.movieID
outs = movieTxt
elif isinstance(obj, Person):
objData['personID'] = obj.personID
outs = personTxt
elif isinstance(obj, Character):
objData['characterID'] = obj.characterID
outs = characterTxt
elif isinstance(obj, Company):
objData['companyID'] = obj.companyID
outs = companyTxt
return obj
def _excludeFalseConditionals(matchobj):
# Return an empty string if the conditional is false/empty.
condition = matchobj.group(1)
proceed = obj.get(condition) or getattr(obj, condition, None)
if proceed:
return matchobj.group(2)
return u''
return matchobj.group(2)
while re_conditional.search(outs):
outs = re_conditional.sub(_excludeFalseConditionals, outs)
for key in re_subst.findall(outs):
value = obj.get(key) or getattr(obj, key, None)
if not isinstance(value, (unicode, str)):
if not _recurse:
if value:
value = unicode(value)
if value:
value = object2txt(value, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion)
elif value:
value = applyToValues(unicode(value))
if not value:
value = u''
elif not isinstance(value, (unicode, str)):
value = unicode(value)
outs = outs.replace(u'%(' + key + u')s', value)
return outs
return object2txt
def makeModCGILinks(movieTxt, personTxt, characterTxt=None,
"""Make a function used to pretty-print movies and persons refereces;
movieTxt and personTxt are the strings used for the substitutions.
movieTxt must contains %(movieID)s and %(title)s, while personTxt
must contains %(personID)s and %(name)s and characterTxt %(characterID)s
and %(name)s; characterTxt is optional, for backward compatibility."""
_cgiPrint = makeCgiPrintEncoding(encoding)
def modCGILinks(s, titlesRefs, namesRefs, characterRefs=None):
"""Substitute movies and persons references."""
if characterRefs is None: characterRefs = {}
# XXX: look ma'... more nested scopes! <g>
def _replaceMovie(match):
to_replace = match.group(1)
item = titlesRefs.get(to_replace)
if item:
movieID = item.movieID
to_replace = movieTxt % {'movieID': movieID,
'title': unicode(_cgiPrint(to_replace),
return to_replace
def _replacePerson(match):
to_replace = match.group(1)
item = namesRefs.get(to_replace)
if item:
personID = item.personID
to_replace = personTxt % {'personID': personID,
'name': unicode(_cgiPrint(to_replace),
return to_replace
def _replaceCharacter(match):
to_replace = match.group(1)
if characterTxt is None:
return to_replace
item = characterRefs.get(to_replace)
if item:
characterID = item.characterID
if characterID is None:
return to_replace
to_replace = characterTxt % {'characterID': characterID,
'name': unicode(_cgiPrint(to_replace),
return to_replace
s = s.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
s = _re_hrefsub(r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', s)
s = re_titleRef.sub(_replaceMovie, s)
s = re_nameRef.sub(_replacePerson, s)
s = re_characterRef.sub(_replaceCharacter, s)
return s
modCGILinks.movieTxt = movieTxt
modCGILinks.personTxt = personTxt
modCGILinks.characterTxt = characterTxt
return modCGILinks
# links to the imdb.com web site.
_movieTxt = '<a href="' + imdbURL_movie_base + 'tt%(movieID)s">%(title)s</a>'
_personTxt = '<a href="' + imdbURL_person_base + 'nm%(personID)s">%(name)s</a>'
_characterTxt = '<a href="' + imdbURL_character_base + \
modHtmlLinks = makeModCGILinks(movieTxt=_movieTxt, personTxt=_personTxt,
modHtmlLinksASCII = makeModCGILinks(movieTxt=_movieTxt, personTxt=_personTxt,
everyentcharrefs = entcharrefs.copy()
for k, v in {'lt':u'<','gt':u'>','amp':u'&','quot':u'"','apos':u'\''}.items():
everyentcharrefs[k] = v
everyentcharrefs['#%s' % ord(v)] = v
everyentcharrefsget = everyentcharrefs.get
re_everyentcharrefs = re.compile('&(%s|\#160|\#\d{1,5});' %
'|'.join(map(re.escape, everyentcharrefs)))
re_everyentcharrefssub = re_everyentcharrefs.sub
def _replAllXMLRef(match):
"""Replace the matched XML reference."""
ref = match.group(1)
value = everyentcharrefsget(ref)
if value is None:
if ref[0] == '#':
return unichr(int(ref[1:]))
return ref
return value
def subXMLHTMLSGMLRefs(s):
"""Return the given string with XML/HTML/SGML entity and char references
return re_everyentcharrefssub(_replAllXMLRef, s)
def sortedSeasons(m):
"""Return a sorted list of seasons of the given series."""
seasons = m.get('episodes', {}).keys()
return seasons
def sortedEpisodes(m, season=None):
"""Return a sorted list of episodes of the given series,
considering only the specified season(s) (every season, if None)."""
episodes = []
seasons = season
if season is None:
seasons = sortedSeasons(m)
if not isinstance(season, (tuple, list)):
seasons = [season]
for s in seasons:
eps_indx = m.get('episodes', {}).get(s, {}).keys()
for e in eps_indx:
return episodes
# Idea and portions of the code courtesy of none none (dclist at gmail.com)
_re_imdbIDurl = re.compile(r'\b(nm|tt|ch|co)([0-9]{7})\b')
def get_byURL(url, info=None, args=None, kwds=None):
"""Return a Movie, Person, Character or Company object for the given URL;
info is the info set to retrieve, args and kwds are respectively a list
and a dictionary or arguments to initialize the data access system.
Returns None if unable to correctly parse the url; can raise
exceptions if unable to retrieve the data."""
if args is None: args = []
if kwds is None: kwds = {}
ia = IMDb(*args, **kwds)
match = _re_imdbIDurl.search(url)
if not match:
return None
imdbtype = match.group(1)
imdbID = match.group(2)
if imdbtype == 'tt':
return ia.get_movie(imdbID, info=info)
elif imdbtype == 'nm':
return ia.get_person(imdbID, info=info)
elif imdbtype == 'ch':
return ia.get_character(imdbID, info=info)
elif imdbtype == 'co':
return ia.get_company(imdbID, info=info)
return None
# Idea and portions of code courtesy of Basil Shubin.
# Beware that these information are now available directly by
# the Movie/Person/Character instances.
def fullSizeCoverURL(obj):
"""Given an URL string or a Movie, Person or Character instance,
returns an URL to the full-size version of the cover/headshot,
or None otherwise. This function is obsolete: the same information
are available as keys: 'full-size cover url' and 'full-size headshot',
respectively for movies and persons/characters."""
if isinstance(obj, Movie):
coverUrl = obj.get('cover url')
elif isinstance(obj, (Person, Character)):
coverUrl = obj.get('headshot')
coverUrl = obj
if not coverUrl:
return None
return _Container._re_fullsizeURL.sub('', coverUrl)
def keyToXML(key):
"""Return a key (the ones used to access information in Movie and
other classes instances) converted to the style of the XML output."""
return _tagAttr(key, '')[0]
def translateKey(key):
"""Translate a given key."""
return _(keyToXML(key))
# Maps tags to classes.
'person': Person,
'movie': Movie,
'character': Character,
'company': Company
# Tags to be converted to lists.
_TAGS_TO_LIST = dict([(x[0], None) for x in TAGS_TO_MODIFY.values()])
def tagToKey(tag):
"""Return the name of the tag, taking it from the 'key' attribute,
if present."""
keyAttr = tag.get('key')
if keyAttr:
if tag.get('keytype') == 'int':
keyAttr = int(keyAttr)
return keyAttr
return tag.name
def _valueWithType(tag, tagValue):
"""Return tagValue, handling some type conversions."""
tagType = tag.get('type')
if tagType == 'int':
tagValue = int(tagValue)
elif tagType == 'float':
tagValue = float(tagValue)
return tagValue
# Extra tags to get (if values were not already read from title/name).
_titleTags = ('imdbindex', 'kind', 'year')
_nameTags = ('imdbindex')
_companyTags = ('imdbindex', 'country')
def parseTags(tag, _topLevel=True, _as=None, _infoset2keys=None,
"""Recursively parse a tree of tags."""
# The returned object (usually a _Container subclass, but it can
# be a string, an int, a float, a list or a dictionary).
item = None
if _infoset2keys is None:
_infoset2keys = {}
if _key2infoset is None:
_key2infoset = {}
name = tagToKey(tag)
firstChild = tag.find(recursive=False)
tagStr = (tag.string or u'').strip()
if not tagStr and name == 'item':
# Handles 'item' tags containing text and a 'notes' sub-tag.
tagContent = tag.contents[0]
if isinstance(tagContent, BeautifulSoup.NavigableString):
tagStr = (unicode(tagContent) or u'').strip()
tagType = tag.get('type')
infoset = tag.get('infoset')
if infoset:
_key2infoset[name] = infoset
_infoset2keys.setdefault(infoset, []).append(name)
# Here we use tag.name to avoid tags like <item title="company">
if tag.name in _MAP_TOP_OBJ:
# One of the subclasses of _Container.
item = _MAP_TOP_OBJ[name]()
itemAs = tag.get('access-system')
if itemAs:
if not _as:
_as = itemAs
itemAs = _as
item.accessSystem = itemAs
tagsToGet = []
theID = tag.get('id')
if name == 'movie':
item.movieID = theID
tagsToGet = _titleTags
theTitle = tag.find('title', recursive=False)
if tag.title:
if name == 'person':
item.personID = theID
tagsToGet = _nameTags
theName = tag.find('long imdb canonical name', recursive=False)
if not theName:
theName = tag.find('name', recursive=False)
elif name == 'character':
item.characterID = theID
tagsToGet = _nameTags
theName = tag.find('name', recursive=False)
elif name == 'company':
item.companyID = theID
tagsToGet = _companyTags
theName = tag.find('name', recursive=False)
if theName:
if theName:
for t in tagsToGet:
if t in item.data:
dataTag = tag.find(t, recursive=False)
if dataTag:
item.data[tagToKey(dataTag)] = _valueWithType(dataTag,
if tag.notes:
item.notes = tag.notes.string
episodeOf = tag.find('episode-of', recursive=False)
if episodeOf:
item.data['episode of'] = parseTags(episodeOf, _topLevel=False,
_as=_as, _infoset2keys=_infoset2keys,
cRole = tag.find('current-role', recursive=False)
if cRole:
cr = parseTags(cRole, _topLevel=False, _as=_as,
_infoset2keys=_infoset2keys, _key2infoset=_key2infoset)
item.currentRole = cr
# XXX: big assumption, here. What about Movie instances used
# as keys in dictionaries? What about other keys (season and
# episode number, for example?)
if not _topLevel:
return item
_adder = lambda key, value: item.data.update({key: value})
elif tagStr:
if tag.notes:
notes = (tag.notes.string or u'').strip()
if notes:
tagStr += u'::%s' % notes
tagStr = _valueWithType(tag, tagStr)
return tagStr
elif firstChild:
firstChildName = tagToKey(firstChild)
if firstChildName in _TAGS_TO_LIST:
item = []
_adder = lambda key, value: item.append(value)
item = {}
_adder = lambda key, value: item.update({key: value})
item = {}
_adder = lambda key, value: item.update({name: value})
for subTag in tag(recursive=False):
subTagKey = tagToKey(subTag)
# Exclude dinamically generated keys.
if tag.name in _MAP_TOP_OBJ and subTagKey in item._additional_keys():
subItem = parseTags(subTag, _topLevel=False, _as=_as,
_infoset2keys=_infoset2keys, _key2infoset=_key2infoset)
if subItem:
_adder(subTagKey, subItem)
if _topLevel and name in _MAP_TOP_OBJ:
# Add information about 'info sets', but only to the top-level object.
item.infoset2keys = _infoset2keys
item.key2infoset = _key2infoset
item.current_info = _infoset2keys.keys()
return item
def parseXML(xml):
"""Parse a XML string, returning an appropriate object (usually an
instance of a subclass of _Container."""
xmlObj = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup(xml,
if xmlObj:
mainTag = xmlObj.find()
if mainTag:
return parseTags(mainTag)
return None
_re_akas_lang = re.compile('(?:[(])([a-zA-Z]+?)(?: title[)])')
_re_akas_country = re.compile('\(.*?\)')
# akasLanguages, sortAKAsBySimilarity and getAKAsInLanguage code
# copyright of Alberto Malagoli (refactoring by Davide Alberani).
def akasLanguages(movie):
"""Given a movie, return a list of tuples in (lang, AKA) format;
lang can be None, if unable to detect."""
lang_and_aka = []
akas = set((movie.get('akas') or []) +
(movie.get('akas from release info') or []))
for aka in akas:
# split aka
aka = aka.encode('utf8').split('::')
# sometimes there is no countries information
if len(aka) == 2:
# search for something like "(... title)" where ... is a language
language = _re_akas_lang.search(aka[1])
if language:
language = language.groups()[0]
# split countries using , and keep only the first one (it's sufficient)
country = aka[1].split(',')[0]
# remove parenthesis
country = _re_akas_country.sub('', country).strip()
# given the country, get corresponding language from dictionary
language = COUNTRY_LANG.get(country)
language = None
lang_and_aka.append((language, aka[0].decode('utf8')))
return lang_and_aka
def sortAKAsBySimilarity(movie, title, _titlesOnly=True, _preferredLang=None):
"""Return a list of movie AKAs, sorted by their similarity to
the given title.
If _titlesOnly is not True, similarity information are returned.
If _preferredLang is specified, AKAs in the given language will get
a higher score.
The return is a list of title, or a list of tuples if _titlesOnly is False."""
language = movie.guessLanguage()
# estimate string distance between current title and given title
m_title = movie['title'].lower()
l_title = title.lower()
if isinstance(l_title, unicode):
l_title = l_title.encode('utf8')
scores = []
score = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, m_title.encode('utf8'), l_title).ratio()
# set original title and corresponding score as the best match for given title
scores.append((score, movie['title'], None))
for language, aka in akasLanguages(movie):
# estimate string distance between current title and given title
m_title = aka.lower()
if isinstance(m_title, unicode):
m_title = m_title.encode('utf8')
score = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, m_title, l_title).ratio()
# if current language is the same as the given one, increase score
if _preferredLang and _preferredLang == language:
score += 1
scores.append((score, aka, language))
if _titlesOnly:
return [x[1] for x in scores]
return scores
def getAKAsInLanguage(movie, lang, _searchedTitle=None):
"""Return a list of AKAs of a movie, in the specified language.
If _searchedTitle is given, the AKAs are sorted by their similarity
to it."""
akas = []
for language, aka in akasLanguages(movie):
if lang == language:
if _searchedTitle:
scores = []
if isinstance(_searchedTitle, unicode):
_searchedTitle = _searchedTitle.encode('utf8')
for aka in akas:
m_aka = aka
if isinstance(m_aka):
m_aka = m_aka.encode('utf8')
scores.append(difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, m_aka.lower(),
_searchedTitle.lower()), aka)
akas = [x[1] for x in scores]
return akas