mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-03 01:52:02 -05:00
echel0n 0d9fbc1ad7 Welcome to our SickBeard-TVRage Edition ...
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.

Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.

Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!

2014-03-09 22:39:12 -07:00

536 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# enzyme - Video metadata parser
# Copyright 2011-2012 Antoine Bertin <diaoulael@gmail.com>
# Copyright 2003-2006 Dirk Meyer <dischi@freevo.org>
# This file is part of enzyme.
# enzyme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# enzyme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with enzyme. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
__all__ = ['resolve']
def resolve(code):
Transform the given (2- or 3-letter) language code to a human readable
language name. The return value is a 2-tuple containing the given
language code and the language name. If the language code cannot be
resolved, name will be 'Unknown (<code>)'.
if not code:
return None, None
if not isinstance(code, basestring):
raise ValueError('Invalid language code specified by parser')
# Take up to 3 letters from the code.
code = re.split(r'[^a-z]', code.lower())[0][:3]
for spec in codes:
if code in spec[:-1]:
return code, spec[-1]
return code, u'Unknown (%r)' % code
# Parsed from http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ISO-639-2_utf-8.txt
codes = (
('aar', 'aa', u'Afar'),
('abk', 'ab', u'Abkhazian'),
('ace', u'Achinese'),
('ach', u'Acoli'),
('ada', u'Adangme'),
('ady', u'Adyghe'),
('afa', u'Afro-Asiatic '),
('afh', u'Afrihili'),
('afr', 'af', u'Afrikaans'),
('ain', u'Ainu'),
('aka', 'ak', u'Akan'),
('akk', u'Akkadian'),
('alb', 'sq', u'Albanian'),
('ale', u'Aleut'),
('alg', u'Algonquian languages'),
('alt', u'Southern Altai'),
('amh', 'am', u'Amharic'),
('ang', u'English, Old '),
('anp', u'Angika'),
('apa', u'Apache languages'),
('ara', 'ar', u'Arabic'),
('arc', u'Official Aramaic '),
('arg', 'an', u'Aragonese'),
('arm', 'hy', u'Armenian'),
('arn', u'Mapudungun'),
('arp', u'Arapaho'),
('art', u'Artificial '),
('arw', u'Arawak'),
('asm', 'as', u'Assamese'),
('ast', u'Asturian'),
('ath', u'Athapascan languages'),
('aus', u'Australian languages'),
('ava', 'av', u'Avaric'),
('ave', 'ae', u'Avestan'),
('awa', u'Awadhi'),
('aym', 'ay', u'Aymara'),
('aze', 'az', u'Azerbaijani'),
('bad', u'Banda languages'),
('bai', u'Bamileke languages'),
('bak', 'ba', u'Bashkir'),
('bal', u'Baluchi'),
('bam', 'bm', u'Bambara'),
('ban', u'Balinese'),
('baq', 'eu', u'Basque'),
('bas', u'Basa'),
('bat', u'Baltic '),
('bej', u'Beja'),
('bel', 'be', u'Belarusian'),
('bem', u'Bemba'),
('ben', 'bn', u'Bengali'),
('ber', u'Berber '),
('bho', u'Bhojpuri'),
('bih', 'bh', u'Bihari'),
('bik', u'Bikol'),
('bin', u'Bini'),
('bis', 'bi', u'Bislama'),
('bla', u'Siksika'),
('bnt', u'Bantu '),
('bos', 'bs', u'Bosnian'),
('bra', u'Braj'),
('bre', 'br', u'Breton'),
('btk', u'Batak languages'),
('bua', u'Buriat'),
('bug', u'Buginese'),
('bul', 'bg', u'Bulgarian'),
('bur', 'my', u'Burmese'),
('byn', u'Blin'),
('cad', u'Caddo'),
('cai', u'Central American Indian '),
('car', u'Galibi Carib'),
('cat', 'ca', u'Catalan'),
('cau', u'Caucasian '),
('ceb', u'Cebuano'),
('cel', u'Celtic '),
('cha', 'ch', u'Chamorro'),
('chb', u'Chibcha'),
('che', 'ce', u'Chechen'),
('chg', u'Chagatai'),
('chi', 'zh', u'Chinese'),
('chk', u'Chuukese'),
('chm', u'Mari'),
('chn', u'Chinook jargon'),
('cho', u'Choctaw'),
('chp', u'Chipewyan'),
('chr', u'Cherokee'),
('chu', 'cu', u'Church Slavic'),
('chv', 'cv', u'Chuvash'),
('chy', u'Cheyenne'),
('cmc', u'Chamic languages'),
('cop', u'Coptic'),
('cor', 'kw', u'Cornish'),
('cos', 'co', u'Corsican'),
('cpe', u'Creoles and pidgins, English based '),
('cpf', u'Creoles and pidgins, French-based '),
('cpp', u'Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based '),
('cre', 'cr', u'Cree'),
('crh', u'Crimean Tatar'),
('crp', u'Creoles and pidgins '),
('csb', u'Kashubian'),
('cus', u'Cushitic '),
('cze', 'cs', u'Czech'),
('dak', u'Dakota'),
('dan', 'da', u'Danish'),
('dar', u'Dargwa'),
('day', u'Land Dayak languages'),
('del', u'Delaware'),
('den', u'Slave '),
('dgr', u'Dogrib'),
('din', u'Dinka'),
('div', 'dv', u'Divehi'),
('doi', u'Dogri'),
('dra', u'Dravidian '),
('dsb', u'Lower Sorbian'),
('dua', u'Duala'),
('dum', u'Dutch, Middle '),
('dut', 'nl', u'Dutch'),
('dyu', u'Dyula'),
('dzo', 'dz', u'Dzongkha'),
('efi', u'Efik'),
('egy', u'Egyptian '),
('eka', u'Ekajuk'),
('elx', u'Elamite'),
('eng', 'en', u'English'),
('enm', u'English, Middle '),
('epo', 'eo', u'Esperanto'),
('est', 'et', u'Estonian'),
('ewe', 'ee', u'Ewe'),
('ewo', u'Ewondo'),
('fan', u'Fang'),
('fao', 'fo', u'Faroese'),
('fat', u'Fanti'),
('fij', 'fj', u'Fijian'),
('fil', u'Filipino'),
('fin', 'fi', u'Finnish'),
('fiu', u'Finno-Ugrian '),
('fon', u'Fon'),
('fre', 'fr', u'French'),
('frm', u'French, Middle '),
('fro', u'French, Old '),
('frr', u'Northern Frisian'),
('frs', u'Eastern Frisian'),
('fry', 'fy', u'Western Frisian'),
('ful', 'ff', u'Fulah'),
('fur', u'Friulian'),
('gaa', u'Ga'),
('gay', u'Gayo'),
('gba', u'Gbaya'),
('gem', u'Germanic '),
('geo', 'ka', u'Georgian'),
('ger', 'de', u'German'),
('gez', u'Geez'),
('gil', u'Gilbertese'),
('gla', 'gd', u'Gaelic'),
('gle', 'ga', u'Irish'),
('glg', 'gl', u'Galician'),
('glv', 'gv', u'Manx'),
('gmh', u'German, Middle High '),
('goh', u'German, Old High '),
('gon', u'Gondi'),
('gor', u'Gorontalo'),
('got', u'Gothic'),
('grb', u'Grebo'),
('grc', u'Greek, Ancient '),
('gre', 'el', u'Greek, Modern '),
('grn', 'gn', u'Guarani'),
('gsw', u'Swiss German'),
('guj', 'gu', u'Gujarati'),
('gwi', u"Gwich'in"),
('hai', u'Haida'),
('hat', 'ht', u'Haitian'),
('hau', 'ha', u'Hausa'),
('haw', u'Hawaiian'),
('heb', 'he', u'Hebrew'),
('her', 'hz', u'Herero'),
('hil', u'Hiligaynon'),
('him', u'Himachali'),
('hin', 'hi', u'Hindi'),
('hit', u'Hittite'),
('hmn', u'Hmong'),
('hmo', 'ho', u'Hiri Motu'),
('hsb', u'Upper Sorbian'),
('hun', 'hu', u'Hungarian'),
('hup', u'Hupa'),
('iba', u'Iban'),
('ibo', 'ig', u'Igbo'),
('ice', 'is', u'Icelandic'),
('ido', 'io', u'Ido'),
('iii', 'ii', u'Sichuan Yi'),
('ijo', u'Ijo languages'),
('iku', 'iu', u'Inuktitut'),
('ile', 'ie', u'Interlingue'),
('ilo', u'Iloko'),
('ina', 'ia', u'Interlingua '),
('inc', u'Indic '),
('ind', 'id', u'Indonesian'),
('ine', u'Indo-European '),
('inh', u'Ingush'),
('ipk', 'ik', u'Inupiaq'),
('ira', u'Iranian '),
('iro', u'Iroquoian languages'),
('ita', 'it', u'Italian'),
('jav', 'jv', u'Javanese'),
('jbo', u'Lojban'),
('jpn', 'ja', u'Japanese'),
('jpr', u'Judeo-Persian'),
('jrb', u'Judeo-Arabic'),
('kaa', u'Kara-Kalpak'),
('kab', u'Kabyle'),
('kac', u'Kachin'),
('kal', 'kl', u'Kalaallisut'),
('kam', u'Kamba'),
('kan', 'kn', u'Kannada'),
('kar', u'Karen languages'),
('kas', 'ks', u'Kashmiri'),
('kau', 'kr', u'Kanuri'),
('kaw', u'Kawi'),
('kaz', 'kk', u'Kazakh'),
('kbd', u'Kabardian'),
('kha', u'Khasi'),
('khi', u'Khoisan '),
('khm', 'km', u'Central Khmer'),
('kho', u'Khotanese'),
('kik', 'ki', u'Kikuyu'),
('kin', 'rw', u'Kinyarwanda'),
('kir', 'ky', u'Kirghiz'),
('kmb', u'Kimbundu'),
('kok', u'Konkani'),
('kom', 'kv', u'Komi'),
('kon', 'kg', u'Kongo'),
('kor', 'ko', u'Korean'),
('kos', u'Kosraean'),
('kpe', u'Kpelle'),
('krc', u'Karachay-Balkar'),
('krl', u'Karelian'),
('kro', u'Kru languages'),
('kru', u'Kurukh'),
('kua', 'kj', u'Kuanyama'),
('kum', u'Kumyk'),
('kur', 'ku', u'Kurdish'),
('kut', u'Kutenai'),
('lad', u'Ladino'),
('lah', u'Lahnda'),
('lam', u'Lamba'),
('lao', 'lo', u'Lao'),
('lat', 'la', u'Latin'),
('lav', 'lv', u'Latvian'),
('lez', u'Lezghian'),
('lim', 'li', u'Limburgan'),
('lin', 'ln', u'Lingala'),
('lit', 'lt', u'Lithuanian'),
('lol', u'Mongo'),
('loz', u'Lozi'),
('ltz', 'lb', u'Luxembourgish'),
('lua', u'Luba-Lulua'),
('lub', 'lu', u'Luba-Katanga'),
('lug', 'lg', u'Ganda'),
('lui', u'Luiseno'),
('lun', u'Lunda'),
('luo', u'Luo '),
('lus', u'Lushai'),
('mac', 'mk', u'Macedonian'),
('mad', u'Madurese'),
('mag', u'Magahi'),
('mah', 'mh', u'Marshallese'),
('mai', u'Maithili'),
('mak', u'Makasar'),
('mal', 'ml', u'Malayalam'),
('man', u'Mandingo'),
('mao', 'mi', u'Maori'),
('map', u'Austronesian '),
('mar', 'mr', u'Marathi'),
('mas', u'Masai'),
('may', 'ms', u'Malay'),
('mdf', u'Moksha'),
('mdr', u'Mandar'),
('men', u'Mende'),
('mga', u'Irish, Middle '),
('mic', u"Mi'kmaq"),
('min', u'Minangkabau'),
('mis', u'Uncoded languages'),
('mkh', u'Mon-Khmer '),
('mlg', 'mg', u'Malagasy'),
('mlt', 'mt', u'Maltese'),
('mnc', u'Manchu'),
('mni', u'Manipuri'),
('mno', u'Manobo languages'),
('moh', u'Mohawk'),
('mol', 'mo', u'Moldavian'),
('mon', 'mn', u'Mongolian'),
('mos', u'Mossi'),
('mul', u'Multiple languages'),
('mun', u'Munda languages'),
('mus', u'Creek'),
('mwl', u'Mirandese'),
('mwr', u'Marwari'),
('myn', u'Mayan languages'),
('myv', u'Erzya'),
('nah', u'Nahuatl languages'),
('nai', u'North American Indian'),
('nap', u'Neapolitan'),
('nau', 'na', u'Nauru'),
('nav', 'nv', u'Navajo'),
('nbl', 'nr', u'Ndebele, South'),
('nde', 'nd', u'Ndebele, North'),
('ndo', 'ng', u'Ndonga'),
('nds', u'Low German'),
('nep', 'ne', u'Nepali'),
('new', u'Nepal Bhasa'),
('nia', u'Nias'),
('nic', u'Niger-Kordofanian '),
('niu', u'Niuean'),
('nno', 'nn', u'Norwegian Nynorsk'),
('nob', 'nb', u'Bokm\xe5l, Norwegian'),
('nog', u'Nogai'),
('non', u'Norse, Old'),
('nor', 'no', u'Norwegian'),
('nqo', u"N'Ko"),
('nso', u'Pedi'),
('nub', u'Nubian languages'),
('nwc', u'Classical Newari'),
('nya', 'ny', u'Chichewa'),
('nym', u'Nyamwezi'),
('nyn', u'Nyankole'),
('nyo', u'Nyoro'),
('nzi', u'Nzima'),
('oci', 'oc', u'Occitan '),
('oji', 'oj', u'Ojibwa'),
('ori', 'or', u'Oriya'),
('orm', 'om', u'Oromo'),
('osa', u'Osage'),
('oss', 'os', u'Ossetian'),
('ota', u'Turkish, Ottoman '),
('oto', u'Otomian languages'),
('paa', u'Papuan '),
('pag', u'Pangasinan'),
('pal', u'Pahlavi'),
('pam', u'Pampanga'),
('pan', 'pa', u'Panjabi'),
('pap', u'Papiamento'),
('pau', u'Palauan'),
('peo', u'Persian, Old '),
('per', 'fa', u'Persian'),
('phi', u'Philippine '),
('phn', u'Phoenician'),
('pli', 'pi', u'Pali'),
('pol', 'pl', u'Polish'),
('pon', u'Pohnpeian'),
('por', 'pt', u'Portuguese'),
('pra', u'Prakrit languages'),
('pro', u'Proven\xe7al, Old '),
('pus', 'ps', u'Pushto'),
('qaa-qtz', u'Reserved for local use'),
('que', 'qu', u'Quechua'),
('raj', u'Rajasthani'),
('rap', u'Rapanui'),
('rar', u'Rarotongan'),
('roa', u'Romance '),
('roh', 'rm', u'Romansh'),
('rom', u'Romany'),
('rum', 'ro', u'Romanian'),
('run', 'rn', u'Rundi'),
('rup', u'Aromanian'),
('rus', 'ru', u'Russian'),
('sad', u'Sandawe'),
('sag', 'sg', u'Sango'),
('sah', u'Yakut'),
('sai', u'South American Indian '),
('sal', u'Salishan languages'),
('sam', u'Samaritan Aramaic'),
('san', 'sa', u'Sanskrit'),
('sas', u'Sasak'),
('sat', u'Santali'),
('scc', 'sr', u'Serbian'),
('scn', u'Sicilian'),
('sco', u'Scots'),
('scr', 'hr', u'Croatian'),
('sel', u'Selkup'),
('sem', u'Semitic '),
('sga', u'Irish, Old '),
('sgn', u'Sign Languages'),
('shn', u'Shan'),
('sid', u'Sidamo'),
('sin', 'si', u'Sinhala'),
('sio', u'Siouan languages'),
('sit', u'Sino-Tibetan '),
('sla', u'Slavic '),
('slo', 'sk', u'Slovak'),
('slv', 'sl', u'Slovenian'),
('sma', u'Southern Sami'),
('sme', 'se', u'Northern Sami'),
('smi', u'Sami languages '),
('smj', u'Lule Sami'),
('smn', u'Inari Sami'),
('smo', 'sm', u'Samoan'),
('sms', u'Skolt Sami'),
('sna', 'sn', u'Shona'),
('snd', 'sd', u'Sindhi'),
('snk', u'Soninke'),
('sog', u'Sogdian'),
('som', 'so', u'Somali'),
('son', u'Songhai languages'),
('sot', 'st', u'Sotho, Southern'),
('spa', 'es', u'Spanish'),
('srd', 'sc', u'Sardinian'),
('srn', u'Sranan Tongo'),
('srr', u'Serer'),
('ssa', u'Nilo-Saharan '),
('ssw', 'ss', u'Swati'),
('suk', u'Sukuma'),
('sun', 'su', u'Sundanese'),
('sus', u'Susu'),
('sux', u'Sumerian'),
('swa', 'sw', u'Swahili'),
('swe', 'sv', u'Swedish'),
('syc', u'Classical Syriac'),
('syr', u'Syriac'),
('tah', 'ty', u'Tahitian'),
('tai', u'Tai '),
('tam', 'ta', u'Tamil'),
('tat', 'tt', u'Tatar'),
('tel', 'te', u'Telugu'),
('tem', u'Timne'),
('ter', u'Tereno'),
('tet', u'Tetum'),
('tgk', 'tg', u'Tajik'),
('tgl', 'tl', u'Tagalog'),
('tha', 'th', u'Thai'),
('tib', 'bo', u'Tibetan'),
('tig', u'Tigre'),
('tir', 'ti', u'Tigrinya'),
('tiv', u'Tiv'),
('tkl', u'Tokelau'),
('tlh', u'Klingon'),
('tli', u'Tlingit'),
('tmh', u'Tamashek'),
('tog', u'Tonga '),
('ton', 'to', u'Tonga '),
('tpi', u'Tok Pisin'),
('tsi', u'Tsimshian'),
('tsn', 'tn', u'Tswana'),
('tso', 'ts', u'Tsonga'),
('tuk', 'tk', u'Turkmen'),
('tum', u'Tumbuka'),
('tup', u'Tupi languages'),
('tur', 'tr', u'Turkish'),
('tut', u'Altaic '),
('tvl', u'Tuvalu'),
('twi', 'tw', u'Twi'),
('tyv', u'Tuvinian'),
('udm', u'Udmurt'),
('uga', u'Ugaritic'),
('uig', 'ug', u'Uighur'),
('ukr', 'uk', u'Ukrainian'),
('umb', u'Umbundu'),
('und', u'Undetermined'),
('urd', 'ur', u'Urdu'),
('uzb', 'uz', u'Uzbek'),
('vai', u'Vai'),
('ven', 've', u'Venda'),
('vie', 'vi', u'Vietnamese'),
('vol', 'vo', u'Volap\xfck'),
('vot', u'Votic'),
('wak', u'Wakashan languages'),
('wal', u'Walamo'),
('war', u'Waray'),
('was', u'Washo'),
('wel', 'cy', u'Welsh'),
('wen', u'Sorbian languages'),
('wln', 'wa', u'Walloon'),
('wol', 'wo', u'Wolof'),
('xal', u'Kalmyk'),
('xho', 'xh', u'Xhosa'),
('yao', u'Yao'),
('yap', u'Yapese'),
('yid', 'yi', u'Yiddish'),
('yor', 'yo', u'Yoruba'),
('ypk', u'Yupik languages'),
('zap', u'Zapotec'),
('zbl', u'Blissymbols'),
('zen', u'Zenaga'),
('zha', 'za', u'Zhuang'),
('znd', u'Zande languages'),
('zul', 'zu', u'Zulu'),
('zun', u'Zuni'),
('zxx', u'No linguistic content'),
('zza', u'Zaza'),