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synced 2025-03-04 10:29:52 -05:00

- Fixes issue when Post-Processing a file with a generic filename in a subfolder resulting in "Already Processed" errors - Added a Show, Season, Episode parse to the dirname, and if that results in usable data it adds it to the history check so this is performed on that specific episode only
489 lines
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489 lines
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# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickRage.
# SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickRage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import shutil
import stat
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import postProcessor
from sickbeard import db, helpers, exceptions
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard.exceptions import ex
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard.name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException
from sickbeard import common
from sickbeard import failedProcessor
from lib.unrar2 import RarFile, RarInfo
from lib.unrar2.rar_exceptions import *
class ProcessResult:
def __init__(self):
self.result = True
self.output = ''
def delete_folder(folder, check_empty=True):
# check if it's a folder
if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, folder):
return False
# check if it isn't TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR
if sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR:
if helpers.real_path(folder) == helpers.real_path(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
return False
# check if it's empty folder when wanted checked
if check_empty:
check_files = ek.ek(os.listdir, folder)
if check_files:
return False
# try deleting folder
logger.log(u"Deleting folder: " + folder)
except (OSError, IOError), e:
logger.log(u"Warning: unable to delete folder: " + folder + ": " + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
return False
return True
def delete_files(processPath, notwantedFiles, result):
if not result.result:
#Delete all file not needed
for cur_file in notwantedFiles:
cur_file_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, processPath, cur_file)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cur_file_path):
continue #Prevent error when a notwantedfiles is an associated files
result.output += logHelper(u"Deleting file " + cur_file, logger.DEBUG)
#check first the read-only attribute
file_attribute = ek.ek(os.stat, cur_file_path)[0]
if (not file_attribute & stat.S_IWRITE):
# File is read-only, so make it writeable
result.output += logHelper(u"Changing ReadOnly Flag for file " + cur_file, logger.DEBUG)
ek.ek(os.chmod, cur_file_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
except OSError, e:
result.output += logHelper(u"Cannot change permissions of " + cur_file_path + ': ' + str(e.strerror),
ek.ek(os.remove, cur_file_path)
except OSError, e:
result.output += logHelper(u"Unable to delete file " + cur_file + ': ' + str(e.strerror), logger.DEBUG)
def logHelper(logMessage, logLevel=logger.INFO):
logger.log(logMessage, logLevel)
return logMessage + u"\n"
def processDir(dirName, nzbName=None, process_method=None, force=False, is_priority=None, failed=False, type="auto"):
Scans through the files in dirName and processes whatever media files it finds
dirName: The folder name to look in
nzbName: The NZB name which resulted in this folder being downloaded
force: True to postprocess already postprocessed files
failed: Boolean for whether or not the download failed
type: Type of postprocessing auto or manual
result = ProcessResult()
result.output += logHelper(u"Processing folder " + dirName, logger.DEBUG)
result.output += logHelper(u"TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR: " + sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, logger.DEBUG)
# if they passed us a real dir then assume it's the one we want
if ek.ek(os.path.isdir, dirName):
dirName = ek.ek(os.path.realpath, dirName)
# if the client and SickRage are not on the same machine translate the Dir in a network dir
elif sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and ek.ek(os.path.isdir, sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) \
and ek.ek(os.path.normpath, dirName) != ek.ek(os.path.normpath, sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
dirName = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, ek.ek(os.path.abspath, dirName).split(os.path.sep)[-1])
result.output += logHelper(u"Trying to use folder " + dirName, logger.DEBUG)
# if we didn't find a real dir then quit
if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, dirName):
result.output += logHelper(
u"Unable to figure out what folder to process. If your downloader and SickRage aren't on the same PC make sure you fill out your TV download dir in the config.",
return result.output
path, dirs, files = get_path_dir_files(dirName, nzbName, type)
SyncFiles = filter(helpers.isSyncFile, files)
# Don't post process if files are still being synced and option is activated
if SyncFiles and sickbeard.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES:
result.output += logHelper(u"Found temporary sync files, skipping post processing", logger.WARNING)
return result.output
result.output += logHelper(u"PostProcessing Path: " + path, logger.DEBUG)
result.output += logHelper(u"PostProcessing Dirs: " + str(dirs), logger.DEBUG)
rarFiles = filter(helpers.isRarFile, files)
rarContent = unRAR(path, rarFiles, force, result)
files += rarContent
videoFiles = filter(helpers.isMediaFile, files)
videoInRar = filter(helpers.isMediaFile, rarContent)
result.output += logHelper(u"PostProcessing Files: " + str(files), logger.DEBUG)
result.output += logHelper(u"PostProcessing VideoFiles: " + str(videoFiles), logger.DEBUG)
result.output += logHelper(u"PostProcessing RarContent: " + str(rarContent), logger.DEBUG)
result.output += logHelper(u"PostProcessing VideoInRar: " + str(videoInRar), logger.DEBUG)
# If nzbName is set and there's more than one videofile in the folder, files will be lost (overwritten).
nzbNameOriginal = nzbName
if len(videoFiles) >= 2:
nzbName = None
if not process_method:
process_method = sickbeard.PROCESS_METHOD
result.result = True
#Don't Link media when the media is extracted from a rar in the same path
if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and videoInRar:
result.result = process_media(path, videoInRar, nzbName, 'move', force, is_priority, result)
delete_files(path, rarContent, result)
for video in set(videoFiles) - set(videoInRar):
result.result = process_media(path, [video], nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result)
for video in videoFiles:
result.result = process_media(path, [video], nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result)
#Process Video File in all TV Subdir
for dir in [x for x in dirs if validateDir(path, x, nzbNameOriginal, failed, result)]:
result.result = True
for processPath, processDir, fileList in ek.ek(os.walk, ek.ek(os.path.join, path, dir), topdown=False):
SyncFiles = filter(helpers.isSyncFile, fileList)
# Don't post process if files are still being synced and option is activated
if SyncFiles and sickbeard.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES:
result.output += logHelper(u"Found temporary sync files, skipping post processing", logger.WARNING)
return result.output
rarFiles = filter(helpers.isRarFile, fileList)
rarContent = unRAR(processPath, rarFiles, force, result)
fileList = set(fileList + rarContent)
videoFiles = filter(helpers.isMediaFile, fileList)
videoInRar = filter(helpers.isMediaFile, rarContent)
notwantedFiles = [x for x in fileList if x not in videoFiles]
#Don't Link media when the media is extracted from a rar in the same path
if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and videoInRar:
process_media(processPath, videoInRar, nzbName, 'move', force, is_priority, result)
process_media(processPath, set(videoFiles) - set(videoInRar), nzbName, process_method, force,
is_priority, result)
delete_files(processPath, rarContent, result)
process_media(processPath, videoFiles, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result)
#Delete all file not needed
if process_method != "move" or not result.result \
or type == "manual": #Avoid to delete files if is Manual PostProcessing
delete_files(processPath, notwantedFiles, result)
if process_method == "move" and \
ek.ek(os.path.normpath, processPath) != ek.ek(os.path.normpath,
if delete_folder(processPath, check_empty=False):
result.output += logHelper(u"Deleted folder: " + processPath, logger.DEBUG)
if result.result:
result.output += logHelper(u"Successfully processed")
result.output += logHelper(u"Problem(s) during processing", logger.WARNING)
return result.output
def validateDir(path, dirName, nzbNameOriginal, failed, result):
result.output += logHelper(u"Processing folder " + dirName, logger.DEBUG)
if ek.ek(os.path.basename, dirName).startswith('_FAILED_'):
result.output += logHelper(u"The directory name indicates it failed to extract.", logger.DEBUG)
failed = True
elif ek.ek(os.path.basename, dirName).startswith('_UNDERSIZED_'):
result.output += logHelper(u"The directory name indicates that it was previously rejected for being undersized.",
failed = True
elif ek.ek(os.path.basename, dirName).upper().startswith('_UNPACK'):
result.output += logHelper(u"The directory name indicates that this release is in the process of being unpacked.",
return False
if failed:
process_failed(os.path.join(path, dirName), nzbNameOriginal, result)
return False
if helpers.is_hidden_folder(dirName):
result.output += logHelper(u"Ignoring hidden folder: " + dirName, logger.DEBUG)
return False
# make sure the dir isn't inside a show dir
myDB = db.DBConnection()
sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_shows")
for sqlShow in sqlResults:
if dirName.lower().startswith(
ek.ek(os.path.realpath, sqlShow["location"]).lower() + os.sep) or dirName.lower() == ek.ek(
os.path.realpath, sqlShow["location"]).lower():
result.output += logHelper(
u"You're trying to post process an episode that's already been moved to its show dir, skipping",
return False
# Get the videofile list for the next checks
allFiles = []
allDirs = []
for processPath, processDir, fileList in ek.ek(os.walk, ek.ek(os.path.join, path, dirName), topdown=False):
allDirs += processDir
allFiles += fileList
videoFiles = filter(helpers.isMediaFile, allFiles)
#check if the dir have at least one tv video file
for video in videoFiles:
NameParser().parse(video, cache_result=False)
return True
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
for dir in allDirs:
NameParser().parse(dir, cache_result=False)
return True
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
if sickbeard.UNPACK:
#Search for packed release
packedFiles = filter(helpers.isRarFile, allFiles)
for packed in packedFiles:
NameParser().parse(packed, cache_result=False)
return True
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
return False
def unRAR(path, rarFiles, force, result):
unpacked_files = []
if sickbeard.UNPACK and rarFiles:
result.output += logHelper(u"Packed Releases detected: " + str(rarFiles), logger.DEBUG)
for archive in rarFiles:
result.output += logHelper(u"Unpacking archive: " + archive, logger.DEBUG)
rar_handle = RarFile(os.path.join(path, archive))
# Skip extraction if any file in archive has previously been extracted
skip_file = False
for file_in_archive in [os.path.basename(x.filename) for x in rar_handle.infolist() if not x.isdir]:
if already_postprocessed(path, file_in_archive, force, result):
result.output += logHelper(
u"Archive file already post-processed, extraction skipped: " + file_in_archive,
skip_file = True
if skip_file:
rar_handle.extract(path=path, withSubpath=False, overwrite=False)
for x in rar_handle.infolist():
if not x.isdir:
basename = os.path.basename(x.filename)
if basename not in unpacked_files:
del rar_handle
except Exception, e:
result.output += logHelper(u"Failed Unrar archive " + archive + ': ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
result.result = False
result.output += logHelper(u"UnRar content: " + str(unpacked_files), logger.DEBUG)
return unpacked_files
def already_postprocessed(dirName, videofile, force, result):
if force:
return False
#Needed for accessing DB with a unicode DirName
if not isinstance(dirName, unicode):
dirName = unicode(dirName, 'utf_8')
# Avoid processing the same dir again if we use a process method <> move
myDB = db.DBConnection()
sqlResult = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ?", [dirName])
if sqlResult:
result.output += logHelper(u"You're trying to post process a dir that's already been processed, skipping",
return True
# This is needed for video whose name differ from dirName
if not isinstance(videofile, unicode):
videofile = unicode(videofile, 'utf_8')
sqlResult = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ?", [videofile.rpartition('.')[0]])
if sqlResult:
result.output += logHelper(u"You're trying to post process a video that's already been processed, skipping",
return True
#Needed if we have downloaded the same episode @ different quality
#But we need to make sure we check the history of the episode we're going to PP, and not others
np = NameParser(dirName, tryIndexers=True, convert=True)
try: #if it fails to find any info (because we're doing an unparsable folder (like the TV root dir) it will throw an exception, which we want to ignore
parse_result = np.parse(dirName)
except: #ignore the exception, because we kind of expected it, but create parse_result anyway so we can perform a check on it.
parse_result = False
search_sql = "SELECT tv_episodes.indexerid, history.resource FROM tv_episodes INNER JOIN history ON history.showid=tv_episodes.showid" #This part is always the same
search_sql += " WHERE history.season=tv_episodes.season and history.episode=tv_episodes.episode"
#If we find a showid, a season number, and one or more episode numbers then we need to use those in the query
if parse_result and (parse_result.show.indexerid and parse_result.episode_numbers and parse_result.season_number):
search_sql += " and tv_episodes.showid = '" + str(parse_result.show.indexerid) + "' and tv_episodes.season = '" + str(parse_result.season_number) + "' and tv_episodes.episode = '" + str(parse_result.episode_numbers[0]) + "'"
search_sql += " and tv_episodes.status IN (" + ",".join([str(x) for x in common.Quality.DOWNLOADED]) + ")"
search_sql += " and history.resource LIKE ?"
sqlResult = myDB.select(search_sql, [u'%' + videofile])
if sqlResult:
result.output += logHelper(u"You're trying to post process a video that's already been processed, skipping",
return True
return False
def process_media(processPath, videoFiles, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result):
processor = None
for cur_video_file in videoFiles:
if already_postprocessed(processPath, cur_video_file, force, result):
cur_video_file_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, processPath, cur_video_file)
processor = postProcessor.PostProcessor(cur_video_file_path, nzbName, process_method, is_priority)
result.result = processor.process()
process_fail_message = ""
except exceptions.PostProcessingFailed, e:
result.result = False
process_fail_message = ex(e)
if processor:
result.output += processor.log
if result.result:
result.output += logHelper(u"Processing succeeded for " + cur_video_file_path)
result.output += logHelper(u"Processing failed for " + cur_video_file_path + ": " + process_fail_message,
#If something fail abort the processing on dir
if not result.result:
def get_path_dir_files(dirName, nzbName, type):
path = ""
dirs = []
files = []
if dirName == sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and not nzbName or type == "manual": #Scheduled Post Processing Active
#Get at first all the subdir in the dirName
for path, dirs, files in ek.ek(os.walk, dirName):
path, dirs = ek.ek(os.path.split, dirName) #Script Post Processing
if not nzbName is None and not nzbName.endswith('.nzb') and os.path.isfile(
os.path.join(dirName, nzbName)): #For single torrent file without Dir
dirs = []
files = [os.path.join(dirName, nzbName)]
dirs = [dirs]
files = []
return path, dirs, files
def process_failed(dirName, nzbName, result):
"""Process a download that did not complete correctly"""
processor = None
processor = failedProcessor.FailedProcessor(dirName, nzbName)
result.result = processor.process()
process_fail_message = ""
except exceptions.FailedProcessingFailed, e:
result.result = False
process_fail_message = ex(e)
if processor:
result.output += processor.log
if sickbeard.DELETE_FAILED and result.result:
if delete_folder(dirName, check_empty=False):
result.output += logHelper(u"Deleted folder: " + dirName, logger.DEBUG)
if result.result:
result.output += logHelper(u"Failed Download Processing succeeded: (" + str(nzbName) + ", " + dirName + ")")
result.output += logHelper(
u"Failed Download Processing failed: (" + str(nzbName) + ", " + dirName + "): " + process_fail_message,