mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-04 02:19:41 -05:00
echel0n 0d9fbc1ad7 Welcome to our SickBeard-TVRage Edition ...
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.

Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.

Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!

2014-03-09 22:39:12 -07:00

877 lines
34 KiB

parser.http.utils module (imdb package).
This module provides miscellaneous utilities used by
the imdb.parser.http classes.
Copyright 2004-2012 Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>
2008 H. Turgut Uyar <uyar@tekir.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import re
import logging
import warnings
from imdb._exceptions import IMDbError
from imdb.utils import flatten, _Container
from imdb.Movie import Movie
from imdb.Person import Person
from imdb.Character import Character
# Year, imdbIndex and kind.
re_yearKind_index = re.compile(r'(\([0-9\?]{4}(?:/[IVXLCDM]+)?\)(?: \(mini\)| \(TV\)| \(V\)| \(VG\))?)')
# Match imdb ids in href tags
re_imdbid = re.compile(r'(title/tt|name/nm|character/ch|company/co)([0-9]+)')
def analyze_imdbid(href):
"""Return an imdbID from an URL."""
if not href:
return None
match = re_imdbid.search(href)
if not match:
return None
return str(match.group(2))
_modify_keys = list(Movie.keys_tomodify_list) + list(Person.keys_tomodify_list)
def _putRefs(d, re_titles, re_names, re_characters, lastKey=None):
"""Iterate over the strings inside list items or dictionary values,
substitutes movie titles and person names with the (qv) references."""
if isinstance(d, list):
for i in xrange(len(d)):
if isinstance(d[i], (unicode, str)):
if lastKey in _modify_keys:
if re_names:
d[i] = re_names.sub(ur"'\1' (qv)", d[i])
if re_titles:
d[i] = re_titles.sub(ur'_\1_ (qv)', d[i])
if re_characters:
d[i] = re_characters.sub(ur'#\1# (qv)', d[i])
elif isinstance(d[i], (list, dict)):
_putRefs(d[i], re_titles, re_names, re_characters,
elif isinstance(d, dict):
for k, v in d.items():
lastKey = k
if isinstance(v, (unicode, str)):
if lastKey in _modify_keys:
if re_names:
d[k] = re_names.sub(ur"'\1' (qv)", v)
if re_titles:
d[k] = re_titles.sub(ur'_\1_ (qv)', v)
if re_characters:
d[k] = re_characters.sub(ur'#\1# (qv)', v)
elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
_putRefs(d[k], re_titles, re_names, re_characters,
# Handle HTML/XML/SGML entities.
from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs
entitydefs = entitydefs.copy()
entitydefsget = entitydefs.get
entitydefs['nbsp'] = ' '
sgmlentity = {'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&', 'quot': '"', 'apos': '\'', 'ndash': '-'}
sgmlentityget = sgmlentity.get
_sgmlentkeys = sgmlentity.keys()
entcharrefs = {}
entcharrefsget = entcharrefs.get
for _k, _v in entitydefs.items():
if _k in _sgmlentkeys: continue
if _v[0:2] == '&#':
dec_code = _v[1:-1]
_v = unichr(int(_v[2:-1]))
entcharrefs[dec_code] = _v
dec_code = '#' + str(ord(_v))
_v = unicode(_v, 'latin_1', 'replace')
entcharrefs[dec_code] = _v
entcharrefs[_k] = _v
del _sgmlentkeys, _k, _v
entcharrefs['#160'] = u' '
entcharrefs['#xA0'] = u' '
entcharrefs['#xa0'] = u' '
entcharrefs['#XA0'] = u' '
entcharrefs['#x22'] = u'"'
entcharrefs['#X22'] = u'"'
# convert &x26; to &amp;, to make BeautifulSoup happy; beware that this
# leaves lone '&' in the html broken, but I assume this is better than
# the contrary...
entcharrefs['#38'] = u'&amp;'
entcharrefs['#x26'] = u'&amp;'
entcharrefs['#x26'] = u'&amp;'
re_entcharrefs = re.compile('&(%s|\#160|\#\d{1,5}|\#x[0-9a-f]{1,4});' %
'|'.join(map(re.escape, entcharrefs)), re.I)
re_entcharrefssub = re_entcharrefs.sub
sgmlentity.update(dict([('#34', u'"'), ('#38', u'&'),
('#60', u'<'), ('#62', u'>'), ('#39', u"'")]))
re_sgmlref = re.compile('&(%s);' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, sgmlentity)))
re_sgmlrefsub = re_sgmlref.sub
# Matches XML-only single tags, like <br/> ; they are invalid in HTML,
# but widely used by IMDb web site. :-/
re_xmltags = re.compile('<([a-zA-Z]+)/>')
def _replXMLRef(match):
"""Replace the matched XML/HTML entities and references;
replace everything except sgml entities like &lt;, &gt;, ..."""
ref = match.group(1)
value = entcharrefsget(ref)
if value is None:
if ref[0] == '#':
ref_code = ref[1:]
if ref_code in ('34', '38', '60', '62', '39'):
return match.group(0)
elif ref_code[0].lower() == 'x':
#if ref[2:] == '26':
# # Don't convert &x26; to &amp;, to make BeautifulSoup happy.
# return '&amp;'
return unichr(int(ref[2:], 16))
return unichr(int(ref[1:]))
return ref
return value
def subXMLRefs(s):
"""Return the given html string with entity and char references
return re_entcharrefssub(_replXMLRef, s)
# XXX: no more used here; move it to mobile (they are imported by helpers, too)?
def _replSGMLRefs(match):
"""Replace the matched SGML entity."""
ref = match.group(1)
return sgmlentityget(ref, ref)
def subSGMLRefs(s):
"""Return the given html string with sgml entity and char references
return re_sgmlrefsub(_replSGMLRefs, s)
_b_p_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.http.build_person')
def build_person(txt, personID=None, billingPos=None,
roleID=None, accessSystem='http', modFunct=None):
"""Return a Person instance from the tipical <tr>...</tr> strings
found in the IMDb's web site."""
#if personID is None
# _b_p_logger.debug('empty name or personID for "%s"', txt)
notes = u''
role = u''
# Search the (optional) separator between name and role/notes.
if txt.find('....') != -1:
sep = '....'
elif txt.find('...') != -1:
sep = '...'
sep = '...'
# Replace the first parenthesis, assuming there are only
# notes, after.
# Rationale: no imdbIndex is (ever?) showed on the web site.
txt = txt.replace('(', '...(', 1)
txt_split = txt.split(sep, 1)
name = txt_split[0].strip()
if len(txt_split) == 2:
role_comment = txt_split[1].strip()
# Strip common endings.
if role_comment[-4:] == ' and':
role_comment = role_comment[:-4].rstrip()
elif role_comment[-2:] == ' &':
role_comment = role_comment[:-2].rstrip()
elif role_comment[-6:] == '& ....':
role_comment = role_comment[:-6].rstrip()
# Get the notes.
if roleID is not None:
if not isinstance(roleID, list):
cmt_idx = role_comment.find('(')
if cmt_idx != -1:
role = role_comment[:cmt_idx].rstrip()
notes = role_comment[cmt_idx:]
# Just a role, without notes.
role = role_comment
role = role_comment
# We're managing something that doesn't have a 'role', so
# everything are notes.
notes = role_comment
if role == '....': role = u''
roleNotes = []
# Manages multiple roleIDs.
if isinstance(roleID, list):
rolesplit = role.split('/')
role = []
for r in rolesplit:
nidx = r.find('(')
if nidx != -1:
lr = len(role)
lrid = len(roleID)
if lr > lrid:
roleID += [None] * (lrid - lr)
elif lr < lrid:
roleID = roleID[:lr]
for i, rid in enumerate(roleID):
if rid is not None:
roleID[i] = str(rid)
if lr == 1:
role = role[0]
roleID = roleID[0]
notes = roleNotes[0] or u''
elif roleID is not None:
roleID = str(roleID)
if personID is not None:
personID = str(personID)
if (not name) or (personID is None):
# Set to 'debug', since build_person is expected to receive some crap.
_b_p_logger.debug('empty name or personID for "%s"', txt)
# XXX: return None if something strange is detected?
person = Person(name=name, personID=personID, currentRole=role,
roleID=roleID, notes=notes, billingPos=billingPos,
modFunct=modFunct, accessSystem=accessSystem)
if roleNotes and len(roleNotes) == len(roleID):
for idx, role in enumerate(person.currentRole):
if roleNotes[idx]:
role.notes = roleNotes[idx]
return person
_re_chrIDs = re.compile('[0-9]{7}')
_b_m_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.http.build_movie')
# To shrink spaces.
re_spaces = re.compile(r'\s+')
def build_movie(txt, movieID=None, roleID=None, status=None,
accessSystem='http', modFunct=None, _parsingCharacter=False,
_parsingCompany=False, year=None, chrRoles=None,
rolesNoChar=None, additionalNotes=None):
"""Given a string as normally seen on the "categorized" page of
a person on the IMDb's web site, returns a Movie instance."""
# FIXME: Oook, lets face it: build_movie and build_person are now
# two horrible sets of patches to support the new IMDb design. They
# must be rewritten from scratch.
if _parsingCharacter:
_defSep = ' Played by '
elif _parsingCompany:
_defSep = ' ... '
_defSep = ' .... '
title = re_spaces.sub(' ', txt).strip()
# Split the role/notes from the movie title.
tsplit = title.split(_defSep, 1)
role = u''
notes = u''
roleNotes = []
if len(tsplit) == 2:
title = tsplit[0].rstrip()
role = tsplit[1].lstrip()
if title[-9:] == 'TV Series':
title = title[:-9].rstrip()
#elif title[-7:] == '(short)':
# title = title[:-7].rstrip()
#elif title[-11:] == '(TV series)':
# title = title[:-11].rstrip()
#elif title[-10:] == '(TV movie)':
# title = title[:-10].rstrip()
elif title[-14:] == 'TV mini-series':
title = title[:-14] + ' (mini)'
if title and title.endswith(_defSep.rstrip()):
title = title[:-len(_defSep)+1]
# Try to understand where the movie title ends.
while True:
if year:
if title[-1:] != ')':
# Ignore the silly "TV Series" notice.
if title[-9:] == 'TV Series':
title = title[:-9].rstrip()
# Just a title: stop here.
# Try to match paired parentheses; yes: sometimes there are
# parentheses inside comments...
nidx = title.rfind('(')
while (nidx != -1 and \
title[nidx:].count('(') != title[nidx:].count(')')):
nidx = title[:nidx].rfind('(')
# Unbalanced parentheses: stop here.
if nidx == -1: break
# The last item in parentheses seems to be a year: stop here.
first4 = title[nidx+1:nidx+5]
if (first4.isdigit() or first4 == '????') and \
title[nidx+5:nidx+6] in (')', '/'): break
# The last item in parentheses is a known kind: stop here.
if title[nidx+1:-1] in ('TV', 'V', 'mini', 'VG', 'TV movie',
'TV series', 'short'): break
# Else, in parentheses there are some notes.
# XXX: should the notes in the role half be kept separated
# from the notes in the movie title half?
if notes: notes = '%s %s' % (title[nidx:], notes)
else: notes = title[nidx:]
title = title[:nidx].rstrip()
if year:
year = year.strip()
if title[-1] == ')':
fpIdx = title.rfind('(')
if fpIdx != -1:
if notes: notes = '%s %s' % (title[fpIdx:], notes)
else: notes = title[fpIdx:]
title = title[:fpIdx].rstrip()
title = u'%s (%s)' % (title, year)
if _parsingCharacter and roleID and not role:
roleID = None
if not roleID:
roleID = None
elif len(roleID) == 1:
roleID = roleID[0]
if not role and chrRoles and isinstance(roleID, (str, unicode)):
roleID = _re_chrIDs.findall(roleID)
role = ' / '.join(filter(None, chrRoles.split('@@')))
# Manages multiple roleIDs.
if isinstance(roleID, list):
tmprole = role.split('/')
role = []
for r in tmprole:
nidx = r.find('(')
if nidx != -1:
lr = len(role)
lrid = len(roleID)
if lr > lrid:
roleID += [None] * (lrid - lr)
elif lr < lrid:
roleID = roleID[:lr]
for i, rid in enumerate(roleID):
if rid is not None:
roleID[i] = str(rid)
if lr == 1:
role = role[0]
roleID = roleID[0]
elif roleID is not None:
roleID = str(roleID)
if movieID is not None:
movieID = str(movieID)
if (not title) or (movieID is None):
_b_m_logger.error('empty title or movieID for "%s"', txt)
if rolesNoChar:
rolesNoChar = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in rolesNoChar.split('/')])
if not role:
role = []
elif not isinstance(role, list):
role = [role]
role += rolesNoChar
notes = notes.strip()
if additionalNotes:
additionalNotes = re_spaces.sub(' ', additionalNotes).strip()
if notes:
notes += u' '
notes += additionalNotes
if role and isinstance(role, list) and notes.endswith(role[-1].replace('\n', ' ')):
role = role[:-1]
m = Movie(title=title, movieID=movieID, notes=notes, currentRole=role,
roleID=roleID, roleIsPerson=_parsingCharacter,
modFunct=modFunct, accessSystem=accessSystem)
if roleNotes and len(roleNotes) == len(roleID):
for idx, role in enumerate(m.currentRole):
if roleNotes[idx]:
role.notes = roleNotes[idx]
except IndexError:
# Status can't be checked here, and must be detected by the parser.
if status:
m['status'] = status
return m
class DOMParserBase(object):
"""Base parser to handle HTML data from the IMDb's web server."""
_defGetRefs = False
_containsObjects = False
preprocessors = []
extractors = []
usingModule = None
_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.http.domparser')
def __init__(self, useModule=None):
"""Initialize the parser. useModule can be used to force it
to use 'BeautifulSoup' or 'lxml'; by default, it's auto-detected,
using 'lxml' if available and falling back to 'BeautifulSoup'
# Module to use.
if useModule is None:
useModule = ('lxml', 'BeautifulSoup')
if not isinstance(useModule, (tuple, list)):
useModule = [useModule]
self._useModule = useModule
nrMods = len(useModule)
_gotError = False
for idx, mod in enumerate(useModule):
mod = mod.strip().lower()
if mod == 'lxml':
from lxml.html import fromstring
from lxml.etree import tostring
self._is_xml_unicode = False
self.usingModule = 'lxml'
elif mod == 'beautifulsoup':
from bsouplxml.html import fromstring
from bsouplxml.etree import tostring
self._is_xml_unicode = True
self.usingModule = 'beautifulsoup'
self._logger.warn('unknown module "%s"' % mod)
self.fromstring = fromstring
self._tostring = tostring
if _gotError:
warnings.warn('falling back to "%s"' % mod)
except ImportError, e:
if idx+1 >= nrMods:
# Raise the exception, if we don't have any more
# options to try.
raise IMDbError('unable to use any parser in %s: %s' % \
(str(useModule), str(e)))
warnings.warn('unable to use "%s": %s' % (mod, str(e)))
_gotError = True
raise IMDbError('unable to use parsers in %s' % str(useModule))
# Fall-back defaults.
self._modFunct = None
self._as = 'http'
self._cname = self.__class__.__name__
def reset(self):
"""Reset the parser."""
# Names and titles references.
self._namesRefs = {}
self._titlesRefs = {}
self._charactersRefs = {}
def _init(self):
"""Subclasses can override this method, if needed."""
def _reset(self):
"""Subclasses can override this method, if needed."""
def parse(self, html_string, getRefs=None, **kwds):
"""Return the dictionary generated from the given html string;
getRefs can be used to force the gathering of movies/persons/characters
if getRefs is not None:
self.getRefs = getRefs
self.getRefs = self._defGetRefs
# Useful only for the testsuite.
if not isinstance(html_string, unicode):
html_string = unicode(html_string, 'latin_1', 'replace')
html_string = subXMLRefs(html_string)
# Temporary fix: self.parse_dom must work even for empty strings.
html_string = self.preprocess_string(html_string)
html_string = html_string.strip()
if self.usingModule == 'beautifulsoup':
# tag attributes like title="&#x22;Family Guy&#x22;" will be
# converted to title=""Family Guy"" and this confuses BeautifulSoup.
html_string = html_string.replace('""', '"')
# Browser-specific escapes create problems to BeautifulSoup.
html_string = html_string.replace('<!--[if IE]>', '"')
html_string = html_string.replace('<![endif]-->', '"')
#print html_string.encode('utf8')
if html_string:
dom = self.get_dom(html_string)
#print self.tostring(dom).encode('utf8')
dom = self.preprocess_dom(dom)
except Exception, e:
self._logger.error('%s: caught exception preprocessing DOM',
self._cname, exc_info=True)
if self.getRefs:
except Exception, e:
self._logger.warn('%s: unable to gather refs: %s',
self._cname, exc_info=True)
data = self.parse_dom(dom)
data = {}
data = self.postprocess_data(data)
except Exception, e:
self._logger.error('%s: caught exception postprocessing data',
self._cname, exc_info=True)
if self._containsObjects:
data = self.add_refs(data)
return data
def _build_empty_dom(self):
from bsouplxml import _bsoup
return _bsoup.BeautifulSoup('')
def get_dom(self, html_string):
"""Return a dom object, from the given string."""
dom = self.fromstring(html_string)
if dom is None:
dom = self._build_empty_dom()
self._logger.error('%s: using a fake empty DOM', self._cname)
return dom
except Exception, e:
self._logger.error('%s: caught exception parsing DOM',
self._cname, exc_info=True)
return self._build_empty_dom()
def xpath(self, element, path):
"""Return elements matching the given XPath."""
xpath_result = element.xpath(path)
if self._is_xml_unicode:
return xpath_result
result = []
for item in xpath_result:
if isinstance(item, str):
item = unicode(item)
return result
except Exception, e:
self._logger.error('%s: caught exception extracting XPath "%s"',
self._cname, path, exc_info=True)
return []
def tostring(self, element):
"""Convert the element to a string."""
if isinstance(element, (unicode, str)):
return unicode(element)
return self._tostring(element, encoding=unicode)
except Exception, e:
self._logger.error('%s: unable to convert to string',
self._cname, exc_info=True)
return u''
def clone(self, element):
"""Clone an element."""
return self.fromstring(self.tostring(element))
def preprocess_string(self, html_string):
"""Here we can modify the text, before it's parsed."""
if not html_string:
return html_string
# Remove silly &nbsp;&raquo; and &ndash; chars.
html_string = html_string.replace(u' \xbb', u'')
html_string = html_string.replace(u'&ndash;', u'-')
preprocessors = self.preprocessors
except AttributeError:
return html_string
for src, sub in preprocessors:
# re._pattern_type is present only since Python 2.5.
if callable(getattr(src, 'sub', None)):
html_string = src.sub(sub, html_string)
elif isinstance(src, str):
html_string = html_string.replace(src, sub)
elif callable(src):
html_string = src(html_string)
except Exception, e:
_msg = '%s: caught exception preprocessing html'
self._logger.error(_msg, self._cname, exc_info=True)
##print html_string.encode('utf8')
return html_string
def gather_refs(self, dom):
"""Collect references."""
grParser = GatherRefs(useModule=self._useModule)
grParser._as = self._as
grParser._modFunct = self._modFunct
refs = grParser.parse_dom(dom)
refs = grParser.postprocess_data(refs)
self._namesRefs = refs['names refs']
self._titlesRefs = refs['titles refs']
self._charactersRefs = refs['characters refs']
def preprocess_dom(self, dom):
"""Last chance to modify the dom, before the rules in self.extractors
are applied by the parse_dom method."""
return dom
def parse_dom(self, dom):
"""Parse the given dom according to the rules specified
in self.extractors."""
result = {}
for extractor in self.extractors:
##print extractor.label
if extractor.group is None:
elements = [(extractor.label, element)
for element in self.xpath(dom, extractor.path)]
groups = self.xpath(dom, extractor.group)
elements = []
for group in groups:
group_key = self.xpath(group, extractor.group_key)
if not group_key: continue
group_key = group_key[0]
# XXX: always tries the conversion to unicode:
# BeautifulSoup.NavigableString is a subclass
# of unicode, and so it's never converted.
group_key = self.tostring(group_key)
normalizer = extractor.group_key_normalize
if normalizer is not None:
if callable(normalizer):
group_key = normalizer(group_key)
except Exception, e:
_m = '%s: unable to apply group_key normalizer'
self._logger.error(_m, self._cname,
group_elements = self.xpath(group, extractor.path)
elements.extend([(group_key, element)
for element in group_elements])
for group_key, element in elements:
for attr in extractor.attrs:
if isinstance(attr.path, dict):
data = {}
for field in attr.path.keys():
path = attr.path[field]
value = self.xpath(element, path)
if not value:
data[field] = None
# XXX: use u'' , to join?
data[field] = ''.join(value)
data = self.xpath(element, attr.path)
if not data:
data = None
data = attr.joiner.join(data)
if not data:
attr_postprocess = attr.postprocess
if callable(attr_postprocess):
data = attr_postprocess(data)
except Exception, e:
_m = '%s: unable to apply attr postprocess'
self._logger.error(_m, self._cname, exc_info=True)
key = attr.key
if key is None:
key = group_key
elif key.startswith('.'):
# assuming this is an xpath
key = self.xpath(element, key)[0]
except IndexError:
self._logger.error('%s: XPath returned no items',
self._cname, exc_info=True)
elif key.startswith('self.'):
key = getattr(self, key[5:])
if attr.multi:
if key not in result:
result[key] = []
if isinstance(data, dict):
result[key] = data
return result
def postprocess_data(self, data):
"""Here we can modify the data."""
return data
def set_objects_params(self, data):
"""Set parameters of Movie/Person/... instances, since they are
not always set in the parser's code."""
for obj in flatten(data, yieldDictKeys=True, scalar=_Container):
obj.accessSystem = self._as
obj.modFunct = self._modFunct
def add_refs(self, data):
"""Modify data according to the expected output."""
if self.getRefs:
titl_re = ur'(%s)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x
in self._titlesRefs.keys()])
if titl_re != ur'()': re_titles = re.compile(titl_re, re.U)
else: re_titles = None
nam_re = ur'(%s)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x
in self._namesRefs.keys()])
if nam_re != ur'()': re_names = re.compile(nam_re, re.U)
else: re_names = None
chr_re = ur'(%s)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x
in self._charactersRefs.keys()])
if chr_re != ur'()': re_characters = re.compile(chr_re, re.U)
else: re_characters = None
_putRefs(data, re_titles, re_names, re_characters)
return {'data': data, 'titlesRefs': self._titlesRefs,
'namesRefs': self._namesRefs,
'charactersRefs': self._charactersRefs}
class Extractor(object):
"""Instruct the DOM parser about how to parse a document."""
def __init__(self, label, path, attrs, group=None, group_key=None,
"""Initialize an Extractor object, used to instruct the DOM parser
about how to parse a document."""
# rarely (never?) used, mostly for debugging purposes.
self.label = label
self.group = group
if group_key is None:
self.group_key = ".//text()"
self.group_key = group_key
self.group_key_normalize = group_key_normalize
self.path = path
# A list of attributes to fetch.
if isinstance(attrs, Attribute):
attrs = [attrs]
self.attrs = attrs
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of an Extractor object."""
r = '<Extractor id:%s (label=%s, path=%s, attrs=%s, group=%s, ' \
'group_key=%s group_key_normalize=%s)>' % (id(self),
self.label, self.path, repr(self.attrs), self.group,
self.group_key, self.group_key_normalize)
return r
class Attribute(object):
"""The attribute to consider, for a given node."""
def __init__(self, key, multi=False, path=None, joiner=None,
"""Initialize an Attribute object, used to specify the
attribute to consider, for a given node."""
# The key under which information will be saved; can be a string or an
# XPath. If None, the label of the containing extractor will be used.
self.key = key
self.multi = multi
self.path = path
if joiner is None:
joiner = ''
self.joiner = joiner
# Post-process this set of information.
self.postprocess = postprocess
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of an Attribute object."""
r = '<Attribute id:%s (key=%s, multi=%s, path=%s, joiner=%s, ' \
'postprocess=%s)>' % (id(self), self.key,
self.multi, repr(self.path),
self.joiner, repr(self.postprocess))
return r
def _parse_ref(text, link, info):
"""Manage links to references."""
if link.find('/title/tt') != -1:
yearK = re_yearKind_index.match(info)
if yearK and yearK.start() == 0:
text += ' %s' % info[:yearK.end()]
return (text.replace('\n', ' '), link)
class GatherRefs(DOMParserBase):
"""Parser used to gather references to movies, persons and characters."""
_attrs = [Attribute(key=None, multi=True,
'text': './text()',
'link': './@href',
'info': './following::text()[1]'
postprocess=lambda x: _parse_ref(x.get('text') or u'', x.get('link') or '',
(x.get('info') or u'').strip()))]
extractors = [
Extractor(label='names refs',
path="//a[starts-with(@href, '/name/nm')][string-length(@href)=16]",
Extractor(label='titles refs',
path="//a[starts-with(@href, '/title/tt')]" \
Extractor(label='characters refs',
path="//a[starts-with(@href, '/character/ch')]" \
def postprocess_data(self, data):
result = {}
for item in ('names refs', 'titles refs', 'characters refs'):
result[item] = {}
for k, v in data.get(item, []):
k = k.strip()
v = v.strip()
if not (k and v):
if not v.endswith('/'): continue
imdbID = analyze_imdbid(v)
if item == 'names refs':
obj = Person(personID=imdbID, name=k,
accessSystem=self._as, modFunct=self._modFunct)
elif item == 'titles refs':
obj = Movie(movieID=imdbID, title=k,
accessSystem=self._as, modFunct=self._modFunct)
obj = Character(characterID=imdbID, name=k,
accessSystem=self._as, modFunct=self._modFunct)
# XXX: companies aren't handled: are they ever found in text,
# as links to their page?
result[item][k] = obj
return result
def add_refs(self, data):
return data