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synced 2025-03-03 18:12:26 -05:00

Switched out sqlite3 libs in favour of SQLAlchemy v0.9, will gradually migrate dialects and scheme to be fully SQLAlchemy compliant for using there ORM with sessions instead of direct. Fixed getEpisode function to stop making unrequired scene number conversions on already converted data thats available now from cache.
333 lines
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333 lines
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import os
import warnings
import cherrypy
from cherrypy._cpcompat import iteritems, copykeys, builtins
class Checker(object):
"""A checker for CherryPy sites and their mounted applications.
When this object is called at engine startup, it executes each
of its own methods whose names start with ``check_``. If you wish
to disable selected checks, simply add a line in your global
config which sets the appropriate method to False::
checker.check_skipped_app_config = False
You may also dynamically add or replace ``check_*`` methods in this way.
on = True
"""If True (the default), run all checks; if False, turn off all checks."""
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self):
"""Run all check_* methods."""
if self.on:
oldformatwarning = warnings.formatwarning
warnings.formatwarning = self.formatwarning
for name in dir(self):
if name.startswith("check_"):
method = getattr(self, name)
if method and hasattr(method, '__call__'):
warnings.formatwarning = oldformatwarning
def formatwarning(self, message, category, filename, lineno, line=None):
"""Function to format a warning."""
return "CherryPy Checker:\n%s\n\n" % message
# This value should be set inside _cpconfig.
global_config_contained_paths = False
def check_app_config_entries_dont_start_with_script_name(self):
"""Check for Application config with sections that repeat script_name.
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
if not app.config:
if sn == '':
sn_atoms = sn.strip("/").split("/")
for key in app.config.keys():
key_atoms = key.strip("/").split("/")
if key_atoms[:len(sn_atoms)] == sn_atoms:
"The application mounted at %r has config "
"entries that start with its script name: %r" % (sn,
def check_site_config_entries_in_app_config(self):
"""Check for mounted Applications that have site-scoped config."""
for sn, app in iteritems(cherrypy.tree.apps):
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
msg = []
for section, entries in iteritems(app.config):
if section.startswith('/'):
for key, value in iteritems(entries):
for n in ("engine.", "server.", "tree.", "checker."):
if key.startswith(n):
msg.append("[%s] %s = %s" %
(section, key, value))
if msg:
"The application mounted at %r contains the "
"following config entries, which are only allowed "
"in site-wide config. Move them to a [global] "
"section and pass them to cherrypy.config.update() "
"instead of tree.mount()." % sn)
def check_skipped_app_config(self):
"""Check for mounted Applications that have no config."""
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
if not app.config:
msg = "The Application mounted at %r has an empty config." % sn
if self.global_config_contained_paths:
msg += (" It looks like the config you passed to "
"cherrypy.config.update() contains application-"
"specific sections. You must explicitly pass "
"application config via "
"cherrypy.tree.mount(..., config=app_config)")
def check_app_config_brackets(self):
"""Check for Application config with extraneous brackets in section
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
if not app.config:
for key in app.config.keys():
if key.startswith("[") or key.endswith("]"):
"The application mounted at %r has config "
"section names with extraneous brackets: %r. "
"Config *files* need brackets; config *dicts* "
"(e.g. passed to tree.mount) do not." % (sn, key))
def check_static_paths(self):
"""Check Application config for incorrect static paths."""
# Use the dummy Request object in the main thread.
request = cherrypy.request
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
request.app = app
for section in app.config:
# get_resource will populate request.config
request.get_resource(section + "/dummy.html")
conf = request.config.get
if conf("tools.staticdir.on", False):
msg = ""
root = conf("tools.staticdir.root")
dir = conf("tools.staticdir.dir")
if dir is None:
msg = "tools.staticdir.dir is not set."
fulldir = ""
if os.path.isabs(dir):
fulldir = dir
if root:
msg = ("dir is an absolute path, even "
"though a root is provided.")
testdir = os.path.join(root, dir[1:])
if os.path.exists(testdir):
msg += (
"\nIf you meant to serve the "
"filesystem folder at %r, remove the "
"leading slash from dir." % (testdir,))
if not root:
msg = (
"dir is a relative path and "
"no root provided.")
fulldir = os.path.join(root, dir)
if not os.path.isabs(fulldir):
msg = ("%r is not an absolute path." % (
if fulldir and not os.path.exists(fulldir):
if msg:
msg += "\n"
msg += ("%r (root + dir) is not an existing "
"filesystem path." % fulldir)
if msg:
warnings.warn("%s\nsection: [%s]\nroot: %r\ndir: %r"
% (msg, section, root, dir))
# -------------------------- Compatibility -------------------------- #
obsolete = {
'server.default_content_type': 'tools.response_headers.headers',
'log_access_file': 'log.access_file',
'log_config_options': None,
'log_file': 'log.error_file',
'log_file_not_found': None,
'log_request_headers': 'tools.log_headers.on',
'log_to_screen': 'log.screen',
'show_tracebacks': 'request.show_tracebacks',
'throw_errors': 'request.throw_errors',
'profiler.on': ('cherrypy.tree.mount(profiler.make_app('
deprecated = {}
def _compat(self, config):
"""Process config and warn on each obsolete or deprecated entry."""
for section, conf in config.items():
if isinstance(conf, dict):
for k, v in conf.items():
if k in self.obsolete:
warnings.warn("%r is obsolete. Use %r instead.\n"
"section: [%s]" %
(k, self.obsolete[k], section))
elif k in self.deprecated:
warnings.warn("%r is deprecated. Use %r instead.\n"
"section: [%s]" %
(k, self.deprecated[k], section))
if section in self.obsolete:
warnings.warn("%r is obsolete. Use %r instead."
% (section, self.obsolete[section]))
elif section in self.deprecated:
warnings.warn("%r is deprecated. Use %r instead."
% (section, self.deprecated[section]))
def check_compatibility(self):
"""Process config and warn on each obsolete or deprecated entry."""
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
# ------------------------ Known Namespaces ------------------------ #
extra_config_namespaces = []
def _known_ns(self, app):
ns = ["wsgi"]
ns += self.extra_config_namespaces
for section, conf in app.config.items():
is_path_section = section.startswith("/")
if is_path_section and isinstance(conf, dict):
for k, v in conf.items():
atoms = k.split(".")
if len(atoms) > 1:
if atoms[0] not in ns:
# Spit out a special warning if a known
# namespace is preceded by "cherrypy."
if atoms[0] == "cherrypy" and atoms[1] in ns:
msg = (
"The config entry %r is invalid; "
"try %r instead.\nsection: [%s]"
% (k, ".".join(atoms[1:]), section))
msg = (
"The config entry %r is invalid, "
"because the %r config namespace "
"is unknown.\n"
"section: [%s]" % (k, atoms[0], section))
elif atoms[0] == "tools":
if atoms[1] not in dir(cherrypy.tools):
msg = (
"The config entry %r may be invalid, "
"because the %r tool was not found.\n"
"section: [%s]" % (k, atoms[1], section))
def check_config_namespaces(self):
"""Process config and warn on each unknown config namespace."""
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
# -------------------------- Config Types -------------------------- #
known_config_types = {}
def _populate_known_types(self):
b = [x for x in vars(builtins).values()
if type(x) is type(str)]
def traverse(obj, namespace):
for name in dir(obj):
# Hack for 3.2's warning about body_params
if name == 'body_params':
vtype = type(getattr(obj, name, None))
if vtype in b:
self.known_config_types[namespace + "." + name] = vtype
traverse(cherrypy.request, "request")
traverse(cherrypy.response, "response")
traverse(cherrypy.server, "server")
traverse(cherrypy.engine, "engine")
traverse(cherrypy.log, "log")
def _known_types(self, config):
msg = ("The config entry %r in section %r is of type %r, "
"which does not match the expected type %r.")
for section, conf in config.items():
if isinstance(conf, dict):
for k, v in conf.items():
if v is not None:
expected_type = self.known_config_types.get(k, None)
vtype = type(v)
if expected_type and vtype != expected_type:
warnings.warn(msg % (k, section, vtype.__name__,
k, v = section, conf
if v is not None:
expected_type = self.known_config_types.get(k, None)
vtype = type(v)
if expected_type and vtype != expected_type:
warnings.warn(msg % (k, section, vtype.__name__,
def check_config_types(self):
"""Assert that config values are of the same type as default values."""
for sn, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.items():
if not isinstance(app, cherrypy.Application):
# -------------------- Specific config warnings -------------------- #
def check_localhost(self):
"""Warn if any socket_host is 'localhost'. See #711."""
for k, v in cherrypy.config.items():
if k == 'server.socket_host' and v == 'localhost':
warnings.warn("The use of 'localhost' as a socket host can "
"cause problems on newer systems, since "
"'localhost' can map to either an IPv4 or an "
"IPv6 address. You should use '' "
"or '[::1]' instead.")