from lib.hachoir_core.field import Bit, Bits, FieldSet from lib.hachoir_core.endian import BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN import struct # Make sure that we use right struct types assert struct.calcsize("f") == 4 assert struct.calcsize("d") == 8 assert struct.unpack("d", "\xc0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")[0] == -2.0 class FloatMantissa(Bits): def createValue(self): value = Bits.createValue(self) return 1 + float(value) / (2 ** self.size) def createRawDisplay(self): return unicode(Bits.createValue(self)) class FloatExponent(Bits): def __init__(self, parent, name, size): Bits.__init__(self, parent, name, size) self.bias = 2 ** (size-1) - 1 def createValue(self): return Bits.createValue(self) - self.bias def createRawDisplay(self): return unicode(self.value + self.bias) def floatFactory(name, format, mantissa_bits, exponent_bits, doc): size = 1 + mantissa_bits + exponent_bits class Float(FieldSet): static_size = size __doc__ = doc def __init__(self, parent, name, description=None): assert parent.endian in (BIG_ENDIAN, LITTLE_ENDIAN) FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description, size) if format: if self._parent.endian == BIG_ENDIAN: self.struct_format = ">"+format else: self.struct_format = "<"+format else: self.struct_format = None def createValue(self): """ Create float value: use struct.unpack() when it's possible (32 and 64-bit float) or compute it with : mantissa * (2.0 ** exponent) This computation may raise an OverflowError. """ if self.struct_format: raw = self.absolute_address, self._size//8) try: return struct.unpack(self.struct_format, raw)[0] except struct.error, err: raise ValueError("[%s] conversion error: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, err)) else: try: value = self["mantissa"].value * (2.0 ** float(self["exponent"].value)) if self["negative"].value: return -(value) else: return value except OverflowError: raise ValueError("[%s] floating point overflow" % self.__class__.__name__) def createFields(self): yield Bit(self, "negative") yield FloatExponent(self, "exponent", exponent_bits) if 64 <= mantissa_bits: yield Bit(self, "one") yield FloatMantissa(self, "mantissa", mantissa_bits-1) else: yield FloatMantissa(self, "mantissa", mantissa_bits) cls = Float cls.__name__ = name return cls # 32-bit float (standart: IEEE 754/854) Float32 = floatFactory("Float32", "f", 23, 8, "Floating point number: format IEEE 754 int 32 bit") # 64-bit float (standart: IEEE 754/854) Float64 = floatFactory("Float64", "d", 52, 11, "Floating point number: format IEEE 754 in 64 bit") # 80-bit float (standart: IEEE 754/854) Float80 = floatFactory("Float80", None, 64, 15, "Floating point number: format IEEE 754 in 80 bit")