# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ########################## Copyrights and license ############################ # # # Copyright 2012 Vincent Jacques # # Copyright 2012 Zearin # # Copyright 2013 AKFish # # Copyright 2013 Vincent Jacques # # # # This file is part of PyGithub. http://jacquev6.github.com/PyGithub/ # # # # PyGithub is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # # any later version. # # # # PyGithub is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # # details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # # along with PyGithub. If not, see . # # # # ############################################################################## import datetime import GithubException import Consts class _NotSetType: def __repr__(self): return "NotSet" value = None NotSet = _NotSetType() class _ValuedAttribute: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value class _BadAttribute: def __init__(self, value, expectedType, exception=None): self.__value = value self.__expectedType = expectedType self.__exception = exception @property def value(self): raise GithubException.BadAttributeException(self.__value, self.__expectedType, self.__exception) class GithubObject(object): """ Base class for all classes representing objects returned by the API. """ ''' A global debug flag to enable header validation by requester for all objects ''' CHECK_AFTER_INIT_FLAG = False @classmethod def setCheckAfterInitFlag(cls, flag): cls.CHECK_AFTER_INIT_FLAG = flag def __init__(self, requester, headers, attributes, completed): self._requester = requester self._initAttributes() self._storeAndUseAttributes(headers, attributes) # Ask requester to do some checking, for debug and test purpose # Since it's most handy to access and kinda all-knowing if self.CHECK_AFTER_INIT_FLAG: # pragma no branch (Flag always set in tests) requester.check_me(self) def _storeAndUseAttributes(self, headers, attributes): # Make sure headers are assigned before calling _useAttributes # (Some derived classes will use headers in _useAttributes) self._headers = headers self._rawData = attributes self._useAttributes(attributes) @property def raw_data(self): """ :type: dict """ self._completeIfNeeded() return self._rawData @property def raw_headers(self): """ :type: dict """ self._completeIfNeeded() return self._headers @staticmethod def _parentUrl(url): return "/".join(url.split("/")[: -1]) @staticmethod def __makeSimpleAttribute(value, type): if value is None or isinstance(value, type): return _ValuedAttribute(value) else: return _BadAttribute(value, type) @staticmethod def __makeSimpleListAttribute(value, type): if isinstance(value, list) and all(isinstance(element, type) for element in value): return _ValuedAttribute(value) else: return _BadAttribute(value, [type]) @staticmethod def __makeTransformedAttribute(value, type, transform): if value is None: return _ValuedAttribute(None) elif isinstance(value, type): try: return _ValuedAttribute(transform(value)) except Exception, e: return _BadAttribute(value, type, e) else: return _BadAttribute(value, type) @staticmethod def _makeStringAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleAttribute(value, (str, unicode)) @staticmethod def _makeIntAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleAttribute(value, (int, long)) @staticmethod def _makeBoolAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleAttribute(value, bool) @staticmethod def _makeDictAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleAttribute(value, dict) @staticmethod def _makeTimestampAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeTransformedAttribute(value, (int, long), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp) @staticmethod def _makeDatetimeAttribute(value): def parseDatetime(s): if len(s) == 24: # pragma no branch (This branch was used only when creating a download) # The Downloads API has been removed. I'm keeping this branch because I have no mean # to check if it's really useless now. return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") # pragma no cover (This branch was used only when creating a download) elif len(s) == 25: return datetime.datetime.strptime(s[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + (1 if s[19] == '-' else -1) * datetime.timedelta(hours=int(s[20:22]), minutes=int(s[23:25])) else: return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") return GithubObject.__makeTransformedAttribute(value, (str, unicode), parseDatetime) def _makeClassAttribute(self, klass, value): return GithubObject.__makeTransformedAttribute(value, dict, lambda value: klass(self._requester, self._headers, value, completed=False)) @staticmethod def _makeListOfStringsAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleListAttribute(value, (str, unicode)) @staticmethod def _makeListOfIntsAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleListAttribute(value, int) @staticmethod def _makeListOfListOfStringsAttribute(value): return GithubObject.__makeSimpleListAttribute(value, list) def _makeListOfClassesAttribute(self, klass, value): if isinstance(value, list) and all(isinstance(element, dict) for element in value): return _ValuedAttribute([klass(self._requester, self._headers, element, completed=False) for element in value]) else: return _BadAttribute(value, [dict]) def _makeDictOfStringsToClassesAttribute(self, klass, value): if isinstance(value, dict) and all(isinstance(key, (str, unicode)) and isinstance(element, dict) for key, element in value.iteritems()): return _ValuedAttribute(dict((key, klass(self._requester, self._headers, element, completed=False)) for key, element in value.iteritems())) else: return _BadAttribute(value, {(str, unicode): dict}) @property def etag(self): ''' :type: str ''' return self._headers.get(Consts.RES_ETAG) @property def last_modified(self): ''' :type: str ''' return self._headers.get(Consts.RES_LAST_MODIFED) class NonCompletableGithubObject(GithubObject): def _completeIfNeeded(self): pass class CompletableGithubObject(GithubObject): def __init__(self, requester, headers, attributes, completed): GithubObject.__init__(self, requester, headers, attributes, completed) self.__completed = completed def __eq__(self, other): return other.__class__ is self.__class__ and other._url.value == self._url.value def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def _completeIfNotSet(self, value): if value is NotSet: self._completeIfNeeded() def _completeIfNeeded(self): if not self.__completed: self.__complete() def __complete(self): headers, data = self._requester.requestJsonAndCheck( "GET", self._url.value ) self._storeAndUseAttributes(headers, data) self.__completed = True def update(self): ''' Check and update the object with conditional request :rtype: Boolean value indicating whether the object is changed ''' conditionalRequestHeader = dict() if self.etag is not None: conditionalRequestHeader[Consts.REQ_IF_NONE_MATCH] = self.etag if self.last_modified is not None: conditionalRequestHeader[Consts.REQ_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE] = self.last_modified status, responseHeaders, output = self._requester.requestJson( "GET", self._url.value, headers=conditionalRequestHeader ) if status == 304: return False else: headers, data = self._requester._Requester__check(status, responseHeaders, output) self._storeAndUseAttributes(headers, data) self.__completed = True return True