# Authors: # Derek Battams # Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito (@pvieito) # # URL: https://github.com/echel0n/SickRage # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see . import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import re import sickbeard from sickbeard import logger, common from sickbeard import db from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard.exceptions import ex class EmailNotifier: def __init__(self): self.last_err = None def test_notify(self, host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to): msg = MIMEText('This is a test message from SickRage. If you\'re reading this, the test succeeded.') msg['Subject'] = 'SickRage: Test Message' msg['From'] = smtp_from msg['To'] = to return self._sendmail(host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, [to], msg, True) def notify_snatch(self, ep_name, title="Snatched:"): """ Send a notification that an episode was snatched ep_name: The name of the episode that was snatched title: The title of the notification (optional) """ ep_name = ek.ss(ep_name) if sickbeard.EMAIL_NOTIFY_ONSNATCH: show = self._parseEp(ep_name) to = self._generate_recepients(show) if len(to) == 0: logger.log('Skipping email notify because there are no configured recepients', logger.WARNING) else: try: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.attach(MIMEText( "

SickRage Notification - Snatched


Show: " + re.search( "(.+?) -.+", ep_name).group(1) + "


Episode: " + re.search( ".+ - (.+?-.+) -.+", ep_name).group( 1) + "

Powered by SickRage.
", 'html')) except: msg = MIMEText(ep_name) msg['Subject'] = 'Snatched: ' + ep_name msg['From'] = sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM msg['To'] = ','.join(to) if self._sendmail(sickbeard.EMAIL_HOST, sickbeard.EMAIL_PORT, sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM, sickbeard.EMAIL_TLS, sickbeard.EMAIL_USER, sickbeard.EMAIL_PASSWORD, to, msg): logger.log("Snatch notification sent to [%s] for '%s'" % (to, ep_name), logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log("Snatch notification ERROR: %s" % self.last_err, logger.ERROR) def notify_download(self, ep_name, title="Completed:"): """ Send a notification that an episode was downloaded ep_name: The name of the episode that was downloaded title: The title of the notification (optional) """ ep_name = ek.ss(ep_name) if sickbeard.EMAIL_NOTIFY_ONDOWNLOAD: show = self._parseEp(ep_name) to = self._generate_recepients(show) if len(to) == 0: logger.log('Skipping email notify because there are no configured recepients', logger.WARNING) else: try: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.attach(MIMEText( "

SickRage Notification - Downloaded


Show: " + re.search( "(.+?) -.+", ep_name).group(1) + "


Episode: " + re.search( ".+ - (.+?-.+) -.+", ep_name).group( 1) + "

Powered by SickRage.
", 'html')) except: msg = MIMEText(ep_name) msg['Subject'] = 'Downloaded: ' + ep_name msg['From'] = sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM msg['To'] = ','.join(to) if self._sendmail(sickbeard.EMAIL_HOST, sickbeard.EMAIL_PORT, sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM, sickbeard.EMAIL_TLS, sickbeard.EMAIL_USER, sickbeard.EMAIL_PASSWORD, to, msg): logger.log("Download notification sent to [%s] for '%s'" % (to, ep_name), logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log("Download notification ERROR: %s" % self.last_err, logger.ERROR) def notify_subtitle_download(self, ep_name, lang, title="Downloaded subtitle:"): """ Send a notification that an subtitle was downloaded ep_name: The name of the episode that was downloaded lang: Subtitle language wanted """ ep_name = ek.ss(ep_name) if sickbeard.EMAIL_NOTIFY_ONSUBTITLEDOWNLOAD: show = self._parseEp(ep_name) to = self._generate_recepients(show) if len(to) == 0: logger.log('Skipping email notify because there are no configured recepients', logger.WARNING) else: try: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.attach(MIMEText( "

SickRage Notification - Subtitle Downloaded


Show: " + re.search( "(.+?) -.+", ep_name).group(1) + "


Episode: " + re.search( ".+ - (.+?-.+) -.+", ep_name).group( 1) + "


Language: " + lang + "

\n\n", 'html')) except: msg = MIMEText(ep_name + ": " + lang) msg['Subject'] = lang + ' Subtitle Downloaded: ' + ep_name msg['From'] = sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM msg['To'] = ','.join(to) if self._sendmail(sickbeard.EMAIL_HOST, sickbeard.EMAIL_PORT, sickbeard.EMAIL_FROM, sickbeard.EMAIL_TLS, sickbeard.EMAIL_USER, sickbeard.EMAIL_PASSWORD, to, msg): logger.log("Download notification sent to [%s] for '%s'" % (to, ep_name), logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log("Download notification ERROR: %s" % self.last_err, logger.ERROR) def notify_git_update(self, new_version="??"): pass def _generate_recepients(self, show): addrs = [] # Grab the global recipients for addr in sickbeard.EMAIL_LIST.split(','): if (len(addr.strip()) > 0): addrs.append(addr) # Grab the recipients for the show myDB = db.DBConnection() for s in show: for subs in myDB.select("SELECT notify_list FROM tv_shows WHERE show_name = ?", (s,)): if subs['notify_list']: for addr in subs['notify_list'].split(','): if (len(addr.strip()) > 0): addrs.append(addr) addrs = set(addrs) logger.log('Notification recepients: %s' % addrs, logger.DEBUG) return addrs def _sendmail(self, host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to, msg, smtpDebug=False): logger.log('HOST: %s; PORT: %s; FROM: %s, TLS: %s, USER: %s, PWD: %s, TO: %s' % ( host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to), logger.DEBUG) srv = smtplib.SMTP(host, int(port)) if smtpDebug: srv.set_debuglevel(1) try: if (use_tls == '1' or use_tls == True) or (len(user) > 0 and len(pwd) > 0): srv.ehlo() logger.log('Sent initial EHLO command!', logger.DEBUG) if use_tls == '1' or use_tls == True: srv.starttls() logger.log('Sent STARTTLS command!', logger.DEBUG) if len(user) > 0 and len(pwd) > 0: srv.login(user, pwd) logger.log('Sent LOGIN command!', logger.DEBUG) srv.sendmail(smtp_from, to, msg.as_string()) srv.quit() return True except Exception as e: self.last_err = '%s' % e return False def _parseEp(self, ep_name): ep_name = ek.ss(ep_name) sep = " - " titles = ep_name.split(sep) titles.sort(key=len, reverse=True) logger.log("TITLES: %s" % titles, logger.DEBUG) return titles notifier = EmailNotifier