if (sbHttpsEnabled != "False" && sbHttpsEnabled != 0) { var sb_base_url = 'https://' + sbHost + ':' + sbHttpPort + sbRoot; } else { var sb_base_url = 'http://' + sbHost + ':' + sbHttpPort + sbRoot; } var base_url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + sbRoot; var is_alive_url = sbRoot + '/home/is_alive/'; var timeout_id; var current_pid = ''; var num_restart_waits = 0; function is_alive() { timeout_id = 0; $.get(is_alive_url, function(data) { // if it's still initalizing then just wait and try again if (data.msg == 'nope') { $('#shut_down_loading').hide(); $('#shut_down_success').show(); $('#restart_message').show(); setTimeout('is_alive()', 1000); } else { // if this is before we've even shut down then just try again later if (current_pid == '' || data.msg == current_pid) { current_pid = data.msg; setTimeout(is_alive, 1000); // if we're ready to go then redirect to new url } else { $('#restart_loading').hide(); $('#restart_success').show(); $('#refresh_message').show(); window.location = sb_base_url + '/home/'; } } }, 'jsonp'); } $(document).ready(function() { is_alive(); $('#shut_down_message').ajaxError(function(e, jqxhr, settings, exception) { num_restart_waits += 1; $('#shut_down_loading').hide(); $('#shut_down_success').show(); $('#restart_message').show(); is_alive_url = sb_base_url + '/home/is_alive/'; // if https is enabled or you are currently on https and the port or protocol changed just wait 5 seconds then redirect. // This is because the ajax will fail if the cert is untrusted or the the http ajax requst from https will fail because of mixed content error. if ((sbHttpsEnabled != "False" && sbHttpsEnabled != 0) || window.location.protocol == "https:") { if (base_url != sb_base_url) { timeout_id = 1; setTimeout(function(){ $('#restart_loading').hide(); $('#restart_success').show(); $('#refresh_message').show(); }, 3000); setTimeout("window.location = sb_base_url + '/home/'", 5000); } } // if it is taking forever just give up if (num_restart_waits > 90) { $('#restart_loading').hide(); $('#restart_failure').show(); $('#restart_fail_message').show(); return; } if (timeout_id == 0) { timeout_id = setTimeout('is_alive()', 1000); } }); });