""" imdb package. This package can be used to retrieve information about a movie or a person from the IMDb database. It can fetch data through different media (e.g.: the IMDb web pages, a SQL database, etc.) Copyright 2004-2014 Davide Alberani This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ __all__ = ['IMDb', 'IMDbError', 'Movie', 'Person', 'Character', 'Company', 'available_access_systems'] __version__ = VERSION = '5.1dev20141116' # Import compatibility module (importing it is enough). import _compat import sys, os, ConfigParser, logging from types import MethodType from imdb import Movie, Person, Character, Company import imdb._logging from imdb._exceptions import IMDbError, IMDbDataAccessError, IMDbParserError from imdb.utils import build_title, build_name, build_company_name _aux_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.aux') # URLs of the main pages for movies, persons, characters and queries. imdbURL_base = 'http://akas.imdb.com/' # NOTE: the urls below will be removed in a future version. # please use the values in the 'urls' attribute # of the IMDbBase subclass instance. # http://akas.imdb.com/title/ imdbURL_movie_base = '%stitle/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/title/tt%s/ imdbURL_movie_main = imdbURL_movie_base + 'tt%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/name/ imdbURL_person_base = '%sname/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/name/nm%s/ imdbURL_person_main = imdbURL_person_base + 'nm%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/character/ imdbURL_character_base = '%scharacter/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/character/ch%s/ imdbURL_character_main = imdbURL_character_base + 'ch%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/company/ imdbURL_company_base = '%scompany/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/company/co%s/ imdbURL_company_main = imdbURL_company_base + 'co%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/keyword/%s/ imdbURL_keyword_main = imdbURL_base + 'keyword/%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/chart/top imdbURL_top250 = imdbURL_base + 'chart/top' # http://akas.imdb.com/chart/bottom imdbURL_bottom100 = imdbURL_base + 'chart/bottom' # http://akas.imdb.com/find?%s imdbURL_find = imdbURL_base + 'find?%s' # Name of the configuration file. confFileName = 'imdbpy.cfg' class ConfigParserWithCase(ConfigParser.ConfigParser): """A case-sensitive parser for configuration files.""" def __init__(self, defaults=None, confFile=None, *args, **kwds): """Initialize the parser. *defaults* -- defaults values. *confFile* -- the file (or list of files) to parse.""" ConfigParser.ConfigParser.__init__(self, defaults=defaults) if confFile is None: dotFileName = '.' + confFileName # Current and home directory. confFile = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), confFileName), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dotFileName), os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), confFileName), os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), dotFileName)] if os.name == 'posix': sep = getattr(os.path, 'sep', '/') # /etc/ and /etc/conf.d/ confFile.append(os.path.join(sep, 'etc', confFileName)) confFile.append(os.path.join(sep, 'etc', 'conf.d', confFileName)) else: # etc subdirectory of sys.prefix, for non-unix systems. confFile.append(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'etc', confFileName)) for fname in confFile: try: self.read(fname) except (ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError, ConfigParser.ParsingError), e: _aux_logger.warn('Troubles reading config file: %s' % e) # Stop at the first valid file. if self.has_section('imdbpy'): break def optionxform(self, optionstr): """Option names are case sensitive.""" return optionstr def _manageValue(self, value): """Custom substitutions for values.""" if not isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): return value vlower = value.lower() if vlower in self._boolean_states: return self._boolean_states[vlower] elif vlower == 'none': return None return value def get(self, section, option, *args, **kwds): """Return the value of an option from a given section.""" value = ConfigParser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, *args, **kwds) return self._manageValue(value) def items(self, section, *args, **kwds): """Return a list of (key, value) tuples of items of the given section.""" if section != 'DEFAULT' and not self.has_section(section): return [] keys = ConfigParser.ConfigParser.options(self, section) return [(k, self.get(section, k, *args, **kwds)) for k in keys] def getDict(self, section): """Return a dictionary of items of the specified section.""" return dict(self.items(section)) def IMDb(accessSystem=None, *arguments, **keywords): """Return an instance of the appropriate class. The accessSystem parameter is used to specify the kind of the preferred access system.""" if accessSystem is None or accessSystem in ('auto', 'config'): try: cfg_file = ConfigParserWithCase(*arguments, **keywords) # Parameters set by the code take precedence. kwds = cfg_file.getDict('imdbpy') if 'accessSystem' in kwds: accessSystem = kwds['accessSystem'] del kwds['accessSystem'] else: accessSystem = 'http' kwds.update(keywords) keywords = kwds except Exception, e: import logging logging.getLogger('imdbpy').warn('Unable to read configuration' \ ' file; complete error: %s' % e) # It just LOOKS LIKE a bad habit: we tried to read config # options from some files, but something is gone horribly # wrong: ignore everything and pretend we were called with # the 'http' accessSystem. accessSystem = 'http' if 'loggingLevel' in keywords: imdb._logging.setLevel(keywords['loggingLevel']) del keywords['loggingLevel'] if 'loggingConfig' in keywords: logCfg = keywords['loggingConfig'] del keywords['loggingConfig'] try: import logging.config logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.expanduser(logCfg)) except Exception, e: logging.getLogger('imdbpy').warn('unable to read logger ' \ 'config: %s' % e) if accessSystem in ('httpThin', 'webThin', 'htmlThin'): logging.warn('httpThin was removed since IMDbPY 4.8') accessSystem = 'http' if accessSystem in ('http', 'web', 'html'): from parser.http import IMDbHTTPAccessSystem return IMDbHTTPAccessSystem(*arguments, **keywords) elif accessSystem in ('mobile',): from parser.mobile import IMDbMobileAccessSystem return IMDbMobileAccessSystem(*arguments, **keywords) elif accessSystem in ('local', 'files'): # The local access system was removed since IMDbPY 4.2. raise IMDbError('the local access system was removed since IMDbPY 4.2') elif accessSystem in ('sql', 'db', 'database'): try: from parser.sql import IMDbSqlAccessSystem except ImportError: raise IMDbError('the sql access system is not installed') return IMDbSqlAccessSystem(*arguments, **keywords) else: raise IMDbError('unknown kind of data access system: "%s"' \ % accessSystem) def available_access_systems(): """Return the list of available data access systems.""" asList = [] # XXX: trying to import modules is a good thing? try: from parser.http import IMDbHTTPAccessSystem asList.append('http') except ImportError: pass try: from parser.mobile import IMDbMobileAccessSystem asList.append('mobile') except ImportError: pass try: from parser.sql import IMDbSqlAccessSystem asList.append('sql') except ImportError: pass return asList # XXX: I'm not sure this is a good guess. # I suppose that an argument of the IMDb function can be used to # set a default encoding for the output, and then Movie, Person and # Character objects can use this default encoding, returning strings. # Anyway, passing unicode strings to search_movie(), search_person() # and search_character() methods is always safer. encoding = getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding', '') or sys.getdefaultencoding() class IMDbBase: """The base class used to search for a movie/person/character and to get a Movie/Person/Character object. This class cannot directly fetch data of any kind and so you have to search the "real" code into a subclass.""" # The name of the preferred access system (MUST be overridden # in the subclasses). accessSystem = 'UNKNOWN' # Top-level logger for IMDbPY. _imdb_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy') # Whether to re-raise caught exceptions or not. _reraise_exceptions = False def __init__(self, defaultModFunct=None, results=20, keywordsResults=100, *arguments, **keywords): """Initialize the access system. If specified, defaultModFunct is the function used by default by the Person, Movie and Character objects, when accessing their text fields. """ # The function used to output the strings that need modification (the # ones containing references to movie titles and person names). self._defModFunct = defaultModFunct # Number of results to get. try: results = int(results) except (TypeError, ValueError): results = 20 if results < 1: results = 20 self._results = results try: keywordsResults = int(keywordsResults) except (TypeError, ValueError): keywordsResults = 100 if keywordsResults < 1: keywordsResults = 100 self._keywordsResults = keywordsResults self._reraise_exceptions = keywords.get('reraiseExceptions') or False self.set_imdb_urls(keywords.get('imdbURL_base') or imdbURL_base) def set_imdb_urls(self, imdbURL_base): """Set the urls used accessing the IMDb site.""" imdbURL_base = imdbURL_base.strip().strip('"\'') if not imdbURL_base.startswith('http://'): imdbURL_base = 'http://%s' % imdbURL_base if not imdbURL_base.endswith('/'): imdbURL_base = '%s/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/title/ imdbURL_movie_base='%stitle/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/title/tt%s/ imdbURL_movie_main=imdbURL_movie_base + 'tt%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/name/ imdbURL_person_base='%sname/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/name/nm%s/ imdbURL_person_main=imdbURL_person_base + 'nm%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/character/ imdbURL_character_base='%scharacter/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/character/ch%s/ imdbURL_character_main=imdbURL_character_base + 'ch%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/company/ imdbURL_company_base='%scompany/' % imdbURL_base # http://akas.imdb.com/company/co%s/ imdbURL_company_main=imdbURL_company_base + 'co%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/keyword/%s/ imdbURL_keyword_main=imdbURL_base + 'keyword/%s/' # http://akas.imdb.com/chart/top imdbURL_top250=imdbURL_base + 'chart/top' # http://akas.imdb.com/chart/bottom imdbURL_bottom100=imdbURL_base + 'chart/bottom' # http://akas.imdb.com/find?%s imdbURL_find=imdbURL_base + 'find?%s' self.urls = dict( movie_base=imdbURL_movie_base, movie_main=imdbURL_movie_main, person_base=imdbURL_person_base, person_main=imdbURL_person_main, character_base=imdbURL_character_base, character_main=imdbURL_character_main, company_base=imdbURL_company_base, company_main=imdbURL_company_main, keyword_main=imdbURL_keyword_main, top250=imdbURL_top250, bottom100=imdbURL_bottom100, find=imdbURL_find) def _normalize_movieID(self, movieID): """Normalize the given movieID.""" # By default, do nothing. return movieID def _normalize_personID(self, personID): """Normalize the given personID.""" # By default, do nothing. return personID def _normalize_characterID(self, characterID): """Normalize the given characterID.""" # By default, do nothing. return characterID def _normalize_companyID(self, companyID): """Normalize the given companyID.""" # By default, do nothing. return companyID def _get_real_movieID(self, movieID): """Handle title aliases.""" # By default, do nothing. return movieID def _get_real_personID(self, personID): """Handle name aliases.""" # By default, do nothing. return personID def _get_real_characterID(self, characterID): """Handle character name aliases.""" # By default, do nothing. return characterID def _get_real_companyID(self, companyID): """Handle company name aliases.""" # By default, do nothing. return companyID def _get_infoset(self, prefname): """Return methods with the name starting with prefname.""" infoset = [] excludes = ('%sinfoset' % prefname,) preflen = len(prefname) for name in dir(self.__class__): if name.startswith(prefname) and name not in excludes: member = getattr(self.__class__, name) if isinstance(member, MethodType): infoset.append(name[preflen:].replace('_', ' ')) return infoset def get_movie_infoset(self): """Return the list of info set available for movies.""" return self._get_infoset('get_movie_') def get_person_infoset(self): """Return the list of info set available for persons.""" return self._get_infoset('get_person_') def get_character_infoset(self): """Return the list of info set available for characters.""" return self._get_infoset('get_character_') def get_company_infoset(self): """Return the list of info set available for companies.""" return self._get_infoset('get_company_') def get_movie(self, movieID, info=Movie.Movie.default_info, modFunct=None): """Return a Movie object for the given movieID. The movieID is something used to univocally identify a movie; it can be the imdbID used by the IMDb web server, a file pointer, a line number in a file, an ID in a database, etc. info is the list of sets of information to retrieve. If specified, modFunct will be the function used by the Movie object when accessing its text fields (like 'plot').""" movieID = self._normalize_movieID(movieID) movieID = self._get_real_movieID(movieID) movie = Movie.Movie(movieID=movieID, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) modFunct = modFunct or self._defModFunct if modFunct is not None: movie.set_mod_funct(modFunct) self.update(movie, info) return movie get_episode = get_movie def _search_movie(self, title, results): """Return a list of tuples (movieID, {movieData})""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def search_movie(self, title, results=None, _episodes=False): """Return a list of Movie objects for a query for the given title. The results argument is the maximum number of results to return.""" if results is None: results = self._results try: results = int(results) except (ValueError, OverflowError): results = 20 # XXX: I suppose it will be much safer if the user provides # an unicode string... this is just a guess. if not isinstance(title, unicode): title = unicode(title, encoding, 'replace') if not _episodes: res = self._search_movie(title, results) else: res = self._search_episode(title, results) return [Movie.Movie(movieID=self._get_real_movieID(mi), data=md, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for mi, md in res][:results] def _search_episode(self, title, results): """Return a list of tuples (movieID, {movieData})""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def search_episode(self, title, results=None): """Return a list of Movie objects for a query for the given title. The results argument is the maximum number of results to return; this method searches only for titles of tv (mini) series' episodes.""" return self.search_movie(title, results=results, _episodes=True) def get_person(self, personID, info=Person.Person.default_info, modFunct=None): """Return a Person object for the given personID. The personID is something used to univocally identify a person; it can be the imdbID used by the IMDb web server, a file pointer, a line number in a file, an ID in a database, etc. info is the list of sets of information to retrieve. If specified, modFunct will be the function used by the Person object when accessing its text fields (like 'mini biography').""" personID = self._normalize_personID(personID) personID = self._get_real_personID(personID) person = Person.Person(personID=personID, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) modFunct = modFunct or self._defModFunct if modFunct is not None: person.set_mod_funct(modFunct) self.update(person, info) return person def _search_person(self, name, results): """Return a list of tuples (personID, {personData})""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def search_person(self, name, results=None): """Return a list of Person objects for a query for the given name. The results argument is the maximum number of results to return.""" if results is None: results = self._results try: results = int(results) except (ValueError, OverflowError): results = 20 if not isinstance(name, unicode): name = unicode(name, encoding, 'replace') res = self._search_person(name, results) return [Person.Person(personID=self._get_real_personID(pi), data=pd, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for pi, pd in res][:results] def get_character(self, characterID, info=Character.Character.default_info, modFunct=None): """Return a Character object for the given characterID. The characterID is something used to univocally identify a character; it can be the imdbID used by the IMDb web server, a file pointer, a line number in a file, an ID in a database, etc. info is the list of sets of information to retrieve. If specified, modFunct will be the function used by the Character object when accessing its text fields (like 'biography').""" characterID = self._normalize_characterID(characterID) characterID = self._get_real_characterID(characterID) character = Character.Character(characterID=characterID, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) modFunct = modFunct or self._defModFunct if modFunct is not None: character.set_mod_funct(modFunct) self.update(character, info) return character def _search_character(self, name, results): """Return a list of tuples (characterID, {characterData})""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def search_character(self, name, results=None): """Return a list of Character objects for a query for the given name. The results argument is the maximum number of results to return.""" if results is None: results = self._results try: results = int(results) except (ValueError, OverflowError): results = 20 if not isinstance(name, unicode): name = unicode(name, encoding, 'replace') res = self._search_character(name, results) return [Character.Character(characterID=self._get_real_characterID(pi), data=pd, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for pi, pd in res][:results] def get_company(self, companyID, info=Company.Company.default_info, modFunct=None): """Return a Company object for the given companyID. The companyID is something used to univocally identify a company; it can be the imdbID used by the IMDb web server, a file pointer, a line number in a file, an ID in a database, etc. info is the list of sets of information to retrieve. If specified, modFunct will be the function used by the Company object when accessing its text fields (none, so far).""" companyID = self._normalize_companyID(companyID) companyID = self._get_real_companyID(companyID) company = Company.Company(companyID=companyID, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) modFunct = modFunct or self._defModFunct if modFunct is not None: company.set_mod_funct(modFunct) self.update(company, info) return company def _search_company(self, name, results): """Return a list of tuples (companyID, {companyData})""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def search_company(self, name, results=None): """Return a list of Company objects for a query for the given name. The results argument is the maximum number of results to return.""" if results is None: results = self._results try: results = int(results) except (ValueError, OverflowError): results = 20 if not isinstance(name, unicode): name = unicode(name, encoding, 'replace') res = self._search_company(name, results) return [Company.Company(companyID=self._get_real_companyID(pi), data=pd, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for pi, pd in res][:results] def _search_keyword(self, keyword, results): """Return a list of 'keyword' strings.""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def search_keyword(self, keyword, results=None): """Search for existing keywords, similar to the given one.""" if results is None: results = self._keywordsResults try: results = int(results) except (ValueError, OverflowError): results = 100 if not isinstance(keyword, unicode): keyword = unicode(keyword, encoding, 'replace') return self._search_keyword(keyword, results) def _get_keyword(self, keyword, results): """Return a list of tuples (movieID, {movieData})""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def get_keyword(self, keyword, results=None): """Return a list of movies for the given keyword.""" if results is None: results = self._keywordsResults try: results = int(results) except (ValueError, OverflowError): results = 100 # XXX: I suppose it will be much safer if the user provides # an unicode string... this is just a guess. if not isinstance(keyword, unicode): keyword = unicode(keyword, encoding, 'replace') res = self._get_keyword(keyword, results) return [Movie.Movie(movieID=self._get_real_movieID(mi), data=md, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for mi, md in res][:results] def _get_top_bottom_movies(self, kind): """Return the list of the top 250 or bottom 100 movies.""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. # This method must return a list of (movieID, {movieDict}) # tuples. The kind parameter can be 'top' or 'bottom'. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def get_top250_movies(self): """Return the list of the top 250 movies.""" res = self._get_top_bottom_movies('top') return [Movie.Movie(movieID=self._get_real_movieID(mi), data=md, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for mi, md in res] def get_bottom100_movies(self): """Return the list of the bottom 100 movies.""" res = self._get_top_bottom_movies('bottom') return [Movie.Movie(movieID=self._get_real_movieID(mi), data=md, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) for mi, md in res] def new_movie(self, *arguments, **keywords): """Return a Movie object.""" # XXX: not really useful... if 'title' in keywords: if not isinstance(keywords['title'], unicode): keywords['title'] = unicode(keywords['title'], encoding, 'replace') elif len(arguments) > 1: if not isinstance(arguments[1], unicode): arguments[1] = unicode(arguments[1], encoding, 'replace') return Movie.Movie(accessSystem=self.accessSystem, *arguments, **keywords) def new_person(self, *arguments, **keywords): """Return a Person object.""" # XXX: not really useful... if 'name' in keywords: if not isinstance(keywords['name'], unicode): keywords['name'] = unicode(keywords['name'], encoding, 'replace') elif len(arguments) > 1: if not isinstance(arguments[1], unicode): arguments[1] = unicode(arguments[1], encoding, 'replace') return Person.Person(accessSystem=self.accessSystem, *arguments, **keywords) def new_character(self, *arguments, **keywords): """Return a Character object.""" # XXX: not really useful... if 'name' in keywords: if not isinstance(keywords['name'], unicode): keywords['name'] = unicode(keywords['name'], encoding, 'replace') elif len(arguments) > 1: if not isinstance(arguments[1], unicode): arguments[1] = unicode(arguments[1], encoding, 'replace') return Character.Character(accessSystem=self.accessSystem, *arguments, **keywords) def new_company(self, *arguments, **keywords): """Return a Company object.""" # XXX: not really useful... if 'name' in keywords: if not isinstance(keywords['name'], unicode): keywords['name'] = unicode(keywords['name'], encoding, 'replace') elif len(arguments) > 1: if not isinstance(arguments[1], unicode): arguments[1] = unicode(arguments[1], encoding, 'replace') return Company.Company(accessSystem=self.accessSystem, *arguments, **keywords) def update(self, mop, info=None, override=0): """Given a Movie, Person, Character or Company object with only partial information, retrieve the required set of information. info is the list of sets of information to retrieve. If override is set, the information are retrieved and updated even if they're already in the object.""" # XXX: should this be a method of the Movie/Person/Character/Company # classes? NO! What for instances created by external functions? mopID = None prefix = '' if isinstance(mop, Movie.Movie): mopID = mop.movieID prefix = 'movie' elif isinstance(mop, Person.Person): mopID = mop.personID prefix = 'person' elif isinstance(mop, Character.Character): mopID = mop.characterID prefix = 'character' elif isinstance(mop, Company.Company): mopID = mop.companyID prefix = 'company' else: raise IMDbError('object ' + repr(mop) + \ ' is not a Movie, Person, Character or Company instance') if mopID is None: # XXX: enough? It's obvious that there are Characters # objects without characterID, so I think they should # just do nothing, when an i.update(character) is tried. if prefix == 'character': return raise IMDbDataAccessError( \ 'the supplied object has null movieID, personID or companyID') if mop.accessSystem == self.accessSystem: aSystem = self else: aSystem = IMDb(mop.accessSystem) if info is None: info = mop.default_info elif info == 'all': if isinstance(mop, Movie.Movie): info = self.get_movie_infoset() elif isinstance(mop, Person.Person): info = self.get_person_infoset() elif isinstance(mop, Character.Character): info = self.get_character_infoset() else: info = self.get_company_infoset() if not isinstance(info, (tuple, list)): info = (info,) res = {} for i in info: if i in mop.current_info and not override: continue if not i: continue self._imdb_logger.debug('retrieving "%s" info set', i) try: method = getattr(aSystem, 'get_%s_%s' % (prefix, i.replace(' ', '_'))) except AttributeError: self._imdb_logger.error('unknown information set "%s"', i) # Keeps going. method = lambda *x: {} try: ret = method(mopID) except Exception, e: self._imdb_logger.critical('caught an exception retrieving ' \ 'or parsing "%s" info set for mopID ' \ '"%s" (accessSystem: %s)', i, mopID, mop.accessSystem, exc_info=True) ret = {} # If requested by the user, reraise the exception. if self._reraise_exceptions: raise keys = None if 'data' in ret: res.update(ret['data']) if isinstance(ret['data'], dict): keys = ret['data'].keys() if 'info sets' in ret: for ri in ret['info sets']: mop.add_to_current_info(ri, keys, mainInfoset=i) else: mop.add_to_current_info(i, keys) if 'titlesRefs' in ret: mop.update_titlesRefs(ret['titlesRefs']) if 'namesRefs' in ret: mop.update_namesRefs(ret['namesRefs']) if 'charactersRefs' in ret: mop.update_charactersRefs(ret['charactersRefs']) mop.set_data(res, override=0) def get_imdbMovieID(self, movieID): """Translate a movieID in an imdbID (the ID used by the IMDb web server); must be overridden by the subclass.""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def get_imdbPersonID(self, personID): """Translate a personID in a imdbID (the ID used by the IMDb web server); must be overridden by the subclass.""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def get_imdbCharacterID(self, characterID): """Translate a characterID in a imdbID (the ID used by the IMDb web server); must be overridden by the subclass.""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def get_imdbCompanyID(self, companyID): """Translate a companyID in a imdbID (the ID used by the IMDb web server); must be overridden by the subclass.""" # XXX: for the real implementation, see the method of the # subclass, somewhere under the imdb.parser package. raise NotImplementedError('override this method') def _searchIMDb(self, kind, ton, title_kind=None): """Search the IMDb akas server for the given title or name.""" # The Exact Primary search system has gone AWOL, so we resort # to the mobile search. :-/ if not ton: return None ton = ton.strip('"') aSystem = IMDb('mobile') if kind == 'tt': searchFunct = aSystem.search_movie check = 'long imdb title' elif kind == 'nm': searchFunct = aSystem.search_person check = 'long imdb name' elif kind == 'char': searchFunct = aSystem.search_character check = 'long imdb name' elif kind == 'co': # XXX: are [COUNTRY] codes included in the results? searchFunct = aSystem.search_company check = 'long imdb name' try: searchRes = searchFunct(ton) except IMDbError: return None # When only one result is returned, assume it was from an # exact match. if len(searchRes) == 1: return searchRes[0].getID() title_only_matches = [] for item in searchRes: # Return the first perfect match. if item[check].strip('"') == ton: # For titles do additional check for kind if kind != 'tt' or title_kind == item['kind']: return item.getID() elif kind == 'tt': title_only_matches.append(item.getID()) # imdbpy2sql.py could detected wrong type, so if no title and kind # matches found - collect all results with title only match # Return list of IDs if multiple matches (can happen when searching # titles with no title_kind specified) # Example: DB: Band of Brothers "tv series" vs "tv mini-series" if title_only_matches: if len(title_only_matches) == 1: return title_only_matches[0] else: return title_only_matches return None def title2imdbID(self, title, kind=None): """Translate a movie title (in the plain text data files format) to an imdbID. Try an Exact Primary Title search on IMDb; return None if it's unable to get the imdbID; Always specify kind: movie, tv series, video game etc. or search can return list of IDs if multiple matches found """ return self._searchIMDb('tt', title, kind) def name2imdbID(self, name): """Translate a person name in an imdbID. Try an Exact Primary Name search on IMDb; return None if it's unable to get the imdbID.""" return self._searchIMDb('nm', name) def character2imdbID(self, name): """Translate a character name in an imdbID. Try an Exact Primary Name search on IMDb; return None if it's unable to get the imdbID.""" return self._searchIMDb('char', name) def company2imdbID(self, name): """Translate a company name in an imdbID. Try an Exact Primary Name search on IMDb; return None if it's unable to get the imdbID.""" return self._searchIMDb('co', name) def get_imdbID(self, mop): """Return the imdbID for the given Movie, Person, Character or Company object.""" imdbID = None if mop.accessSystem == self.accessSystem: aSystem = self else: aSystem = IMDb(mop.accessSystem) if isinstance(mop, Movie.Movie): if mop.movieID is not None: imdbID = aSystem.get_imdbMovieID(mop.movieID) else: imdbID = aSystem.title2imdbID(build_title(mop, canonical=0, ptdf=0, appendKind=False), mop['kind']) elif isinstance(mop, Person.Person): if mop.personID is not None: imdbID = aSystem.get_imdbPersonID(mop.personID) else: imdbID = aSystem.name2imdbID(build_name(mop, canonical=1)) elif isinstance(mop, Character.Character): if mop.characterID is not None: imdbID = aSystem.get_imdbCharacterID(mop.characterID) else: # canonical=0 ? imdbID = aSystem.character2imdbID(build_name(mop, canonical=1)) elif isinstance(mop, Company.Company): if mop.companyID is not None: imdbID = aSystem.get_imdbCompanyID(mop.companyID) else: imdbID = aSystem.company2imdbID(build_company_name(mop)) else: raise IMDbError('object ' + repr(mop) + \ ' is not a Movie, Person or Character instance') return imdbID def get_imdbURL(self, mop): """Return the main IMDb URL for the given Movie, Person, Character or Company object, or None if unable to get it.""" imdbID = self.get_imdbID(mop) if imdbID is None: return None if isinstance(mop, Movie.Movie): url_firstPart = imdbURL_movie_main elif isinstance(mop, Person.Person): url_firstPart = imdbURL_person_main elif isinstance(mop, Character.Character): url_firstPart = imdbURL_character_main elif isinstance(mop, Company.Company): url_firstPart = imdbURL_company_main else: raise IMDbError('object ' + repr(mop) + \ ' is not a Movie, Person, Character or Company instance') return url_firstPart % imdbID def get_special_methods(self): """Return the special methods defined by the subclass.""" sm_dict = {} base_methods = [] for name in dir(IMDbBase): member = getattr(IMDbBase, name) if isinstance(member, MethodType): base_methods.append(name) for name in dir(self.__class__): if name.startswith('_') or name in base_methods or \ name.startswith('get_movie_') or \ name.startswith('get_person_') or \ name.startswith('get_company_') or \ name.startswith('get_character_'): continue member = getattr(self.__class__, name) if isinstance(member, MethodType): sm_dict.update({name: member.__doc__}) return sm_dict