""" ISO 9660 (cdrom) file system parser. Documents: - Standard ECMA-119 (december 1987) http://www.nondot.org/sabre/os/files/FileSystems/iso9660.pdf Author: Victor Stinner Creation: 11 july 2006 """ from lib.hachoir_parser import Parser from lib.hachoir_core.field import (FieldSet, ParserError, UInt8, UInt32, UInt64, Enum, NullBytes, RawBytes, String) from lib.hachoir_core.endian import LITTLE_ENDIAN, BIG_ENDIAN class PrimaryVolumeDescriptor(FieldSet): static_size = 2041*8 def createFields(self): yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 1) yield String(self, "system_id", 32, "System identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "volume_id", 32, "Volume identifier", strip=" ") yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 8) yield UInt64(self, "space_size", "Volume space size") yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 32) yield UInt32(self, "set_size", "Volume set size") yield UInt32(self, "seq_num", "Sequence number") yield UInt32(self, "block_size", "Block size") yield UInt64(self, "path_table_size", "Path table size") yield UInt32(self, "occu_lpath", "Location of Occurrence of Type L Path Table") yield UInt32(self, "opt_lpath", "Location of Optional of Type L Path Table") yield UInt32(self, "occu_mpath", "Location of Occurrence of Type M Path Table") yield UInt32(self, "opt_mpath", "Location of Optional of Type M Path Table") yield RawBytes(self, "root", 34, "Directory Record for Root Directory") yield String(self, "vol_set_id", 128, "Volume set identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "publisher", 128, "Publisher identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "data_preparer", 128, "Data preparer identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "application", 128, "Application identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "copyright", 37, "Copyright file identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "abstract", 37, "Abstract file identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "biographic", 37, "Biographic file identifier", strip=" ") yield String(self, "creation_ts", 17, "Creation date and time", strip=" ") yield String(self, "modification_ts", 17, "Modification date and time", strip=" ") yield String(self, "expiration_ts", 17, "Expiration date and time", strip=" ") yield String(self, "effective_ts", 17, "Effective date and time", strip=" ") yield UInt8(self, "struct_ver", "Structure version") yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 1) yield String(self, "app_use", 512, "Application use", strip=" \0") yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 653) class BootRecord(FieldSet): static_size = 2041*8 def createFields(self): yield String(self, "sys_id", 31, "Boot system identifier", strip="\0") yield String(self, "boot_id", 31, "Boot identifier", strip="\0") yield RawBytes(self, "system_use", 1979, "Boot system use") class Terminator(FieldSet): static_size = 2041*8 def createFields(self): yield NullBytes(self, "null", 2041) class Volume(FieldSet): endian = BIG_ENDIAN TERMINATOR = 255 type_name = { 0: "Boot Record", 1: "Primary Volume Descriptor", 2: "Supplementary Volume Descriptor", 3: "Volume Partition Descriptor", TERMINATOR: "Volume Descriptor Set Terminator", } static_size = 2048 * 8 content_handler = { 0: BootRecord, 1: PrimaryVolumeDescriptor, TERMINATOR: Terminator, } def createFields(self): yield Enum(UInt8(self, "type", "Volume descriptor type"), self.type_name) yield RawBytes(self, "signature", 5, "ISO 9960 signature (CD001)") if self["signature"].value != "CD001": raise ParserError("Invalid ISO 9960 volume signature") yield UInt8(self, "version", "Volume descriptor version") cls = self.content_handler.get(self["type"].value, None) if cls: yield cls(self, "content") else: yield RawBytes(self, "raw_content", 2048-7) class ISO9660(Parser): endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN MAGIC = "\x01CD001" NULL_BYTES = 0x8000 PARSER_TAGS = { "id": "iso9660", "category": "file_system", "description": "ISO 9660 file system", "min_size": (NULL_BYTES + 6)*8, "magic": ((MAGIC, NULL_BYTES*8),), } def validate(self): if self.stream.readBytes(self.NULL_BYTES*8, len(self.MAGIC)) != self.MAGIC: return "Invalid signature" return True def createFields(self): yield self.seekByte(self.NULL_BYTES, null=True) while True: volume = Volume(self, "volume[]") yield volume if volume["type"].value == Volume.TERMINATOR: break if self.current_size < self._size: yield self.seekBit(self._size, "end")