""" Parser of FastTrackerII Extended Module (XM) version 1.4 Documents: - Modplug source code (file modplug/soundlib/Load_mod.cpp) http://sourceforge.net/projects/modplug - Dumb source code (files include/dumb.h and src/it/readmod.c http://dumb.sf.net/ - Documents on "MOD" format on Wotsit http://www.wotsit.org Compressed formats (i.e. starting with "PP20" or having "PACK" as type are not handled. Also NoiseTracker's NST modules aren't handled, although it might be possible: no file format and 15 samples Author: Christophe GISQUET Creation: 18th February 2007 """ from math import log10 from lib.hachoir_parser import Parser from lib.hachoir_core.field import (FieldSet, Bits, UInt16, UInt8, RawBytes, String, GenericVector) from lib.hachoir_core.endian import BIG_ENDIAN from lib.hachoir_core.text_handler import textHandler # Old NoiseTracker 15-samples modules can have anything here. MODULE_TYPE = { "M.K.": ("Noise/Pro-Tracker", 4), "M!K!": ("Noise/Pro-Tracker", 4), "M&K&": ("Noise/Pro-Tracker", 4), "RASP": ("StarTrekker", 4), "FLT4": ("StarTrekker", 4), "FLT8": ("StarTrekker", 8), "6CHN": ("FastTracker", 6), "8CHN": ("FastTracker", 8), "CD81": ("Octalyser", 8), "OCTA": ("Octalyser", 8), "FA04": ("Digital Tracker", 4), "FA06": ("Digital Tracker", 6), "FA08": ("Digital Tracker", 8), } def getFineTune(val): return ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "-8", "-7", "-6", "-5", "-4", "-3", "-2", "-1")[val.value] def getVolume(val): return "%.1f dB" % (20.0*log10(val.value/64.0)) class SampleInfo(FieldSet): static_size = 30*8 def createFields(self): yield String(self, "name", 22, strip='\0') yield UInt16(self, "sample_count") yield textHandler(UInt8(self, "fine_tune"), getFineTune) yield textHandler(UInt8(self, "volume"), getVolume) yield UInt16(self, "loop_start", "Loop start offset in samples") yield UInt16(self, "loop_len", "Loop length in samples") def createValue(self): return self["name"].value class Header(FieldSet): static_size = 1084*8 def createFields(self): yield String(self, "name", 20, strip='\0') yield GenericVector(self, "samples", 31, SampleInfo, "info") yield UInt8(self, "length") yield UInt8(self, "played_patterns_count") yield GenericVector(self, "patterns", 128, UInt8, "position") yield String(self, "type", 4) def getNumChannels(self): return MODULE_TYPE[self["type"].value][1] class Note(FieldSet): static_size = 8*4 def createFields(self): yield Bits(self, 4, "note_hi_nibble") yield Bits(self, 12, "period") yield Bits(self, 4, "note_low_nibble") yield Bits(self, 4, "effect") yield UInt8(self, "parameter") class Row(FieldSet): def __init__(self, parent, name, channels, desc=None): FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc) self.channels = channels self._size = 8*self.channels*4 def createFields(self): for index in xrange(self.channels): yield Note(self, "note[]") class Pattern(FieldSet): def __init__(self, parent, name, channels, desc=None): FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc) self.channels = channels self._size = 64*8*self.channels*4 def createFields(self): for index in xrange(64): yield Row(self, "row[]", self.channels) class AmigaModule(Parser): PARSER_TAGS = { "id": "mod", "category": "audio", "file_ext": ("mod", "nst", "wow", "oct", "sd0" ), "mime": (u'audio/mod', u'audio/x-mod', u'audio/mod', u'audio/x-mod'), "min_size": 1084*8, "description": "Uncompressed amiga module" } endian = BIG_ENDIAN def validate(self): t = self.stream.readBytes(1080*8, 4) if t not in MODULE_TYPE: return "Invalid module type '%s'" % t self.createValue = lambda t: "%s module, %u channels" % MODULE_TYPE[t] return True def createFields(self): header = Header(self, "header") yield header channels = header.getNumChannels() # Number of patterns patterns = 0 for index in xrange(128): patterns = max(patterns, header["patterns/position[%u]" % index].value) patterns += 1 # Yield patterns for index in xrange(patterns): yield Pattern(self, "pattern[]", channels) # Yield samples for index in xrange(31): count = header["samples/info[%u]/sample_count" % index].value if count: self.info("Yielding sample %u: %u samples" % (index, count)) yield RawBytes(self, "sample_data[]", 2*count, \ "Sample %u" % index)