# Author: Frank Fenton # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see . import os import traceback import datetime import json import sickbeard from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard.exceptions import ex from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard import helpers from sickbeard import search_queue from sickbeard.common import SKIPPED, WANTED from lib.trakt import * from trakt.exceptions import traktException, traktAuthException, traktServerBusy class TraktChecker(): def __init__(self): self.todoWanted = [] self.trakt_api = TraktAPI(sickbeard.TRAKT_API_KEY, sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD, sickbeard.TRAKT_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFY, sickbeard.TRAKT_TIMEOUT) def run(self, force=False): try: # add shows from trakt.tv watchlist if sickbeard.TRAKT_USE_WATCHLIST: self.todoWanted = [] # its about to all get re-added if len(sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS.split('|')) < 2: logger.log(u"No default root directory", logger.ERROR) return self.updateShows() self.updateEpisodes() # sync trakt.tv library with sickrage library if sickbeard.TRAKT_SYNC: self.syncLibrary() except Exception: logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG) def findShow(self, indexer, indexerid): traktShow = None try: library = self.trakt_api.traktRequest("sync/collection/shows") or [] if not library: logger.log(u"Could not connect to trakt service, aborting library check", logger.ERROR) return if not len(library): logger.log(u"No shows found in your library, aborting library update", logger.DEBUG) return traktShow = filter(lambda x: int(indexerid) in [int(x['show']['ids']['tvdb'] or 0), int(x['show']['ids']['tvrage'] or 0)], library) except (traktException, traktAuthException, traktServerBusy) as e: logger.log(u"Could not connect to Trakt service: %s" % ex(e), logger.WARNING) return traktShow def syncLibrary(self): logger.log(u"Syncing Trakt.tv show library", logger.DEBUG) for myShow in sickbeard.showList: self.addShowToTraktLibrary(myShow) def removeShowFromTraktLibrary(self, show_obj): if self.findShow(show_obj.indexer, show_obj.indexerid): trakt_id = sickbeard.indexerApi(show_obj.indexer).config['trakt_id'] # URL parameters data = { 'shows': [ { 'title': show_obj.name, 'year': show_obj.startyear, 'ids': {} } ] } if trakt_id == 'tvdb_id': data['shows'][0]['ids']['tvdb'] = show_obj.indexerid else: data['shows'][0]['ids']['tvrage'] = show_obj.indexerid logger.log(u"Removing " + show_obj.name + " from trakt.tv library", logger.DEBUG) try: self.trakt_api.traktRequest("sync/collection/remove", data, method='POST') except (traktException, traktAuthException, traktServerBusy) as e: logger.log(u"Could not connect to Trakt service: %s" % ex(e), logger.WARNING) pass def addShowToTraktLibrary(self, show_obj): """ Sends a request to trakt indicating that the given show and all its episodes is part of our library. show_obj: The TVShow object to add to trakt """ data = {} if not self.findShow(show_obj.indexer, show_obj.indexerid): trakt_id = sickbeard.indexerApi(show_obj.indexer).config['trakt_id'] # URL parameters data = { 'shows': [ { 'title': show_obj.name, 'year': show_obj.startyear, 'ids': {} } ] } if trakt_id == 'tvdb_id': data['shows'][0]['ids']['tvdb'] = show_obj.indexerid else: data['shows'][0]['ids']['tvrage'] = show_obj.indexerid if len(data): logger.log(u"Adding " + show_obj.name + " to trakt.tv library", logger.DEBUG) try: self.trakt_api.traktRequest("sync/collection", data, method='POST') except (traktException, traktAuthException, traktServerBusy) as e: logger.log(u"Could not connect to Trakt service: %s" % ex(e), logger.WARNING) return def updateShows(self): logger.log(u"Starting trakt show watchlist check", logger.DEBUG) try: watchlist = self.trakt_api.traktRequest("sync/watchlist/shows") except (traktException, traktAuthException, traktServerBusy) as e: logger.log(u"Could not connect to Trakt service: %s" % ex(e), logger.WARNING) return if not len(watchlist): logger.log(u"No shows found in your watchlist, aborting watchlist update", logger.DEBUG) return for show in watchlist: indexer = int(sickbeard.TRAKT_DEFAULT_INDEXER) if indexer == 2: indexer_id = int(show["show"]["ids"]["tvrage"]) else: indexer_id = int(show["show"]["ids"]["tvdb"]) if int(sickbeard.TRAKT_METHOD_ADD) != 2: self.addDefaultShow(indexer, indexer_id, show["show"]["title"], SKIPPED) else: self.addDefaultShow(indexer, indexer_id, show["show"]["title"], WANTED) if int(sickbeard.TRAKT_METHOD_ADD) == 1: newShow = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id) if newShow is not None: self.setEpisodeToWanted(newShow, 1, 1) else: self.todoWanted.append((indexer_id, 1, 1)) def updateEpisodes(self): """ Sets episodes to wanted that are in trakt watchlist """ logger.log(u"Starting trakt episode watchlist check", logger.DEBUG) try: watchlist = self.trakt_api.traktRequest("sync/watchlist/episodes") except (traktException, traktAuthException, traktServerBusy) as e: logger.log(u"Could not connect to Trakt service: %s" % ex(e), logger.WARNING) return if not len(watchlist): logger.log(u"No shows found in your watchlist, aborting watchlist update", logger.DEBUG) return for show in watchlist: indexer = int(sickbeard.TRAKT_DEFAULT_INDEXER) if indexer == 2: indexer_id = int(show["show"]["ids"]["tvrage"]) else: indexer_id = int(show["show"]["ids"]["tvdb"]) self.addDefaultShow(indexer, indexer_id, show["show"]["title"], SKIPPED) newShow = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id) try: if newShow and newShow.indexer == indexer: for episode in show["episode"]: if newShow is not None: self.setEpisodeToWanted(newShow, episode["season"], episode["number"]) else: self.todoWanted.append((indexer_id, episode["season"], episode["number"])) except TypeError: logger.log(u"Could not parse the output from trakt for " + show["show"]["title"], logger.DEBUG) def addDefaultShow(self, indexer, indexer_id, name, status): """ Adds a new show with the default settings """ if not helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(indexer_id)): logger.log(u"Adding show " + str(indexer_id)) root_dirs = sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS.split('|') try: location = root_dirs[int(root_dirs[0]) + 1] except: location = None if location: showPath = ek.ek(os.path.join, location, helpers.sanitizeFileName(name)) dir_exists = helpers.makeDir(showPath) if not dir_exists: logger.log(u"Unable to create the folder " + showPath + ", can't add the show", logger.ERROR) return else: helpers.chmodAsParent(showPath) sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.addShow(int(indexer), int(indexer_id), showPath, status, int(sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT), int(sickbeard.FLATTEN_FOLDERS_DEFAULT), paused=sickbeard.TRAKT_START_PAUSED) else: logger.log(u"There was an error creating the show, no root directory setting found", logger.ERROR) return def setEpisodeToWanted(self, show, s, e): """ Sets an episode to wanted, only is it is currently skipped """ epObj = show.getEpisode(int(s), int(e)) if epObj: with epObj.lock: if epObj.status != SKIPPED or epObj.airdate == datetime.date.fromordinal(1): return logger.log(u"Setting episode s" + str(s) + "e" + str(e) + " of show " + show.name + " to wanted") # figure out what segment the episode is in and remember it so we can backlog it epObj.status = WANTED epObj.saveToDB() cur_backlog_queue_item = search_queue.BacklogQueueItem(show, [epObj]) sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(cur_backlog_queue_item) logger.log(u"Starting backlog for " + show.name + " season " + str( s) + " episode " + str(e) + " because some eps were set to wanted") def manageNewShow(self, show): logger.log(u"Checking if trakt watch list wants to search for episodes from new show " + show.name, logger.DEBUG) episodes = [i for i in self.todoWanted if i[0] == show.indexerid] for episode in episodes: self.todoWanted.remove(episode) self.setEpisodeToWanted(show, episode[1], episode[2])