for GROUP command"
parameters = {'gid': gid, 'gname': gname}
Command.__init__(self, 'GROUP', **parameters)
class GroupstatusCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, aid=None, status=None):
if not aid:
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "You must provide aid for GROUPSTATUS command"
parameters = {'aid': aid, 'status': status}
Command.__init__(self, 'GROUPSTATUS', **parameters)
class ProducerCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, pid=None, pname=None):
if not (pid or pname) or (pid and pname):
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "You must provide for PRODUCER command"
parameters = {'pid': pid, 'pname': pname}
Command.__init__(self, 'PRODUCER', **parameters)
def cached(self, intr, db):
pid = self.parameters['pid']
pname = self.parameters['pname']
codes = ('pid', 'name', 'shortname', 'othername', 'type', 'pic', 'url')
names = ','.join([code for code in codes if code != ''])
ruleholder = (pid and 'pid=%s' or '(name=%s OR shortname=%s OR othername=%s)')
rulevalues = (pid and [pid] or [pname, pname, pname])
rows ='ptb', names, ruleholder + " AND status&8", *rulevalues)
if len(rows) > 1:
raise AniDBInternalError, "It shouldn't be possible for database to return more than 1 line for PRODUCER cache"
elif not len(rows):
return None
resp = ProducerResponse(self, None, '245', 'CACHED PRODUCER', [list(rows[0])])
return resp
def cache(self, intr, db):
if self.resp.rescode != '245' or self.cached(intr, db):
codes = ('pid', 'name', 'shortname', 'othername', 'type', 'pic', 'url')
if len('ptb', 'pid', 'pid=%s', self.resp.datalines[0]['pid'])):
sets = 'status=status|15,' + ','.join([code + '=%s' for code in codes if code != ''])
values = [self.resp.datalines[0][code] for code in codes if code != ''] + [self.resp.datalines[0]['pid']]
db.update('ptb', sets, 'pid=%s', *values)
names = 'status,' + ','.join([code for code in codes if code != ''])
valueholders = '0,' + ','.join(['%s' for code in codes if code != ''])
values = [self.resp.datalines[0][code] for code in codes if code != '']
db.insert('ptb', names, valueholders, *values)
class MyListCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, lid=None, fid=None, size=None, ed2k=None, aid=None, aname=None, gid=None, gname=None, epno=None):
if not (lid or fid or (size and ed2k) or (aid or aname)) or (
lid and (fid or size or ed2k or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
fid and (lid or size or ed2k or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
(size and ed2k) and (lid or fid or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
(aid or aname) and (lid or fid or size or ed2k)) or (aid and aname) or (gid and gname):
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "You must provide for MYLIST command"
parameters = {'lid': lid, 'fid': fid, 'size': size, 'ed2k': ed2k, 'aid': aid, 'aname': aname, 'gid': gid,
'gname': gname, 'epno': epno}
Command.__init__(self, 'MYLIST', **parameters)
def cached(self, intr, db):
lid = self.parameters['lid']
fid = self.parameters['fid']
size = self.parameters['size']
ed2k = self.parameters['ed2k']
aid = self.parameters['aid']
aname = self.parameters['aname']
gid = self.parameters['gid']
gname = self.parameters['gname']
epno = self.parameters['epno']
names = ','.join([code for code in MylistResponse(None, None, None, None, []).codetail if code != ''])
if lid:
ruleholder = "lid=%s"
rulevalues = [lid]
elif fid or size or ed2k:
resp = intr.file(fid=fid, size=size, ed2k=ed2k)
if resp.rescode != '220':
resp = NoSuchMylistResponse(self, None, '321', 'NO SUCH ENTRY (FILE NOT FOUND)', [])
return resp
fid = resp.datalines[0]['fid']
ruleholder = "fid=%s"
rulevalues = [fid]
resp = intr.anime(aid=aid, aname=aname)
if resp.rescode != '230':
resp = NoSuchFileResponse(self, None, '321', 'NO SUCH ENTRY (ANIME NOT FOUND)', [])
return resp
aid = resp.datalines[0]['aid']
resp =, gname=gname)
if resp.rescode != '250':
resp = NoSuchFileResponse(self, None, '321', 'NO SUCH ENTRY (GROUP NOT FOUND)', [])
return resp
gid = resp.datalines[0]['gid']
resp = intr.episode(aid=aid, epno=epno)
if resp.rescode != '240':
resp = NoSuchFileResponse(self, None, '321', 'NO SUCH ENTRY (EPISODE NOT FOUND)', [])
return resp
eid = resp.datalines[0]['eid']
ruleholder = "aid=%s AND eid=%s AND gid=%s"
rulevalues = [aid, eid, gid]
rows ='ltb', names, ruleholder + " AND status&8", *rulevalues)
if len(rows) > 1:
#resp=MultipleFilesFoundResponse(self,None,'322','CACHED MULTIPLE FILES FOUND',/*get fids from rows, not gonna do this as you haven't got a real cache out of these..*/)
return None
elif not len(rows):
return None
resp = MylistResponse(self, None, '221', 'CACHED MYLIST', [list(rows[0])])
return resp
def cache(self, intr, db):
if self.resp.rescode != '221' or self.cached(intr, db):
codes = MylistResponse(None, None, None, None, []).codetail
if len('ltb', 'lid', 'lid=%s', self.resp.datalines[0]['lid'])):
sets = 'status=status|15,' + ','.join([code + '=%s' for code in codes if code != ''])
values = [self.resp.datalines[0][code] for code in codes if code != ''] + [self.resp.datalines[0]['lid']]
db.update('ltb', sets, 'lid=%s', *values)
names = 'status,' + ','.join([code for code in codes if code != ''])
valueholders = '15,' + ','.join(['%s' for code in codes if code != ''])
values = [self.resp.datalines[0][code] for code in codes if code != '']
db.insert('ltb', names, valueholders, *values)
class MyListAddCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, lid=None, fid=None, size=None, ed2k=None, aid=None, aname=None, gid=None, gname=None, epno=None,
edit=None, state=None, viewed=None, source=None, storage=None, other=None):
if not (lid or fid or (size and ed2k) or ((aid or aname) and (gid or gname))) or (
lid and (fid or size or ed2k or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
fid and (lid or size or ed2k or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
(size and ed2k) and (lid or fid or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
((aid or aname) and (gid or gname)) and (lid or fid or size or ed2k)) or (aid and aname) or (
gid and gname) or (lid and not edit):
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "You must provide for MYLISTADD command"
parameters = {'lid': lid, 'fid': fid, 'size': size, 'ed2k': ed2k, 'aid': aid, 'aname': aname, 'gid': gid,
'gname': gname, 'epno': epno, 'edit': edit, 'state': state, 'viewed': viewed, 'source': source,
'storage': storage, 'other': other}
Command.__init__(self, 'MYLISTADD', **parameters)
class MyListDelCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, lid=None, fid=None, aid=None, aname=None, gid=None, gname=None, epno=None):
if not (lid or fid or ((aid or aname) and (gid or gname) and epno)) or (
lid and (fid or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
fid and (lid or aid or aname or gid or gname or epno)) or (
((aid or aname) and (gid or gname) and epno) and (lid or fid)) or (aid and aname) or (gid and gname):
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "You must provide for MYLISTDEL command"
parameters = {'lid': lid, 'fid': fid, 'aid': aid, 'aname': aname, 'gid': gid, 'gname': gname, 'epno': epno}
Command.__init__(self, 'MYLISTDEL', **parameters)
class MyListStatsCommand(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, 'MYLISTSTATS')
class VoteCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, type, id=None, name=None, value=None, epno=None):
if not (id or name) or (id and name):
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "You must provide <(id|name)> for VOTE command"
parameters = {'type': type, 'id': id, 'name': name, 'value': value, 'epno': epno}
Command.__init__(self, 'VOTE', **parameters)
class RandomAnimeCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, type):
parameters = {'type': type}
Command.__init__(self, 'RANDOMANIME', **parameters)
class PingCommand(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, 'PING')
#second run
class EncryptCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, user, apipassword, type):
self.apipassword = apipassword
parameters = {'user': user.lower(), 'type': type}
Command.__init__(self, 'ENCRYPT', **parameters)
class EncodingCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, name):
parameters = {'name': type}
Command.__init__(self, 'ENCODING', **parameters)
class SendMsgCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, to, title, body):
if len(title) > 50 or len(body) > 900:
raise AniDBIncorrectParameterError, "Title must not be longer than 50 chars and body must not be longer than 900 chars for SENDMSG command"
parameters = {'to': to.lower(), 'title': title, 'body': body}
Command.__init__(self, 'SENDMSG', **parameters)
class UserCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, user):
parameters = {'user': user}
Command.__init__(self, 'USER', **parameters)
class UptimeCommand(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, 'UPTIME')
class VersionCommand(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, 'VERSION')