"""Request body processing for CherryPy. When an HTTP request includes an entity body, it is often desirable to provide that information to applications in a form other than the raw bytes. Different content types demand different approaches. Examples: * For a GIF file, we want the raw bytes in a stream. * An HTML form is better parsed into its component fields, and each text field decoded from bytes to unicode. * A JSON body should be deserialized into a Python dict or list. When the request contains a Content-Type header, the media type is used as a key to look up a value in the 'request.body.processors' dict. If the full media type is not found, then the major type is tried; for example, if no processor is found for the 'image/jpeg' type, then we look for a processor for the 'image' types altogether. If neither the full type nor the major type has a matching processor, then a default processor is used (self.default_proc). For most types, this means no processing is done, and the body is left unread as a raw byte stream. Processors are configurable in an 'on_start_resource' hook. Some processors, especially those for the 'text' types, attempt to decode bytes to unicode. If the Content-Type request header includes a 'charset' parameter, this is used to decode the entity. Otherwise, one or more default charsets may be attempted, although this decision is up to each processor. If a processor successfully decodes an Entity or Part, it should set the 'charset' attribute on the Entity or Part to the name of the successful charset, so that applications can easily re-encode or transcode the value if they wish. If the Content-Type of the request entity is of major type 'multipart', then the above parsing process, and possibly a decoding process, is performed for each part. For both the full entity and multipart parts, a Content-Disposition header may be used to fill .name and .filename attributes on the request.body or the Part. """ import re import tempfile from urllib import unquote_plus import cherrypy from cherrypy.lib import httputil # -------------------------------- Processors -------------------------------- # def process_urlencoded(entity): """Read application/x-www-form-urlencoded data into entity.params.""" qs = entity.fp.read() for charset in entity.attempt_charsets: try: params = {} for aparam in qs.split('&'): for pair in aparam.split(';'): if not pair: continue atoms = pair.split('=', 1) if len(atoms) == 1: atoms.append('') key = unquote_plus(atoms[0]).decode(charset) value = unquote_plus(atoms[1]).decode(charset) if key in params: if not isinstance(params[key], list): params[key] = [params[key]] params[key].append(value) else: params[key] = value except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: entity.charset = charset break else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError( 400, "The request entity could not be decoded. The following " "charsets were attempted: %s" % repr(entity.attempt_charsets)) # Now that all values have been successfully parsed and decoded, # apply them to the entity.params dict. for key, value in params.items(): if key in entity.params: if not isinstance(entity.params[key], list): entity.params[key] = [entity.params[key]] entity.params[key].append(value) else: entity.params[key] = value def process_multipart(entity): """Read all multipart parts into entity.parts.""" ib = u"" if u'boundary' in entity.content_type.params: # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.1 # "The grammar for parameters on the Content-type field is such that it # is often necessary to enclose the boundary parameter values in quotes # on the Content-type line" ib = entity.content_type.params['boundary'].strip(u'"') if not re.match(u"^[ -~]{0,200}[!-~]$", ib): raise ValueError(u'Invalid boundary in multipart form: %r' % (ib,)) ib = (u'--' + ib).encode('ascii') # Find the first marker while True: b = entity.readline() if not b: return b = b.strip() if b == ib: break # Read all parts while True: part = entity.part_class.from_fp(entity.fp, ib) entity.parts.append(part) part.process() if part.fp.done: break def process_multipart_form_data(entity): """Read all multipart/form-data parts into entity.parts or entity.params.""" process_multipart(entity) kept_parts = [] for part in entity.parts: if part.name is None: kept_parts.append(part) else: if part.filename is None: # It's a regular field entity.params[part.name] = part.fullvalue() else: # It's a file upload. Retain the whole part so consumer code # has access to its .file and .filename attributes. entity.params[part.name] = part entity.parts = kept_parts def _old_process_multipart(entity): """The behavior of 3.2 and lower. Deprecated and will be changed in 3.3.""" process_multipart(entity) params = entity.params for part in entity.parts: if part.name is None: key = u'parts' else: key = part.name if part.filename is None: # It's a regular field value = part.fullvalue() else: # It's a file upload. Retain the whole part so consumer code # has access to its .file and .filename attributes. value = part if key in params: if not isinstance(params[key], list): params[key] = [params[key]] params[key].append(value) else: params[key] = value # --------------------------------- Entities --------------------------------- # class Entity(object): """An HTTP request body, or MIME multipart body.""" __metaclass__ = cherrypy._AttributeDocstrings params = None params__doc = u""" If the request Content-Type is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or multipart, this will be a dict of the params pulled from the entity body; that is, it will be the portion of request.params that come from the message body (sometimes called "POST params", although they can be sent with various HTTP method verbs). This value is set between the 'before_request_body' and 'before_handler' hooks (assuming that process_request_body is True).""" default_content_type = u'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-4.1.2: # "The default character set, which must be assumed in the # absence of a charset parameter, is US-ASCII." # However, many browsers send data in utf-8 with no charset. attempt_charsets = [u'utf-8'] processors = {u'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': process_urlencoded, u'multipart/form-data': process_multipart_form_data, u'multipart': process_multipart, } def __init__(self, fp, headers, params=None, parts=None): # Make an instance-specific copy of the class processors # so Tools, etc. can replace them per-request. self.processors = self.processors.copy() self.fp = fp self.headers = headers if params is None: params = {} self.params = params if parts is None: parts = [] self.parts = parts # Content-Type self.content_type = headers.elements(u'Content-Type') if self.content_type: self.content_type = self.content_type[0] else: self.content_type = httputil.HeaderElement.from_str( self.default_content_type) # Copy the class 'attempt_charsets', prepending any Content-Type charset dec = self.content_type.params.get(u"charset", None) if dec: dec = dec.decode('ISO-8859-1') self.attempt_charsets = [dec] + [c for c in self.attempt_charsets if c != dec] else: self.attempt_charsets = self.attempt_charsets[:] # Length self.length = None clen = headers.get(u'Content-Length', None) # If Transfer-Encoding is 'chunked', ignore any Content-Length. if clen is not None and 'chunked' not in headers.get(u'Transfer-Encoding', ''): try: self.length = int(clen) except ValueError: pass # Content-Disposition self.name = None self.filename = None disp = headers.elements(u'Content-Disposition') if disp: disp = disp[0] if 'name' in disp.params: self.name = disp.params['name'] if self.name.startswith(u'"') and self.name.endswith(u'"'): self.name = self.name[1:-1] if 'filename' in disp.params: self.filename = disp.params['filename'] if self.filename.startswith(u'"') and self.filename.endswith(u'"'): self.filename = self.filename[1:-1] # The 'type' attribute is deprecated in 3.2; remove it in 3.3. type = property(lambda self: self.content_type) def read(self, size=None, fp_out=None): return self.fp.read(size, fp_out) def readline(self, size=None): return self.fp.readline(size) def readlines(self, sizehint=None): return self.fp.readlines(sizehint) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): line = self.readline() if not line: raise StopIteration return line def read_into_file(self, fp_out=None): """Read the request body into fp_out (or make_file() if None). Return fp_out.""" if fp_out is None: fp_out = self.make_file() self.read(fp_out=fp_out) return fp_out def make_file(self): """Return a file into which the request body will be read. By default, this will return a TemporaryFile. Override as needed.""" return tempfile.TemporaryFile() def fullvalue(self): """Return this entity as a string, whether stored in a file or not.""" if self.file: # It was stored in a tempfile. Read it. self.file.seek(0) value = self.file.read() self.file.seek(0) else: value = self.value return value def process(self): """Execute the best-match processor for the given media type.""" proc = None ct = self.content_type.value try: proc = self.processors[ct] except KeyError: toptype = ct.split(u'/', 1)[0] try: proc = self.processors[toptype] except KeyError: pass if proc is None: self.default_proc() else: proc(self) def default_proc(self): # Leave the fp alone for someone else to read. This works fine # for request.body, but the Part subclasses need to override this # so they can move on to the next part. pass class Part(Entity): """A MIME part entity, part of a multipart entity.""" default_content_type = u'text/plain' # "The default character set, which must be assumed in the absence of a # charset parameter, is US-ASCII." attempt_charsets = [u'us-ascii', u'utf-8'] # This is the default in stdlib cgi. We may want to increase it. maxrambytes = 1000 def __init__(self, fp, headers, boundary): Entity.__init__(self, fp, headers) self.boundary = boundary self.file = None self.value = None def from_fp(cls, fp, boundary): headers = cls.read_headers(fp) return cls(fp, headers, boundary) from_fp = classmethod(from_fp) def read_headers(cls, fp): headers = httputil.HeaderMap() while True: line = fp.readline() if not line: # No more data--illegal end of headers raise EOFError(u"Illegal end of headers.") if line == '\r\n': # Normal end of headers break if not line.endswith('\r\n'): raise ValueError(u"MIME requires CRLF terminators: %r" % line) if line[0] in ' \t': # It's a continuation line. v = line.strip().decode(u'ISO-8859-1') else: k, v = line.split(":", 1) k = k.strip().decode(u'ISO-8859-1') v = v.strip().decode(u'ISO-8859-1') existing = headers.get(k) if existing: v = u", ".join((existing, v)) headers[k] = v return headers read_headers = classmethod(read_headers) def read_lines_to_boundary(self, fp_out=None): """Read bytes from self.fp and return or write them to a file. If the 'fp_out' argument is None (the default), all bytes read are returned in a single byte string. If the 'fp_out' argument is not None, it must be a file-like object that supports the 'write' method; all bytes read will be written to the fp, and that fp is returned. """ endmarker = self.boundary + "--" delim = "" prev_lf = True lines = [] seen = 0 while True: line = self.fp.readline(1 << 16) if not line: raise EOFError(u"Illegal end of multipart body.") if line.startswith("--") and prev_lf: strippedline = line.strip() if strippedline == self.boundary: break if strippedline == endmarker: self.fp.finish() break line = delim + line if line.endswith("\r\n"): delim = "\r\n" line = line[:-2] prev_lf = True elif line.endswith("\n"): delim = "\n" line = line[:-1] prev_lf = True else: delim = "" prev_lf = False if fp_out is None: lines.append(line) seen += len(line) if seen > self.maxrambytes: fp_out = self.make_file() for line in lines: fp_out.write(line) else: fp_out.write(line) if fp_out is None: result = ''.join(lines) for charset in self.attempt_charsets: try: result = result.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: self.charset = charset return result else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError( 400, "The request entity could not be decoded. The following " "charsets were attempted: %s" % repr(self.attempt_charsets)) else: fp_out.seek(0) return fp_out def default_proc(self): if self.filename: # Always read into a file if a .filename was given. self.file = self.read_into_file() else: result = self.read_lines_to_boundary() if isinstance(result, basestring): self.value = result else: self.file = result def read_into_file(self, fp_out=None): """Read the request body into fp_out (or make_file() if None). Return fp_out.""" if fp_out is None: fp_out = self.make_file() self.read_lines_to_boundary(fp_out=fp_out) return fp_out Entity.part_class = Part class Infinity(object): def __cmp__(self, other): return 1 def __sub__(self, other): return self inf = Infinity() comma_separated_headers = ['Accept', 'Accept-Charset', 'Accept-Encoding', 'Accept-Language', 'Accept-Ranges', 'Allow', 'Cache-Control', 'Connection', 'Content-Encoding', 'Content-Language', 'Expect', 'If-Match', 'If-None-Match', 'Pragma', 'Proxy-Authenticate', 'Te', 'Trailer', 'Transfer-Encoding', 'Upgrade', 'Vary', 'Via', 'Warning', 'Www-Authenticate'] class SizedReader: def __init__(self, fp, length, maxbytes, bufsize=8192, has_trailers=False): # Wrap our fp in a buffer so peek() works self.fp = fp self.length = length self.maxbytes = maxbytes self.buffer = '' self.bufsize = bufsize self.bytes_read = 0 self.done = False self.has_trailers = has_trailers def read(self, size=None, fp_out=None): """Read bytes from the request body and return or write them to a file. A number of bytes less than or equal to the 'size' argument are read off the socket. The actual number of bytes read are tracked in self.bytes_read. The number may be smaller than 'size' when 1) the client sends fewer bytes, 2) the 'Content-Length' request header specifies fewer bytes than requested, or 3) the number of bytes read exceeds self.maxbytes (in which case, 413 is raised). If the 'fp_out' argument is None (the default), all bytes read are returned in a single byte string. If the 'fp_out' argument is not None, it must be a file-like object that supports the 'write' method; all bytes read will be written to the fp, and None is returned. """ if self.length is None: if size is None: remaining = inf else: remaining = size else: remaining = self.length - self.bytes_read if size and size < remaining: remaining = size if remaining == 0: self.finish() if fp_out is None: return '' else: return None chunks = [] # Read bytes from the buffer. if self.buffer: if remaining is inf: data = self.buffer self.buffer = '' else: data = self.buffer[:remaining] self.buffer = self.buffer[remaining:] datalen = len(data) remaining -= datalen # Check lengths. self.bytes_read += datalen if self.maxbytes and self.bytes_read > self.maxbytes: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(413) # Store the data. if fp_out is None: chunks.append(data) else: fp_out.write(data) # Read bytes from the socket. while remaining > 0: chunksize = min(remaining, self.bufsize) try: data = self.fp.read(chunksize) except Exception, e: if e.__class__.__name__ == 'MaxSizeExceeded': # Post data is too big raise cherrypy.HTTPError( 413, "Maximum request length: %r" % e.args[1]) else: raise if not data: self.finish() break datalen = len(data) remaining -= datalen # Check lengths. self.bytes_read += datalen if self.maxbytes and self.bytes_read > self.maxbytes: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(413) # Store the data. if fp_out is None: chunks.append(data) else: fp_out.write(data) if fp_out is None: return ''.join(chunks) def readline(self, size=None): """Read a line from the request body and return it.""" chunks = [] while size is None or size > 0: chunksize = self.bufsize if size is not None and size < self.bufsize: chunksize = size data = self.read(chunksize) if not data: break pos = data.find('\n') + 1 if pos: chunks.append(data[:pos]) remainder = data[pos:] self.buffer += remainder self.bytes_read -= len(remainder) break else: chunks.append(data) return ''.join(chunks) def readlines(self, sizehint=None): """Read lines from the request body and return them.""" if self.length is not None: if sizehint is None: sizehint = self.length - self.bytes_read else: sizehint = min(sizehint, self.length - self.bytes_read) lines = [] seen = 0 while True: line = self.readline() if not line: break lines.append(line) seen += len(line) if seen >= sizehint: break return lines def finish(self): self.done = True if self.has_trailers and hasattr(self.fp, 'read_trailer_lines'): self.trailers = {} try: for line in self.fp.read_trailer_lines(): if line[0] in ' \t': # It's a continuation line. v = line.strip() else: try: k, v = line.split(":", 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Illegal header line.") k = k.strip().title() v = v.strip() if k in comma_separated_headers: existing = self.trailers.get(envname) if existing: v = ", ".join((existing, v)) self.trailers[k] = v except Exception, e: if e.__class__.__name__ == 'MaxSizeExceeded': # Post data is too big raise cherrypy.HTTPError( 413, "Maximum request length: %r" % e.args[1]) else: raise class RequestBody(Entity): # Don't parse the request body at all if the client didn't provide # a Content-Type header. See http://www.cherrypy.org/ticket/790 default_content_type = u'' bufsize = 8 * 1024 maxbytes = None def __init__(self, fp, headers, params=None, request_params=None): Entity.__init__(self, fp, headers, params) # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.7.1 # When no explicit charset parameter is provided by the # sender, media subtypes of the "text" type are defined # to have a default charset value of "ISO-8859-1" when # received via HTTP. if self.content_type.value.startswith('text/'): for c in (u'ISO-8859-1', u'iso-8859-1', u'Latin-1', u'latin-1'): if c in self.attempt_charsets: break else: self.attempt_charsets.append(u'ISO-8859-1') # Temporary fix while deprecating passing .parts as .params. self.processors[u'multipart'] = _old_process_multipart if request_params is None: request_params = {} self.request_params = request_params def process(self): """Include body params in request params.""" # "The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the # inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in # the request's message-headers." # It is possible to send a POST request with no body, for example; # however, app developers are responsible in that case to set # cherrypy.request.process_body to False so this method isn't called. h = cherrypy.serving.request.headers if u'Content-Length' not in h and u'Transfer-Encoding' not in h: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(411) self.fp = SizedReader(self.fp, self.length, self.maxbytes, bufsize=self.bufsize, has_trailers='Trailer' in h) super(RequestBody, self).process() # Body params should also be a part of the request_params # add them in here. request_params = self.request_params for key, value in self.params.items(): # Python 2 only: keyword arguments must be byte strings (type 'str'). if isinstance(key, unicode): key = key.encode('ISO-8859-1') if key in request_params: if not isinstance(request_params[key], list): request_params[key] = [request_params[key]] request_params[key].append(value) else: request_params[key] = value