# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import os import re import threading import datetime import sickbeard from common import SNATCHED, SNATCHED_PROPER, SNATCHED_BEST, Quality, SEASON_RESULT, MULTI_EP_RESULT, Overview from sickbeard import logger, db, show_name_helpers, exceptions, helpers from sickbeard import sab from sickbeard import nzbget from sickbeard import clients from sickbeard import history from sickbeard import notifiers from sickbeard import nzbSplitter from sickbeard import ui from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard import providers from sickbeard import failed_history from sickbeard.exceptions import ex from sickbeard.providers.generic import GenericProvider, tvcache from sickbeard.blackandwhitelist import BlackAndWhiteList def _downloadResult(result): """ Downloads a result to the appropriate black hole folder. Returns a bool representing success. result: SearchResult instance to download. """ resProvider = result.provider newResult = False if resProvider == None: logger.log(u"Invalid provider name - this is a coding error, report it please", logger.ERROR) return False # nzbs with an URL can just be downloaded from the provider if result.resultType == "nzb": newResult = resProvider.downloadResult(result) # if it's an nzb data result elif result.resultType == "nzbdata": # get the final file path to the nzb fileName = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.NZB_DIR, result.name + ".nzb") logger.log(u"Saving NZB to " + fileName) newResult = True # save the data to disk try: with ek.ek(open, fileName, 'w') as fileOut: fileOut.write(result.extraInfo[0]) helpers.chmodAsParent(fileName) except EnvironmentError, e: logger.log(u"Error trying to save NZB to black hole: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) newResult = False elif resProvider.providerType == "torrent": newResult = resProvider.downloadResult(result) else: logger.log(u"Invalid provider type - this is a coding error, report it please", logger.ERROR) return False if newResult and sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS: ui.notifications.message('Episode snatched', '%s snatched from %s' % (result.name, resProvider.name)) return newResult def snatchEpisode(result, endStatus=SNATCHED): """ Contains the internal logic necessary to actually "snatch" a result that has been found. Returns a bool representing success. result: SearchResult instance to be snatched. endStatus: the episode status that should be used for the episode object once it's snatched. """ if result is None: return False result.priority = 0 # -1 = low, 0 = normal, 1 = high if sickbeard.ALLOW_HIGH_PRIORITY: # if it aired recently make it high priority for curEp in result.episodes: if datetime.date.today() - curEp.airdate <= datetime.timedelta(days=7): result.priority = 1 if re.search('(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', result.name, re.I) != None: endStatus = SNATCHED_PROPER # NZBs can be sent straight to SAB or saved to disk if result.resultType in ("nzb", "nzbdata"): if sickbeard.NZB_METHOD == "blackhole": dlResult = _downloadResult(result) elif sickbeard.NZB_METHOD == "sabnzbd": dlResult = sab.sendNZB(result) elif sickbeard.NZB_METHOD == "nzbget": is_proper = True if endStatus == SNATCHED_PROPER else False dlResult = nzbget.sendNZB(result, is_proper) else: logger.log(u"Unknown NZB action specified in config: " + sickbeard.NZB_METHOD, logger.ERROR) dlResult = False # TORRENTs can be sent to clients or saved to disk elif result.resultType == "torrent": # torrents are saved to disk when blackhole mode if sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD == "blackhole": dlResult = _downloadResult(result) else: # Sets per provider seed ratio result.ratio = result.provider.seedRatio() result.content = result.provider.getURL(result.url) if not result.url.startswith('magnet') else None client = clients.getClientIstance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)() dlResult = client.sendTORRENT(result) else: logger.log(u"Unknown result type, unable to download it", logger.ERROR) dlResult = False if not dlResult: return False if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS: failed_history.logSnatch(result) ui.notifications.message('Episode snatched', result.name) history.logSnatch(result) # don't notify when we re-download an episode sql_l = [] for curEpObj in result.episodes: with curEpObj.lock: if isFirstBestMatch(result): curEpObj.status = Quality.compositeStatus(SNATCHED_BEST, result.quality) else: curEpObj.status = Quality.compositeStatus(endStatus, result.quality) sql_l.append(curEpObj.get_sql()) if curEpObj.status not in Quality.DOWNLOADED: notifiers.notify_snatch(curEpObj._format_pattern('%SN - %Sx%0E - %EN - %QN')) if sql_l: myDB = db.DBConnection() myDB.mass_action(sql_l) return True def filter_release_name(name, filter_words): """ Filters out results based on filter_words name: name to check filter_words : Words to filter on, separated by comma Returns: False if the release name is OK, True if it contains one of the filter_words """ if filter_words: filters = [re.compile('(^|[\W_])%s($|[\W_])' % filter.strip(), re.I) for filter in filter_words.split(',')] for regfilter in filters: if regfilter.search(name): logger.log(u"" + name + " contains pattern: " + regfilter.pattern, logger.DEBUG) return True return False def pickBestResult(results, show, quality_list=None): logger.log(u"Picking the best result out of " + str([x.name for x in results]), logger.DEBUG) # build the black And white list bwl = None if show: bwl = BlackAndWhiteList(show.indexerid) else: logger.log("Could not create black and white list no show was given", logger.DEBUG) # find the best result for the current episode bestResult = None for cur_result in results: logger.log("Quality of " + cur_result.name + " is " + Quality.qualityStrings[cur_result.quality]) if bwl: if not bwl.is_valid(cur_result): logger.log(cur_result.name+" does not match the blacklist or the whitelist, rejecting it. Result: " + bwl.get_last_result_msg(), logger.MESSAGE) continue if quality_list and cur_result.quality not in quality_list: logger.log(cur_result.name + " is a quality we know we don't want, rejecting it", logger.DEBUG) continue if show.rls_ignore_words and filter_release_name(cur_result.name, show.rls_ignore_words): logger.log(u"Ignoring " + cur_result.name + " based on ignored words filter: " + show.rls_ignore_words, logger.MESSAGE) continue if show.rls_require_words and not filter_release_name(cur_result.name, show.rls_require_words): logger.log(u"Ignoring " + cur_result.name + " based on required words filter: " + show.rls_require_words, logger.MESSAGE) continue if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS and failed_history.hasFailed(cur_result.name, cur_result.size, cur_result.provider.name): logger.log(cur_result.name + u" has previously failed, rejecting it") continue if not bestResult or bestResult.quality < cur_result.quality and cur_result.quality != Quality.UNKNOWN: bestResult = cur_result elif bestResult.quality == cur_result.quality: if "proper" in cur_result.name.lower() or "repack" in cur_result.name.lower(): bestResult = cur_result elif "internal" in bestResult.name.lower() and "internal" not in cur_result.name.lower(): bestResult = cur_result elif "xvid" in bestResult.name.lower() and "x264" in cur_result.name.lower(): logger.log(u"Preferring " + cur_result.name + " (x264 over xvid)") bestResult = cur_result if bestResult: logger.log(u"Picked " + bestResult.name + " as the best", logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log(u"No result picked.", logger.DEBUG) return bestResult def isFinalResult(result): """ Checks if the given result is good enough quality that we can stop searching for other ones. If the result is the highest quality in both the any/best quality lists then this function returns True, if not then it's False """ logger.log(u"Checking if we should keep searching after we've found " + result.name, logger.DEBUG) show_obj = result.episodes[0].show bwl = BlackAndWhiteList(show_obj.indexerid) any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.splitQuality(show_obj.quality) # if there is a redownload that's higher than this then we definitely need to keep looking if best_qualities and result.quality < max(best_qualities): return False # if it does not match the shows black and white list its no good elif not bwl.is_valid(result): return False # if there's no redownload that's higher (above) and this is the highest initial download then we're good elif any_qualities and result.quality in any_qualities: return True elif best_qualities and result.quality == max(best_qualities): # if this is the best redownload but we have a higher initial download then keep looking if any_qualities and result.quality < max(any_qualities): return False # if this is the best redownload and we don't have a higher initial download then we're done else: return True # if we got here than it's either not on the lists, they're empty, or it's lower than the highest required else: return False def isFirstBestMatch(result): """ Checks if the given result is a best quality match and if we want to archive the episode on first match. """ logger.log(u"Checking if we should archive our first best quality match for for episode " + result.name, logger.DEBUG) show_obj = result.episodes[0].show any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.splitQuality(show_obj.quality) # if there is a redownload that's a match to one of our best qualities and we want to archive the episode then we are done if best_qualities and show_obj.archive_firstmatch and result.quality in best_qualities: return True return False def filterSearchResults(show, season, results): foundResults = {} # make a list of all the results for this provider for curEp in results: # skip non-tv crap results[curEp] = filter( lambda x: show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(x.name) and show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(x.name, show, season=season), results[curEp]) if curEp in foundResults: foundResults[curEp] += results[curEp] else: foundResults[curEp] = results[curEp] return foundResults def searchForNeededEpisodes(show, episodes): foundResults = {} didSearch = False # ask all providers for any episodes it finds origThreadName = threading.currentThread().name providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive() and not x.backlog_only] for curProviderCount, curProvider in enumerate(providers): if curProvider.anime_only and not show.is_anime: logger.log(u"" + str(show.name) + " is not an anime skiping ...") continue threading.currentThread().name = origThreadName + " :: [" + curProvider.name + "]" try: logger.log(u"Searching RSS cache ...") curFoundResults = curProvider.searchRSS(episodes) except exceptions.AuthException, e: logger.log(u"Authentication error: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) if curProviderCount != len(providers): continue break except Exception, e: logger.log(u"Error while searching " + curProvider.name + ", skipping: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) if curProviderCount != len(providers): continue break didSearch = True # pick a single result for each episode, respecting existing results for curEp in curFoundResults: if curEp.show.paused: logger.log( u"Show " + curEp.show.name + " is paused, ignoring all RSS items for " + curEp.prettyName(), logger.DEBUG) continue bestResult = pickBestResult(curFoundResults[curEp], curEp.show) # if all results were rejected move on to the next episode if not bestResult: logger.log(u"All found results for " + curEp.prettyName() + " were rejected.", logger.DEBUG) continue # if it's already in the list (from another provider) and the newly found quality is no better then skip it if curEp in foundResults and bestResult.quality <= foundResults[curEp].quality: continue foundResults[curEp] = bestResult if not didSearch: logger.log( u"No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in the sickrage config. Please check your settings.", logger.ERROR) return foundResults.values() if len(foundResults) else {} def searchProviders(show, season, episodes, manualSearch=False): foundResults = {} finalResults = [] # check if we want to search for season packs instead of just season/episode seasonSearch = False if not manualSearch: seasonEps = show.getAllEpisodes(season) if len(seasonEps) == len(episodes): seasonSearch = True providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive()] if not len(providers): logger.log(u"No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in the sickrage config. Please check your settings.", logger.ERROR) return origThreadName = threading.currentThread().name for providerNum, provider in enumerate(providers): if provider.anime_only and not show.is_anime: logger.log(u"" + str(show.name) + " is not an anime skiping ...") continue threading.currentThread().name = origThreadName + " :: [" + provider.name + "]" foundResults.setdefault(provider.name, {}) searchCount = 0 search_mode = 'eponly' if seasonSearch and provider.search_mode == 'sponly': search_mode = provider.search_mode while (True): searchCount += 1 if search_mode == 'sponly': logger.log(u"Searching for " + show.name + " Season " + str(season) + " pack") else: logger.log(u"Searching for episodes we need from " + show.name + " Season " + str(season)) try: searchResults = provider.findSearchResults(show, season, episodes, search_mode, manualSearch) except exceptions.AuthException, e: logger.log(u"Authentication error: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) break except Exception, e: logger.log(u"Error while searching " + provider.name + ", skipping: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR) break if len(searchResults): # make a list of all the results for this provider for curEp in searchResults: # skip non-tv crap searchResults[curEp] = filter( lambda x: show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(x.name) and show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(x.name, show, season=season), searchResults[curEp]) if curEp in foundResults: foundResults[provider.name][curEp] += searchResults[curEp] else: foundResults[provider.name][curEp] = searchResults[curEp] break elif not provider.search_fallback or searchCount == 2: break if search_mode == 'sponly': logger.log(u"FALLBACK EPISODE SEARCH INITIATED ...") search_mode = 'eponly' else: logger.log(u"FALLBACK SEASON PACK SEARCH INITIATED ...") search_mode = 'sponly' # skip to next provider if we have no results to process if not len(foundResults[provider.name]): if providerNum != len(providers): continue break anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality) # pick the best season NZB bestSeasonNZB = None if SEASON_RESULT in foundResults[provider.name]: bestSeasonNZB = pickBestResult(foundResults[provider.name][SEASON_RESULT], show, anyQualities + bestQualities) highest_quality_overall = 0 for cur_episode in foundResults[provider.name]: for cur_result in foundResults[provider.name][cur_episode]: if cur_result.quality != Quality.UNKNOWN and cur_result.quality > highest_quality_overall: highest_quality_overall = cur_result.quality logger.log(u"The highest quality of any match is " + Quality.qualityStrings[highest_quality_overall], logger.DEBUG) # see if every episode is wanted if bestSeasonNZB: # get the quality of the season nzb seasonQual = Quality.sceneQuality(bestSeasonNZB.name) seasonQual = bestSeasonNZB.quality logger.log( u"The quality of the season " + bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType + " is " + Quality.qualityStrings[ seasonQual], logger.DEBUG) myDB = db.DBConnection() allEps = [int(x["episode"]) for x in myDB.select("SELECT episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ?", [show.indexerid, season])] logger.log(u"Episode list: " + str(allEps), logger.DEBUG) allWanted = True anyWanted = False for curEpNum in allEps: if not show.wantEpisode(season, curEpNum, seasonQual): allWanted = False else: anyWanted = True # if we need every ep in the season and there's nothing better then just download this and be done with it (unless single episodes are preferred) if allWanted and bestSeasonNZB.quality == highest_quality_overall: logger.log( u"Every ep in this season is needed, downloading the whole " + bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType + " " + bestSeasonNZB.name) epObjs = [] for curEpNum in allEps: epObjs.append(show.getEpisode(season, curEpNum)) bestSeasonNZB.episodes = epObjs return [bestSeasonNZB] elif not anyWanted: logger.log( u"No eps from this season are wanted at this quality, ignoring the result of " + bestSeasonNZB.name, logger.DEBUG) else: if bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType == GenericProvider.NZB: logger.log(u"Breaking apart the NZB and adding the individual ones to our results", logger.DEBUG) # if not, break it apart and add them as the lowest priority results individualResults = nzbSplitter.splitResult(bestSeasonNZB) individualResults = filter( lambda x: show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(x.name) and show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(x.name, show, season=season), individualResults) for curResult in individualResults: if len(curResult.episodes) == 1: epNum = curResult.episodes[0].episode elif len(curResult.episodes) > 1: epNum = MULTI_EP_RESULT if epNum in foundResults[provider.name]: foundResults[provider.name][epNum].append(curResult) else: foundResults[provider.name][epNum] = [curResult] # If this is a torrent all we can do is leech the entire torrent, user will have to select which eps not do download in his torrent client else: # Season result from Torrent Provider must be a full-season torrent, creating multi-ep result for it. logger.log( u"Adding multi-ep result for full-season torrent. Set the episodes you don't want to 'don't download' in your torrent client if desired!") epObjs = [] for curEpNum in allEps: epObjs.append(show.getEpisode(season, curEpNum)) bestSeasonNZB.episodes = epObjs epNum = MULTI_EP_RESULT if epNum in foundResults[provider.name]: foundResults[provider.name][epNum].append(bestSeasonNZB) else: foundResults[provider.name][epNum] = [bestSeasonNZB] # go through multi-ep results and see if we really want them or not, get rid of the rest multiResults = {} if MULTI_EP_RESULT in foundResults[provider.name]: for multiResult in foundResults[provider.name][MULTI_EP_RESULT]: logger.log(u"Seeing if we want to bother with multi-episode result " + multiResult.name, logger.DEBUG) if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS and failed_history.hasFailed(multiResult.name, multiResult.size, multiResult.provider.name): logger.log(multiResult.name + u" has previously failed, rejecting this multi-ep result") continue # see how many of the eps that this result covers aren't covered by single results neededEps = [] notNeededEps = [] for epObj in multiResult.episodes: epNum = epObj.episode # if we have results for the episode if epNum in foundResults[provider.name] and len(foundResults[provider.name][epNum]) > 0: # but the multi-ep is worse quality, we don't want it # TODO: wtf is this False for # if False and multiResult.quality <= pickBestResult(foundResults[epNum]): # notNeededEps.append(epNum) #else: neededEps.append(epNum) else: neededEps.append(epNum) logger.log( u"Single-ep check result is neededEps: " + str(neededEps) + ", notNeededEps: " + str(notNeededEps), logger.DEBUG) if not neededEps: logger.log(u"All of these episodes were covered by single nzbs, ignoring this multi-ep result", logger.DEBUG) continue # check if these eps are already covered by another multi-result multiNeededEps = [] multiNotNeededEps = [] for epObj in multiResult.episodes: epNum = epObj.episode if epNum in multiResults: multiNotNeededEps.append(epNum) else: multiNeededEps.append(epNum) logger.log( u"Multi-ep check result is multiNeededEps: " + str(multiNeededEps) + ", multiNotNeededEps: " + str( multiNotNeededEps), logger.DEBUG) if not multiNeededEps: logger.log( u"All of these episodes were covered by another multi-episode nzbs, ignoring this multi-ep result", logger.DEBUG) continue # if we're keeping this multi-result then remember it for epObj in multiResult.episodes: multiResults[epObj.episode] = multiResult # don't bother with the single result if we're going to get it with a multi result for epObj in multiResult.episodes: epNum = epObj.episode if epNum in foundResults[provider.name]: logger.log( u"A needed multi-episode result overlaps with a single-episode result for ep #" + str( epNum) + ", removing the single-episode results from the list", logger.DEBUG) del foundResults[provider.name][epNum] # of all the single ep results narrow it down to the best one for each episode finalResults += set(multiResults.values()) for curEp in foundResults[provider.name]: if curEp in (MULTI_EP_RESULT, SEASON_RESULT): continue if len(foundResults[provider.name][curEp]) == 0: continue bestResult = pickBestResult(foundResults[provider.name][curEp], show) # if all results were rejected move on to the next episode if not bestResult: continue # add result if its not a duplicate and found = False for i, result in enumerate(finalResults): for bestResultEp in bestResult.episodes: if bestResultEp in result.episodes: if result.quality < bestResult.quality: finalResults.pop(i) else: found = True if not found: finalResults += [bestResult] # check that we got all the episodes we wanted first before doing a match and snatch wantedEpCount = 0 for wantedEp in episodes: for result in finalResults: if wantedEp in result.episodes and isFinalResult(result): wantedEpCount += 1 # make sure we search every provider for results unless we found everything we wanted if providerNum == len(providers) or wantedEpCount == len(episodes): break return finalResults