# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Jimmy Retzlaff, 2008 Konstantin Yegupov # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Low level interface - see UnRARDLL\UNRARDLL.TXT from __future__ import generators from shutil import copyfile import ctypes.wintypes import os.path import time from rar_exceptions import * ERAR_END_ARCHIVE = 10 ERAR_NO_MEMORY = 11 ERAR_BAD_DATA = 12 ERAR_BAD_ARCHIVE = 13 ERAR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 14 ERAR_EOPEN = 15 ERAR_ECREATE = 16 ERAR_ECLOSE = 17 ERAR_EREAD = 18 ERAR_EWRITE = 19 ERAR_SMALL_BUF = 20 ERAR_UNKNOWN = 21 RAR_OM_LIST = 0 RAR_OM_EXTRACT = 1 RAR_SKIP = 0 RAR_TEST = 1 RAR_EXTRACT = 2 RAR_VOL_ASK = 0 RAR_VOL_NOTIFY = 1 RAR_DLL_VERSION = 3 # enum UNRARCALLBACK_MESSAGES UCM_CHANGEVOLUME = 0 UCM_PROCESSDATA = 1 UCM_NEEDPASSWORD = 2 architecture_bits = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp)*8 dll_name = "unrar.dll" if architecture_bits == 64: dll_name = "unrar64.dll" try: unrar = ctypes.WinDLL(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), dll_name)) except WindowsError: unrar = ctypes.WinDLL(dll_name) class RAROpenArchiveDataEx(ctypes.Structure): def __init__(self, ArcName=None, ArcNameW=u'', OpenMode=RAR_OM_LIST): self.CmtBuf = ctypes.c_buffer(64*1024) ctypes.Structure.__init__(self, ArcName=ArcName, ArcNameW=ArcNameW, OpenMode=OpenMode, _CmtBuf=ctypes.addressof(self.CmtBuf), CmtBufSize=ctypes.sizeof(self.CmtBuf)) _fields_ = [ ('ArcName', ctypes.c_char_p), ('ArcNameW', ctypes.c_wchar_p), ('OpenMode', ctypes.c_uint), ('OpenResult', ctypes.c_uint), ('_CmtBuf', ctypes.c_voidp), ('CmtBufSize', ctypes.c_uint), ('CmtSize', ctypes.c_uint), ('CmtState', ctypes.c_uint), ('Flags', ctypes.c_uint), ('Reserved', ctypes.c_uint*32), ] class RARHeaderDataEx(ctypes.Structure): def __init__(self): self.CmtBuf = ctypes.c_buffer(64*1024) ctypes.Structure.__init__(self, _CmtBuf=ctypes.addressof(self.CmtBuf), CmtBufSize=ctypes.sizeof(self.CmtBuf)) _fields_ = [ ('ArcName', ctypes.c_char*1024), ('ArcNameW', ctypes.c_wchar*1024), ('FileName', ctypes.c_char*1024), ('FileNameW', ctypes.c_wchar*1024), ('Flags', ctypes.c_uint), ('PackSize', ctypes.c_uint), ('PackSizeHigh', ctypes.c_uint), ('UnpSize', ctypes.c_uint), ('UnpSizeHigh', ctypes.c_uint), ('HostOS', ctypes.c_uint), ('FileCRC', ctypes.c_uint), ('FileTime', ctypes.c_uint), ('UnpVer', ctypes.c_uint), ('Method', ctypes.c_uint), ('FileAttr', ctypes.c_uint), ('_CmtBuf', ctypes.c_voidp), ('CmtBufSize', ctypes.c_uint), ('CmtSize', ctypes.c_uint), ('CmtState', ctypes.c_uint), ('Reserved', ctypes.c_uint*1024), ] def DosDateTimeToTimeTuple(dosDateTime): """Convert an MS-DOS format date time to a Python time tuple. """ dosDate = dosDateTime >> 16 dosTime = dosDateTime & 0xffff day = dosDate & 0x1f month = (dosDate >> 5) & 0xf year = 1980 + (dosDate >> 9) second = 2*(dosTime & 0x1f) minute = (dosTime >> 5) & 0x3f hour = dosTime >> 11 return time.localtime(time.mktime((year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, 1, -1))) def _wrap(restype, function, argtypes): result = function result.argtypes = argtypes result.restype = restype return result RARGetDllVersion = _wrap(ctypes.c_int, unrar.RARGetDllVersion, []) RAROpenArchiveEx = _wrap(ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, unrar.RAROpenArchiveEx, [ctypes.POINTER(RAROpenArchiveDataEx)]) RARReadHeaderEx = _wrap(ctypes.c_int, unrar.RARReadHeaderEx, [ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(RARHeaderDataEx)]) _RARSetPassword = _wrap(ctypes.c_int, unrar.RARSetPassword, [ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.c_char_p]) def RARSetPassword(*args, **kwargs): _RARSetPassword(*args, **kwargs) RARProcessFile = _wrap(ctypes.c_int, unrar.RARProcessFile, [ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]) RARCloseArchive = _wrap(ctypes.c_int, unrar.RARCloseArchive, [ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE]) UNRARCALLBACK = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long) RARSetCallback = _wrap(ctypes.c_int, unrar.RARSetCallback, [ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, UNRARCALLBACK, ctypes.c_long]) RARExceptions = { ERAR_NO_MEMORY : MemoryError, ERAR_BAD_DATA : ArchiveHeaderBroken, ERAR_BAD_ARCHIVE : InvalidRARArchive, ERAR_EOPEN : FileOpenError, } class PassiveReader: """Used for reading files to memory""" def __init__(self, usercallback = None): self.buf = [] self.ucb = usercallback def _callback(self, msg, UserData, P1, P2): if msg == UCM_PROCESSDATA: data = (ctypes.c_char*P2).from_address(P1).raw if self.ucb!=None: self.ucb(data) else: self.buf.append(data) return 1 def get_result(self): return ''.join(self.buf) class RarInfoIterator(object): def __init__(self, arc): self.arc = arc self.index = 0 self.headerData = RARHeaderDataEx() self.res = RARReadHeaderEx(self.arc._handle, ctypes.byref(self.headerData)) if self.res==ERAR_BAD_DATA: raise IncorrectRARPassword self.arc.lockStatus = "locked" self.arc.needskip = False def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.index>0: if self.arc.needskip: RARProcessFile(self.arc._handle, RAR_SKIP, None, None) self.res = RARReadHeaderEx(self.arc._handle, ctypes.byref(self.headerData)) if self.res: raise StopIteration self.arc.needskip = True data = {} data['index'] = self.index data['filename'] = self.headerData.FileName data['datetime'] = DosDateTimeToTimeTuple(self.headerData.FileTime) data['isdir'] = ((self.headerData.Flags & 0xE0) == 0xE0) data['size'] = self.headerData.UnpSize + (self.headerData.UnpSizeHigh << 32) if self.headerData.CmtState == 1: data['comment'] = self.headerData.CmtBuf.value else: data['comment'] = None self.index += 1 return data def __del__(self): self.arc.lockStatus = "finished" def generate_password_provider(password): def password_provider_callback(msg, UserData, P1, P2): if msg == UCM_NEEDPASSWORD and password!=None: (ctypes.c_char*P2).from_address(P1).value = password return 1 return password_provider_callback class RarFileImplementation(object): def init(self, password=None): self.password = password archiveData = RAROpenArchiveDataEx(ArcNameW=self.archiveName, OpenMode=RAR_OM_EXTRACT) self._handle = RAROpenArchiveEx(ctypes.byref(archiveData)) self.c_callback = UNRARCALLBACK(generate_password_provider(self.password)) RARSetCallback(self._handle, self.c_callback, 1) if archiveData.OpenResult != 0: raise RARExceptions[archiveData.OpenResult] if archiveData.CmtState == 1: self.comment = archiveData.CmtBuf.value else: self.comment = None if password: RARSetPassword(self._handle, password) self.lockStatus = "ready" def destruct(self): if self._handle and RARCloseArchive: RARCloseArchive(self._handle) def make_sure_ready(self): if self.lockStatus == "locked": raise InvalidRARArchiveUsage("cannot execute infoiter() without finishing previous one") if self.lockStatus == "finished": self.destruct() self.init(self.password) def infoiter(self): self.make_sure_ready() return RarInfoIterator(self) def read_files(self, checker): res = [] for info in self.infoiter(): if checker(info) and not info.isdir: reader = PassiveReader() c_callback = UNRARCALLBACK(reader._callback) RARSetCallback(self._handle, c_callback, 1) tmpres = RARProcessFile(self._handle, RAR_TEST, None, None) if tmpres==ERAR_BAD_DATA: raise IncorrectRARPassword self.needskip = False res.append((info, reader.get_result())) return res def extract(self, checker, path, withSubpath, overwrite): res = [] for info in self.infoiter(): checkres = checker(info) if checkres!=False and not info.isdir: if checkres==True: fn = info.filename if not withSubpath: fn = os.path.split(fn)[-1] target = os.path.join(path, fn) else: raise DeprecationWarning, "Condition callbacks returning strings are deprecated and only supported in Windows" target = checkres if overwrite or (not os.path.exists(target)): tmpres = RARProcessFile(self._handle, RAR_EXTRACT, None, target) if tmpres==ERAR_BAD_DATA: raise IncorrectRARPassword self.needskip = False res.append(info) return res