""" parser.mobile package (imdb package). This package provides the IMDbMobileAccessSystem class used to access IMDb's data for mobile systems. the imdb.IMDb function will return an instance of this class when called with the 'accessSystem' argument set to "mobile". Copyright 2005-2011 Davide Alberani This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ import re import logging from urllib import unquote from imdb.Movie import Movie from imdb.utils import analyze_title, analyze_name, canonicalName, \ date_and_notes from imdb._exceptions import IMDbDataAccessError from imdb.parser.http import IMDbHTTPAccessSystem from imdb.parser.http.utils import subXMLRefs, subSGMLRefs, build_person, \ build_movie, re_spaces # XXX NOTE: the first version of this module was heavily based on # regular expressions. This new version replace regexps with # find() strings' method calls; despite being less flexible, it # seems to be at least as fast and, hopefully, much more # lightweight. Yes: the regexp-based version was too heavyweight # for systems with very limited CPU power and memory footprint. re_spacessub = re_spaces.sub # Strip html. re_unhtml = re.compile(r'<.+?>') re_unhtmlsub = re_unhtml.sub # imdb person or movie ids. re_imdbID = re.compile(r'(?<=nm|tt|ch)([0-9]{7})\b') # movie AKAs. re_makas = re.compile('(


)') # Remove episode numbers. re_filmo_episodes = re.compile('
', re.M | re.I) def _unHtml(s): """Return a string without tags and no multiple spaces.""" return subSGMLRefs(re_spacessub(' ', re_unhtmlsub('', s)).strip()) _inttype = type(0) def _getTagsWith(s, cont, toClosure=False, maxRes=None): """Return the html tags in the 's' string containing the 'cont' string; if toClosure is True, everything between the opening tag and the closing tag is returned.""" lres = [] bi = s.find(cont) if bi != -1: btag = s[:bi].rfind('<') if btag != -1: if not toClosure: etag = s[bi+1:].find('>') if etag != -1: endidx = bi+2+etag lres.append(s[btag:endidx]) if maxRes is not None and len(lres) >= maxRes: return lres lres += _getTagsWith(s[endidx:], cont, toClosure=toClosure) else: spaceidx = s[btag:].find(' ') if spaceidx != -1: ctag = '' % s[btag+1:btag+spaceidx] closeidx = s[bi:].find(ctag) if closeidx != -1: endidx = bi+closeidx+len(ctag) lres.append(s[btag:endidx]) if maxRes is not None and len(lres) >= maxRes: return lres lres += _getTagsWith(s[endidx:], cont, toClosure=toClosure) return lres def _findBetween(s, begins, ends, beginindx=0, maxRes=None, lres=None): """Return the list of strings from the 's' string which are included between the 'begins' and 'ends' strings.""" if lres is None: lres = [] bi = s.find(begins, beginindx) if bi != -1: lbegins = len(begins) if isinstance(ends, (list, tuple)): eset = [s.find(end, bi+lbegins) for end in ends] eset[:] = [x for x in eset if x != -1] if not eset: ei = -1 else: ei = min(eset) else: ei = s.find(ends, bi+lbegins) if ei != -1: match = s[bi+lbegins:ei] lres.append(match) if maxRes is not None and len(lres) >= maxRes: return lres _findBetween(s, begins, ends, beginindx=ei, maxRes=maxRes, lres=lres) return lres class IMDbMobileAccessSystem(IMDbHTTPAccessSystem): """The class used to access IMDb's data through the web for mobile terminals.""" accessSystem = 'mobile' _mobile_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.mobile') def __init__(self, isThin=0, *arguments, **keywords): self.accessSystem = 'mobile' IMDbHTTPAccessSystem.__init__(self, isThin, *arguments, **keywords) def _clean_html(self, html): """Normalize the retrieve html.""" html = re_spaces.sub(' ', html) # Remove silly  » chars. html = html.replace(' »', '') return subXMLRefs(html) def _mretrieve(self, url, size=-1): """Retrieve an html page and normalize it.""" cont = self._retrieve(url, size=size) return self._clean_html(cont) def _getPersons(self, s, sep='
'): """Return a list of Person objects, from the string s; items are assumed to be separated by the sep string.""" names = s.split(sep) pl = [] plappend = pl.append counter = 1 for name in names: pid = re_imdbID.findall(name) if not pid: continue characters = _getTagsWith(name, 'class="char"', toClosure=True, maxRes=1) chpids = [] if characters: for ch in characters[0].split(' / '): chid = re_imdbID.findall(ch) if not chid: chpids.append(None) else: chpids.append(chid[-1]) if not chpids: chpids = None elif len(chpids) == 1: chpids = chpids[0] name = _unHtml(name) # Catch unclosed tags. gt_indx = name.find('>') if gt_indx != -1: name = name[gt_indx+1:].lstrip() if not name: continue if name.endswith('...'): name = name[:-3] p = build_person(name, personID=str(pid[0]), billingPos=counter, modFunct=self._defModFunct, roleID=chpids, accessSystem=self.accessSystem) plappend(p) counter += 1 return pl def _search_movie(self, title, results): ##params = urllib.urlencode({'tt': 'on','mx': str(results),'q': title}) ##params = 'q=%s&tt=on&mx=%s' % (urllib.quote_plus(title), str(results)) ##cont = self._mretrieve(imdbURL_search % params) cont = subXMLRefs(self._get_search_content('tt', title, results)) title = _findBetween(cont, '', '', maxRes=1) res = [] if not title: self._mobile_logger.error('no title tag searching for movie %s', title) return res tl = title[0].lower() if not tl.startswith('imdb title'): # a direct hit! title = _unHtml(title[0]) mid = None midtag = _getTagsWith(cont, 'rel="canonical"', maxRes=1) if midtag: mid = _findBetween(midtag[0], '/title/tt', '/', maxRes=1) if not (mid and title): self._mobile_logger.error('no direct hit title/movieID for' \ ' title %s', title) return res if cont.find('TV mini-series') != -1: title += ' (mini)' res[:] = [(str(mid[0]), analyze_title(title))] else: # XXX: this results*3 prevents some recursion errors, but... # it's not exactly understandable (i.e.: why 'results' is # not enough to get all the results?) lis = _findBetween(cont, 'td valign="top">', '', maxRes=results*3) for li in lis: akas = re_makas.findall(li) for idx, aka in enumerate(akas): aka = aka.replace('" - ', '::', 1) aka = _unHtml(aka) if aka.startswith('aka "'): aka = aka[5:].strip() if aka[-1] == '"': aka = aka[:-1] akas[idx] = aka imdbid = re_imdbID.findall(li) li = re_makas.sub('', li) mtitle = _unHtml(li) if not (imdbid and mtitle): self._mobile_logger.debug('no title/movieID parsing' \ ' %s searching for title %s', li, title) continue mtitle = mtitle.replace('(TV mini-series)', '(mini)') resd = analyze_title(mtitle) if akas: resd['akas'] = akas res.append((str(imdbid[0]), resd)) return res def get_movie_main(self, movieID): cont = self._mretrieve(self.urls['movie_main'] % movieID + 'maindetails') title = _findBetween(cont, '', '', maxRes=1) if not title: raise IMDbDataAccessError('unable to get movieID "%s"' % movieID) title = _unHtml(title[0]) if title.endswith(' - IMDb'): title = title[:-7] if cont.find('TV mini-series') != -1: title += ' (mini)' d = analyze_title(title) kind = d.get('kind') tv_series = _findBetween(cont, 'TV Series:', '', maxRes=1) if tv_series: mid = re_imdbID.findall(tv_series[0]) else: mid = None if tv_series and mid: s_title = _unHtml(tv_series[0]) s_data = analyze_title(s_title) m = Movie(movieID=str(mid[0]), data=s_data, accessSystem=self.accessSystem, modFunct=self._defModFunct) d['kind'] = kind = u'episode' d['episode of'] = m if kind in ('tv series', 'tv mini series'): years = _findBetween(cont, '

', '

', maxRes=1) if years: years[:] = _findBetween(years[0], 'TV series', '', maxRes=1) if years: d['series years'] = years[0].strip() air_date = _findBetween(cont, 'Original Air Date:', '', maxRes=1) if air_date: air_date = air_date[0] vi = air_date.find('(') if vi != -1: date = _unHtml(air_date[:vi]).strip() if date != '????': d['original air date'] = date air_date = air_date[vi:] season = _findBetween(air_date, 'Season', ',', maxRes=1) if season: season = season[0].strip() try: season = int(season) except: pass if season or type(season) is _inttype: d['season'] = season episode = _findBetween(air_date, 'Episode', ')', maxRes=1) if episode: episode = episode[0].strip() try: episode = int(episode) except: pass if episode or type(season) is _inttype: d['episode'] = episode direct = _findBetween(cont, '
Director', ('', '

'), maxRes=1) if direct: direct = direct[0] h5idx = direct.find('/h5>') if h5idx != -1: direct = direct[h5idx+4:] direct = self._getPersons(direct) if direct: d['director'] = direct if kind in ('tv series', 'tv mini series', 'episode'): if kind != 'episode': seasons = _findBetween(cont, 'Seasons:
', '', maxRes=1) if seasons: d['number of seasons'] = seasons[0].count('|') + 1 creator = _findBetween(cont, 'Created by', ('class="tn15more"', '', '

'), maxRes=1) if not creator: # They change 'Created by' to 'Creator' and viceversa # from time to time... # XXX: is 'Creators' also used? creator = _findBetween(cont, 'Creator:', ('class="tn15more"', '', '

'), maxRes=1) if creator: creator = creator[0] if creator.find('tn15more'): creator = '%s>' % creator creator = self._getPersons(creator) if creator: d['creator'] = creator writers = _findBetween(cont, '
Writer', ('', '

'), maxRes=1) if writers: writers = writers[0] h5idx = writers.find('/h5>') if h5idx != -1: writers = writers[h5idx+4:] writers = self._getPersons(writers) if writers: d['writer'] = writers cvurl = _getTagsWith(cont, 'name="poster"', toClosure=True, maxRes=1) if cvurl: cvurl = _findBetween(cvurl[0], 'src="', '"', maxRes=1) if cvurl: d['cover url'] = cvurl[0] genres = _findBetween(cont, 'href="/genre/', '"') if genres: d['genres'] = list(set(genres)) ur = _findBetween(cont, 'id="star-bar-user-rate">', '', maxRes=1) if ur: rat = _findBetween(ur[0], '', '', maxRes=1) if rat: if rat: d['rating'] = rat[0].strip() else: self._mobile_logger.warn('wrong rating: %s', rat) vi = ur[0].rfind('href="ratings"') if vi != -1 and ur[0][vi+10:].find('await') == -1: try: votes = _findBetween(ur[0][vi:], "title='", " IMDb", maxRes=1) votes = int(votes[0].replace(',', '')) d['votes'] = votes except (ValueError, IndexError): self._mobile_logger.warn('wrong votes: %s', ur) top250 = _findBetween(cont, 'href="/chart/top?', '', maxRes=1) if top250: fn = top250[0].rfind('#') if fn != -1: try: td = int(top250[0][fn+1:]) d['top 250 rank'] = td except ValueError: self._mobile_logger.warn('wrong top250: %s', top250) castdata = _findBetween(cont, 'Cast overview', '', maxRes=1) if not castdata: castdata = _findBetween(cont, 'Credited cast', '', maxRes=1) if not castdata: castdata = _findBetween(cont, 'Complete credited cast', '', maxRes=1) if not castdata: castdata = _findBetween(cont, 'Series Cast Summary', '', maxRes=1) if not castdata: castdata = _findBetween(cont, 'Episode Credited cast', '', maxRes=1) if castdata: castdata = castdata[0] # Reintegrate the fist tag. fl = castdata.find('href=') if fl != -1: castdata = '') if smib != -1: smie = castdata.rfind('') if smie != -1: castdata = castdata[:smib].strip() + \ castdata[smie+18:].strip() castdata = castdata.replace('/tr> ', '', maxRes=1) if akas: # For some reason, here
is still used in place of
. akas[:] = [x for x in akas[0].split('
') if x.strip()] akas = [_unHtml(x).replace('" - ','::', 1).lstrip('"').strip() for x in akas] if 'See more' in akas: akas.remove('See more') akas[:] = [x for x in akas if x] if akas: d['akas'] = akas mpaa = _findBetween(cont, 'MPAA
:', '', maxRes=1) if mpaa: d['mpaa'] = _unHtml(mpaa[0]) runtimes = _findBetween(cont, 'Runtime:
', '', maxRes=1) if runtimes: runtimes = runtimes[0] runtimes = [x.strip().replace(' min', '').replace(' (', '::(', 1) for x in runtimes.split('|')] d['runtimes'] = [_unHtml(x).strip() for x in runtimes] if kind == 'episode': # number of episodes. epsn = _findBetween(cont, 'title="Full Episode List">', '', maxRes=1) if epsn: epsn = epsn[0].replace(' Episodes', '').strip() if epsn: try: epsn = int(epsn) except: self._mobile_logger.warn('wrong episodes #: %s', epsn) d['number of episodes'] = epsn country = _findBetween(cont, 'Country:', '', maxRes=1) if country: country[:] = country[0].split(' | ') country[:] = ['', '::')) for x in country] if country: d['countries'] = country lang = _findBetween(cont, 'Language:', '', maxRes=1) if lang: lang[:] = lang[0].split(' | ') lang[:] = ['', '::')) for x in lang] if lang: d['languages'] = lang col = _findBetween(cont, '"/search/title?colors=', '') if col: col[:] = col[0].split(' | ') col[:] = ['', '::')) for x in col] if col: d['color info'] = col sm = _findBetween(cont, '/search/title?sound_mixes=', '', maxRes=1) if sm: sm[:] = sm[0].split(' | ') sm[:] = ['', '::')) for x in sm] if sm: d['sound mix'] = sm cert = _findBetween(cont, 'Certification:', '', maxRes=1) if cert: cert[:] = cert[0].split(' | ') cert[:] = [_unHtml(x.replace(' ', '::')) for x in cert] if cert: d['certificates'] = cert plotoutline = _findBetween(cont, 'Plot:', [''], maxRes=1) if plotoutline: plotoutline = plotoutline[0].strip() plotoutline = plotoutline.rstrip('|').rstrip() if plotoutline: d['plot outline'] = _unHtml(plotoutline) aratio = _findBetween(cont, 'Aspect Ratio:', [''], maxRes=1) if aratio: aratio = aratio[0].strip().replace(' (', '::(', 1) if aratio: d['aspect ratio'] = _unHtml(aratio) return {'data': d} def get_movie_plot(self, movieID): cont = self._mretrieve(self.urls['movie_main'] % movieID + 'plotsummary') plot = _findBetween(cont, '

', '

') plot[:] = [_unHtml(x) for x in plot] for i in xrange(len(plot)): p = plot[i] wbyidx = p.rfind(' Written by ') if wbyidx != -1: plot[i] = '%s::%s' % \ (p[:wbyidx].rstrip(), p[wbyidx+12:].rstrip().replace('{','<').replace('}','>')) if plot: return {'data': {'plot': plot}} return {'data': {}} def _search_person(self, name, results): ##params = urllib.urlencode({'nm': 'on', 'mx': str(results), 'q': name}) ##params = 'q=%s&nm=on&mx=%s' % (urllib.quote_plus(name), str(results)) ##cont = self._mretrieve(imdbURL_search % params) cont = subXMLRefs(self._get_search_content('nm', name, results)) name = _findBetween(cont, '', '', maxRes=1) res = [] if not name: self._mobile_logger.warn('no title tag searching for name %s', name) return res nl = name[0].lower() if not nl.startswith('imdb name'): # a direct hit! name = _unHtml(name[0]) name = name.replace('- Filmography by type' , '').strip() pid = None pidtag = _getTagsWith(cont, 'rel="canonical"', maxRes=1) if pidtag: pid = _findBetween(pidtag[0], '/name/nm', '/', maxRes=1) if not (pid and name): self._mobile_logger.error('no direct hit name/personID for' \ ' name %s', name) return res res[:] = [(str(pid[0]), analyze_name(name, canonical=1))] else: lis = _findBetween(cont, 'td valign="top">', '', maxRes=results*3) for li in lis: akas = _findBetween(li, '"', '"') for sep in [' aka', '
birth name']: sepIdx = li.find(sep) if sepIdx != -1: li = li[:sepIdx] pid = re_imdbID.findall(li) pname = _unHtml(li) if not (pid and pname): self._mobile_logger.debug('no name/personID parsing' \ ' %s searching for name %s', li, name) continue resd = analyze_name(pname, canonical=1) if akas: resd['akas'] = akas res.append((str(pid[0]), resd)) return res def get_person_main(self, personID, _parseChr=False): if not _parseChr: url = self.urls['person_main'] % personID + 'maindetails' else: url = self.urls['character_main'] % personID s = self._mretrieve(url) r = {} name = _findBetween(s, '', '', maxRes=1) if not name: if _parseChr: w = 'characterID' else: w = 'personID' raise IMDbDataAccessError('unable to get %s "%s"' % (w, personID)) name = _unHtml(name[0].replace(' - IMDb', '')) if _parseChr: name = name.replace('(Character)', '').strip() name = name.replace('- Filmography by type', '').strip() else: name = name.replace('- Filmography by', '').strip() r = analyze_name(name, canonical=not _parseChr) for dKind in ('Born', 'Died'): date = _findBetween(s, '%s:' % dKind.capitalize(), ('
', '

'), maxRes=1) if date: date = _unHtml(date[0]) if date: #date, notes = date_and_notes(date) # TODO: fix to handle real names. date_notes = date.split(' in ', 1) notes = u'' date = date_notes[0] if len(date_notes) == 2: notes = date_notes[1] dtitle = 'birth' if dKind == 'Died': dtitle = 'death' if date: r['%s date' % dtitle] = date if notes: r['%s notes' % dtitle] = notes akas = _findBetween(s, 'Alternate Names:', ('
', '

'), maxRes=1) if akas: akas = akas[0] if akas: akas = _unHtml(akas) if akas.find(' | ') != -1: akas = akas.split(' | ') else: akas = akas.split(' / ') if akas: r['akas'] = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in akas]) hs = _findBetween(s, "rel='image_src'", '>', maxRes=1) if not hs: hs = _findBetween(s, 'rel="image_src"', '>', maxRes=1) if not hs: hs = _findBetween(s, '
', maxRes=1) if hs: hsl = _findBetween(hs[0], "href='", "'", maxRes=1) if not hsl: hsl = _findBetween(hs[0], 'href="', '"', maxRes=1) if hsl and 'imdb-share-logo' not in hsl[0]: r['headshot'] = hsl[0] # Build a list of tuples such [('hrefLink', 'section name')] workkind = _findBetween(s, 'id="jumpto_', '') ws = [] for work in workkind: sep = '" >' if '">' in work: sep = '">' wsplit = work.split(sep, 1) if len(wsplit) == 2: sect = wsplit[0] if '"' in sect: sect = sect[:sect.find('"')] ws.append((sect, wsplit[1].lower())) # XXX: I think "guest appearances" are gone. if s.find(' tag. if _parseChr and sect == 'filmography': inisect = s.find('
') else: inisect = s.find('',)) for m in mlist: fCB = m.find('>') if fCB != -1: m = m[fCB+1:].lstrip() m = re_filmo_episodes.sub('', m) # For every movie in the current section. movieID = re_imdbID.findall(m) if not movieID: self._mobile_logger.debug('no movieID in %s', m) continue m = m.replace('
', ' .... ', 1) if not _parseChr: chrIndx = m.find(' .... ') else: chrIndx = m.find(' Played by ') chids = [] if chrIndx != -1: chrtxt = m[chrIndx+6:] if _parseChr: chrtxt = chrtxt[5:] for ch in chrtxt.split(' / '): chid = re_imdbID.findall(ch) if not chid: chids.append(None) else: chids.append(chid[-1]) if not chids: chids = None elif len(chids) == 1: chids = chids[0] movieID = str(movieID[0]) # Search the status. stidx = m.find('') status = u'' if stidx != -1: stendidx = m.rfind('') if stendidx != -1: status = _unHtml(m[stidx+3:stendidx]) m = m.replace(m[stidx+3:stendidx], '') year = _findBetween(m, 'year_column">', '', maxRes=1) if year: year = year[0] m = m.replace('%s' % year, '') else: year = None m = _unHtml(m) if not m: self._mobile_logger.warn('no title for movieID %s', movieID) continue movie = build_movie(m, movieID=movieID, status=status, roleID=chids, modFunct=self._defModFunct, accessSystem=self.accessSystem, _parsingCharacter=_parseChr, year=year) sectName = sectName.split(':')[0] r.setdefault(sectName, []).append(movie) # If available, take the always correct name from a form. itag = _getTagsWith(s, 'NAME="primary"', maxRes=1) if not itag: itag = _getTagsWith(s, 'name="primary"', maxRes=1) if itag: vtag = _findBetween(itag[0], 'VALUE="', ('"', '>'), maxRes=1) if not vtag: vtag = _findBetween(itag[0], 'value="', ('"', '>'), maxRes=1) if vtag: try: vtag = unquote(str(vtag[0])) vtag = unicode(vtag, 'latin_1') r.update(analyze_name(vtag)) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return {'data': r, 'info sets': ('main', 'filmography')} def get_person_biography(self, personID): cont = self._mretrieve(self.urls['person_main'] % personID + 'bio') d = {} spouses = _findBetween(cont, 'Spouse', ('', ''), maxRes=1) if spouses: sl = [] for spouse in spouses[0].split(''): if spouse.count('') > 1: spouse = spouse.replace('', '::', 1) spouse = _unHtml(spouse) spouse = spouse.replace(':: ', '::').strip() if spouse: sl.append(spouse) if sl: d['spouse'] = sl nnames = _findBetween(cont, '
', ('

'), maxRes=1) if nnames: nnames = nnames[0] if nnames: nnames = [x.strip().replace(' (', '::(', 1) for x in nnames.split('
')] if nnames: d['nick names'] = nnames misc_sects = _findBetween(cont, '
', '
') misc_sects[:] = [x.split('
') for x in misc_sects] misc_sects[:] = [x for x in misc_sects if len(x) == 2] for sect, data in misc_sects: sect = sect.lower().replace(':', '').strip() if d.has_key(sect) and sect != 'mini biography': continue elif sect in ('spouse', 'nickname'): continue if sect == 'salary': sect = 'salary history' elif sect == 'where are they now': sect = 'where now' elif sect == 'personal quotes': sect = 'quotes' data = data.replace('

', '::') data = data.replace('

', ' ') # for multi-paragraphs 'bio' data = data.replace(' ', '@@@@') data = data.replace(' ', '::') data = _unHtml(data) data = [x.strip() for x in data.split('::')] data[:] = [x.replace('@@@@', '::') for x in data if x] if sect == 'height' and data: data = data[0] elif sect == 'birth name': data = canonicalName(data[0]) elif sect == 'date of birth': date, notes = date_and_notes(data[0]) if date: d['birth date'] = date if notes: d['birth notes'] = notes continue elif sect == 'date of death': date, notes = date_and_notes(data[0]) if date: d['death date'] = date if notes: d['death notes'] = notes continue elif sect == 'mini biography': ndata = [] for bio in data: byidx = bio.rfind('IMDb Mini Biography By') if byidx != -1: bioAuth = bio[:byidx].rstrip() else: bioAuth = 'Anonymous' bio = u'%s::%s' % (bioAuth, bio[byidx+23:].lstrip()) ndata.append(bio) data[:] = ndata if 'mini biography' in d: d['mini biography'].append(ndata[0]) continue d[sect] = data return {'data': d} def _search_character(self, name, results): cont = subXMLRefs(self._get_search_content('char', name, results)) name = _findBetween(cont, '', '', maxRes=1) res = [] if not name: self._mobile_logger.error('no title tag searching character %s', name) return res nl = name[0].lower() if not (nl.startswith('imdb search') or nl.startswith('imdb search') \ or nl.startswith('imdb character')): # a direct hit! name = _unHtml(name[0]).replace('(Character)', '').strip() pid = None pidtag = _getTagsWith(cont, 'rel="canonical"', maxRes=1) if pidtag: pid = _findBetween(pidtag[0], '/character/ch', '/', maxRes=1) if not (pid and name): self._mobile_logger.error('no direct hit name/characterID for' \ ' character %s', name) return res res[:] = [(str(pid[0]), analyze_name(name))] else: sects = _findBetween(cont, 'Popular Characters', '', maxRes=results*3) sects += _findBetween(cont, 'Characters', '', maxRes=results*3) for sect in sects: lis = _findBetween(sect, '
', ('', '

'), maxRes=1) if intro: intro = _unHtml(intro[0]).strip() if intro: d['introduction'] = intro tocidx = cont.find('