""" parser.http.utils module (imdb package). This module provides miscellaneous utilities used by the imdb.parser.http classes. Copyright 2004-2012 Davide Alberani 2008 H. Turgut Uyar This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ import re import logging import warnings from imdb._exceptions import IMDbError from imdb.utils import flatten, _Container from imdb.Movie import Movie from imdb.Person import Person from imdb.Character import Character # Year, imdbIndex and kind. re_yearKind_index = re.compile(r'(\([0-9\?]{4}(?:/[IVXLCDM]+)?\)(?: \(mini\)| \(TV\)| \(V\)| \(VG\))?)') # Match imdb ids in href tags re_imdbid = re.compile(r'(title/tt|name/nm|character/ch|company/co)([0-9]+)') def analyze_imdbid(href): """Return an imdbID from an URL.""" if not href: return None match = re_imdbid.search(href) if not match: return None return str(match.group(2)) _modify_keys = list(Movie.keys_tomodify_list) + list(Person.keys_tomodify_list) def _putRefs(d, re_titles, re_names, re_characters, lastKey=None): """Iterate over the strings inside list items or dictionary values, substitutes movie titles and person names with the (qv) references.""" if isinstance(d, list): for i in xrange(len(d)): if isinstance(d[i], (unicode, str)): if lastKey in _modify_keys: if re_names: d[i] = re_names.sub(ur"'\1' (qv)", d[i]) if re_titles: d[i] = re_titles.sub(ur'_\1_ (qv)', d[i]) if re_characters: d[i] = re_characters.sub(ur'#\1# (qv)', d[i]) elif isinstance(d[i], (list, dict)): _putRefs(d[i], re_titles, re_names, re_characters, lastKey=lastKey) elif isinstance(d, dict): for k, v in d.items(): lastKey = k if isinstance(v, (unicode, str)): if lastKey in _modify_keys: if re_names: d[k] = re_names.sub(ur"'\1' (qv)", v) if re_titles: d[k] = re_titles.sub(ur'_\1_ (qv)', v) if re_characters: d[k] = re_characters.sub(ur'#\1# (qv)', v) elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)): _putRefs(d[k], re_titles, re_names, re_characters, lastKey=lastKey) # Handle HTML/XML/SGML entities. from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs entitydefs = entitydefs.copy() entitydefsget = entitydefs.get entitydefs['nbsp'] = ' ' sgmlentity = {'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&', 'quot': '"', 'apos': '\'', 'ndash': '-'} sgmlentityget = sgmlentity.get _sgmlentkeys = sgmlentity.keys() entcharrefs = {} entcharrefsget = entcharrefs.get for _k, _v in entitydefs.items(): if _k in _sgmlentkeys: continue if _v[0:2] == '&#': dec_code = _v[1:-1] _v = unichr(int(_v[2:-1])) entcharrefs[dec_code] = _v else: dec_code = '#' + str(ord(_v)) _v = unicode(_v, 'latin_1', 'replace') entcharrefs[dec_code] = _v entcharrefs[_k] = _v del _sgmlentkeys, _k, _v entcharrefs['#160'] = u' ' entcharrefs['#xA0'] = u' ' entcharrefs['#xa0'] = u' ' entcharrefs['#XA0'] = u' ' entcharrefs['#x22'] = u'"' entcharrefs['#X22'] = u'"' # convert &x26; to &, to make BeautifulSoup happy; beware that this # leaves lone '&' in the html broken, but I assume this is better than # the contrary... entcharrefs['#38'] = u'&' entcharrefs['#x26'] = u'&' entcharrefs['#x26'] = u'&' re_entcharrefs = re.compile('&(%s|\#160|\#\d{1,5}|\#x[0-9a-f]{1,4});' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, entcharrefs)), re.I) re_entcharrefssub = re_entcharrefs.sub sgmlentity.update(dict([('#34', u'"'), ('#38', u'&'), ('#60', u'<'), ('#62', u'>'), ('#39', u"'")])) re_sgmlref = re.compile('&(%s);' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, sgmlentity))) re_sgmlrefsub = re_sgmlref.sub # Matches XML-only single tags, like
; they are invalid in HTML, # but widely used by IMDb web site. :-/ re_xmltags = re.compile('<([a-zA-Z]+)/>') def _replXMLRef(match): """Replace the matched XML/HTML entities and references; replace everything except sgml entities like <, >, ...""" ref = match.group(1) value = entcharrefsget(ref) if value is None: if ref[0] == '#': ref_code = ref[1:] if ref_code in ('34', '38', '60', '62', '39'): return match.group(0) elif ref_code[0].lower() == 'x': #if ref[2:] == '26': # # Don't convert &x26; to &, to make BeautifulSoup happy. # return '&' return unichr(int(ref[2:], 16)) else: return unichr(int(ref[1:])) else: return ref return value def subXMLRefs(s): """Return the given html string with entity and char references replaced.""" return re_entcharrefssub(_replXMLRef, s) # XXX: no more used here; move it to mobile (they are imported by helpers, too)? def _replSGMLRefs(match): """Replace the matched SGML entity.""" ref = match.group(1) return sgmlentityget(ref, ref) def subSGMLRefs(s): """Return the given html string with sgml entity and char references replaced.""" return re_sgmlrefsub(_replSGMLRefs, s) _b_p_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.http.build_person') def build_person(txt, personID=None, billingPos=None, roleID=None, accessSystem='http', modFunct=None): """Return a Person instance from the tipical ... strings found in the IMDb's web site.""" #if personID is None # _b_p_logger.debug('empty name or personID for "%s"', txt) notes = u'' role = u'' # Search the (optional) separator between name and role/notes. if txt.find('....') != -1: sep = '....' elif txt.find('...') != -1: sep = '...' else: sep = '...' # Replace the first parenthesis, assuming there are only # notes, after. # Rationale: no imdbIndex is (ever?) showed on the web site. txt = txt.replace('(', '...(', 1) txt_split = txt.split(sep, 1) name = txt_split[0].strip() if len(txt_split) == 2: role_comment = txt_split[1].strip() # Strip common endings. if role_comment[-4:] == ' and': role_comment = role_comment[:-4].rstrip() elif role_comment[-2:] == ' &': role_comment = role_comment[:-2].rstrip() elif role_comment[-6:] == '& ....': role_comment = role_comment[:-6].rstrip() # Get the notes. if roleID is not None: if not isinstance(roleID, list): cmt_idx = role_comment.find('(') if cmt_idx != -1: role = role_comment[:cmt_idx].rstrip() notes = role_comment[cmt_idx:] else: # Just a role, without notes. role = role_comment else: role = role_comment else: # We're managing something that doesn't have a 'role', so # everything are notes. notes = role_comment if role == '....': role = u'' roleNotes = [] # Manages multiple roleIDs. if isinstance(roleID, list): rolesplit = role.split('/') role = [] for r in rolesplit: nidx = r.find('(') if nidx != -1: role.append(r[:nidx].rstrip()) roleNotes.append(r[nidx:]) else: role.append(r) roleNotes.append(None) lr = len(role) lrid = len(roleID) if lr > lrid: roleID += [None] * (lrid - lr) elif lr < lrid: roleID = roleID[:lr] for i, rid in enumerate(roleID): if rid is not None: roleID[i] = str(rid) if lr == 1: role = role[0] roleID = roleID[0] notes = roleNotes[0] or u'' elif roleID is not None: roleID = str(roleID) if personID is not None: personID = str(personID) if (not name) or (personID is None): # Set to 'debug', since build_person is expected to receive some crap. _b_p_logger.debug('empty name or personID for "%s"', txt) # XXX: return None if something strange is detected? person = Person(name=name, personID=personID, currentRole=role, roleID=roleID, notes=notes, billingPos=billingPos, modFunct=modFunct, accessSystem=accessSystem) if roleNotes and len(roleNotes) == len(roleID): for idx, role in enumerate(person.currentRole): if roleNotes[idx]: role.notes = roleNotes[idx] return person _re_chrIDs = re.compile('[0-9]{7}') _b_m_logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.http.build_movie') # To shrink spaces. re_spaces = re.compile(r'\s+') def build_movie(txt, movieID=None, roleID=None, status=None, accessSystem='http', modFunct=None, _parsingCharacter=False, _parsingCompany=False, year=None, chrRoles=None, rolesNoChar=None, additionalNotes=None): """Given a string as normally seen on the "categorized" page of a person on the IMDb's web site, returns a Movie instance.""" # FIXME: Oook, lets face it: build_movie and build_person are now # two horrible sets of patches to support the new IMDb design. They # must be rewritten from scratch. if _parsingCharacter: _defSep = ' Played by ' elif _parsingCompany: _defSep = ' ... ' else: _defSep = ' .... ' title = re_spaces.sub(' ', txt).strip() # Split the role/notes from the movie title. tsplit = title.split(_defSep, 1) role = u'' notes = u'' roleNotes = [] if len(tsplit) == 2: title = tsplit[0].rstrip() role = tsplit[1].lstrip() if title[-9:] == 'TV Series': title = title[:-9].rstrip() #elif title[-7:] == '(short)': # title = title[:-7].rstrip() #elif title[-11:] == '(TV series)': # title = title[:-11].rstrip() #elif title[-10:] == '(TV movie)': # title = title[:-10].rstrip() elif title[-14:] == 'TV mini-series': title = title[:-14] + ' (mini)' if title and title.endswith(_defSep.rstrip()): title = title[:-len(_defSep)+1] # Try to understand where the movie title ends. while True: if year: break if title[-1:] != ')': # Ignore the silly "TV Series" notice. if title[-9:] == 'TV Series': title = title[:-9].rstrip() continue else: # Just a title: stop here. break # Try to match paired parentheses; yes: sometimes there are # parentheses inside comments... nidx = title.rfind('(') while (nidx != -1 and \ title[nidx:].count('(') != title[nidx:].count(')')): nidx = title[:nidx].rfind('(') # Unbalanced parentheses: stop here. if nidx == -1: break # The last item in parentheses seems to be a year: stop here. first4 = title[nidx+1:nidx+5] if (first4.isdigit() or first4 == '????') and \ title[nidx+5:nidx+6] in (')', '/'): break # The last item in parentheses is a known kind: stop here. if title[nidx+1:-1] in ('TV', 'V', 'mini', 'VG', 'TV movie', 'TV series', 'short'): break # Else, in parentheses there are some notes. # XXX: should the notes in the role half be kept separated # from the notes in the movie title half? if notes: notes = '%s %s' % (title[nidx:], notes) else: notes = title[nidx:] title = title[:nidx].rstrip() if year: year = year.strip() if title[-1] == ')': fpIdx = title.rfind('(') if fpIdx != -1: if notes: notes = '%s %s' % (title[fpIdx:], notes) else: notes = title[fpIdx:] title = title[:fpIdx].rstrip() title = u'%s (%s)' % (title, year) if _parsingCharacter and roleID and not role: roleID = None if not roleID: roleID = None elif len(roleID) == 1: roleID = roleID[0] if not role and chrRoles and isinstance(roleID, (str, unicode)): roleID = _re_chrIDs.findall(roleID) role = ' / '.join(filter(None, chrRoles.split('@@'))) # Manages multiple roleIDs. if isinstance(roleID, list): tmprole = role.split('/') role = [] for r in tmprole: nidx = r.find('(') if nidx != -1: role.append(r[:nidx].rstrip()) roleNotes.append(r[nidx:]) else: role.append(r) roleNotes.append(None) lr = len(role) lrid = len(roleID) if lr > lrid: roleID += [None] * (lrid - lr) elif lr < lrid: roleID = roleID[:lr] for i, rid in enumerate(roleID): if rid is not None: roleID[i] = str(rid) if lr == 1: role = role[0] roleID = roleID[0] elif roleID is not None: roleID = str(roleID) if movieID is not None: movieID = str(movieID) if (not title) or (movieID is None): _b_m_logger.error('empty title or movieID for "%s"', txt) if rolesNoChar: rolesNoChar = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in rolesNoChar.split('/')]) if not role: role = [] elif not isinstance(role, list): role = [role] role += rolesNoChar notes = notes.strip() if additionalNotes: additionalNotes = re_spaces.sub(' ', additionalNotes).strip() if notes: notes += u' ' notes += additionalNotes if role and isinstance(role, list) and notes.endswith(role[-1].replace('\n', ' ')): role = role[:-1] m = Movie(title=title, movieID=movieID, notes=notes, currentRole=role, roleID=roleID, roleIsPerson=_parsingCharacter, modFunct=modFunct, accessSystem=accessSystem) if roleNotes and len(roleNotes) == len(roleID): for idx, role in enumerate(m.currentRole): try: if roleNotes[idx]: role.notes = roleNotes[idx] except IndexError: break # Status can't be checked here, and must be detected by the parser. if status: m['status'] = status return m class DOMParserBase(object): """Base parser to handle HTML data from the IMDb's web server.""" _defGetRefs = False _containsObjects = False preprocessors = [] extractors = [] usingModule = None _logger = logging.getLogger('imdbpy.parser.http.domparser') def __init__(self, useModule=None): """Initialize the parser. useModule can be used to force it to use 'BeautifulSoup' or 'lxml'; by default, it's auto-detected, using 'lxml' if available and falling back to 'BeautifulSoup' otherwise.""" # Module to use. if useModule is None: useModule = ('lxml', 'BeautifulSoup') if not isinstance(useModule, (tuple, list)): useModule = [useModule] self._useModule = useModule nrMods = len(useModule) _gotError = False for idx, mod in enumerate(useModule): mod = mod.strip().lower() try: if mod == 'lxml': from lxml.html import fromstring from lxml.etree import tostring self._is_xml_unicode = False self.usingModule = 'lxml' elif mod == 'beautifulsoup': from bsouplxml.html import fromstring from bsouplxml.etree import tostring self._is_xml_unicode = True self.usingModule = 'beautifulsoup' else: self._logger.warn('unknown module "%s"' % mod) continue self.fromstring = fromstring self._tostring = tostring if _gotError: warnings.warn('falling back to "%s"' % mod) break except ImportError, e: if idx+1 >= nrMods: # Raise the exception, if we don't have any more # options to try. raise IMDbError('unable to use any parser in %s: %s' % \ (str(useModule), str(e))) else: warnings.warn('unable to use "%s": %s' % (mod, str(e))) _gotError = True continue else: raise IMDbError('unable to use parsers in %s' % str(useModule)) # Fall-back defaults. self._modFunct = None self._as = 'http' self._cname = self.__class__.__name__ self._init() self.reset() def reset(self): """Reset the parser.""" # Names and titles references. self._namesRefs = {} self._titlesRefs = {} self._charactersRefs = {} self._reset() def _init(self): """Subclasses can override this method, if needed.""" pass def _reset(self): """Subclasses can override this method, if needed.""" pass def parse(self, html_string, getRefs=None, **kwds): """Return the dictionary generated from the given html string; getRefs can be used to force the gathering of movies/persons/characters references.""" self.reset() if getRefs is not None: self.getRefs = getRefs else: self.getRefs = self._defGetRefs # Useful only for the testsuite. if not isinstance(html_string, unicode): html_string = unicode(html_string, 'latin_1', 'replace') html_string = subXMLRefs(html_string) # Temporary fix: self.parse_dom must work even for empty strings. html_string = self.preprocess_string(html_string) html_string = html_string.strip() if self.usingModule == 'beautifulsoup': # tag attributes like title=""Family Guy"" will be # converted to title=""Family Guy"" and this confuses BeautifulSoup. html_string = html_string.replace('""', '"') # Browser-specific escapes create problems to BeautifulSoup. html_string = html_string.replace('', '"') #print html_string.encode('utf8') if html_string: dom = self.get_dom(html_string) #print self.tostring(dom).encode('utf8') try: dom = self.preprocess_dom(dom) except Exception, e: self._logger.error('%s: caught exception preprocessing DOM', self._cname, exc_info=True) if self.getRefs: try: self.gather_refs(dom) except Exception, e: self._logger.warn('%s: unable to gather refs: %s', self._cname, exc_info=True) data = self.parse_dom(dom) else: data = {} try: data = self.postprocess_data(data) except Exception, e: self._logger.error('%s: caught exception postprocessing data', self._cname, exc_info=True) if self._containsObjects: self.set_objects_params(data) data = self.add_refs(data) return data def _build_empty_dom(self): from bsouplxml import _bsoup return _bsoup.BeautifulSoup('') def get_dom(self, html_string): """Return a dom object, from the given string.""" try: dom = self.fromstring(html_string) if dom is None: dom = self._build_empty_dom() self._logger.error('%s: using a fake empty DOM', self._cname) return dom except Exception, e: self._logger.error('%s: caught exception parsing DOM', self._cname, exc_info=True) return self._build_empty_dom() def xpath(self, element, path): """Return elements matching the given XPath.""" try: xpath_result = element.xpath(path) if self._is_xml_unicode: return xpath_result result = [] for item in xpath_result: if isinstance(item, str): item = unicode(item) result.append(item) return result except Exception, e: self._logger.error('%s: caught exception extracting XPath "%s"', self._cname, path, exc_info=True) return [] def tostring(self, element): """Convert the element to a string.""" if isinstance(element, (unicode, str)): return unicode(element) else: try: return self._tostring(element, encoding=unicode) except Exception, e: self._logger.error('%s: unable to convert to string', self._cname, exc_info=True) return u'' def clone(self, element): """Clone an element.""" return self.fromstring(self.tostring(element)) def preprocess_string(self, html_string): """Here we can modify the text, before it's parsed.""" if not html_string: return html_string # Remove silly  » and – chars. html_string = html_string.replace(u' \xbb', u'') html_string = html_string.replace(u'–', u'-') try: preprocessors = self.preprocessors except AttributeError: return html_string for src, sub in preprocessors: # re._pattern_type is present only since Python 2.5. if callable(getattr(src, 'sub', None)): html_string = src.sub(sub, html_string) elif isinstance(src, str): html_string = html_string.replace(src, sub) elif callable(src): try: html_string = src(html_string) except Exception, e: _msg = '%s: caught exception preprocessing html' self._logger.error(_msg, self._cname, exc_info=True) continue ##print html_string.encode('utf8') return html_string def gather_refs(self, dom): """Collect references.""" grParser = GatherRefs(useModule=self._useModule) grParser._as = self._as grParser._modFunct = self._modFunct refs = grParser.parse_dom(dom) refs = grParser.postprocess_data(refs) self._namesRefs = refs['names refs'] self._titlesRefs = refs['titles refs'] self._charactersRefs = refs['characters refs'] def preprocess_dom(self, dom): """Last chance to modify the dom, before the rules in self.extractors are applied by the parse_dom method.""" return dom def parse_dom(self, dom): """Parse the given dom according to the rules specified in self.extractors.""" result = {} for extractor in self.extractors: ##print extractor.label if extractor.group is None: elements = [(extractor.label, element) for element in self.xpath(dom, extractor.path)] else: groups = self.xpath(dom, extractor.group) elements = [] for group in groups: group_key = self.xpath(group, extractor.group_key) if not group_key: continue group_key = group_key[0] # XXX: always tries the conversion to unicode: # BeautifulSoup.NavigableString is a subclass # of unicode, and so it's never converted. group_key = self.tostring(group_key) normalizer = extractor.group_key_normalize if normalizer is not None: if callable(normalizer): try: group_key = normalizer(group_key) except Exception, e: _m = '%s: unable to apply group_key normalizer' self._logger.error(_m, self._cname, exc_info=True) group_elements = self.xpath(group, extractor.path) elements.extend([(group_key, element) for element in group_elements]) for group_key, element in elements: for attr in extractor.attrs: if isinstance(attr.path, dict): data = {} for field in attr.path.keys(): path = attr.path[field] value = self.xpath(element, path) if not value: data[field] = None else: # XXX: use u'' , to join? data[field] = ''.join(value) else: data = self.xpath(element, attr.path) if not data: data = None else: data = attr.joiner.join(data) if not data: continue attr_postprocess = attr.postprocess if callable(attr_postprocess): try: data = attr_postprocess(data) except Exception, e: _m = '%s: unable to apply attr postprocess' self._logger.error(_m, self._cname, exc_info=True) key = attr.key if key is None: key = group_key elif key.startswith('.'): # assuming this is an xpath try: key = self.xpath(element, key)[0] except IndexError: self._logger.error('%s: XPath returned no items', self._cname, exc_info=True) elif key.startswith('self.'): key = getattr(self, key[5:]) if attr.multi: if key not in result: result[key] = [] result[key].append(data) else: if isinstance(data, dict): result.update(data) else: result[key] = data return result def postprocess_data(self, data): """Here we can modify the data.""" return data def set_objects_params(self, data): """Set parameters of Movie/Person/... instances, since they are not always set in the parser's code.""" for obj in flatten(data, yieldDictKeys=True, scalar=_Container): obj.accessSystem = self._as obj.modFunct = self._modFunct def add_refs(self, data): """Modify data according to the expected output.""" if self.getRefs: titl_re = ur'(%s)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in self._titlesRefs.keys()]) if titl_re != ur'()': re_titles = re.compile(titl_re, re.U) else: re_titles = None nam_re = ur'(%s)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in self._namesRefs.keys()]) if nam_re != ur'()': re_names = re.compile(nam_re, re.U) else: re_names = None chr_re = ur'(%s)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in self._charactersRefs.keys()]) if chr_re != ur'()': re_characters = re.compile(chr_re, re.U) else: re_characters = None _putRefs(data, re_titles, re_names, re_characters) return {'data': data, 'titlesRefs': self._titlesRefs, 'namesRefs': self._namesRefs, 'charactersRefs': self._charactersRefs} class Extractor(object): """Instruct the DOM parser about how to parse a document.""" def __init__(self, label, path, attrs, group=None, group_key=None, group_key_normalize=None): """Initialize an Extractor object, used to instruct the DOM parser about how to parse a document.""" # rarely (never?) used, mostly for debugging purposes. self.label = label self.group = group if group_key is None: self.group_key = ".//text()" else: self.group_key = group_key self.group_key_normalize = group_key_normalize self.path = path # A list of attributes to fetch. if isinstance(attrs, Attribute): attrs = [attrs] self.attrs = attrs def __repr__(self): """String representation of an Extractor object.""" r = '' % (id(self), self.label, self.path, repr(self.attrs), self.group, self.group_key, self.group_key_normalize) return r class Attribute(object): """The attribute to consider, for a given node.""" def __init__(self, key, multi=False, path=None, joiner=None, postprocess=None): """Initialize an Attribute object, used to specify the attribute to consider, for a given node.""" # The key under which information will be saved; can be a string or an # XPath. If None, the label of the containing extractor will be used. self.key = key self.multi = multi self.path = path if joiner is None: joiner = '' self.joiner = joiner # Post-process this set of information. self.postprocess = postprocess def __repr__(self): """String representation of an Attribute object.""" r = '' % (id(self), self.key, self.multi, repr(self.path), self.joiner, repr(self.postprocess)) return r def _parse_ref(text, link, info): """Manage links to references.""" if link.find('/title/tt') != -1: yearK = re_yearKind_index.match(info) if yearK and yearK.start() == 0: text += ' %s' % info[:yearK.end()] return (text.replace('\n', ' '), link) class GatherRefs(DOMParserBase): """Parser used to gather references to movies, persons and characters.""" _attrs = [Attribute(key=None, multi=True, path={ 'text': './text()', 'link': './@href', 'info': './following::text()[1]' }, postprocess=lambda x: _parse_ref(x.get('text') or u'', x.get('link') or '', (x.get('info') or u'').strip()))] extractors = [ Extractor(label='names refs', path="//a[starts-with(@href, '/name/nm')][string-length(@href)=16]", attrs=_attrs), Extractor(label='titles refs', path="//a[starts-with(@href, '/title/tt')]" \ "[string-length(@href)=17]", attrs=_attrs), Extractor(label='characters refs', path="//a[starts-with(@href, '/character/ch')]" \ "[string-length(@href)=21]", attrs=_attrs), ] def postprocess_data(self, data): result = {} for item in ('names refs', 'titles refs', 'characters refs'): result[item] = {} for k, v in data.get(item, []): k = k.strip() v = v.strip() if not (k and v): continue if not v.endswith('/'): continue imdbID = analyze_imdbid(v) if item == 'names refs': obj = Person(personID=imdbID, name=k, accessSystem=self._as, modFunct=self._modFunct) elif item == 'titles refs': obj = Movie(movieID=imdbID, title=k, accessSystem=self._as, modFunct=self._modFunct) else: obj = Character(characterID=imdbID, name=k, accessSystem=self._as, modFunct=self._modFunct) # XXX: companies aren't handled: are they ever found in text, # as links to their page? result[item][k] = obj return result def add_refs(self, data): return data