import re import hashlib import time import platform __version__ = '0.1' class BaseError(Exception): pass class ParseError(BaseError): def gntp_error(self): error = GNTPError(errorcode=500,errordesc='Error parsing the message') return error.encode() class AuthError(BaseError): def gntp_error(self): error = GNTPError(errorcode=400,errordesc='Error with authorization') return error.encode() class UnsupportedError(BaseError): def gntp_error(self): error = GNTPError(errorcode=500,errordesc='Currently unsupported by') return error.encode() class _GNTPBase(object): def __init__(self,messagetype): = { 'version':'1.0', 'messagetype':messagetype, 'encryptionAlgorithmID':None } self.requiredHeaders = [] self.headers = {} def add_origin_info(self): self.add_header('Origin-Machine-Name',platform.node()) self.add_header('Origin-Software-Name','') self.add_header('Origin-Software-Version',__version__) self.add_header('Origin-Platform-Name',platform.system()) self.add_header('Origin-Platform-Version',platform.platform()) def send(self): print self.encode() def __str__(self): return self.encode() def parse_info(self,data): ''' Parse the first line of a GNTP message to get security and other info values @param data: GNTP Message @return: GNTP Message information in a dictionary ''' #GNTP/ [:][ :.] match = re.match('GNTP/(?P\d+\.\d+) (?PREGISTER|NOTIFY|SUBSCRIBE|\-OK|\-ERROR)'+ ' (?P[A-Z0-9]+(:(?P[A-F0-9]+))?) ?'+ '((?P[A-Z0-9]+):(?P[A-F0-9]+).(?P[A-F0-9]+))?\r\n', data,re.IGNORECASE) if not match: raise ParseError('ERROR_PARSING_INFO_LINE') info = match.groupdict() if info['encryptionAlgorithmID'] == 'NONE': info['encryptionAlgorithmID'] = None return info def set_password(self,password,encryptAlgo='MD5'): ''' Set a password for a GNTP Message @param password: Null to clear password @param encryptAlgo: Currently only supports MD5 @todo: Support other hash functions ''' self.password = password if not password:['encryptionAlgorithmID'] = None['keyHashAlgorithm'] = None; return password = password.encode('utf8') seed = time.ctime() salt = hashlib.md5(seed).hexdigest() saltHash = hashlib.md5(seed).digest() keyBasis = password+saltHash key = hashlib.md5(keyBasis).digest() keyHash = hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest()['keyHashAlgorithmID'] = encryptAlgo.upper()['keyHash'] = keyHash.upper()['salt'] = salt.upper() def _decode_hex(self,value): ''' Helper function to decode hex string to `proper` hex string @param value: Value to decode @return: Hex string ''' result = '' for i in range(0,len(value),2): tmp = int(value[i:i+2],16) result += chr(tmp) return result def _decode_binary(self,rawIdentifier,identifier): rawIdentifier += '\r\n\r\n' dataLength = int(identifier['Length']) pointerStart = self.raw.find(rawIdentifier)+len(rawIdentifier) pointerEnd = pointerStart + dataLength data = self.raw[pointerStart:pointerEnd] if not len(data) == dataLength: raise ParseError('INVALID_DATA_LENGTH Expected: %s Recieved %s'%(dataLength,len(data))) return data def validate_password(self,password): ''' Validate GNTP Message against stored password ''' self.password = password if password == None: raise Exception() keyHash ='keyHash',None) if keyHash is None and self.password is None: return True if keyHash is None: raise AuthError('Invalid keyHash') if self.password is None: raise AuthError('Missing password') password = self.password.encode('utf8') saltHash = self._decode_hex(['salt']) keyBasis = password+saltHash key = hashlib.md5(keyBasis).digest() keyHash = hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest() if not keyHash.upper() ==['keyHash'].upper(): raise AuthError('Invalid Hash') return True def validate(self): ''' Verify required headers ''' for header in self.requiredHeaders: if not self.headers.get(header,False): raise ParseError('Missing Notification Header: '+header) def format_info(self): ''' Generate info line for GNTP Message @return: Info line string ''' info = u'GNTP/%s %s'%('version'),'messagetype'), ) if'encryptionAlgorithmID',None): info += ' %s:%s'%('encryptionAlgorithmID'),'ivValue'), ) else: info+=' NONE' if'keyHashAlgorithmID',None): info += ' %s:%s.%s'%('keyHashAlgorithmID'),'keyHash'),'salt') ) return info def parse_dict(self,data): ''' Helper function to parse blocks of GNTP headers into a dictionary @param data: @return: Dictionary of headers ''' dict = {} for line in data.split('\r\n'): match = re.match('([\w-]+):(.+)', line) if not match: continue key = val = dict[key] = val #print key,'\t\t\t',val return dict def add_header(self,key,value): self.headers[key] = value def decode(self,data,password=None): ''' Decode GNTP Message @param data: ''' self.password = password self.raw = data parts = self.raw.split('\r\n\r\n') = self.parse_info(data) self.headers = self.parse_dict(parts[0]) def encode(self): ''' Encode a GNTP Message @return: GNTP Message ready to be sent ''' self.validate() SEP = u': ' EOL = u'\r\n' message = self.format_info() + EOL #Headers for k,v in self.headers.iteritems(): message += k.encode('utf8') + SEP + str(v).encode('utf8') + EOL message += EOL return message class GNTPRegister(_GNTPBase): ''' GNTP Registration Message ''' def __init__(self,data=None,password=None): ''' @param data: (Optional) See decode() @param password: (Optional) Password to use while encoding/decoding messages ''' _GNTPBase.__init__(self,'REGISTER') self.notifications = [] self.resources = {} self.requiredHeaders = [ 'Application-Name', 'Notifications-Count' ] self.requiredNotification = [ 'Notification-Name', ] if data: self.decode(data,password) else: self.set_password(password) self.headers['Application-Name'] = 'pygntp' self.headers['Notifications-Count'] = 0 self.add_origin_info() def validate(self): ''' Validate required headers and validate notification headers ''' for header in self.requiredHeaders: if not self.headers.get(header,False): raise ParseError('Missing Registration Header: '+header) for notice in self.notifications: for header in self.requiredNotification: if not notice.get(header,False): raise ParseError('Missing Notification Header: '+header) def decode(self,data,password): ''' Decode existing GNTP Registration message @param data: Message to decode. ''' self.raw = data parts = self.raw.split('\r\n\r\n') = self.parse_info(data) self.validate_password(password) self.headers = self.parse_dict(parts[0]) for i,part in enumerate(parts): if i==0: continue #Skip Header if part.strip()=='': continue notice = self.parse_dict(part) if notice.get('Notification-Name',False): self.notifications.append(notice) elif notice.get('Identifier',False): notice['Data'] = self._decode_binary(part,notice) #open('register.png','wblol').write(notice['Data']) self.resources[ notice.get('Identifier') ] = notice def add_notification(self,name,enabled=True): ''' Add new Notification to Registration message @param name: Notification Name @param enabled: Default Notification to Enabled ''' notice = {} notice['Notification-Name'] = name notice['Notification-Enabled'] = str(enabled) self.notifications.append(notice) self.headers['Notifications-Count'] = len(self.notifications) def encode(self): ''' Encode a GNTP Registration Message @return: GNTP Registration Message ready to be sent ''' self.validate() SEP = u': ' EOL = u'\r\n' message = self.format_info() + EOL #Headers for k,v in self.headers.iteritems(): message += k.encode('utf8') + SEP + str(v).encode('utf8') + EOL #Notifications if len(self.notifications)>0: for notice in self.notifications: message += EOL for k,v in notice.iteritems(): message += k.encode('utf8') + SEP + str(v).encode('utf8') + EOL message += EOL return message class GNTPNotice(_GNTPBase): ''' GNTP Notification Message ''' def __init__(self,data=None,app=None,name=None,title=None,password=None): ''' @param data: (Optional) See decode() @param app: (Optional) Set Application-Name @param name: (Optional) Set Notification-Name @param title: (Optional) Set Notification Title @param password: (Optional) Password to use while encoding/decoding messages ''' _GNTPBase.__init__(self,'NOTIFY') self.resources = {} self.requiredHeaders = [ 'Application-Name', 'Notification-Name', 'Notification-Title' ] if data: self.decode(data,password) else: self.set_password(password) if app: self.headers['Application-Name'] = app if name: self.headers['Notification-Name'] = name if title: self.headers['Notification-Title'] = title self.add_origin_info() def decode(self,data,password): ''' Decode existing GNTP Notification message @param data: Message to decode. ''' self.raw = data parts = self.raw.split('\r\n\r\n') = self.parse_info(data) self.validate_password(password) self.headers = self.parse_dict(parts[0]) for i,part in enumerate(parts): if i==0: continue #Skip Header if part.strip()=='': continue notice = self.parse_dict(part) if notice.get('Identifier',False): notice['Data'] = self._decode_binary(part,notice) #open('notice.png','wblol').write(notice['Data']) self.resources[ notice.get('Identifier') ] = notice def encode(self): ''' Encode a GNTP Notification Message @return: GNTP Notification Message ready to be sent ''' self.validate() SEP = u': ' EOL = u'\r\n' message = self.format_info() + EOL #Headers for k,v in self.headers.iteritems(): message += k + SEP + unicode(v) + EOL message += EOL return message.encode('utf-8') class GNTPSubscribe(_GNTPBase): def __init__(self,data=None,password=None): _GNTPBase.__init__(self, 'SUBSCRIBE') self.requiredHeaders = [ 'Subscriber-ID', 'Subscriber-Name', ] if data: self.decode(data,password) else: self.set_password(password) self.add_origin_info() class GNTPOK(_GNTPBase): def __init__(self,data=None,action=None): ''' @param data: (Optional) See _GNTPResponse.decode() @param action: (Optional) Set type of action the OK Response is for ''' _GNTPBase.__init__(self,'-OK') self.requiredHeaders = ['Response-Action'] if data: self.decode(data) if action: self.headers['Response-Action'] = action self.add_origin_info() class GNTPError(_GNTPBase): def __init__(self,data=None,errorcode=None,errordesc=None): ''' @param data: (Optional) See _GNTPResponse.decode() @param errorcode: (Optional) Error code @param errordesc: (Optional) Error Description ''' _GNTPBase.__init__(self,'-ERROR') self.requiredHeaders = ['Error-Code','Error-Description'] if data: self.decode(data) if errorcode: self.headers['Error-Code'] = errorcode self.headers['Error-Description'] = errordesc self.add_origin_info() def parse_gntp(data,password=None,debug=False): ''' Attempt to parse a message as a GNTP message @param data: Message to be parsed @param password: Optional password to be used to verify the message @param debug: Print out extra debugging information ''' match = re.match('GNTP/(?P\d+\.\d+) (?PREGISTER|NOTIFY|SUBSCRIBE|\-OK|\-ERROR)',data,re.IGNORECASE) if not match: if debug: print '----' print print '----' raise ParseError('INVALID_GNTP_INFO') info = match.groupdict() if info['messagetype'] == 'REGISTER': return GNTPRegister(data,password=password) elif info['messagetype'] == 'NOTIFY': return GNTPNotice(data,password=password) elif info['messagetype'] == 'SUBSCRIBE': return GNTPSubscribe(data,password=password) elif info['messagetype'] == '-OK': return GNTPOK(data) elif info['messagetype'] == '-ERROR': return GNTPError(data) if debug: print info raise ParseError('INVALID_GNTP_MESSAGE')