import os, sys import UnRAR2 from UnRAR2.rar_exceptions import * def cleanup(dir='test'): for path, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for fn in files: os.remove(os.path.join(path, fn)) for dir in dirs: os.removedirs(os.path.join(path, dir)) # basic test cleanup() rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar') rarc.infolist() assert rarc.comment == "This is a test." for info in rarc.infoiter(): saveinfo = info assert (str(info)=="""""") break rarc.extract() assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'test.txt') assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'') del rarc assert (str(saveinfo)=="""""") cleanup() # extract all the files in test.rar cleanup() UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar').extract() assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'test.txt') assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'') cleanup() # extract all the files in test.rar matching the wildcard *.txt cleanup() UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar').extract('*.txt') assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'test.txt') assert not os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'') cleanup() # check the name and size of each file, extracting small ones cleanup() archive = UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar') assert archive.comment == 'This is a test.' archive.extract(lambda rarinfo: rarinfo.size <= 1024) for rarinfo in archive.infoiter(): if rarinfo.size <= 1024 and not rarinfo.isdir: assert rarinfo.size == os.stat(rarinfo.filename).st_size assert file('test'+os.sep+'test.txt', 'rt').read() == 'This is only a test.' assert not os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'') cleanup() # extract, overriding it's destination cleanup('test2') archive = UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar') archive.extract('*.py', 'test2', False) assert os.path.exists('test2'+os.sep+'') cleanup('test2') # extract test.txt to memory cleanup() archive = UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar') entries = UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar').read_files('*test.txt') assert len(entries)==1 assert entries[0][0].filename.endswith('test.txt') assert entries[0][1]=='This is only a test.' # extract all the files in test.rar with overwriting cleanup() fo = open('test'+os.sep+'test.txt',"wt") fo.write("blah") fo.close() UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar').extract('*.txt') assert open('test'+os.sep+'test.txt',"rt").read()!="blah" cleanup() # extract all the files in test.rar without overwriting cleanup() fo = open('test'+os.sep+'test.txt',"wt") fo.write("blahblah") fo.close() UnRAR2.RarFile('test.rar').extract('*.txt', overwrite = False) assert open('test'+os.sep+'test.txt',"rt").read()=="blahblah" cleanup() # list big file in an archive list(UnRAR2.RarFile('test_nulls.rar').infoiter()) # extract files from an archive with protected files cleanup() rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile('test_protected_files.rar', password="protected") rarc.extract() assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'top_secret_xxx_file.txt') cleanup() errored = False try: UnRAR2.RarFile('test_protected_files.rar', password="proteqted").extract() except IncorrectRARPassword: errored = True assert not os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'top_secret_xxx_file.txt') assert errored cleanup() # extract files from an archive with protected headers cleanup() UnRAR2.RarFile('test_protected_headers.rar', password="secret").extract() assert os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'top_secret_xxx_file.txt') cleanup() errored = False try: UnRAR2.RarFile('test_protected_headers.rar', password="seqret").extract() except IncorrectRARPassword: errored = True assert not os.path.exists('test'+os.sep+'top_secret_xxx_file.txt') assert errored cleanup() # make sure docstring examples are working import doctest doctest.testmod(UnRAR2) # update documentation import pydoc pydoc.writedoc(UnRAR2) # cleanup try: os.remove('__init__.pyc') except: pass