import cherrypy from cherrypy.test import helper class SessionAuthenticateTest(helper.CPWebCase): def setup_server(): def check(username, password): # Dummy check_username_and_password function if username != 'test' or password != 'password': return 'Wrong login/password' def augment_params(): # A simple tool to add some things to request.params # This is to check to make sure that session_auth can handle # request params (ticket #780) cherrypy.request.params["test"] = "test" = cherrypy.Tool( 'before_handler', augment_params, None, priority=30) class Test: _cp_config = { 'tools.sessions.on': True, 'tools.session_auth.on': True, 'tools.session_auth.check_username_and_password': check, 'tools.augment_params.on': True, } def index(self, **kwargs): return "Hi %s, you are logged in" % cherrypy.request.login = True cherrypy.tree.mount(Test()) setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server) def testSessionAuthenticate(self): # request a page and check for login form self.getPage('/') self.assertInBody('