# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of Sick Beard. # # Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sick Beard. If not, see . import cherrypy import os.path import datetime import re from sickbeard import helpers from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard import naming from sickbeard import db import sickbeard naming_ep_type = ("%(seasonnumber)dx%(episodenumber)02d", "s%(seasonnumber)02de%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02dE%(episodenumber)02d", "%(seasonnumber)02dx%(episodenumber)02d") naming_ep_type_text = ("1x02", "s01e02", "S01E02", "01x02") naming_multi_ep_type = {0: ["-%(episodenumber)02d"] * len(naming_ep_type), 1: [" - " + x for x in naming_ep_type], 2: [x + "%(episodenumber)02d" for x in ("x", "e", "E", "x")]} naming_multi_ep_type_text = ("extend", "duplicate", "repeat") naming_sep_type = (" - ", " ") naming_sep_type_text = (" - ", "space") def change_HTTPS_CERT(https_cert): if https_cert == '': sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT) != os.path.normpath(https_cert): if helpers.makeDir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(https_cert))): sickbeard.HTTPS_CERT = os.path.normpath(https_cert) logger.log(u"Changed https cert path to " + https_cert) else: return False return True def change_HTTPS_KEY(https_key): if https_key == '': sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY) != os.path.normpath(https_key): if helpers.makeDir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(https_key))): sickbeard.HTTPS_KEY = os.path.normpath(https_key) logger.log(u"Changed https key path to " + https_key) else: return False return True def change_LOG_DIR(log_dir, web_log): log_dir_changed = False abs_log_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sickbeard.DATA_DIR, log_dir)) web_log_value = checkbox_to_value(web_log) if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.LOG_DIR) != abs_log_dir: if helpers.makeDir(abs_log_dir): sickbeard.ACTUAL_LOG_DIR = os.path.normpath(log_dir) sickbeard.LOG_DIR = abs_log_dir logger.sb_log_instance.initLogging() logger.log(u"Initialized new log file in " + sickbeard.LOG_DIR) log_dir_changed = True else: return False if sickbeard.WEB_LOG != web_log_value or log_dir_changed == True: sickbeard.WEB_LOG = web_log_value if sickbeard.WEB_LOG: cherry_log = os.path.join(sickbeard.LOG_DIR, "cherrypy.log") logger.log(u"Change cherry log file to " + cherry_log) else: cherry_log = None logger.log(u"Disable cherry logging") cherrypy.config.update({'log.access_file': cherry_log}) return True def change_NZB_DIR(nzb_dir): if nzb_dir == '': sickbeard.NZB_DIR = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.NZB_DIR) != os.path.normpath(nzb_dir): if helpers.makeDir(nzb_dir): sickbeard.NZB_DIR = os.path.normpath(nzb_dir) logger.log(u"Changed NZB folder to " + nzb_dir) else: return False return True def change_TORRENT_DIR(torrent_dir): if torrent_dir == '': sickbeard.TORRENT_DIR = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.TORRENT_DIR) != os.path.normpath(torrent_dir): if helpers.makeDir(torrent_dir): sickbeard.TORRENT_DIR = os.path.normpath(torrent_dir) logger.log(u"Changed torrent folder to " + torrent_dir) else: return False return True def change_TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR(tv_download_dir): if tv_download_dir == '': sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR = '' return True if os.path.normpath(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) != os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir): if helpers.makeDir(tv_download_dir): sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR = os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir) logger.log(u"Changed TV download folder to " + tv_download_dir) else: return False return True def change_SEARCH_FREQUENCY(freq): sickbeard.SEARCH_FREQUENCY = to_int(freq, default=sickbeard.DEFAULT_SEARCH_FREQUENCY) if sickbeard.SEARCH_FREQUENCY < sickbeard.MIN_SEARCH_FREQUENCY: sickbeard.SEARCH_FREQUENCY = sickbeard.MIN_SEARCH_FREQUENCY sickbeard.currentSearchScheduler.cycleTime = datetime.timedelta(minutes=sickbeard.SEARCH_FREQUENCY) sickbeard.backlogSearchScheduler.cycleTime = datetime.timedelta(minutes=sickbeard.get_backlog_cycle_time()) def change_VERSION_NOTIFY(version_notify): oldSetting = sickbeard.VERSION_NOTIFY sickbeard.VERSION_NOTIFY = version_notify if version_notify == False: sickbeard.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = None if oldSetting == False and version_notify == True: sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.run() # @UndefinedVariable def CheckSection(CFG, sec): """ Check if INI section exists, if not create it """ try: CFG[sec] return True except: CFG[sec] = {} return False def checkbox_to_value(option, value_on=1, value_off=0): """ Turns checkbox option 'on' or 'true' to value_on (1) any other value returns value_off (0) """ if option == 'on' or option == 'true': return value_on return value_off def clean_host(host, default_port=None): """ Returns host or host:port or empty string from a given url or host If no port is found and default_port is given use host:default_port """ host = host.strip() if host: match_host_port = re.search(r'(?:http.*://)?(?P[^:/]+).?(?P[0-9]*).*', host) cleaned_host = match_host_port.group('host') cleaned_port = match_host_port.group('port') if cleaned_host: if cleaned_port: host = cleaned_host + ':' + cleaned_port elif default_port: host = cleaned_host + ':' + str(default_port) else: host = cleaned_host else: host = '' return host def clean_hosts(hosts, default_port=None): cleaned_hosts = [] for cur_host in [x.strip() for x in hosts.split(",")]: if cur_host: cleaned_host = clean_host(cur_host, default_port) if cleaned_host: cleaned_hosts.append(cleaned_host) if cleaned_hosts: cleaned_hosts = ",".join(cleaned_hosts) else: cleaned_hosts = '' return cleaned_hosts def clean_url(url): """ Returns an url starting with http:// or https:// and ending with / or an empty string """ if url: if not re.match(r'(https?|scgi)://.*', url): url = 'http://' + url if not url.endswith('/'): url = url + '/' else: url = '' return url def to_int(val, default=0): """ Return int value of val or default on error """ try: val = int(val) except: val = default return val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_int # ################################################################################ def minimax(val, default, low, high): """ Return value forced within range """ val = to_int(val, default=default) if val < low: return low if val > high: return high return val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_int # ################################################################################ def check_setting_int(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val): try: my_val = int(config[cfg_name][item_name]) except: my_val = def_val try: config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val except: config[cfg_name] = {} config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val logger.log(item_name + " -> " + str(my_val), logger.DEBUG) return my_val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_float # ################################################################################ def check_setting_float(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val): try: my_val = float(config[cfg_name][item_name]) except: my_val = def_val try: config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val except: config[cfg_name] = {} config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val logger.log(item_name + " -> " + str(my_val), logger.DEBUG) return my_val ################################################################################ # Check_setting_str # ################################################################################ def check_setting_str(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val, log=True): # For passwords you must include the word `password` in the item_name and add `helpers.encrypt(ITEM_NAME, ENCRYPTION_VERSION)` in save_config() if bool(item_name.find('password') + 1): encryption_version = sickbeard.ENCRYPTION_VERSION else: encryption_version = 0 try: my_val = helpers.decrypt(config[cfg_name][item_name], encryption_version) except: my_val = def_val try: config[cfg_name][item_name] = helpers.encrypt(my_val, encryption_version) except: config[cfg_name] = {} config[cfg_name][item_name] = helpers.encrypt(my_val, encryption_version) if log: logger.log(item_name + " -> " + my_val, logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log(item_name + " -> ******", logger.DEBUG) return my_val class ConfigMigrator(): def __init__(self, config_obj): """ Initializes a config migrator that can take the config from the version indicated in the config file up to the version required by SB """ self.config_obj = config_obj # check the version of the config self.config_version = check_setting_int(config_obj, 'General', 'config_version', sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION) self.expected_config_version = sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION self.migration_names = {1: 'Custom naming', 2: 'Sync backup number with version number', 3: 'Rename omgwtfnzb variables', 4: 'Add newznab catIDs', 5: 'Metadata update' } def migrate_config(self): """ Calls each successive migration until the config is the same version as SB expects """ if self.config_version > self.expected_config_version: logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Your config version (" + str(self.config_version) + ") has been incremented past what this version of Sick Beard supports (" + str(self.expected_config_version) + ").\n" + \ "If you have used other forks or a newer version of Sick Beard, your config file may be unusable due to their modifications.") sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version while self.config_version < self.expected_config_version: next_version = self.config_version + 1 if next_version in self.migration_names: migration_name = ': ' + self.migration_names[next_version] else: migration_name = '' logger.log(u"Backing up config before upgrade") if not helpers.backupVersionedFile(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE, self.config_version): logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Config backup failed, abort upgrading config") else: logger.log(u"Proceeding with upgrade") # do the migration, expect a method named _migrate_v logger.log(u"Migrating config up to version " + str(next_version) + migration_name) getattr(self, '_migrate_v' + str(next_version))() self.config_version = next_version # save new config after migration sickbeard.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version logger.log(u"Saving config file to disk") sickbeard.save_config() # Migration v1: Custom naming def _migrate_v1(self): """ Reads in the old naming settings from your config and generates a new config template from them. """ sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN = self._name_to_pattern() logger.log("Based on your old settings I'm setting your new naming pattern to: " + sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN) sickbeard.NAMING_CUSTOM_ABD = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_dates', 0)) if sickbeard.NAMING_CUSTOM_ABD: sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN = self._name_to_pattern(True) logger.log("Adding a custom air-by-date naming pattern to your config: " + sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN) else: sickbeard.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN = naming.name_abd_presets[0] sickbeard.NAMING_MULTI_EP = int(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_multi_ep_type', 1)) # see if any of their shows used season folders myDB = db.DBConnection() season_folder_shows = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE flatten_folders = 0") # if any shows had season folders on then prepend season folder to the pattern if season_folder_shows: old_season_format = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'season_folders_format', 'Season %02d') if old_season_format: try: new_season_format = old_season_format % 9 new_season_format = new_season_format.replace('09', '%0S') new_season_format = new_season_format.replace('9', '%S') logger.log(u"Changed season folder format from " + old_season_format + " to " + new_season_format + ", prepending it to your naming config") sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN = new_season_format + os.sep + sickbeard.NAMING_PATTERN except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.log(u"Can't change " + old_season_format + " to new season format", logger.ERROR) # if no shows had it on then don't flatten any shows and don't put season folders in the config else: logger.log(u"No shows were using season folders before so I'm disabling flattening on all shows") # don't flatten any shows at all myDB.action("UPDATE tv_shows SET flatten_folders = 0") sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS = naming.check_force_season_folders() def _name_to_pattern(self, abd=False): # get the old settings from the file use_periods = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_use_periods', 0)) ep_type = check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_ep_type', 0) sep_type = check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_sep_type', 0) use_quality = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_quality', 0)) use_show_name = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_show_name', 1)) use_ep_name = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'naming_ep_name', 1)) # make the presets into templates naming_ep_type = ("%Sx%0E", "s%0Se%0E", "S%0SE%0E", "%0Sx%0E") naming_sep_type = (" - ", " ") # set up our data to use if use_periods: show_name = '%S.N' ep_name = '%E.N' ep_quality = '%Q.N' abd_string = '%A.D' else: show_name = '%SN' ep_name = '%EN' ep_quality = '%QN' abd_string = '%A-D' if abd: ep_string = abd_string else: ep_string = naming_ep_type[ep_type] finalName = "" # start with the show name if use_show_name: finalName += show_name + naming_sep_type[sep_type] # add the season/ep stuff finalName += ep_string # add the episode name if use_ep_name: finalName += naming_sep_type[sep_type] + ep_name # add the quality if use_quality: finalName += naming_sep_type[sep_type] + ep_quality if use_periods: finalName = re.sub("\s+", ".", finalName) return finalName # Migration v2: Dummy migration to sync backup number with config version number def _migrate_v2(self): return # Migration v2: Rename omgwtfnzb variables def _migrate_v3(self): """ Reads in the old naming settings from your config and generates a new config template from them. """ # get the old settings from the file and store them in the new variable names sickbeard.OMGWTFNZBS_USERNAME = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'omgwtfnzbs', 'omgwtfnzbs_uid', '') sickbeard.OMGWTFNZBS_APIKEY = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'omgwtfnzbs', 'omgwtfnzbs_key', '') # Migration v4: Add default newznab catIDs def _migrate_v4(self): """ Update newznab providers so that the category IDs can be set independently via the config """ new_newznab_data = [] old_newznab_data = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'Newznab', 'newznab_data', '') if old_newznab_data: old_newznab_data_list = old_newznab_data.split("!!!") for cur_provider_data in old_newznab_data_list: try: name, url, key, enabled = cur_provider_data.split("|") except ValueError: logger.log(u"Skipping Newznab provider string: '" + cur_provider_data + "', incorrect format", logger.ERROR) continue if name == 'Sick Beard Index': key = '0' if name == 'NZBs.org': catIDs = '5030,5040,5060,5070,5090' else: catIDs = '5030,5040,5060' cur_provider_data_list = [name, url, key, catIDs, enabled] new_newznab_data.append("|".join(cur_provider_data_list)) sickbeard.NEWZNAB_DATA = "!!!".join(new_newznab_data) # Migration v5: Metadata upgrade def _migrate_v5(self): """ Updates metadata values to the new format """ """ Quick overview of what the upgrade does: new | old | description (new) ----+-----+-------------------- 1 | 1 | show metadata 2 | 2 | episode metadata 3 | 4 | show fanart 4 | 3 | show poster 5 | - | show banner 6 | 5 | episode thumb 7 | 6 | season poster 8 | - | season banner 9 | - | season all poster 10 | - | season all banner Note that the ini places start at 1 while the list index starts at 0. old format: 0|0|0|0|0|0 -- 6 places new format: 0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0 -- 10 places Drop the use of use_banner option. Migrate the poster override to just using the banner option (applies to xbmc only). """ metadata_xbmc = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_xbmc', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_xbmc_12plus = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_xbmc_12plus', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_mediabrowser = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_mediabrowser', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_ps3 = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_ps3', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_wdtv = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_wdtv', '0|0|0|0|0|0') metadata_tivo = check_setting_str(self.config_obj, 'General', 'metadata_tivo', '0|0|0|0|0|0') use_banner = bool(check_setting_int(self.config_obj, 'General', 'use_banner', 0)) def _migrate_metadata(metadata, metadata_name, use_banner): cur_metadata = metadata.split('|') # if target has the old number of values, do upgrade if len(cur_metadata) == 6: logger.log(u"Upgrading " + metadata_name + " metadata, old value: " + metadata) cur_metadata.insert(4, '0') cur_metadata.append('0') cur_metadata.append('0') cur_metadata.append('0') # swap show fanart, show poster cur_metadata[3], cur_metadata[2] = cur_metadata[2], cur_metadata[3] # if user was using use_banner to override the poster, instead enable the banner option and deactivate poster if metadata_name == 'XBMC' and use_banner: cur_metadata[4], cur_metadata[3] = cur_metadata[3], '0' # write new format metadata = '|'.join(cur_metadata) logger.log(u"Upgrading " + metadata_name + " metadata, new value: " + metadata) else: logger.log(u"Skipping " + metadata_name + " metadata: '" + metadata + "', incorrect format", logger.ERROR) metadata = '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0' logger.log(u"Setting " + metadata_name + " metadata, new value: " + metadata) return metadata sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC = _migrate_metadata(metadata_xbmc, 'XBMC', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_XBMC_12PLUS = _migrate_metadata(metadata_xbmc_12plus, 'XBMC 12+', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_MEDIABROWSER = _migrate_metadata(metadata_mediabrowser, 'MediaBrowser', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_PS3 = _migrate_metadata(metadata_ps3, 'PS3', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_WDTV = _migrate_metadata(metadata_wdtv, 'WDTV', use_banner) sickbeard.METADATA_TIVO = _migrate_metadata(metadata_tivo, 'TIVO', use_banner)