List of unrar.dll API changes. We do not include performance and reliability improvements into this list, but this library and RAR/UnRAR tools share the same source code. So the latest version of unrar.dll usually contains same decompression algorithm changes as the latest UnRAR version. ============================================================================ -- 18 January 2008 all LONG parameters of CallbackProc function were changed to LPARAM type for 64 bit mode compatibility. -- 12 December 2007 Added new RAR_OM_LIST_INCSPLIT open mode for function RAROpenArchive. -- 14 August 2007 Added NoCrypt\unrar_nocrypt.dll without decryption code for those applications where presence of encryption or decryption code is not allowed because of legal restrictions. -- 14 December 2006 Added ERAR_MISSING_PASSWORD error type. This error is returned if empty password is specified for encrypted file. -- 12 June 2003 Added RARProcessFileW function, Unicode version of RARProcessFile -- 9 August 2002 Added RAROpenArchiveEx function allowing to specify Unicode archive name and get archive flags. -- 24 January 2002 Added RARReadHeaderEx function allowing to read Unicode file names and 64 bit file sizes. -- 23 January 2002 Added ERAR_UNKNOWN error type (it is used for all errors which do not have special ERAR code yet) and UCM_NEEDPASSWORD callback message. Unrar.dll automatically opens all next volumes not only when extracting, but also in RAR_OM_LIST mode. -- 27 November 2001 RARSetChangeVolProc and RARSetProcessDataProc are replaced by the single callback function installed with RARSetCallback. Unlike old style callbacks, the new function accepts the user defined parameter. Unrar.dll still supports RARSetChangeVolProc and RARSetProcessDataProc for compatibility purposes, but if you write a new application, better use RARSetCallback. File comments support is not implemented in the new DLL version yet. Now CmtState is always 0. -- 13 August 2001 Added RARGetDllVersion function, so you may distinguish old unrar.dll, which used C style callback functions and the new one with PASCAL callbacks. -- 10 May 2001 Callback functions in RARSetChangeVolProc and RARSetProcessDataProc use PASCAL style call convention now.