from gntp import * import urllib import Growl def register_send(self): ''' Resend a GNTP Register message to Growl running on a local OSX Machine ''' print 'Sending Local Registration' #Local growls only need a list of strings notifications=[] defaultNotifications = [] for notice in self.notifications: notifications.append(notice['Notification-Name']) if notice.get('Notification-Enabled',True): defaultNotifications.append(notice['Notification-Name']) appIcon = get_resource(self,'Application-Icon') growl = Growl.GrowlNotifier( applicationName = self.headers['Application-Name'], notifications = notifications, defaultNotifications = defaultNotifications, applicationIcon = appIcon, ) growl.register() return self.encode() def notice_send(self): ''' Resend a GNTP Notify message to Growl running on a local OSX Machine ''' print 'Sending Local Notification' growl = Growl.GrowlNotifier( applicationName = self.headers['Application-Name'], notifications = [self.headers['Notification-Name']] ) noticeIcon = get_resource(self,'Notification-Icon') growl.notify( noteType = self.headers['Notification-Name'], title = self.headers['Notification-Title'], description=self.headers.get('Notification-Text',''), icon=noticeIcon ) return self.encode() def get_resource(self,key): try: resource = self.headers.get(key,'') if resource.startswith('x-growl-resource://'): resource = resource.split('://') return self.resources.get(resource[1])['Data'] elif resource.startswith('http'): resource = resource.replace(' ', '%20') icon = urllib.urlopen(resource) return else: return None except Exception,e: print e return None GNTPRegister.send = register_send GNTPNotice.send = notice_send