from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement import os import socket import sys # Encapsulate the choice of unittest or unittest2 here. # To be used as 'from tornado.test.util import unittest'. if sys.version_info < (2, 7): # In py26, we must always use unittest2. import unittest2 as unittest else: # Otherwise, use whichever version of unittest was imported in # tornado.testing. from tornado.testing import unittest skipIfNonUnix = unittest.skipIf( != 'posix' or sys.platform == 'cygwin', "non-unix platform") # runs our tests in an overworked virtual machine, which makes # timing-related tests unreliable. skipOnTravis = unittest.skipIf('TRAVIS' in os.environ, 'timing tests unreliable on travis') # Set the environment variable NO_NETWORK=1 to disable any tests that # depend on an external network. skipIfNoNetwork = unittest.skipIf('NO_NETWORK' in os.environ, 'network access disabled') skipIfNoIPv6 = unittest.skipIf(not socket.has_ipv6, 'ipv6 support not present')