#!/bin/sh # # PROVIDE: sickbeard # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # sickbeard_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Set it to YES to enable it. # sickbeard_user: The user account SickRage daemon runs as what # you want it to be. It uses '_sabnzbd' user by # default. Do not sets it as empty or it will run # as root. # sickbeard_dir: Directory where SickRage lives. # Default: /usr/local/sickbeard # sickbeard_chdir: Change to this directory before running SickRage. # Default is same as sickbeard_dir. # sickbeard_pid: The name of the pidfile to create. # Default is sickbeard.pid in sickbeard_dir. # sickbeard_host: The hostname or IP SickRage is listening on # Default is # sickbeard_port: The port SickRage is listening on # Default is 8081 # sickbeard_web_user: Username to authenticate to the SickRage web interface # Default is an empty string (no username) # sickbeard_web_password: Password to authenticate to the SickRage web interface # Default is an empty string (no password) PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" . /etc/rc.subr name="sickbeard" rcvar=${name}_enable load_rc_config ${name} : ${sickbeard_enable:="NO"} : ${sickbeard_user:="_sabnzbd"} : ${sickbeard_dir:="/usr/local/sickbeard"} : ${sickbeard_chdir:="${sickbeard_dir}"} : ${sickbeard_pid:="${sickbeard_dir}/sickbeard.pid"} : ${sickbeard_host:=""} : ${sickbeard_port:="8081"} : ${sickbeard_web_user:=""} : ${sickbeard_web_password:=""} WGET="/usr/local/bin/wget" # You need wget for this script to safely shutdown SickRage. status_cmd="${name}_status" stop_cmd="${name}_stop" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" command_args="-f -p ${sickbeard_pid} python ${sickbeard_dir}/SickBeard.py --quiet --nolaunch" # Check for wget and refuse to start without it. if [ ! -x "${WGET}" ]; then warn "Sickbeard not started: You need wget to safely shut down SickRage." exit 1 fi # Ensure user is root when running this script. if [ `id -u` != "0" ]; then echo "Oops, you should be root before running this!" exit 1 fi verify_sickbeard_pid() { # Make sure the pid corresponds to the SickRage process. pid=`cat ${sickbeard_pid} 2>/dev/null` ps -p ${pid} 2>/dev/null | grep -q "python ${sickbeard_dir}/SickBeard.py" return $? } # Try to stop SickRage cleanly by calling shutdown over http. sickbeard_stop() { echo "Stopping $name" verify_sickbeard_pid ${WGET} -O - -q --user=${sickbeard_web_user} --password=${sickbeard_web_password} "http://${sickbeard_host}:${sickbeard_port}/home/shutdown/" >/dev/null if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then wait_for_pids ${pid} echo "Stopped" fi } sickbeard_status() { verify_sickbeard_pid && echo "$name is running as ${pid}" || echo "$name is not running" } run_rc_command "$1"