# connectors/mysqldb.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2014 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Define behaviors common to MySQLdb dialects. Currently includes MySQL and Drizzle. """ from . import Connector from ..engine import base as engine_base, default from ..sql import operators as sql_operators from .. import exc, log, schema, sql, types as sqltypes, util, processors import re # the subclassing of Connector by all classes # here is not strictly necessary class MySQLDBExecutionContext(Connector): @property def rowcount(self): if hasattr(self, '_rowcount'): return self._rowcount else: return self.cursor.rowcount class MySQLDBCompiler(Connector): def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): return self.process(binary.left, **kw) + " %% " + \ self.process(binary.right, **kw) def post_process_text(self, text): return text.replace('%', '%%') class MySQLDBIdentifierPreparer(Connector): def _escape_identifier(self, value): value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote) return value.replace("%", "%%") class MySQLDBConnector(Connector): driver = 'mysqldb' supports_unicode_statements = False supports_sane_rowcount = True supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True supports_native_decimal = True default_paramstyle = 'format' @classmethod def dbapi(cls): # is overridden when pymysql is used return __import__('MySQLdb') def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): rowcount = cursor.executemany(statement, parameters) if context is not None: context._rowcount = rowcount def create_connect_args(self, url): opts = url.translate_connect_args(database='db', username='user', password='passwd') opts.update(url.query) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'compress', bool) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'connect_timeout', int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'read_timeout', int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'client_flag', int) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'local_infile', int) # Note: using either of the below will cause all strings to be returned # as Unicode, both in raw SQL operations and with column types like # String and MSString. util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'use_unicode', bool) util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'charset', str) # Rich values 'cursorclass' and 'conv' are not supported via # query string. ssl = {} keys = ['ssl_ca', 'ssl_key', 'ssl_cert', 'ssl_capath', 'ssl_cipher'] for key in keys: if key in opts: ssl[key[4:]] = opts[key] util.coerce_kw_type(ssl, key[4:], str) del opts[key] if ssl: opts['ssl'] = ssl # FOUND_ROWS must be set in CLIENT_FLAGS to enable # supports_sane_rowcount. client_flag = opts.get('client_flag', 0) if self.dbapi is not None: try: CLIENT_FLAGS = __import__( self.dbapi.__name__ + '.constants.CLIENT' ).constants.CLIENT client_flag |= CLIENT_FLAGS.FOUND_ROWS except (AttributeError, ImportError): self.supports_sane_rowcount = False opts['client_flag'] = client_flag return [[], opts] def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): dbapi_con = connection.connection version = [] r = re.compile('[.\-]') for n in r.split(dbapi_con.get_server_info()): try: version.append(int(n)) except ValueError: version.append(n) return tuple(version) def _extract_error_code(self, exception): return exception.args[0] def _detect_charset(self, connection): """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results.""" try: # note: the SQL here would be # "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%%'" cset_name = connection.connection.character_set_name except AttributeError: util.warn( "No 'character_set_name' can be detected with " "this MySQL-Python version; " "please upgrade to a recent version of MySQL-Python. " "Assuming latin1.") return 'latin1' else: return cset_name()