import sys import cherrypy if sys.version_info >= (2, 6): # Python 2.6: simplejson is part of the standard library import json else: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: json = None if json is None: def json_decode(s): raise ValueError('No JSON library is available') def json_encode(s): raise ValueError('No JSON library is available') else: json_decode = json.JSONDecoder().decode json_encode = json.JSONEncoder().iterencode def json_in(force=True, debug=False): request = cherrypy.serving.request def json_processor(entity): """Read application/json data into request.json.""" if not entity.headers.get(u"Content-Length", u""): raise cherrypy.HTTPError(411) body = try: request.json = json_decode(body) except ValueError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Invalid JSON document') if force: request.body.processors.clear() request.body.default_proc = cherrypy.HTTPError( 415, 'Expected an application/json content type') request.body.processors[u'application/json'] = json_processor def json_out(debug=False): request = cherrypy.serving.request response = cherrypy.serving.response real_handler = request.handler def json_handler(*args, **kwargs): response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' value = real_handler(*args, **kwargs) return json_encode(value) request.handler = json_handler