#for $curLoadingShow in $sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.loadingShowList:
#if $curLoadingShow.show != None and $curLoadingShow.show in $sickbeard.showList:
#end if
#if $curLoadingShow.show == None:
Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)
#end if
#end for
$myShowList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
#for $curShow in $myShowList:
#set $cur_airs_next = ''
#set $cur_snatched = 0
#set $cur_downloaded = 0
#set $cur_total = 0
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#if $curShow.indexerid in $show_stat:
#set $cur_airs_next = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_airs_next']
#set $cur_snatched = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_snatched']
#if not $cur_snatched:
#set $cur_snatched = 0
#end if
#set $cur_downloaded = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_downloaded']
#if not $cur_downloaded:
#set $cur_downloaded = 0
#end if
#set $cur_total = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_total']
#if not $cur_total:
#set $cur_total = 0
#end if
#end if
#if $cur_total != 0:
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = "Downloaded: " + str($cur_downloaded)
#if $cur_snatched > 0:
#set $download_stat = download_stat
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + "
" + "Snatched: " + str($cur_snatched)
#end if
#set $download_stat = download_stat + " / " + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + "
" + "Total: " + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat = '?'
#set $download_stat_tip = "no data"
#end if
#set $nom = $cur_downloaded
#set $den = $cur_total
#if $den == 0:
#set $den = 1
#end if
#set $progressbar_percent = $nom * 100 / $den
#if "a" in sickbeard.DATE_PRESET:
#set $showheight = "344px"
#set $tableheight = "62px"
#else if "B" in sickbeard.DATE_PRESET:
#set $showheight = "374px"
#set $tableheight = "92px"
#else if "A" in sickbeard.DATE_PRESET:
#set $showheight = "344px"
#set $tableheight = "62px"
#set $showheight = "323px"
#set $tableheight = "42px"
#end if
#for $curLoadingShow in $sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.loadingShowList:
#if $curLoadingShow.show != None and $curLoadingShow.show in $sickbeard.showList:
#end if
#if $curLoadingShow.show == None:
Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)
#end if