/*jQuery Form to Form Wizard (Initial: Oct 1st, 2010) * This notice must stay intact for usage * Author: Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code */ //Oct 21st, 2010: Script updated to v1.1, which adds basic form validation functionality, triggered each time the user goes from one page to the next, or tries to submit the form. //jQuery.noConflict() function formtowizard(options){ this.setting=jQuery.extend({persistsection:false, revealfx:['slide', 500], oninit:function(){}, onpagechangestart:function(){}}, options) this.currentsection=-1 this.init(this.setting) } formtowizard.prototype={ createfieldsets:function($theform, arr){ //reserved function for future version (dynamically wraps form elements with a fieldset element) $theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').removeClass('sectionwrap') //make sure no fieldsets carry 'sectionwrap' before proceeding var $startelement=$theform.find(':first-child') //reference first element inside form for (var i=0; i') //wrap these elements with fieldset element $startelement=$theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').eq(i).prepend(''+arr[i].legend+'').next() //increment startelement to begin at the end of the just inserted fieldset element } }, loadsection:function(rawi, bypasshooks){ var thiswizard=this //doload Boolean checks to see whether to load next section (true if bypasshooks param is true or onpagechangestart() event handler doesn't return false) var doload=bypasshooks || this.setting.onpagechangestart(jQuery, this.currentsection, this.sections.$sections.eq(this.currentsection)) doload=(doload===false)? false : true //unless doload is explicitly false, set to true if (!bypasshooks && this.setting.validate){ var outcome=this.validate(this.currentsection) if (outcome===false) doload=false } var i=(rawi=="prev")? this.currentsection-1 : (rawi=="next")? this.currentsection+1 : parseInt(rawi) //get index of next section to show i=(i<0)? this.sections.count-1 : (i>this.sections.count-1)? 0 : i //make sure i doesn't exceed min/max limit if (i0){ //radio and checkbox elements var onechecked=false for (var r=0; r0) thiswizard.createfieldsets($theform, setting.manualfieldsets) var $stepsguide=$('
') //create Steps Container to house the "steps" text var $sections=$theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').hide() //find all fieldset elements within form and hide them initially if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){ //create outer DIV that will house all the fieldset.sectionwrap elements $sectionswrapper=$('
').insertBefore($sections.eq(0)) //add DIV above the first fieldset.sectionwrap element $sectionswrapper_inner=$('
') //create inner DIV of $sectionswrapper that will scroll to reveal a fieldset element } var maxfieldsetwidth=$sections.eq(0).outerWidth() //variable to get width of widest fieldset.sectionwrap $sections.slice(1).each(function(i){ //loop through $sections (starting from 2nd one) maxfieldsetwidth=Math.max($(this).outerWidth(), maxfieldsetwidth) }) maxfieldsetwidth+=2 //add 2px to final width to reveal fieldset border (if not removed via CSS) thiswizard.maxfieldsetwidth=maxfieldsetwidth $sections.each(function(i){ //loop through $sections again var $section=$(this) if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){ $section.data('page', i).css({position:'absolute', top:0, left:maxfieldsetwidth*i}).appendTo($sectionswrapper_inner) //set fieldset position to "absolute" and move it to inside sectionswrapper_inner DIV } $section.data('elements', []) //empty array to contain elements within this section that should be validated for data (applicable only if validate option is defined) //create each "step" DIV and add it to main Steps Container: var $thestep=$('
').data('section', i).html('Step '+(i+1)+'

').appendTo($stepsguide) $thestep.click(function(){ //assign behavior to each step div thiswizard.loadsection($(this).data('section')) }) }) if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){ $sectionswrapper.width(maxfieldsetwidth) //set fieldset wrapper to width of widest fieldset $sectionswrapper.append($sectionswrapper_inner) //add $sectionswrapper_inner as a child of $sectionswrapper } $theform.prepend($stepsguide) //add $thesteps div to the beginning of the form //$stepsguide.insertBefore($sectionswrapper) //add Steps Container before sectionswrapper container var $thesteps=$stepsguide.find('div.step') //create pagination DIV and add it to end of form: var $paginatediv=$('
Prev Step 1 of Next
') $theform.append($paginatediv) thiswizard.$theform=$theform if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){ thiswizard.sections={$outerwrapper:$sectionswrapper, $innerwrapper:$sectionswrapper_inner, $sections:$sections, count:$sections.length} //remember various parts of section container thiswizard.sections.$sections.show() } else{ thiswizard.sections={$sections:$sections, count:$sections.length} //remember various parts of section container } thiswizard.$thesteps=$thesteps //remember this ref thiswizard.paginatediv={$main:$paginatediv, $navlinks:$paginatediv.find('span.prev, span.next'), $status:$paginatediv.find('span.status')} //remember various parts of pagination DIV thiswizard.paginatediv.$main.click(function(e){ //assign behavior to pagination buttons if (/(prev)|(next)/.test(e.target.className)) thiswizard.loadsection(e.target.className) }) var i=(setting.persistsection)? formtowizard.routines.getCookie(setting.formid+"_persist") : 0 thiswizard.loadsection(i||0, true) //show the first section thiswizard.setting.oninit($, i, $sections.eq(i)) //call oninit event handler if (setting.validate){ //if validate array defined thiswizard.addvalidatefields() //seek out and cache form elements that should be validated thiswizard.$theform.submit(function(){ var returnval=true for (var i=0; i