# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import os import re import sys import logging import logging.handlers import threading import platform import sickbeard from sickbeard import classes, encodingKludge as ek from github import Github, InputFileContent # log levels ERROR = logging.ERROR WARNING = logging.WARNING INFO = logging.INFO DEBUG = logging.DEBUG DB = 5 reverseNames = {u'ERROR': ERROR, u'WARNING': WARNING, u'INFO': INFO, u'DEBUG': DEBUG, u'DB': DB} censoredItems = {} class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass class CensoredFormatter(logging.Formatter, object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CensoredFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def format(self, record): msg = super(CensoredFormatter, self).format(record) for k, v in censoredItems.items(): if v and len(v) > 0 and v in msg: msg = msg.replace(v, len(v) * '*') # Needed because Newznab apikey isn't stored as key=value in a section. msg = re.sub('apikey\=[^\&]*\&','apikey\=**********\&', msg) return msg class Logger(object): def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('sickrage') self.loggers = [ logging.getLogger('sickrage'), logging.getLogger('tornado.general'), logging.getLogger('tornado.application'), # logging.getLogger('tornado.access'), ] self.consoleLogging = False self.fileLogging = False self.debugLogging = False self.logFile = None def initLogging(self, consoleLogging=False, fileLogging=False, debugLogging=False): self.logFile = self.logFile or os.path.join(sickbeard.LOG_DIR, 'sickrage.log') self.debugLogging = debugLogging self.consoleLogging = consoleLogging self.fileLogging = fileLogging # add a new logging level DB logging.addLevelName(DB, 'DB') # nullify root logger logging.getLogger().addHandler(NullHandler()) # set custom root logger for logger in self.loggers: if logger is not self.logger: logger.root = self.logger logger.parent = self.logger # set minimum logging level allowed for loggers for logger in self.loggers: logger.setLevel(DB) # console log handler if self.consoleLogging: console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setFormatter(CensoredFormatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s::%(message)s', '%H:%M:%S')) console.setLevel(INFO if not self.debugLogging else DEBUG) for logger in self.loggers: logger.addHandler(console) # rotating log file handler if self.fileLogging: rfh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.logFile, maxBytes=sickbeard.LOG_SIZE, backupCount=sickbeard.LOG_NR, encoding='utf-8') rfh.setFormatter(CensoredFormatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) rfh.setLevel(DEBUG) for logger in self.loggers: logger.addHandler(rfh) def log(self, msg, level=INFO, *args, **kwargs): meThread = threading.currentThread().getName() message = meThread + u" :: " + msg # pass exception information if debugging enabled if level == ERROR: self.logger.exception(message, *args, **kwargs) classes.ErrorViewer.add(classes.UIError(message)) # if sickbeard.GIT_AUTOISSUES: # self.submit_errors() else: self.logger.log(level, message, *args, **kwargs) def log_error_and_exit(self, error_msg, *args, **kwargs): self.log(error_msg, ERROR, *args, **kwargs) if not self.consoleLogging: sys.exit(error_msg.encode(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace')) else: sys.exit(1) def submit_errors(self): if not (sickbeard.GIT_USERNAME and sickbeard.GIT_PASSWORD and len(classes.ErrorViewer.errors) > 0): return gh_org = sickbeard.GIT_ORG or 'SiCKRAGETV' gh_repo = 'sickrage-issues' gh = Github(login_or_token=sickbeard.GIT_USERNAME, password=sickbeard.GIT_PASSWORD, user_agent="SiCKRAGE") try: # read log file log_data = None if self.logFile and os.path.isfile(self.logFile): with ek.ek(open, self.logFile) as f: log_data = f.readlines() log_data = [line for line in reversed(log_data)] # parse and submit errors to issue tracker for curError in sorted(classes.ErrorViewer.errors, key=lambda error: error.time, reverse=True)[:500]: if not curError.title: continue gist = None regex = "^(%s)\s*([A-Z]+)\s*(.+?)\s*\:\:\s*(.*)$" % curError.time for i, x in enumerate(log_data): x = ek.ss(x) match = re.match(regex, x) if match: level = match.group(2) if reverseNames[level] == ERROR: paste_data = "".join(log_data[i:i+50]) if paste_data: gist = gh.get_user().create_gist(True, {"sickrage.log": InputFileContent(paste_data)}) break message = u"### INFO\n" message += u"Python Version: **" + sys.version[:120] + "**\n" message += u"Operating System: **" + platform.platform() + "**\n" message += u"Branch: **" + sickbeard.BRANCH + "**\n" message += u"Commit: SiCKRAGETV/SickRage@" + sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_HASH + "\n" if gist: message += u"Link to Log: " + gist.html_url + "\n" message += u"### ERROR\n" message += u"```\n" message += curError.message + "\n" message += u"```\n" message += u"---\n" message += u"_STAFF NOTIFIED_: @SiCKRAGETV/owners @SiCKRAGETV/moderators" issue = gh.get_organization(gh_org).get_repo(gh_repo).create_issue("[APP SUBMITTED]: " + str(curError.title), message) if issue: self.log('Your issue ticket #%s was submitted successfully!' % issue.number) # clear error from error list classes.ErrorViewer.errors.remove(curError) return issue except Exception as e: self.log(sickbeard.exceptions.ex(e), ERROR) class Wrapper(object): instance = Logger() def __init__(self, wrapped): self.wrapped = wrapped def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(self.wrapped, name) except AttributeError: return getattr(self.instance, name) _globals = sys.modules[__name__] = Wrapper(sys.modules[__name__])